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Last active August 11, 2020 00:51
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The tenth week of SourceCred trial payouts are here!

July payouts have been sent on-chain. If you are opted in and have not recieved your payment, please send a direct message to @sourcecred-trial-adm.

This week's payouts look a little different, due to SourceCred deploying a new instance system, an algorithm update and a change to the payout mechanism.

Payments to opt-in only

Only a relatively small fraction of the trial's budget is being paid out. This is largely due to some contributors with large Cred scores not being eligible (e.g. @LongForWisdom and some other Foundation employees), as well as a number of contributors that have not opted in. This has kept payouts lower than desired, and made budgeting more complicated. Therefore, for the rest of the trial, we will be distributing the entire $10,000/month ($2,500/week) worth of DAI only to those that have opted in. This will not change past payouts posted to the forum. Any participants that opt in will still receive the DAI payments already posted to the forum, per the Maker SourceCred Trial proposal. However, moving forward, all DAI is being distributed each week only to those that have opted in. Contributors that opt in from now till the end of the trial will receive a "catchup" payment for DAI payments up till last week (week 9), and DAI payments for any remaining weeks.

New Instance System

SourceCred has a new and improved Cred instance! SourceCred has created a new instance system that makes it easier for communities to deploy and maintain SourceCred instances. This also includes a proper ledger for tracking Cred, DAI balances, redemptions, etc. No more clunky observable notebooks 🥳 There are also some UI enhancements as well, such as charts of Cred over time for each contributor and 'cred introspection', i.e. the ability to drill down and see where a contributor's Cred came from. The instance will also now automatically update the scores every 24 hrs, and update DAI balances weekly.

Maker's new instance can be found here.

Algorithm improvements

As announced in the month 1 review, SourceCred has been collaborating with the Maker working group on a feature that aims to mitigate brigading and other forms of low-quality posting by new contributors, as well as improve Sibyll resistance generally. This feature utilizes Discourse’s Trust Levels. The amount of Cred minted by likes is now proportional to a user's trust level. Users at Trust Level 0 (e.g. most brigaders) are unable to mint Cred. Users with higher trust levels will be able to mint proportionally more Cred.

Trust Level Weight
0 0x
1 0.1x
2 1x
3 1.25x
4 1.5x

This change affected Cred scores slightly across the board. However, it did not change the relative scores much for those that have opted in. In fact, Cred scores and DAI balances have gone up for all current opted in contributors. The change only decreased Cred scores for those with high Cred scores that are exempt from the trial.


This week $2,500 worth of DAI was distributed based on Cred scores. Navigate to the Grain Accounts tab of the Maker instance to see your current DAI balance and total DAI earned (Grain is SourceCred's internal term for tokens distributed based on Cred scores; Grain = DAI). Below are the top contributors by DAI earned.


Moving forward, this instance will be the source of truth for Cred scores and DAI balances. Cred scores are automatically updated every 24 hrs, and DAI balances are updated every week.

How to opt in!

At the end of the month, contributors that opt in to receiving payments and have at least $10 of DAI in accrued payouts can redeem their balance for DAI on-chan. To opt in, please fill out this google form [LINK] indicating your desire to participate in the trial and providing an Ethereum address to send payments to. Note that transactions are public and that the payment will be will be reflected in the UI (e.g. the balance); i.e. the ETH address you provide may be tied to your forum identity. Once you have submitted your info, @sourcecred-trial-adm will send you a direct message to confirm your submission.

If you have any questions or concerns about the scores, data or presentation thereof, please don't hesitate to ask!

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