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Last active November 26, 2023 04:35
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WBS final
1. Benchmarking + Encryption + Generation = 1 unit (Payload build)
1.1 Payload generators (Study metasploit, Convenant, PoshC2, SharpShooter)
1.2 Proper Generator
2. Payload/Shellcode Execution
2.1 Invokation (Distrubtion / Dropper)
2.1.1. Marcros
2.1.2. MS HTA
2.1.3. MSB
2.1.4. WMI
2.1.5. Cert Util
2.1.6. Reg Srv
2.1.7. Powershell
(SharpShooter for inspiration)
2.2 Injection Techniques
2.2.1. DLL Injection
2.2.2. Reflective DDL Injection
2.2.3. Process Hollowing
2.2.4. Thread Hijacking
2.2.5. APC Queue Code Injection
2.2.6. WinAPI Hooking
2.2.7. Remote Process Creation
3. Evasion
3.1 Endpoint Evasion Techniques
3.1. Obfuscation of Powershell, Command Line.
3.2. API Unhooking
3.3. API Hashing
3.4. PDCP (Process Dynamic Policy)
3.5. AMSI Bypass
3.6. (Optional) C# VM
3.2. Network Evasion
3.1. Basic Redirs.
3.2. Domain Fronting.
3.3. Traffic Encryption.
4. Evaluation & Reporting
4.2. VirusTotal
5. Reconnaissance
6. Framework Development
Next Week: Architecture Fonctionnel du Projet.
Deadline: Friday.
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