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Created October 1, 2012 19:49
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error on sync
Mon Oct 1 15:13:02 Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, ns: "crowdhall_v1_staging.categories", name: "_id_" }
Mon Oct 1 15:13:02 Assertion: 13111:field not found, expected type 2
0x10036b5fb 0x10009a81e 0x10009ac4c 0x1000098c2 0x100011b87 0x100018622 0x100016944 0x100019e54 0x100313b5d 0x100315697 0x10000126a 0x1000011e4
0 mongorestore 0x000000010036b5fb _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 43
1 mongorestore 0x000000010009a81e _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc + 206
2 mongorestore 0x000000010009ac4c _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiRKSs + 12
3 mongorestore 0x00000001000098c2 _ZNK5mongo11BSONElement3chkEi + 466
4 mongorestore 0x0000000100011b87 _ZN7Restore11createIndexEN5mongo7BSONObjEb + 2711
5 mongorestore 0x0000000100018622 _ZN7Restore9drillDownEN5boost11filesystem210basic_pathISsNS1_11path_traitsEEEbbb + 9906
6 mongorestore 0x0000000100016944 _ZN7Restore9drillDownEN5boost11filesystem210basic_pathISsNS1_11path_traitsEEEbbb + 2516
7 mongorestore 0x0000000100019e54 _ZN7Restore5doRunEv + 3140
8 mongorestore 0x0000000100313b5d _ZN5mongo8BSONTool3runEv + 1325
9 mongorestore 0x0000000100315697 _ZN5mongo4Tool4mainEiPPc + 5447
10 mongorestore 0x000000010000126a main + 58
11 mongorestore 0x00000001000011e4 start + 52
assertion: 13111 field not found, expected type 2
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