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Forked from ishad0w/aveyo_edge_removal.bat
Created December 17, 2023 00:28
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AveYo (Microsoft Edge Removal)
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) & exit /b
#:: just copy-paste into powershell - it's a standalone hybrid script
sp 'HKCU:\Volatile Environment' 'Edge_Removal' @'
$also_remove_webview = 1
## why also remove webview? because it is 2 copies of edge, not a slimmed down CEF, and is driving bloated web apps
$also_remove_widgets = 1
## why also remove widgets? because it is a webview glorified ad portal on msn and bing news cathering to stupid people
$also_remove_xsocial = 1
## why also remove xsocial? because it starts webview setup every boot - xbox gamebar will still work without the social crap
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Edge Removal - AveYo, 2023.09.14'
write-host "Run the script again whenever you need to reinstall and update edge or webview..`n"
$remove_appx = @("MicrosoftEdge"); $remove_win32 = @("Microsoft Edge","Microsoft Edge Update"); $skip = @() # @("DevTools")
if ($also_remove_webview -eq 1) {$remove_appx += "Win32WebViewHost"; $remove_win32 += "Microsoft EdgeWebView"}
if ($also_remove_widgets -eq 1) {$remove_appx += "WebExperience"}
if ($also_remove_xsocial -eq 1) {$remove_appx += "GamingServices"}
$global:WEBV = $also_remove_webview -eq 1
$global:IS64 = [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem
$global:IFEO = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options'
$global:EDGE_UID = '{56EB18F8-B008-4CBD-B6D2-8C97FE7E9062}'
$global:WEBV_UID = '{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}'
$global:UPDT_UID = '{F3C4FE00-EFD5-403B-9569-398A20F1BA4A}'
$global:PROGRAMS = ($env:ProgramFiles, ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})[$IS64]
$global:SOFTWARE = ('SOFTWARE', 'SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node')[$IS64]
if ($IS64) { $global:ALLHIVES += "HKCU:\$SOFTWARE","HKLM:\$SOFTWARE","HKCU:\$SOFTWARE\Policies","HKLM:\$SOFTWARE\Policies"}
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 1 bonus! enter into powershell console: firefox / edge / webview to install a browser / reinstall edge / webview after removal
function global:firefox { $url = ''
$setup = "$((new-object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:Downloads').Self.Path)\Firefox Installer.exe"
write-host $url; Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $setup; start $setup
function global:edge { $url = ''
$setup = "$((new-object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:Downloads').Self.Path)\MicrosoftEdgeSetup.exe"
write-host $url; Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $setup; PREPARE_EDGE; start $setup
function global:webview { $url = ''
$setup = "$((new-object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:Downloads').Self.Path)\MicrosoftEdgeWebview2Setup.exe"
write-host $url; Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $setup; PREPARE_WEBVIEW; start $setup
function global:xsocial { $url = ''
$setup = "$((new-object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:Downloads').Self.Path)\XboxInstaller.exe"
write-host $url; Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $setup; PREPARE_WEBVIEW; start $setup
## helper for set-itemproperty remove-itemproperty new-item remove-item with auto test-path
function global:sp_test_path { if (test-path $args[0]) {Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Set-ItemProperty @args} else {
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\New-Item $args[0] -force -ea 0 >''; Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Set-ItemProperty @args} }
function global:rp_test_path { if (test-path $args[0]) {Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Remove-ItemProperty @args} }
function global:ni_test_path { if (-not (test-path $args[0])) {Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\New-Item @args} }
function global:ri_test_path { if (test-path $args[0]) {Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Remove-Item @args} }
foreach ($f in 'sp','rp','ni','ri') {set-alias -Name $f -Value "${f}_test_path" -Scope Local -Option AllScope -force -ea 0}
## helper for edgeupdate reinstall
function global:PREPARE_UPDT($cdp='msedgeupdate', $uid=$UPDT_UID) {
foreach ($f in 'sp','rp','ni','ri') {set-alias -Name $f -Value "${f}_test_path" -Scope Local -Option AllScope -force -ea 0}
foreach ($sw in $ALLHIVES) {
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" 'DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium' -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" 'UpdaterExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl' -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "InstallDefault" -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "Install${uid}" -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "EdgePreview${uid}" -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "Update${uid}" -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\ClientState\*" 'experiment_control_labels' -force -ea 0
ri "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\${uid}\Commands" -recurse -force -ea 0
rp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdateDev\CdpNames" "$cdp-*" -force -ea 0
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdateDev" 'CanContinueWithMissingUpdate' 1 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdateDev" 'AllowUninstall' 1 -type Dword -force
## helper for edge reinstall - remove bundled OpenWebSearch redirector and edgeupdate policies
function global:PREPARE_EDGE {
foreach ($f in 'sp','rp','ni','ri') {set-alias -Name $f -Value "${f}_test_path" -Scope Local -Option AllScope -force -ea 0}
$MSEDGE = "$PROGRAMS\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
ri "$IFEO\msedge.exe" -recurse -force; ri "$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -recurse -force
ri 'Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Software\Classes\microsoft-edge' -recurse -force
sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command' '(Default)' "`"$MSEDGE`" --single-argument %%1" -force
ri 'Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Software\Classes\MSEdgeHTM' -recurse -force
sp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command' '(Default)' "`"$MSEDGE`" --single-argument %%1" -force
## helper for webview reinstall - restore webexperience (widgets) if available
function global:PREPARE_WEBVIEW {
PREPARE_UPDT 'msedgewebview' $WEBV_UID; PREPARE_UPDT 'msedgeupdate' $UPDT_UID
$cfg = @{Register=$true; ForceApplicationShutdown=$true; ForceUpdateFromAnyVersion=$true; DisableDevelopmentMode=$true}
dir "$env:SystemRoot\SystemApps\Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost*\AppxManifest.xml" -rec -ea 0 | Add-AppxPackage @cfg
dir "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience*\AppxManifest.xml" -rec -ea 0 | Add-AppxPackage @cfg
kill -name explorer -ea 0; if ((get-process -name 'explorer' -ea 0) -eq $null) {start explorer}
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 2 enable admin privileges
$D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')."GetM`ethods"(42) |where {$_.Name -eq 'SetPrivilege'} #`:no-ev-warn
'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege'|foreach {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 3 shut down edge & webview clone stuff
cd $env:systemdrive; taskkill /im explorer.exe /f 2>&1 >''
$shut = 'explorer','Widgets','widgetservice','msedgewebview2','MicrosoftEdge*','chredge','msedge','edge'
$shut,'msteams','msfamily','WebViewHost','Clipchamp' |foreach {kill -name $_ -force -ea 0}
## clear win32 uninstall block
foreach ($name in $remove_win32) { foreach ($sw in $ALLHIVES) {
$key = "$sw\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$name"; if (-not (test-path $key)) {continue}
foreach ($val in 'NoRemove','NoModify','NoRepair') {rp $key $val -force -ea 0}
foreach ($val in 'ForceRemove','Delete') {sp $key $val 1 -type Dword -force}
## find all Edge setup.exe and gather BHO paths for OpenWebSearch / MSEdgeRedirect usage
$edges = @(); $bho = @(); $edgeupdates = @(); 'LocalApplicationData','ProgramFilesX86','ProgramFiles' |foreach {
$folder = [Environment]::GetFolderPath($_); $bho += dir "$folder\Microsoft\Edge*\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -rec -ea 0
if ($WEBV) {$edges += dir "$folder\Microsoft\Edge*\setup.exe" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -like '*EdgeWebView*'}}
$edges += dir "$folder\Microsoft\Edge*\setup.exe" -rec -ea 0 |where {$_ -notlike '*EdgeWebView*'}
$edgeupdates += dir "$folder\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\*.*.*.*\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe" -rec -ea 0
## export OpenWebSearch innovative redirector - used by MSEdgeRedirect as well
$DIR = "$env:SystemDrive\Scripts"; mkdir $DIR -ea 0 >''
foreach ($b in $bho) { if (test-path $b) { try {copy $b "$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -force -ea 0} catch{} } }
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 4 remove found *Edge* appx packages with unblock tricks
$provisioned = get-appxprovisionedpackage -online; $appxpackage = get-appxpackage -allusers; $eol = @()
$store = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore'
$users = @('S-1-5-18'); if (test-path $store) {$users += $((dir $store -ea 0 |where {$_ -like '*S-1-5-21*'}).PSChildName)}
foreach ($choice in $remove_appx) { if ('' -eq $choice.Trim()) {continue}
foreach ($appx in $($provisioned |where {$_.PackageName -like "*$choice*"})) {
$next = !1; foreach ($no in $skip) {if ($appx.PackageName -like "*$no*") {$next = !0}} ; if ($next) {continue}
$PackageName = $appx.PackageName; $PackageFamilyName = ($appxpackage |where {$_.Name -eq $appx.DisplayName}).PackageFamilyName
ni "$store\Deprovisioned\$PackageFamilyName" -force >''; $PackageFamilyName
foreach ($sid in $users) {ni "$store\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageName" -force >''} ; $eol += $PackageName
dism /online /set-nonremovableapppolicy /packagefamily:$PackageFamilyName /nonremovable:0 >''
remove-appxprovisionedpackage -packagename $PackageName -online -allusers >''
foreach ($appx in $($appxpackage |where {$_.PackageFullName -like "*$choice*"})) {
$next = !1; foreach ($no in $skip) {if ($appx.PackageFullName -like "*$no*") {$next = !0}} ; if ($next) {continue}
$PackageFullName = $appx.PackageFullName;
ni "$store\Deprovisioned\$appx.PackageFamilyName" -force >''; $PackageFullName
foreach ($sid in $users) {ni "$store\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageFullName" -force >''} ; $eol += $PackageFullName
dism /online /set-nonremovableapppolicy /packagefamily:$PackageFamilyName /nonremovable:0 >''
remove-appxpackage -package $PackageFullName -allusers >''
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 5 run found *Edge* setup.exe with uninstall args and wait in-between
foreach ($setup in $edges) { if (-not (test-path $setup)) {continue}
if ($setup -like '*EdgeWebView*') {$target = "--msedgewebview"} else {$target = "--msedge"}
$sulevel = ('--system-level','--user-level')[$setup -like '*\AppData\Local\*']
$removal = "--uninstall $target $sulevel --verbose-logging --force-uninstall"
try {write-host $setup $removal; start -wait $setup -args $removal} catch {}
do {sleep 3} while ((get-process -name 'setup','MicrosoftEdge*' -ea 0).Path -like '*\Microsoft\Edge*')
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## msi installers cleanup
gp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\*' 'ProductName' |where {$_.ProductName -like '*Microsoft Edge*'} |foreach {
$prod = ($_.PSChildName -split '(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})' -join '-').trim('-')
$sort = 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,8,12,11,10,9,13,17,16,15,14,18,20,19,22,21,23,25,24,27,26,29,28,31,30,33,32,35,34
$code = '{' + -join ($sort |foreach {$prod[$_]}) + '}'; start -wait msiexec.exe -args "/X$code /qn" 2>''
ri $_.PSPath -recurse -force
foreach ($sw in $ALLHIVES) {ri "$sw\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$code" -recurse -force}
## 6 edgeupdate graceful cleanup
if ($WEBV) {
foreach ($sw in $ALLHIVES) {ri "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" -recurse -force}
foreach ($UPDT in $edgeupdates) {
if (test-path $UPDT) {write-host "$UPDT /unregsvc"; start -wait $UPDT -args '/unregsvc'}
do {sleep 3} while ((get-process -name 'setup','MicrosoftEdge*' -ea 0).Path -like '*\Microsoft\Edge*')
if (test-path $UPDT) {write-host "$UPDT /uninstall"; start -wait $UPDT -args '/uninstall'}
do {sleep 3} while ((get-process -name 'setup','MicrosoftEdge*' -ea 0).Path -like '*\Microsoft\Edge*')
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName MicrosoftEdgeUpdate* -Confirm:$false -ea 0; ri "$PROGRAMS\Microsoft\Temp" -recurse -force
$appdata = $([Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData'))
ri "$appdata\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\Tombstones\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force
ri "$appdata\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Microsoft Edge.lnk" -force
## undo eol unblock trick to prevent latest cumulative update (LCU) failing
foreach ($sid in $users) { foreach ($PackageName in $eol) {ri "$store\EndOfLife\$sid\$PackageName" -force >''} }
## .i. "Update policies are configured but will be ignored because this device isn't domain joined" .i.
$uids = @($EDGE_UID); $cdps = @('msedge'); if ($WEBV) {$uids += $WEBV_UID; $cdps += 'msedgewebview'}
foreach ($sw in $ALLHIVES) {
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" 'DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium' 1 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" 'UpdaterExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl' 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" 'InstallDefault' 0 -type Dword -force
foreach ($uid in $uids) {
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "Install${uid}" 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "EdgePreview${uid}" 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate" "Update${uid}" 2 -type Dword -force
foreach ($trigger in 'on-os-upgrade','on-logon','on-logon-autolaunch','on-logon-startup-boost') {
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\${uid}\Commands\$trigger" 'AutoRunOnLogon' 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\${uid}\Commands\$trigger" 'AutoRunOnOSUpgrade' 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\${uid}\Commands\$trigger" 'Enabled' 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\Main" 'AllowPrelaunch' 0 -type Dword -force
sp "$sw\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\TabPreloader" 'AllowTabPreloading' 0 -type Dword -force
## microsoft has no shame, so we are gonna insist opting-out of unsolicited reinstalls with windows updates
foreach ($cdp in $cdps) { foreach ($arch in 'x64','x86') { foreach ($zdp in '','-zdp') {
sp "$sw\Microsoft\EdgeUpdateDev\CdpNames" "$cdp-stable-win-$arch$zdp" "$cdp-stable-win-arm64$zdp" -force
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 7 add bundled OpenWebSearch script to redirect microsoft-edge: anti-competitive links to the default browser
$MSEP = ($env:ProgramFiles,${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})[[Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem] + '\Microsoft\Edge\Application'
$IFEO = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options'
$MIN = ('--headless','--width 1 --height 1')[([environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build) -gt 25179]
$CMD = "$env:systemroot\system32\conhost.exe $MIN" # AveYo: minimize prompt - see Terminal issue #13914
ni "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command" -force >''
sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\microsoft-edge" '(Default)' 'URL:microsoft-edge' -force
sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\microsoft-edge" 'URL Protocol' '' -force
sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\microsoft-edge" 'NoOpenWith' '' -force
sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\microsoft-edge\shell\open\command" '(Default)' "`"$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe`" %1" -force
ni "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command" -force >''
sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\MSEdgeHTM" 'NoOpenWith' '' -force
sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\MSEdgeHTM\shell\open\command" '(Default)' "`"$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe`" %1" -force
ni "$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0" -force >''
sp "$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" 'UseFilter' 1 -type Dword -force
sp "$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0" 'FilterFullPath' "$DIR\ie_to_edge_stub.exe" -force
sp "$IFEO\ie_to_edge_stub.exe\0" 'Debugger' "$CMD $DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd" -force
ni "$IFEO\msedge.exe\0" -force >''
sp "$IFEO\msedge.exe" 'UseFilter' 1 -type Dword -force
sp "$IFEO\msedge.exe\0" 'FilterFullPath' "$MSEP\msedge.exe" -force
sp "$IFEO\msedge.exe\0" 'Debugger' "$CMD $DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd" -force
## new: automatically re-create the needed hardlink if edge is reinstalled
$ta = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute '%Temp%\OpenWebSearchRepair.cmd'
$tt = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At 00:00; $ts = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'OpenWebSearchRepair' -Action $ta -Trigger $tt -Settings $ts -RunLevel Highest -Force >''
$OpenWebSearch = @$
@title OpenWebSearch Redux & echo off & set ?= open start menu web search, widgets links or help in your chosen browser - by AveYo
for /f %%E in ('"prompt $E$S& for %%e in (1) do rem"') do echo;%%E[2t 2>nul & rem AveYo: minimize prompt
call :reg_var "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice" ProgID ProgID
if /i "%ProgID%" equ "MSEdgeHTM" echo;Default browser is set to Edge! Change it or remove OpenWebSearch script. & pause & exit /b
call :reg_var "HKCR\%ProgID%\shell\open\command" "" Browser
set Choice=& for %%. in (%Browser%) do if not defined Choice set "Choice=%%~."
call :reg_var "HKCR\MSEdgeMHT\shell\open\command" "" FallBack
set "Edge=" & for %%. in (%FallBack%) do if not defined Edge set "Edge=%%~."
set "URI=" & set "URL=" & set "NOOP=" & set "PassTrough=%Edge:msedge=edge%"
set "CLI=%CMDCMDLINE:"=``% "
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*ie_to_edge_stub.exe`` =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*ie_to_edge_stub.exe =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*msedge.exe`` =%"
if defined CLI set "CLI=%CLI:*msedge.exe =%"
set "FIX=%CLI:~-1%"
if defined CLI if "%FIX%"==" " set "CLI=%CLI:~0,-1%"
if defined CLI set "RED=%CLI:microsoft-edge=%"
if defined CLI set "URL=%CLI:http=%"
if defined CLI set "ARG=%CLI:``="%"
if "%CLI%" equ "%RED%" (set NOOP=1) else if "%CLI%" equ "%URL%" (set NOOP=1)
if defined NOOP if not exist "%PassTrough%" echo;@mklink /h "%PassTrough%" "%Edge%" >"%Temp%\OpenWebSearchRepair.cmd"
if defined NOOP if not exist "%PassTrough%" schtasks /run /tn OpenWebSearchRepair 2>nul >nul
if defined NOOP if not exist "%PassTrough%" timeout /t 3 >nul
if defined NOOP if exist "%PassTrough%" start "" "%PassTrough%" %ARG%
if defined NOOP exit /b
set "URL=%CLI:*microsoft-edge=%"
set "URL=http%URL:*http=%"
set "FIX=%URL:~-2%"
if defined URL if "%FIX%"=="``" set "URL=%URL:~0,-2%"
call :dec_url
start "" "%Choice%" "%URL%"
:reg_var [USAGE] call :reg_var "HKCU\Volatile Environment" value-or-"" variable [extra options]
set {var}=& set {reg}=reg query "%~1" /v %2 /z /se "," /f /e& if %2=="" set {reg}=reg query "%~1" /ve /z /se "," /f /e
for /f "skip=2 tokens=* delims=" %%V in ('%{reg}% %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 2^>nul') do if not defined {var} set "{var}=%%V"
if not defined {var} (set {reg}=& set "%~3="& exit /b) else if %2=="" set "{var}=%{var}:*) =%"& rem AveYo: v3
if not defined {var} (set {reg}=& set "%~3="& exit /b) else set {reg}=& set "%~3=%{var}:*) =%"& set {var}=& exit /b
:dec_url brute url percent decoding by AveYo
set ".=%URL:!=}%"&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion& rem brute url percent decoding
set ".=!.:%%={!" &set ".=!.:{3A=:!" &set ".=!.:{2F=/!" &set ".=!.:{3F=?!" &set ".=!.:{23=#!" &set ".=!.:{5B=[!" &set ".=!.:{5D=]!"
set ".=!.:{40=@!"&set ".=!.:{21=}!" &set ".=!.:{24=$!" &set ".=!.:{26=&!" &set ".=!.:{27='!" &set ".=!.:{28=(!" &set ".=!.:{29=)!"
set ".=!.:{2A=*!"&set ".=!.:{2B=+!" &set ".=!.:{2C=,!" &set ".=!.:{3B=;!" &set ".=!.:{3D==!" &set ".=!.:{25=%%!"&set ".=!.:{20= !"
set ".=!.:{=%%!" &rem set ",=!.:%%=!" & if "!,!" neq "!.!" endlocal& set "URL=%.:}=!%" & call :dec_url
endlocal& set "URL=%.:}=!%" & exit /b
rem done
[io.file]::WriteAllText("$DIR\OpenWebSearch.cmd", $OpenWebSearch)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 8 done
$done = gp 'Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile*' Edge_Removal -ea 0; if ($done) {rp $done.PSPath Edge_Removal -force -ea 0}
if ((get-process -name 'explorer' -ea 0) -eq $null) {start explorer}
## bonus enter into powershell console: firefox / edge / webview to install a browser / reinstall edge or webview after removal
${.} = [char]27; $firefox = "${.}[38;2;255;165;0m firefox"; $reinstall = "${.}[96m edge / webview / xsocial${.}[97m "
write-host "`n${.}[40;32m EDGE REMOVED! ${.}[97m -GET-ANOTHER-BROWSER? ENTER:$firefox ${.}[97m -REINSTALL? ENTER:$reinstall"
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 0 ask to run script as admin
'@.replace("$@","'@").replace("@$","@'") -force -ea 0; $code='gp ''Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Volatile*'' Edge_Removal -ea 0'
start powershell -args "-nop -noe -c & {iex(($code)[0].Edge_Removal)}" -verb runas
Copy link

rzdis commented Dec 17, 2023

Рабочий *.bat по состоянию на 17.12.2023 для полного удаления браузера Edge из
Current *.bat for hard completely removing Edge from
Windows 11 Pro 23H2 22631.2861 Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22681.1000.0

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