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Last active September 9, 2021 12:42
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Data analysis using Scala
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.tribbloid.ispark.display.dsl._
import scala.util.Try
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
// Declare a CASE class; we need it for the dataframe
case class Row(categoryId: Long, orderId: String ,cityId: String, osName: String,
osFamily: String, uaType: String, uaName: String,aov: Double)
// read the file into the val variable using sc (Spark Context), it is declared beforehand
val aov = sc.textFile("file:///Users/rzykov/Downloads/AOVC.csv")
// let's parse the fields
val dataAov = aov.flatMap { line => Try { line.split(",") match {
case Array(categoryId, orderId, cityId, osName, osFamily, uaType, uaName, aov) =>
Row(categoryId.toLong + 100, orderId, cityId, osName, osFamily, osFamily, uaType, aov.toDouble)
} }.toOption }
MapPartitionsRDD[4] at map at <console>:28
//The most popular category. { x => x.categoryId } // select the categoryId field
.countByValue() // calculate how often each categoryId appears
.sortBy( - _._2) // sort by frequency in descending order
.take(10) //take the top 10 records
ArrayBuffer((314,3068), (132,2229), (128,1770), (270,1483), (139,1379), (107,1366), (177,1311), (226,1268), (103,1259), (127,1204))
val interestedBrowsers = List("Android", "OS X", "iOS", "Linux", "Windows")
val osAov = dataAov.filter(x => interestedBrowsers.contains(x.osFamily)) //we leave only the desired OS
.filter(_.categoryId == 128) // filter categories
.map(x => (x.osFamily, (x.aov, 1.0))) // need to calculate average purchase amount
.reduceByKey((x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2))
.map{ case(osFamily, (revenue, orders)) => (osFamily, revenue/orders) }
//The output is an array of tuples (tuple) in OS format, the average purchase amount:
Array((OS X,4859.827586206897), (Linux,3730.4347826086955), (iOS,3964.6153846153848), (Android,3670.8474576271187), (Windows,3261.030993042378))
//CODE of Highcharts
import com.quantifind.charts.Highcharts._
import ru.retailrocket.ispark.wisp._
import org.ddahl.rscala._
import ru.retailrocket.ispark._
def connect() = RClient("R", false)
val r = connect()
R.plot(r, "barplot(cs, names.arg=names, col = 'red' )", Map("cs"->, "names" -> )
import data.VarPairData
import mine.core.MineParameters
import analysis.Analysis
import analysis.results.BriefResult
import scala.util.Random
//Code a discrete value by randomly changing the order of the "codes
def encode(col: Array[String]): Array[Double] = {
val ns = scala.util.Random.shuffle(1 to col.toSet.size)
val encMap ={encMap(_).toDouble}
// function to calculate MIC
def mic(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double]) = {
val data = new VarPairData(,
val params = new MineParameters(0.6.toFloat, 15, 0, null)
val res = Analysis.getResult(classOf[BriefResult], data, params)
//in case of a discrete value do a lot of iterations and take the maximum
def micMax(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double], n: Int = 100) =
(for{ i <- 1 to 100} yield mic(x, y)).max
//Now we're close to the final result, let's perform the calculation:
val aov = dataAov.filter(x => interestedBrowsers.contains(x.osFamily)) //we leave only the OSes we want
.filter(_.categoryId == 128) // filter categories
var aovMic = => (x.osFamily, x.aov)).collect()
println("osFamily MIC =" + micMax(encode(,
aovMic = => (x.orderId, x.aov)).collect()
println("orderId MIC =" + micMax(encode(,
aovMic = => (x.cityId, x.aov)).collect()
println("cityId MIC =" + micMax(encode(,
aovMic = => (x.uaName, x.aov)).collect()
println("uaName MIC =" + mic(encode(,
println("aov MIC =" + micMax(,
println("random MIC =" + mic( => math.random*100.0),
// osFamily MIC =0.06658
// orderId MIC =0.10074
// cityId MIC =0.07281
// aov MIC =0.99999
// uaName MIC =0.05297
// random MIC =0.10599
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