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Created November 10, 2023 10:06
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function Run-HttpClientBenchmark {
# Target framework to use
[ValidateSet('net8.0', 'net9.0')]
[string] $Framework = 'net9.0',
# Profile to use
[ValidateSet('local', 'aspnet-perf-lin', 'aspnet-perf-win', 'aspnet-citrine-lin', 'aspnet-citrine-win', 'aspnet-citrine-amd2', 'aspnet-citrine-arm-line', 'aspnet-gold-lin', 'aspnet-gold-win')]
[string] $RunProfile,
# Number of iterations to run
[int] $Iterations,
# Warmup in seconds
[int] $Warmup,
# Duration in seconds
[int] $Duration,
# Port on the server to connect to
[int] $ServerPort,
# Http version to use
[ValidateSet('1.1', '2.0', '3.0')]
[string] $HttpVersion = '1.1',
# Whether or not to use HTTPS, implied when HttpVersion is 3.0
[switch] $UseHttps,
# Number of HttpClient instances on the client
[int] $Clients,
# Number of concurrent threads per HttpClient instance
[int] $ConcurrencyPerClient,
# Size of the server rsponse
[int] $ResponseSize,
# Number of concurrent threads per HttpClient instance
[int] $Http3StreamLimit,
[Parameter(ParameterSetname = "Get")]
[switch] $Get,
[Parameter(ParameterSetname = "Post")]
[switch] $Post,
# Path on the server to make requests to, defaults to /get or /post
[string] $Path,
[Parameter(ParameterSetname = "Post")]
[int] $RequestContentSize,
[Parameter(ParameterSetname = "Post")]
[int] $RequestContentWriteSize,
[Parameter(ParameterSetname = "Post")]
[switch] $RequestContentFlushAfterWrite,
[Parameter(ParameterSetname = "Post")]
[switch] $RequestContentUnknownLength,
[switch] $CollectClientTraces,
[switch] $CollectServerTraces,
[string[]] $ClientExtraFiles,
[string[]] $ServerExtraFiles,
[Hashtable] $ClientEnvVars,
[Hashtable] $ServerEnvVars,
[Hashtable] $Properties,
[string] $CsvOutput,
# Timeout for the benchmark in seconds
[int] $Timeout = 60
$config = ""
if ($Get) {
$scenario = 'httpclient-kestrel-get'
if (-not $Path) { $Path = '/get' }
elseif ($Post) {
$scenario = 'httpclient-kestrel-post'
if (-not $Path) { $Path = '/post' }
else {
Write-Error "Either -Get or -Post must be specified"
$arguments = @(
'--config', $config,
'--scenario', $scenario,
'--client.path', $Path,
'--profile', $RunProfile
'--client.timeout', $Timeout,
'--server.timeout', $Timeout
'--client.framework', $Framework,
'--server.framework', $Framework
if ($Iterations -gt 1) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "iterations=$Iterations")
if ($Warmup) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "warmup=$Warmup")
if ($Duration) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "duration=$Duration")
if ($ServerPort) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "serverPort=$ServerPort")
if ($HttpVersion) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "httpVersion=$HttpVersion")
if ($HttpVersion -eq '3.0') {
$UseHttps = $true
if ($UseHttps) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "useHttps=true")
if ($Clients) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "numberOfHttpClients=$Clients")
if ($ConcurrencyPerClient) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "concurrencyPerHttpClient=$ConcurrencyPerClient")
if ($ResponseSize) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "responseSize=$ResponseSize")
if ($Http3StreamLimit) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "http3StreamLimit=$Http3StreamLimit")
if ($RequestContentSize) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "requestContentSize=$RequestContentSize")
if ($RequestContentWriteSize) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "requestContentWriteSize=$RequestContentWriteSize")
if ($RequestContentFlushAfterWrite) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "requestContentFlushAfterWrite=true")
if ($RequestContentUnknownLength) {
$arguments += @("--variable", "requestContentUnknownLength=true")
if ($CollectClientTraces) {
$arguments += @("--client.dotnetTrace", "true")
foreach ($file in $ClientExtraFiles) {
$arguments += @("--client.options.outputFiles", $file)
foreach ($key in $ClientEnvVars.Keys) {
$arguments += @("--client.environmentVariables", "$key=$($ClientEnvVars[$key])")
if ($CollectServerTraces) {
$arguments += @("--server.dotnetTrace", "true")
foreach ($file in $ServerExtraFiles) {
$arguments += @("--server.options.outputFiles", $file)
foreach ($key in $ServerEnvVars.Keys) {
$arguments += @("--server.environmentVariables", "$key=$($ServerEnvVars[$key])")
foreach ($propKey in $Properties.Keys) {
$arguments += @("--property", "$propKey=$($Properties[$propKey])")
if ($CsvOutput) {
$arguments += @("--csv", $CsvOutput)
Write-Host "crank $arguments"
crank @arguments
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