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Created July 11, 2013 12:16
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Save rzerdik/5974941 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function addGlobalStyle(css){
var head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
//addGlobalStyle('#audience-canvas {background-image: ;)');
//addGlobalStyle('#map-canvas {background-image: url("") ;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#audience {background-image: url("") ;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#meta-frame {background-image: url("") ;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#frame-background {background-image: url("") ;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-lobby {background-image: max-height:0px;max-width:0px;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-vote-positive {background-image: url("") ;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-vote-negative {background-image: url("")!important ;}');
//addGlobalStyle('.chat-bouncer{background: url("") no-repeat 0 5px;padding-left: 17px;width: 292px;');
//addGlobalStyle('#volume-bar-value{background-image: url(""}');
addGlobalStyle('#room-wheel {background-image: max-height:0px;max-width:0px;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#user-points {background-image: url("");maxheight:25px;background-size: 100% 100%;max-width:25px;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#user-fans {background-image: url("");maxheight:25px;max-width:25px;}');
addGlobalStyle('html{background: url(" no-repeat scroll center top #000000;');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-dj-play.button-dj {background-image: url("")!important;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-dj-quit.button-dj {background-image: url("")!important;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-dj-waitlist-join.button-dj {background-image: url("")!important;}');
//addGlobalStyle('#button-dj-waitlist-leave.button-dj {background-image: url("")!important;}');
//if you want to change the font, uncomment this part and edit with the font you want, google "font css" or something like that for the codes.
//addGlobalStyle("* {" + "font-family:Cambria,'Times New Roman','Nimbus Roman No9 L','Freeserif',Times,serif; !important;" + "}"); //for font changing
//to change the DJ console, uncomment this and add your own custom URL. I've got no good ideas atm, but feel free to try stuff out :)
addGlobalStyle('#dj-console, #dj-console {background-image: url("");min-height:33px;min-width:131px;}'); //change create room button
//trying to figure out how to change the avatar image, not working atm.
//addGlobalStyle('#user-image, #user-image {background-image: url("");min-height:33px;background-size: 100% 100%;min-width:131px;}');
var words = {
// Syntax: 'Search word' : 'Replace word',
"Points" : "Points",
"Now Playing" : "Now Playing",
"Time Remaining" : "Time Remaining",
"Volume" : "Volume",
"Current DJ" : "Current DJ",
"Crowd Response" : "Crowd Response",
String.prototype.prepareRegex = function() {
return this.replace(/([\[\]\^\&\$\.\(\)\?\/\\\+\{\}\|])/g, "\\$1");
function isOkTag(tag) {
return (",pre,blockquote,code,input,button,textarea".indexOf(","+tag) == -1);
var regexs=new Array(),
replacements=new Array();
for(var word in words) {
if(word != "") {
regexs.push(new RegExp("\\b"+word.prepareRegex().replace(/\*/g,'[^ ]*')+"\\b", 'gi'));
var texts = document.evaluate(".//text()[normalize-space(.)!='']",document.body,null,6,null), text="";
for(var i=0,l=texts.snapshotLength; (this_text=texts.snapshotItem(i)); i++) {
if(isOkTag(this_text.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase()) && (text=this_text.textContent)) {
for(var x=0,l=regexs.length; x<l; x++) {
text = text.replace(regexs[x], replacements[x]);
this_text.textContent = text;
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* 1. Provide a link back to the original repository (this repository), as
* in,, that is well-visible
* wherever the source is being reproduced. For example, should you
* display it on a website, you should provide a link above/below that
* which the users use, titled something such as "ORIGINAL AUTHOR".
* 2. Retain these three comments: the GNU GPL license statement, this comment,
* and that below it, that details the author and purpose.
* NOTE: This is all procedural as hell because prototypes and any
* OOP techniques in Javascript are stupid and confusing.
* @author Conner Davis ([VIP] ?Logïç®)
* Harrison Schneidman ([VIDJ] EX?)
* Whether the user has currently enabled auto-woot.
var autowoot = false;
* Whether the user has currently enabled auto-queueing.
var autoqueue = false;
* Whether or not the user has enabled hiding this video.
var hideVideo = false;
* Whether or not the user has enabled the userlist.
var userList = false;
* Strings that trigger strobe mode
var strobeOn = /on/;
var strobeOff = /off/;
* Strobe status
var strobeState = false;
* Whenever a user chooses to apply custom username FX to a
* user, their username and chosen colour and saved here.
var customUsernames = new Array();
// TODO: DJ battle-related.
var points = 0;
var highScore = 0;
* Initialise all of the API listeners which we use
* to asynchronously intercept specific events and the data
* attached with them.
function initAPIListeners()
* This listens in for whenever a new DJ starts playing.
API.addEventListener(API.DJ_ADVANCE, djAdvanced);
* This listens for whenever a user in the room either WOOT!s
* or Mehs the current song.
API.addEventListener(API.VOTE_UPDATE, function(obj) {
if (userList)
* Whenever a user joins, this listener is called.
API.addEventListener(API.USER_JOIN, function(user) {
if (userList)
if (isBoris())
API.sendChat("@" + user.username + ", Hi & Welcome, enjoy your time in our DnB world :)) ");
* Called upon a user exiting the room.
API.addEventListener(API.USER_LEAVE, function(user) {
if (userList)
API.addEventListener(API.CHAT, checkChat);
function checkChat()
* Periodically check the chat history to see if any of the messages
* match that of the user's chosen custom username FX. If so, then we
* need to stylise every instance of those.
function checkCustomUsernames()
for (var custom in customUsernames)
var check = customUsernames[custom].split(":");
if (check[0] == $(this).text())
$(this).css({ color: "#" + check[1]});
* Cheat mode strobe
var strobeID = null;
function strobe()
function strobeSwap()
if(strobeID) clearTimeout(strobeID);
if (strobeState) strobeID = setInterval(strobe, 140);
function checkStrobeString()
var oldState = strobeState;
if ($(this).text().match('/on')) strobeState = true;
if ($(this).text().match('/off')) strobeState = false;
if (oldState != strobeState) strobeSwap();
* Renders all of the "UI" that is visible beneath the video
* player.
function displayUI()
* Be sure to remove any old instance of the UI, in case the user
* reloads the script without refreshing the page (updating.)
* Generate the HTML code for the UI.
$('#chat').prepend('<div id="plugbot-ui"></div>');
'<p id="plugbot-btn-woot" style="color:#20934b">auto-woot</p>'
+ '<p id="plugbot-btn-queue" style="color:#20934b">auto-queue</p>'
+ '<p id="plugbot-btn-hidevideo" style="color:#20934b">hide video</p>'
// + '<p id="plugbot-btn-userlist" style="color:#99cb1a">userlist</p>'
+ '<p id="plugbot-btn-facebook" style="color:#3B5998"><a style="color: ##3B5998" href="" target="_blank">facebook</a></p>'
// + '<p id="plugbot-btn-youtube" style="color:#99cb1a"><a style="color: #99cb1a" href="" target="_blank">youtube ledge</a></p>'
* Prompt the user to provide a new custom username FX.
function promptCustomUsername() {
var check = prompt("Format: username:color\n(For color codes, Google 'Hexadecimal color chart')");
$('#space').after('<span id="' + check + '" onclick="removeCustomUsername(\'' + check + '\');$(this).next().remove();$(this).remove();" style="cursor:pointer;color:#' + check.split(":")[1] + '">- ' + check.split(":")[0]
+ '</span><br />');
* Remove an existing entry in the custom username FX.
function removeCustomUsername(data) {
customUsernames.splice(data, 1);
* For every button on the UI, we have listeners backing them
* that are built to intercept the user's clicking each button. Based
* on the button that they clicked, we can execute some logic that will
* in some way affect their experience.
function initUIListeners()
/* $("#plugbot-btn-userlist").on("click", function() {
userList = !userList;
$(this).css("color", userList ? "#3FFF00" : "#ED1C24");
$("#plugbot-userlist").css("visibility", userList ? ("visible") : ("hidden"));
if (!userList) {
} else {
$("#plugbot-btn-woot").on("click", function() {
autowoot = !autowoot;
$(this).css("color", autowoot ? "#3FFF00" : "#ED1C24");
if (autowoot)
$("#plugbot-btn-hidevideo").on("click", function() {
hideVideo = !hideVideo;
$(this).css("color", hideVideo ? "#3FFF00" : "#ED1C24");
$("#yt-frame").animate({"height": (hideVideo ? "0px" : "271px")}, {duration: "fast"});
$("#playback .frame-background").animate({"opacity": (hideVideo ? "0" : "0.91")}, {duration: "medium"});
$("#plugbot-btn-queue").on("click", function() {
autoqueue = !autoqueue;
$(this).css("color", autoqueue ? "#3FFF00" : "#ED1C24");
$("#button-dj-waitlist-" + (autoqueue ? "join" : "leave")).click();
* Called whenever a new DJ begins playing in the room.
* @param {Object} obj
* This contains the user (current DJ)'s data.
function djAdvanced(obj)
* If they want the video to be hidden, be sure to re-hide it.
if (hideVideo)
$("#yt-frame").css("height", "0px");
$("#playback .frame-background").css("opacity", "0.0");
* If auto-woot is enabled, WOOT! the song.
if (autowoot)
* If auto-queueing has been enabled, and they have just recently
* left the waitlist, join them back.
if ($("#button-dj-waitlist-join").css("display") === "block" && autoqueue)
// TODO: DJ battle-related
points = 0;
highScore = 0;
* If the userlist is enabled, re-populate it.
if (userList)
* Generates every user in the room and their current vote as
* colour-coded text. Also, moderators get the star next to
* their name.
function populateUserlist()
* Destroy the old userlist DIV and replace it with a fresh
* empty one to work with.
// $("#plugbot-userlist").remove();
// $('body').append('<div id="plugbot-userlist"></div>');
* Update the current # of users in the room.
$('#plugbot-userlist').append('<h1 style="text-indent:12px;color:#42A5DC;font-size:14px;font-variant:small-caps;">Users: ' + API.getUsers().length + '</h1>');
* If the user is in the waitlist, show them their current spot.
if ($('#button-dj-waitlist-view').attr('title') !== '') {
if ($('#button-dj-waitlist-leave').css('display') === 'block' && ($.inArray(API.getDJs(), API.getSelf()) == -1)) {
var spot = $('#button-dj-waitlist-view').attr('title').split('(')[1];
spot = spot.substring(0, spot.indexOf(')'));
$('#plugbot-userlist').append('<h1 id="plugbot-queuespot"><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Waitlist:</span> ' + spot + '</h3><br />');
// TODO: DJ battle-related
points = 0;
* An array of all of the room's users.
var users = new Array();
* Populate the users array with the next user
* in the room (this is stored alphabetically.)
for (user in API.getUsers())
* For every user, call the #appendUser(username, vote) method
* which will display their username with any colour coding that
* they match.
for (user in users)
var user = users[user];
// TODO: DJ battle-related
if (points > highScore)
highScore = points;
* Appends another user's username to the userlist.
* @param {Object} username
* The username of this user.
* @param {Object} vote
* Their current 'vote', which may be:
* -1 : Meh
* 0 : 'undecided' (hasn't voted yet)
* 1 : WOOT!
function appendUser(user)
var username = user.username;
var vote =;
* Some variables that we'll either be setting as true/false
* (some conditionals that do major changes to their look in the userlist)
* or setting a value to.
var colour;
var currentDj = false;
var moderator = user.moderator;
if (API.getSuperUsers() != null) var su = user.superuser;
if (API.getHost() != null) var host = user.owner;
var img;
* Based on their vote, apply the colour coding.
switch (vote)
case 1: // WOOT!
colour = "3FFF00";
if (moderator)
img = "";
if (host)
img = "";
if (su)
img = "";
case 0: // Undecided
colour = "FFFFFF";
if (moderator)
img = "";
if (host)
img = "";
if (su)
img = "";
case -1: // Meh
colour = "ED1C24";
if (moderator)
img = "";
if (host)
img = "";
if (su)
img = "";
* If they're the current DJ, apply some more special
* changes.
if (API.getDJs().length > 0 && API.getDJs()[0].username == username) {
currentDj = true;
colour = "42A5DC";
if (moderator)
img = "";
* Sometimes undecided mod star breaks. This fixes that.
if (img == undefined && (moderator || host || su))
colour = "FFFFFF";
img = moderator ? "" : "";
* Apply the HTML code to the page that actually displays them
* inside the userlist.
((moderator || host || su) ? '<img src="' + img + '" align="left" style="margin-left:6px" alt="Moderator" />' : '')
+ '<p style="' + ((moderator || host || su) ? 'text-indent:6px !important;' : '')
+ 'color:#' + colour + ';' + (currentDj ? 'font-weight:bold;font-size:15px' : '') + '"'
+ (currentDj ? ('title="' + username + ' is the current DJ!"') : '') + '>'
+ username + '</p>'
////////// EVERYTHING FROM HERE ON OUT IS INIT ////////////
* Clear the old code so we can properly update everything.
* Write the CSS rules that are used for components of the
* UI.
$('body').prepend('<style type="text/css" id="plugbot-css">'
+ '#plugbot-ui { position: absolute; margin-left: 349px; }'
+ '#plugbot-ui p { background-color: #0b0b0b; height: 25px; width: 98px; padding: 8px 0 0 12px; cursor: pointer; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 14px; margin: 0; }'
+ '#plugbot-ui h2 { background-color: #0b0b0b; height: 71px; width: 164px; padding: 8px 0 0 12px; color: #fff; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; }'
// + '#plugbot-userlist { border: 6px solid rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.8); border-left: 0 !important; background-color: #000000; padding: 8px 0px 20px 0px; width: 12%; }'
// + '#plugbot-userlist p { margin: 0; padding-top: 2px; text-indent: 24px; font-size: 10px; }'
// + '#plugbot-userlist p:first-child { padding-top: 0px !important; }'
+ '#plugbot-queuespot { color: #42A5DC; text-align: left; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 8px }');
* Hit the woot button, since auto-woot is enabled by default.
* Call all init-related functions to start the software up.
function isBoris() { return API.getSelf().username == "d(-_-)b Tom"; }
if (isBoris())
window.setInterval(function() {
API.sendChat("Check out our Room's Custom Background Script @ and Facebook Group @ :) ");
}, (1000 * 60 * 60));
//elements removal
RoomUser.audience.roomElements = []; RoomUser.redraw();
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