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Forked from drejohnson/
Created December 5, 2018 07:11
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basic reasonml binding for lit-html. WIP
/* Works but props not added to values array */
let sayHello = name =>
<h1>Hello $(name) </h1>
<span>This is nested</span>
/* Works as intended but uses bs.raw ...yuck! */
let hello = [%raw
(name) => LitHtml.html`
<h1>Hello ${name}!</h1>
<span>This is nested</span>
Js.log(hello(. "World"));
external _getElementById : string => Dom.element = "document.getElementById";
let elementId = _getElementById("app");
LitHtml.render(hello(. "World"), elementId);
type templateResult;
// should have 2nd arg for values thats an array that holds prop values
[@bs.module "lit-html"]
external html_ : (. array(string)) => templateResult = "html";
[@bs.module "lit-html"]
external render : (templateResult, Dom.element) => unit = "render";
[@bs.val] [@bs.return nullable]
external _getElementById : string => option(Dom.element) =
let html = htmlString => html_(. [|htmlString|]);
let renderWithId = (templateResult, id) =>
switch (_getElementById(id)) {
| None =>
"LitHtml.renderToElementWithId : no element of id "
++ id
++ " found in the HTML!",
| Some(element) => render(templateResult, element)
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