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Created September 23, 2023 14:43
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struct InvBoneBindInfo
char[64] id = 0;
float sss;
HashMapTest!(void*, InvBoneBindInfo[32]) nodePartBones;
extern(C) void main()
struct HashMapTest(Key, Value)
static struct Pair
Key key;
Value value;
static struct Element
uint hash = 0;
Element* next = null;
Pair pair;
Element** hash_table = null;
size_t allocatedSize = 0;
ubyte hash_table_power = 0;
uint elements = 0;
void dispose()
void make_hash_table()
void erase_hash_table()
//ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(elements, "Cannot erase hash table if there are still elements inside.");
void check_hash_table()
int new_hash_table_power = -1;
if (cast(int) elements > ((1 << hash_table_power) * RELATIONSHIP))
/* rehash up */
new_hash_table_power = hash_table_power + 1;
while (cast(int) elements > ((1 << new_hash_table_power) * RELATIONSHIP))
else if ((hash_table_power > cast(int) MIN_HASH_TABLE_POWER) && (
cast(int) elements < ((1 << (hash_table_power - 1)) * RELATIONSHIP)))
/* rehash down */
new_hash_table_power = hash_table_power - 1;
while (cast(int) elements < ((1 << (new_hash_table_power - 1)) * RELATIONSHIP))
if (new_hash_table_power < cast(int) MIN_HASH_TABLE_POWER)
new_hash_table_power = MIN_HASH_TABLE_POWER;
if (new_hash_table_power == -1)
//Element **new_hash_table = memnew_arr(Element*, (cast(ulong)1 << new_hash_table_power));
auto newSize = (Element*).sizeof * (cast(size_t) 1 << new_hash_table_power);
Element** new_hash_table = null;
//ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!new_hash_table, "Out of memory.");
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << new_hash_table_power); i++)
new_hash_table[i] = null;
if (hash_table)
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << hash_table_power); i++)
while (hash_table[i])
Element* se = hash_table[i];
hash_table[i] =;
int new_pos = se.hash & ((1 << new_hash_table_power) - 1); = new_hash_table[new_pos];
new_hash_table[new_pos] = se;
auto bytes = (cast(ubyte*) hash_table)[0 .. allocatedSize];
hash_table = new_hash_table;
allocatedSize = newSize;
hash_table_power = cast(ubyte) new_hash_table_power;
const Element* get_element(const ref Key p_key)
if (!hash_table)
return null;
uint hash = hash(p_key);
uint index = hash & ((1 << hash_table_power) - 1);
Element* e = cast(Element*) hash_table[index];
while (e)
/* checking hash first avoids comparing key, which may take longer */
if (e.hash == hash && compare(e.pair.key, p_key))
/* the pair exists in this hashtable, so just update data */
return e;
e =;
return null;
Element* create_element(const ref Key p_key)
/* if element doesn't exist, create it */
Element* e = null;
//ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!e, nullptr, "Out of memory.");
uint hash = hash(p_key);
uint index = hash & ((1 << hash_table_power) - 1); = hash_table[index];
e.hash = hash;
e.pair.key = cast(Key)p_key; // TODO: when i use pointer as key, i need this
e.pair.value = Value.init;
hash_table[index] = e;
return e;
Element* set(const ref Key key, const ref Value value)
Element* e = null;
if (!hash_table)
make_hash_table(); // if no table, make one
e = cast(Element*)(get_element(key));
/* if we made it up to here, the pair doesn't exist, create and assign */
if (!e)
e = create_element(key);
if (!e)
return null;
check_hash_table(); // perform mantenience routine
e.pair.value = cast(Value) value;
return e;
ref Value get(const ref Key p_key)
Value* res = getptr(p_key);
//CRASH_COND_MSG(!res, "Map key not found.");
return *res;
Value* getptr(const ref Key p_key)
if (!hash_table)
return null;
Element* e = cast(Element*)(get_element(p_key));
if (e)
return &e.pair.value;
return null;
bool erase(const ref Key p_key)
if (!hash_table)
return false;
uint hash = hash(p_key);
uint index = hash & ((1 << hash_table_power) - 1);
Element* e = hash_table[index];
Element* p = null;
while (e)
/* checking hash first avoids comparing key, which may take longer */
if (e.hash == hash && compare(e.pair.key, p_key))
if (p)
{ =;
//begin of list
hash_table[index] =;
if (elements == 0)
return true;
p = e;
e =;
return false;
bool remove(const ref Key key)
return erase(key);
bool has(const ref Key p_key)
return getptr(p_key) != null;
uint count() const {
return elements;
bool is_empty() const {
return elements == 0;
void clear()
/* clean up */
if (hash_table) {
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << hash_table_power); i++) {
while (hash_table[i]) {
Element *e = hash_table[i];
hash_table[i] =;
auto bytes = (cast(ubyte*) hash_table)[0 .. allocatedSize];
hash_table = null;
hash_table_power = 0;
elements = 0;
int opApply(int delegate(Pair*) dg)
if(!hash_table) return 0;
int result;
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << hash_table_power); i++) {
Element* e = hash_table[i];
while(e) {
if ((result = dg(&e.pair)) != 0)
e =;
return result;
int opApply(int delegate(Key, Value) dg)
if(!hash_table) return 0;
int result;
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << hash_table_power); i++) {
Element* e = hash_table[i];
while(e) {
if ((result = dg(e.pair.key, e.pair.value)) != 0)
e =;
return result;
void opIndexAssign(const ref Value value, const ref Key key) {
set(key, value);
// TODO: how to handle error
ref Value opIndex(const ref Key key) {
if(!has(key)) panic("key not found");
return get(key);
noreturn panic(Char, A...)(in Char[] fmt, A args, string file = __MODULE__, int line = __LINE__)
import core.stdc.stdlib: abort;
uint hash(T)(inout ref T v)
static if(is(T == U*, U) && __traits(isScalar, T))
return hash_one_uint64(cast(ulong) v);
else static if( is(T == int) || is(T == uint))
return hash_one_uint64(cast(ulong) v);
else static if( is(T == short) || is(T == ushort))
return hash_one_uint64(cast(ulong) v);
else static if( is(T == long) || is(T == ulong) )
return hash_one_uint64(cast(ulong) v);
else static if( is(T == float) || is(T == double) )
return hash_djb2_one_float(v);
else static if ( is (T == string) )
return cast(int) string_hash(v);
else static if ( is (T == const(char)[]) )
return cast(int) string_hash(v);
else {
static assert(0, "not supported: " ~ T.stringof);
bool compare(T)(inout ref T p_lhs, inout ref T p_rhs)
static if(is(T == U*, U) && __traits(isScalar, T))
return p_lhs == p_rhs;
else static if( is(T == int) || is(T == uint))
return p_lhs == p_rhs;
else static if( is(T == short) || is(T == ushort))
return p_lhs == p_rhs;
else static if( is(T == long) || is(T == ulong))
return p_lhs == p_rhs;
else static if( is(T == float) || is(T == double) )
return (p_lhs == p_rhs) || (is_nan(p_lhs) && is_nan(p_rhs));
else static if ( is (T == string) )
//auto len = p_lhs.length;
//auto same = !strncmp(p_lhs.ptr, p_rhs.ptr, len);
//return same;
return (p_lhs == p_rhs);
else static if ( is (T == const(char)[]) )
auto len = strlen(p_lhs.ptr);
auto same = !strncmp(p_lhs.ptr, p_rhs.ptr, len);
return same;
// return (p_lhs == p_rhs);
else {
static assert(0, "not supported " ~ T.stringof);
ulong string_hash(const(char)[] name)
return hash_fast(cast(ubyte[]) name);
//size_t length = name.length;
//ulong hash = 0xcbf29ce484222325;
//ulong prime = 0x00000100000001b3;
//for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
// ubyte value = name[i];
// hash = hash ^ value;
// hash *= prime;
//return hash;
uint get_16(ubyte* a_data)
return (cast(uint) a_data[0]) | ((cast(uint) a_data[1]) << 8);
uint hash_fast(ubyte[] a_data)
ubyte* data = a_data.ptr;
auto hash = cast(uint) a_data.length;
auto left = cast(uint) a_data.length;
if (left == 0)
return 0;
for (; left > 3; left -= 4)
uint value;
hash += get_16(data);
value = (get_16(data + 2) << 11);
hash = (hash << 16) ^ hash ^ value;
data += 4;
hash += hash >> 11;
final switch (left)
case 3:
hash += get_16(data);
hash ^= hash << 16;
hash ^= (cast(uint) data[2]) << 18;
hash += hash >> 11;
case 2:
hash += get_16(data);
hash ^= hash << 11;
hash += hash >> 17;
case 1:
hash += cast(uint) data[0];
hash ^= hash << 10;
hash += hash >> 1;
case 0:
hash ^= hash << 3;
hash += hash >> 5;
hash ^= hash << 4;
hash += hash >> 17;
hash ^= hash << 25;
hash += hash >> 6;
return hash;
uint hash_one_uint64(const ulong p_int)
ulong v = p_int;
v = (~v) + (v << 18); // v = (v << 18) - v - 1;
v = v ^ (v >> 31);
v = v * 21; // v = (v + (v << 2)) + (v << 4);
v = v ^ (v >> 11);
v = v + (v << 6);
v = v ^ (v >> 22);
return cast(int) v;
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