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Created February 10, 2024 12:23
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module rt.crash_handler.posix;
import core.stdc.stdlib: free, exit;
import core.stdc.string: strlen, memcpy;
import core.stdc.stdio: fprintf, stderr, sprintf, fgets, fclose, FILE;
import core.sys.posix.unistd: readlink;
import core.sys.posix.signal: SIGUSR1;
import core.sys.posix.stdio: popen, pclose;
import core.sys.linux.execinfo: backtrace, backtrace_symbols;
import core.sys.linux.dlfcn: dladdr1, Dl_info, RTLD_DL_LINKMAP;
import link_map;
extern(C) export void rt_register_crash_handler(const(char)* filename)
signal(SIGSEGV, &handler);
signal(SIGUSR1, &handler);
extern (C):
void handler(int sig)
enum MAX_DEPTH = 32;
string signal_string;
switch (sig)
signal_string = "SIGSEGV";
case SIGFPE:
signal_string = "SIGFPE";
case SIGILL:
signal_string = "SIGILL";
signal_string = "SIGABRT";
signal_string = "unknown";
fprintf(stderr, "-------------------------------------------------------------------+\r\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Received signal '%s' (%d)\r\n", signal_string.ptr, sig);
fprintf(stderr, "-------------------------------------------------------------------+\r\n");
void*[MAX_DEPTH] trace;
int stack_depth = backtrace(&trace[0], MAX_DEPTH);
char** strings = backtrace_symbols(&trace[0], stack_depth);
enum BUF_SIZE = 1024;
char[BUF_SIZE] syscom = 0;
char[BUF_SIZE] my_exe = 0;
char[BUF_SIZE] output = 0;
readlink("/proc/self/exe", &my_exe[0], BUF_SIZE);
fprintf(stderr, "executable: %s\n", &my_exe[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "backtrace: %i\n", stack_depth);
for (auto i = 2; i < stack_depth; ++i)
auto line = strings[i];
auto len = strlen(line);
bool insideParenthesis;
int startParenthesis;
int endParenthesis;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
// ()
if (!insideParenthesis && line[j] == '(')
insideParenthesis = true;
startParenthesis = j + 1;
else if (insideParenthesis && line[j] == ')')
insideParenthesis = false;
endParenthesis = j;
size_t addr;
auto lmap = convert_to_vma(cast(size_t) trace[i], &addr);
FILE* fp;
sprintf(&syscom[0], "addr2line -e %s %p | ddemangle",
lmap.l_name[0] != 0 ? lmap.l_name : &my_exe[0],
cast(void*) addr);
fp = popen(&syscom[0], "r");
fgets(&output[0], output.length, fp);
//fprintf(stderr, " syscom: %s %s::%s\n", &syscom[0], &my_exe[0], lmap.l_name);
auto getLen = strlen(output.ptr);
char[256] func = 0;
memcpy(func.ptr, &line[startParenthesis], (endParenthesis - startParenthesis));
sprintf(&syscom[0], "echo '%s' | ddemangle", func.ptr);
fp = popen(&syscom[0], "r");
output[getLen - 1] = ' '; // strip new line
fgets(&output[getLen], cast(int)(output.length - getLen), fp);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", output.ptr);
link_map* convert_to_vma(size_t addr, size_t* converted)
//import rt.dbg;
Dl_info info;
link_map* link_map;
dladdr1(cast(void*) addr, &info, cast(void**)&link_map, RTLD_DL_LINKMAP);
//LINFO("{}", link_map.l_name);
*converted = addr - link_map.l_addr;
return link_map;
//return addr - link_map.l_addr;
//return addr - cast(size_t) info.dli_saddr;
// this should be volatile
alias sig_atomic_t = int;
alias sigfn_t = void function(int);
enum SIG_ERR = cast(sigfn_t) -1;
enum SIG_DFL = cast(sigfn_t) 0;
enum SIG_IGN = cast(sigfn_t) 1;
// standard C signals
enum SIGABRT = 6; // Abnormal termination
enum SIGFPE = 8; // Floating-point error
enum SIGILL = 4; // Illegal hardware instruction
enum SIGINT = 2; // Terminal interrupt character
enum SIGSEGV = 11; // Invalid memory reference
enum SIGTERM = 15; // Termination
sigfn_t signal(int sig, sigfn_t func);
int raise(int sig);
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