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Created July 23, 2020 22:42
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title: Discourse
description: Setting up the Discourse plugin.
The Discourse plugin assigns Cred to contributors participating on
Discourse forums, for example by posting, replying to posts, or liking posts.
The plugin does this by fetching data using the Discourse API in anonymous mode.
This means that, unlike other plugins, it does not require any credentials and we can start loading data
right away. It also means that non-public contributions (e.g. private messages and closed
topics) are not included in the graph. The data is temporarily cached, but the
source of truth for the Discourse plugin is always the live server hosting the
Discourse instance. That means that if content is deleted on Discourse, it will
also disappear from the Discourse plugin (after a cache refresh).
## Cred flow
TO DO: add example with diagram
The below diagram illustrates a typical pattern of Cred flow in Discourse.
The full set of node and edge types used by the Discourse plugin are defined below.
### Nodes
The Discourse plugin creates the following types of nodes in the contribution graph:
- **User**:
A Discourse user account, e.g. []( User accounts do not mint Cred, so setting a node weight would have no effect. Using the identity plugin, it's possible to "collapse" user nodes with other identity nodes into a single, canonical identity. For example, if a contributor had a Discourse user account and a GitHub account, then the identity plugin can collapse those identities together.
Users are connected to posts they author, to posts they like, and to posts that mention them.
- **Bot**:
{SB: below is copied from GitHub page. Still true for Discourse? Do we support Discourse bots?}
A Discourse user account that has been explicitly marked as a bot, via inclusion in bots.js. This is useful so that we can filter out bot accounts from receiving grain or showing up in the Cred rankings.
Bots have the same connections as users.
- **Topic**:
A Discourse topic, e.g. []( Typically referred to as "threads" in other forum software, a topic is a collection of posts. When you create a new topic, you're actually creating the topic and the first post in the topic. All replies to the first post
are also technically posts under the topic, though they are commonly referred to as replies in X context {SB: is this true?}. A topic
node will be connected to its author (user node creating the topic), all posts in the topic and any references to the topic contained in other posts.
- **Post**:
A Discourse post, e.g. []( Everything under a topic is a post, including the original post and replies to posts (which are also posts) (we know it's confusing :confusing emoji). A post node will be connected to its author (user node that created the post), any replies to the post, references (links or quoted text {SB: correct?}) to the post.
- **Like**:
A Discourse like, e.g. {SB: how to link to like? Here's a URL I pulled from the describption field for a like node from the maker forum: Looks the same as a post URL?}. When a user likes a post, a node is created that is connected to the author of the like (user that liked) and the liked post.
### Edges
The Discourse plugin creates the following kinds of edges (connections between nodes)
in the contribution graph:
- **Authors**:
An "authors" edge connects an author (i.e. a user or bot) to a post (i.e. a
topic or post).
- **References**:
A references edge connects a topic or post to another referencable node (i.e. a node that corresponds to a specific url on Discourse ). {SB: taken from GitHub plugin, still correct? Just say referenceable nodes are topics/posts/users?}
If the reference is pointing to a user, we call it a "mention", but from SourceCred's perspective it's the same kind of edge. {SB: taken from GitHub plugin, still correct?}
References in Discourse can be either hyperlinks to referencable nodes, or quoted parts of other posts {SB: I'm kind of guessing here, would be good to get more detailed explanation, and perhaps include a illustrative example (e.g. a quote that links to both text and image if supported?). This brings up another questions I've had for a while: when you select and click the "Quote" button in the UI, it automatically creates a reply, presumably creating both a reply edge and reference edge. But what if you've already started a reply, and are selecting quotes from the UI from a post different than the one you started replying to? What if you're quoting multiple posts in the same reply?}
- **Reply to**:
A reply to edge connects a post to the post it is replying to.
The Discourse plugin creates the following kinds of edges (connections between nodes)
in the contribution graph:
{SB: below is copied from GitHub plugin page. Attempted to translate imagined parental relations to Discourse, but could be wrong}
- **Has Parent**:
A has-parent edge connects a "child" node to its "parent" node. Here's a table
summarizing these relationships:
| Child | Parent |
| --- | --- |
| Post | Topic |
| Reply | Post |
| Like?? | Post?? |
## Status and Caveats
This plugin is currently in Beta. It assigns Cred scores that are reasonable and
robust for a [trust level] 3 community.
Currently there are two general approaches to minting Cred you can take with the
Discourse plugin. Activity-minted and like-minted Cred (or a hybrid of the two).
Activity-minted Cred means Cred would be minted for each new topic or post
created. While like-minted Cred mints new Cred for each like given.
The plugin defaults to using like-minted Cred and for most communities this will
be the better approach. Unlike activity-minted Cred this allows people to
validate contributions. People soon learn their likes work as "this is valuable
and I'd like to see more of this" signals, which incentivizes creating
high-quality posts.
The caveat is that it creates some "popularity contest" dynamics. Where memes
and/or heavily promoted posts might receive more likes than makes sense for the
relative value they've added. Something which would be easy to game, making it
less suitable for lower trust levels for the time being.
{SB: the below para wasn't in the original docs, but is just me speculating based
on prior convos I recall. We may not want to add this if we can't provide enough
guideance for it to be useful}
Another caveat is that when a Discourse forum is very new, and does not have
much content, activity-minted Cred may be more suitable, at least in the beginning.
This is because new forums are typically "lower stakes" (unless you're paying significant
sums of money according to scores right away). The community is likely to be smaller,
higher trust, and less likely to be gamed. In addition, you may want to incentivize
raw activity in order to build up enough content to attract more users.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that only public posts are included for Cred
calculation. Private categories and private messages for example receive no
Cred. This both creates an incentive to have discussions in public as much as
possible and is necessary for security as private data could otherwise leak.
{SB: below are the commands from the original docs on this (which I can't seem to find to link to..:/). Mainly
including just to raise the issue of where we want these instructions to live. Here? In setup guide? CLI docs?}
### With the discourse command
There's a `discourse` CLI command available for convenience that loads a forum
node bin/sourcecred.js discourse
More details can be found with:
node bin/sourcecred.js discourse --help
This approach is convenient if you're just interested in analyzing a forum. But
to use Discourse in combination with other plugins we need the next approach.
### Loading from a `project.json`
Unlike the CLI command, this approach allows combining a Discourse forum with
other plugins. Either create one or upgrade from a previous `project.json`
version to make sure it's at version `0.3.1` or greater at the top of the file.
In our example we'll be using the latest version `0.5.0`.
"type": "sourcecred/project",
"version": "0.5.0"
Next, we specify we want to use Discourse, by adding an `discourseServer`
"type": "sourcecred/project",
"version": "0.5.0"
"discourseServer": {
"serverUrl": ""
There's one argument here:
- **`discourseServer.serverUrl`**: The URL to the Discourse server in question.
From there we can call load with the updated `project.json` file.
node bin/sourcecred.js load --project ./project.json
If all goes well, you should see Discourse mentioned in the progress output.
GO discourse
GO discourse/topics
DONE discourse/topics: 30s
GO discourse/likes
DONE discourse/likes: 1m 32s
DONE discourse: 2m 2s
_Note: depending on the size of the forum and how much data is already cached
this may take several minutes._
[trust level]: ../../concepts/
[v0.5.0 release]:
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