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Last active January 19, 2016 08:24
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Unity AutoSnap
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class AutoSnap : EditorWindow
private Vector3 prevPosition;
private Vector3 prevScale;
private Vector3 prevRotation;
// These need to be static because the auto snap window is
// recreated when opened from the menu
private static bool doSnap = false;
private static bool doScaleSnap = false;
private static bool doRotateSnap = false;
private static float snapValueX = 1;
private static float snapValueY = 1;
private static float snapValueZ = 1;
private static float snapRotateValue = 1;
// We need to remember the window doing the snap updates
// so it will do it when the window is closed
private static AutoSnap updateWindow = null;
private const string doSnapKey = "AutoSnap_doSnapKey";
private const string doScaleSnapKey = "AutoSmap_doScaleSnapKey";
private const string doRotateSnapKey = "AutoSnap_doRotateSnapKey";
private const string snapValueXKey = "AutoSnap_snapValueXKey";
private const string snapValueYKey = "AutoSnap_snapValueYKey";
private const string snapValueZKey = "AutoSnap_snapValueZKey";
private const string snapRotateValueKey = "AutoSnap_snapRotateValueKey";
[MenuItem( "Edit/Auto Snap %_l" )]
static void Init()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: Init");
AutoSnap window = (AutoSnap)EditorWindow.GetWindow( typeof( AutoSnap ) );
window.maxSize = new Vector2( 200, 125 );
public void OnGUI()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: OnGUI");
doSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "Auto Snap", doSnap );
doScaleSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "Auto Snap Scale", doScaleSnap);
doRotateSnap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Auto Snap Rotation", doRotateSnap);
snapValueX = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Snap X Value", snapValueX );
snapValueY = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Snap Y Value", snapValueY );
snapValueZ = EditorGUILayout.FloatField( "Snap Z Value", snapValueZ );
snapRotateValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Rotation Snap Value", snapRotateValue);
public void Update()
if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying && Selection.transforms.Length > 0)
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: Update");
if ( doSnap
&& Selection.transforms[0].position != prevPosition )
prevPosition = Selection.transforms[0].position;
if ( doScaleSnap
&& Selection.transforms[0].localScale != prevScale)
prevScale = Selection.transforms[0].localScale;
if ( doRotateSnap
&& Selection.transforms[0].eulerAngles != prevRotation )
prevRotation = Selection.transforms[0].eulerAngles;
private void Snap()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: Snap");
foreach ( var transform in Selection.transforms )
var t = transform.transform.position;
t.x = RoundX( t.x );
t.y = RoundY( t.y );
t.z = RoundZ( t.z );
transform.transform.position = t;
private void ScaleSnap()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: ScaleSnap");
foreach ( var transform in Selection.transforms )
var s = transform.transform.localScale;
s.x = ScaleRoundX(s.x);
s.y = ScaleRoundY(s.y);
s.z = ScaleRoundZ(s.z);
transform.transform.localScale = s;
private void RotateSnap()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: RotateSnap");
foreach (var transform in Selection.transforms)
var r = transform.transform.eulerAngles;
r.x = RotateRound (r.x);
r.y = RotateRound (r.y);
r.z = RotateRound (r.z);
transform.transform.eulerAngles = r;
private float RoundX( float input )
return snapValueX * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueX ) );
private float RoundY( float input )
return snapValueY * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueY ) );
private float RoundZ( float input )
return snapValueZ * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueZ ) );
private float ScaleRoundX( float input )
return snapValueX * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueX ) );
private float ScaleRoundY( float input )
return snapValueY * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueY ) );
private float ScaleRoundZ( float input )
return snapValueZ * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapValueZ ) );
private float RotateRound( float input )
return snapRotateValue * Mathf.Round( ( input / snapRotateValue ) );
public void OnEnable()
// Debug.Log("AutoSnap: OnEnable");
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(doSnapKey))
doSnap = EditorPrefs.GetBool(doSnapKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(doScaleSnapKey))
doScaleSnap = EditorPrefs.GetBool(doScaleSnapKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(doRotateSnapKey))
doRotateSnap = EditorPrefs.GetBool(doRotateSnapKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapValueXKey))
snapValueX = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapValueXKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapValueYKey))
snapValueY = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapValueYKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapValueZKey))
snapValueZ = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapValueZKey);
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(snapRotateValueKey))
snapRotateValue = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(snapRotateValueKey);
// Here, if a previous auto snap window was doing updates,
// remove it
if (updateWindow != null)
EditorApplication.update -= updateWindow.Update;
// Now make this window handle the updates
EditorApplication.update += Update;
public void OnDisable()
Debug.Log("AutoSnap: OnDisable");
EditorPrefs.SetBool(doSnapKey, doSnap);
EditorPrefs.SetBool(doScaleSnapKey, doScaleSnap);
EditorPrefs.SetBool(doRotateSnapKey, doRotateSnap);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapValueXKey, snapValueX);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapValueYKey, snapValueY);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapValueZKey, snapValueZ);
EditorPrefs.SetFloat(snapRotateValueKey, snapRotateValue);
// Remember we're doing the updates
updateWindow = this;
// Normally you'd remove the window, however we don't
// as we want the snapping to continue when this window is closed
//EditorApplication.update -= Update;
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