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Last active April 28, 2023 23:38
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Play music file for wtag.
;;; playall.el -- Play music file for wtag.
;; Copyright (C) 2023 fubuki
;; Author: fubuki at
;; Version: @(#)$Revision: 1.28 $
;; Keywords: multimedia
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; * wtag 上の再生機能を拡張します
;; `wtag-view-mode' 上から `数値 P' でそのトラック番号を再生.
;; [fn::表記上スペースで切っていますが実際は不要です]
;; これに加え `0 P' で全曲通して, マイナス値で全曲からシャッフルになります.
;; `- P' のようにマイナスのみで OK です.
;; 再生中は `M-n' で次のトラックに飛び 'C-c C-c' で停止です.
;; プレイヤーの設定は変数 `wtag-music-players' を引き継ぎますが
;; `playall-players' でオーバーライドできます.
;; * 通常ディレクトリからの再生
;; 作ってみて、たれ流したいだけなら wtag 上からじゃなくてもいいじゃんと気づき
;; 通常の directory から実行する `directory-playall' もあります.
;; [fn::もっと云えば(呼び出している)mpg123 だけでいいじゃん...とも云います]
;; マイナーモードになり 停止: `C-c [ k' 次曲: `C-c [ n' 等となります.
;; `wtag-playall' と併用した場合の擦り合せがまだ甘いかもしれないです.
;; : M-x directory-playall
;; : C-u M-x directory-playall ;; Shuffle
;;; Installation:
;; (require 'playall)
;;; Change Log:
;; revision 1.28 date: 2023-04-26 14:12:53+09
;; - add: 非対応ファイルをエラーハンドリングする.
;; - fix: wtag.el の `wtag-writable-tag-hook' で `playall-kill' を実行.
;; wtag でライトモードにしたとき、そのときの音楽は停止するが、
;; シェードが剥されなかったり、タイマー待ちの次が再生されたりするバグがあったのをこれで修正.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'wtag)
(defface playall-shade
'((t :inherit dired-ignored))
"Wtag playall shade face."
:group 'wtag-faces)
(define-key wtag-view-mode-map [remap wtag-music-play] #'wtag-playall)
(define-key wtag-view-mode-map [remap wtag-kill-process] #'playall-kill)
(define-key wtag-view-mode-map "\C-c\C-s" #'playall-stop)
(define-key wtag-view-mode-map "\M-n" #'playall-next)
(add-hook 'wtag-view-mode-hook
#'(lambda ()
(lookup-key wtag-view-mode-map [menu-bar wtag])
'(menu-item "Next Play" playall-next :key-sequence "\M-n")
;; (add-hook 'wtag-quit-hook #'playall-kill)
(add-hook 'wtag-writable-tag-hook #'playall-kill)
;; Configurations.
(defvar playall-play-mode-invert nil)
(defvar playall-players
(if (boundp 'wtag-music-players) wtag-music-players '("\\.mp3\\'" "mpg123")))
(defvar playall-format " `%a - %t (%T)'"
"Special characters:
%f File Name
%T Play Time (variable `playall-time-format')
%C Codec
%B Bit rate
%A Album Title
%a Artist Name
%t Track Title
%n Track Number
%g Genre
%y Release Year
%% %")
(defvar playall-time-format "%m'%02s\"")
(defvar playall-init-after-hook nil)
(defvar playall-kill-hook nil)
;; Work Variables.
(defvar playall-style nil)
(defvar playall-title nil)
(put 'playall-title 'risky-local-variable t)
(defvar playall-overlays nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'playall-overlays)
(defun playall-pget (prop)
"`playall-style' から PROP を得る."
(plist-get playall-style prop))
(defun playall-pset (prop var)
"`playall-style' の PROP に VAR をセット.
PROP が既に在れば更新され無ければ作られる."
(setq playall-style (plist-put playall-style prop var)))
(defun playall-directory-style-p ()
"`playall-style' のプロパティ :style の値が directory ならば non-nil."
(eq (playall-pget :style) 'directory))
(defun playall-cancel-timer ()
"`playall-style' にプロパティ :timer があればそのタイマーをキャンセルする."
(and (playall-pget :timer) (cancel-timer (playall-pget :timer))))
(defun playall-pget-music-tags (mark)
"MARK が non-nil ならポイントから *pos を追加して stat プロパティを戻す."
(let ((stat (get-text-property (point) 'stat)))
(and mark stat (cons `(*pos nil . ,(point)) stat))))
(defun playall-tags-buffer (mode)
"`wtag-view-mode' buffer から MODE 番号のトラックのタグリストのリストを戻す.
変数 `wtag-music-play-next' がセットされていれば、
MODE が 0 以下ならすべてのファイルのリストを戻す.
(let ((mark-buff (wtag-buffer-mark-p "*"))
album files)
((< mode 1) ;; all files.
(if (zerop mode)
(goto-char (point-min)))
(while (not (eobp))
(push (playall-pget-music-tags
(or (null mark-buff) (wtag-mark-p "*")))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (wtag-common-area-p)
(forward-line -1)
(while (< 0 mode)
(setq mode (1- mode)))
(push (playall-pget-music-tags t) files)
(when wtag-music-play-next
(when (numberp wtag-music-play-next)
(sleep-for wtag-music-play-next))
(reverse (delq nil files))))
(defvar playall-now nil "Work variable.")
(define-fringe-bitmap 'playall-fringe [128 192 224 240 248 252 254 255])
(defface playall-now
'((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
"Playall now mark face."
:group 'playall-faces)
(defface playall-mode-line nil
"Playall mode line face."
:group 'playall-faces)
(defun playall-shade (pos)
"POS に日除けをおろす."
(unless (playall-directory-style-p)
(with-current-buffer (playall-pget :buffer)
(let (beg end)
(goto-char pos)
(setq beg (line-beginning-position)
end (line-end-position))
(and playall-now (delete-overlay playall-now))
(setq playall-now (make-overlay beg (1+ beg)))
playall-now 'before-string
(propertize "." 'display '(left-fringe playall-fringe playall-now)))
(setq playall-overlays
(make-overlay beg end (current-buffer))
beg end)
'face 'playall-shade))))))
(defun playall-reshade ()
(dolist (ov playall-overlays)
(move-overlay (car ov) (nth 1 ov) (nth 2 ov))))
(defun playall-shuffle (lst)
"LST をシャッフルした新たなリストを戻す."
(let (result)
(random t)
(while lst
(push (nth (random (length lst)) lst) result)
(setq lst (cl-remove (car result) lst :test #'equal :count 1)))
(defun playall-at-pos ()
"`wtag-vuew-mode' バッファのポイントが指しているトラック番号を戻す.
(if (wtag-common-area-p)
(1+ (- (line-number-at-pos) wtag-beginning-line-of-track))))
(defun playall-stop ()
"プロセスを停止するが残りの Play list をクリアしない.
C-u \\[playall-kill] と等価."
(playall-kill 'keep))
(defun playall-kill (&optional prefix final)
"`wtag-process-name' の後始末.
PREFIX が在れば再開時継続利用する変数は初期化しない.
FINAL が non-nil なら `playall-kill-hook' を実行する.'"
(interactive "P")
(let ((ps wtag-process)
(kill "Stop"))
(and (get-process wtag-process-name)
(delete-process (get-process wtag-process-name)))
(setq wtag-process nil)
(and (memq 'playall-title global-mode-string)
(setq global-mode-string
(delq 'playall-title global-mode-string)))
(setq playall-title nil)
(playall-pset :timer nil)
(unless prefix
(playall-pset :buffer nil)
(playall-pset :directory nil)
(playall-pset :next nil)
(dolist (ov playall-overlays)
(delete-overlay (car ov)))
(and playall-now (delete-overlay playall-now))
(setq playall-overlays nil
kill "Kill"))
(or (playall-directory-style-p)
(remove-hook 'wtag-init-hook #'playall-reshade))
(and final (run-hooks 'playall-kill-hook))
(and ps (message "%s music play process." kill))))
(defun playall-init (mode)
"MODE に トラックナンバーを指定しテーブルをイニシャライズ.
0 なら総トラック, 負ならシャッフルで初期化される."
(let ((mode (if playall-play-mode-invert
(cond ((zerop mode) -1) ((< mode 0) 0) (t mode))
(func (if (playall-directory-style-p)
;; (and wtag-process (playall-kill))
(and (playall-pget :process) (playall-kill))
(playall-pset :buffer (or (playall-pget :buffer) (current-buffer)))
(playall-pset :directory (or (playall-pget :directory) default-directory))
(or (playall-pget :next)
(playall-pset :next
(if (> 0 mode)
(playall-shuffle (funcall func mode))
(funcall func mode))))
(or (playall-directory-style-p)
(add-hook 'wtag-init-hook #'playall-reshade))))
(defun playall-assq-cddr (sym lst)
"LST 中の SYM の cdr の cdr を返す."
(cddr (assq sym lst)))
(defun playall-read-tags (file)
"FILE の tag list を戻す list には `filename' tags が追加される."
(let ((result (mf-tag-read-alias file (mf-read-size file) t)))
(cons `(filename nil . ,file) result)))
(defun playall-tags-directory (mode)
"`mf-lib-suffix-all' にマッチするファイル名をリストで戻す.
MODE を見ている箇所は今は使われていないが暫定的に残されている."
(let ((result (directory-files
default-directory t (mf-re-suffix mf-lib-suffix-all))))
(if (< 0 mode)
(catch 'out
(dolist (a result)
(if (string-match
"\\`0?[0-9][0-9]?[- _]" (file-name-nondirectory a))
(throw 'out (list a)))))
(defun playall-tags-directory-rec (&optional dummy)
"`playall-tags-directory' の再帰版.
DUMMY はダミー."
(directory-files-recursively default-directory (mf-re-suffix mf-lib-suffix-all)))
(defun playall-process-buffer ()
"Process log buffer を開く."
(pop-to-buffer wtag-process-name)
(defun playall-spec ()
"`playall-format' にで使うスペシャルキャラのテーブル."
`((?f . ,file)
(?T . ,(wtag-format playall-time-format time))
(?C . ,codec)
(?B . ,brate)
(?A . ,album)
(?a . ,artist)
(?t . ,title)
(?n . ,track)
(?g . ,genre)
(?y . ,year)
(?% . "%"))))
(defvar playall-id2codec-table
'(("ID3\1" . "mp3") ("ID3\2" . "mp3") ("ID3\3" . "mp3") ("ea3\3" . "oma")))
(defun playall-id2codec (id)
"コーデック ID の変名を戻す."
(or (assoc-default id playall-id2codec-table) id))
(defun playall-music-directory (dir)
"DIR に `playall-players' に設定された拡張子のファイルが在れば t."
(and (file-accessible-directory-p dir)
(catch 'out
(dolist (regexp (mapcar #'car playall-players))
(if (directory-files dir t regexp)
(throw 'out t))))))
(defun playall-next ()
(if (playall-pget :next)
(playall 0)
(error "No next music")))
(defalias 'dpall #'directory-playall)
(defun directory-playall (dir &optional prefix)
"DIR 下の `mf-lib-suffix-all' を Play all.
PREFIX で Shuffle."
(let* ((dir (playall-pget :directory)))
(setq dir
(if (or (null dir) (not (equal dir default-directory)))
(read-directory-name "Directory: ")
(list dir current-prefix-arg)))
(when (or (null (playall-pget :next))
(not (eq (playall-pget :directory) dir)))
(playall-pset :style 'directory)
;; (playall-pset :directory dir)
(unless (playall-music-directory dir) (error "No music file"))
(playall-minor-mode 1)
(playall (if prefix -1 0) t))
(defun wtag-playall (prefix)
"`wtag-view-mode' で Play all.
PREFIX で Shuffle."
(list (and current-prefix-arg
(prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))
(let ((next (playall-pget :next)))
(when (or (null next)
(not (eq (playall-pget :buffer) (current-buffer))))
(setq next nil))
(playall-pset :style 'wtag)
;; (playall-pset :buffer (current-buffer))
(when (and next (and prefix (< 1 prefix)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (+ prefix wtag-beginning-line-of-track)))
(playall (or (if next 0 prefix) (playall-at-pos)) t)))
(defun playall-filter (prc str)
PRC 番号と STR."
(if (string-match "error: .+valid MPEG header" str)
(message "%s had the event '%s'" prc str))
(when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer prc))
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer prc)
(let ((pos (= (point) (process-mark prc)))
(goto-char (process-mark prc))
(insert str)
(set-marker (process-mark prc) (point)))
(if pos (goto-char (process-mark prc))))))))
(defun playall (&optional mode init)
"`wtag-view-mode' の曲を `playall-players' で設定されたアプリで再生.
MODE 番号のトラックを再生する.省略するとトラック 1になる.
0 ならすべてのトラックを連続再生し、マイナス値ならシャッフルプレイする.
INITが non-nil なら強制的に初期化.
(let ((mode (if (null current-prefix-arg)
(prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))
(playall-init mode)
(list mode)))
(and init (playall-init mode))
(run-hooks 'playall-init-after-hook)
(when global-mode-string
(or (memq 'playall-title global-mode-string)
(setq global-mode-string
(append global-mode-string (list 'playall-title)))))
(when (playall-pget :next)
(let* ((stat (car (playall-pget :next)))
(stat (if (atom stat) (playall-read-tags stat) stat))
(file (playall-assq-cddr 'filename stat))
(time (car (playall-assq-cddr '*time stat)))
(codec (playall-id2codec (playall-assq-cddr '*type stat)))
(brate (cadr (playall-assq-cddr '*time stat)))
(album (playall-assq-cddr 'album stat))
(artist (playall-assq-cddr 'artist stat))
(title (playall-assq-cddr 'title stat))
(track (playall-assq-cddr 'track stat))
(genre (playall-assq-cddr 'genre stat))
(year (playall-assq-cddr 'year stat))
(pos (playall-assq-cddr '*pos stat))
(app (assoc-default file playall-players #'string-match))
(prog (car app))
(opt (cdr app))
(name wtag-process-name)
(now (format-spec playall-format (playall-spec))))
(unless app (error "Invalid file `%s'" file))
(setq playall-title
'face 'playall-mode-line
'help-echo now
(make-mode-line-mouse-map 'mouse-1 #'playall-minor-mode-menu-map)
'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight))
(playall-pset :next (cdr (playall-pget :next)))
(and (get-process wtag-process-name)
(delete-process wtag-process-name))
(setq wtag-process
(message "%s" playall-title)
(and (> 1 mode) (playall-shade pos))
(apply #'start-process name name prog (append opt (list file)))))
(set-process-filter wtag-process #'playall-filter)
(playall-pset :timer
(if (playall-pget :next)
(run-with-timer time nil #'playall mode)
(run-with-timer time nil #'playall-kill nil 'final))))))
(defvar playall-minor-mode-menu-map
(let ((menu (make-sparse-keymap "Playall Minor Mode")))
(define-key menu [playall-process-buffer] '("Log" . playall-process-buffer))
(define-key menu [playall-kill] '(menu-item "Kill" playall-kill))
(define-key menu [playall-stop] '(menu-item "Stop" playall-stop))
(define-key menu [playall-next] '("Next" . playall-next))
(define-key menu [directory-playall] '("Play" . directory-playall))
(fset 'playall-minor-mode-menu-map playall-minor-mode-menu-map)
(defvar playall-minor-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "\C-c[n" #'playall-next)
(define-key map "\C-c[s" #'playall-stop)
(define-key map "\C-c[k" #'playall-kill)
(define-key map "\C-c[l" #'playall-process-buffer)
(define-key map "\C-c[p" #'directory-playall)
(define-key map [menu-bar play] (cons "Playall" playall-minor-mode-menu-map))
(define-minor-mode playall-minor-mode
"Playall Minor Mode."
:global t :group 'music-file :lighter " Playall")
(defvar playall-log-mode-font-lock
'(("\\([A-Z][a-z]+:\\)[ ]" 1 'link)))
(define-derived-mode playall-log-mode fundamental-mode "Play-log"
"Play log mode."
(setq-local font-lock-defaults (list playall-log-mode-font-lock))
(define-key playall-log-mode-map "q" #'quit-window))
(provide 'playall)
;;; playall.el ends here
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