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Last active June 13, 2017 15:07
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Authentication (for clients only)

Contact us to get your API token.

Ensure that your token is included in each request in the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header.

POST /api/v1/dev_sites/sync

Creates or updates a dev site record for each of the dev site objects provided.


The body of your request must include the following field:

  • dev_sites (required): the array of objects that represent the dev sites to be added or updated.

Each dev site object should contain the following fields:

  • dev_site_id (required): a unique ID or file number for the site
  • ward (required): the name of the ward where the site is located
  • municipality (required): the name of the municipality where the dev site is located
  • build_type (optional): the building type
  • title (optional): the title of the site
  • description (optional): description of the site
  • ward_councillor_email (optional): a valid email address for the ward councillor
  • urban_planner_name (optional): the name of the planner for this site
  • urban_planner_email (optional): a valid email address for the planner for this site
  • applicant (optional): the name of the applicant
  • on_behalf_of (optional): the name of the organization or company behind the application
  • received_date (optional): the date on which the application was received in the format DD/MM/YYYY
  • active_at (optional): the date on which the application is deemed complete DD/MM/YYYY
  • addresses_attributes (required): an array of one object representing the address of the site
    • street (required): the street address
    • city (required): the name of the city
    • province_state (optional): the name of the province or state
    • country (optional): the name of the country
  • application_types_attributes (required): an array of objects containing the name of the application types applying to this site.
  • meetings_attributes (optional): an array of objects containing the meetings relevant to this site. Each meeting object should contain:
    • meeting_type (required): either public or council
    • time (required): the date and time of the meeting, in the format DD/MM/YYYY-HH:MM
    • location (required): the address for the meeting
  • statuses_attributes (required): an array of objects containing:
    • status (required): name of the status of the site
    • status_date (required): the date the status became active`


  "dev_sites": [{
    "dev_site_id": "S987Z7",
    "ward": "Ward 1",
    "municipality": "Guelph",
    "build_type": "Derelict",
    "title": "123 Fake St.",
    "description": "New subdivision on 123 Fake St.",
    "ward_councillor_email": "",
    "urban_planner_email": "",
    "urban_planner_name": "Jane Planner",
    "applicant": "Awesome Applicant",
    "on_behalf_of": "Buildings & Co",
    "received_date": "June 1, 2017",
    "active_at": "June 8, 2017",
    "application_types_attributes": [{
        "name": "Site Plan Approval"
        "name": "Plan of Subdivision"
    "meetings_attributes": [{
        "meeting_type": "public",
        "time": "Tue, 27 Jun 2017 19:15:54 +0000",
        "location": "123 Fake St."
        "meeting_type": "council",
        "time": "Tue, 27 Jun 2017 19:15:54 +0000",
        "location": "123 Fake St."
    "statuses_attributes": [{
      "status": "Application File Pending",
      "status_date": "June 7, 2017"
    "addresses_attributes": [
      { "street": "123 Fake St" }

The response will contain a results object that has a failed array and success array. For each site that was successfully updated, there will be an object in the success array that has the dev_site_id, and status of the site (either created or updated. The failed array contains objects representing any sites that were not updated. The object contains the dev_site_id, status (it will be error), and message which explains the error.

Example of result
  "results": {
    "failed": [],
    "success": [{
      "dev_site_id": "test-id",
      "status": "created"

No authentication necessary

GET /dev_sites

Returns a collections of development sites, ordered by ward number.

  • limit (optional): The limit of development site you want returned. Default is 20 if the page is set.
  • page (optional): The page number of development site. Default is 0 if the limit is set.

Note: if limit and page are both bot provided then all development sites are returned.


Array of development sites. Check out the result of /dev_sites/:id

Get /dev_sites/:id

Returns a development site.

  • id : The id of the development site.
        "application_type":"Site Plan Control",
        "status":"Application Approved",
        "status_date":"June 20, 2014",
        "address":"1234 Prestone Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada",
        "description":"New single storey addition to existing one storey brick and siding clad",
        "image_url":" Prestone Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada&key=AIzaSyAwocEz4rtf47zDkpOvmYTM0gmFT9USPAw",
        "updated_at":"2016-07-15 22:54:09 UTC",
                "street":"1234 Prestone Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada"
                "status":"Comment Period in Progress",
                "status_date":"2013-12-12 00:00:00 UTC"
                "status":"Application on Hold",
                "status_date":"2014-01-21 00:00:00 UTC"
                "status":"Application Approved",
                "status_date":"2014-06-20 00:00:00 UTC"
GET /dev_sites/:id/images

Returns an array of images that have uploaded via Milieu.

  • id : The id of the development site.
GET /events

Returns a collections of events.

  • limit (optional): The limit of events you want returned. Default is 20 if the page is set.
  • page (optional): The page number of events. Default is 0 if the limit is set.

Note: if limit and page are both not provided then all events are returned.


Array of events. Check out the result of /dev_sites/:id

Get /events/:id

Returns a event.

  • id : The id if the event.
    "title":"Armstrong Street Area Consultation Walkabout",
    "description":"The public is invited to join Councillor Jeff Leiper...",
    "location":"294 Carruthers Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Y 2Y8",
    "contact_tel":" 6135802424 ex 28884",
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