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Last active October 4, 2018 21:34
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RCloud install on Ubuntu
## This script is intended to be run on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS
## as an automated way to install basic RCloud without metadata services
## mainly to boostrap compute note VMs
## Author: Simon Urbanek <>
## License: MIT
## install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gcc g++ gfortran libcairo-dev libreadline-dev libxt-dev libjpeg-dev \
libicu-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev subversion git automake make libtool \
libtiff-dev gettext redis-server rsync curl libxml2-dev python-dev r-base-dev
## we install everything in /data -- could be a volume or create it
if [ ! -e /data ]; then
sudo mkdir /data
sudo chown $USER /data
## we don't want to be installing anything as root, so make sure
## the current admin user can write in the local site library
SITELIB=`Rscript -e 'cat(.libPaths()[1])'`
sudo chown $USER "$SITELIB"
## ok, now get RCloud sources
cd /data
git clone
cd rcloud
## install all RCloud dependencies
sh scripts/
## this is not needed for released versions, but is needed for devel checkouts
## due to a bug in Ubuntu 18.04 just installing npm breaks so this is a work-around
sudo apt-get install -y npm node-gyp nodejs-dev libssl1.0-dev
## install notejs modules needed in RCloud
npm install
## build all packages and artifacts
sh scripts/
## NOTE: $HOST must be set to the externally visible hostname or IP-address
if [ -z "$HOST" ]; then HOST=`curl -s`; fi
## also the host is assumed to have `rc-meta` entry in `/etc/hosts`
## for the metadata server
## Create a configuration file with user authentication (SKS using PAM),
## and using gist service:
cat > conf/rcloud.conf <<EOF
Host: $HOST
github.api.url: http://rc-meta:13020/
rcs.engine: redis rc-meta:6990
solr.url: http://rc-meta:8983/solr/rcloudnotebooks
Exec.auth: pam
Exec.match.user: login
Exec.anon.user: nobody
HTTP.user: www-data default
github.client.secret: X
session.server: http://rc-meta:4301
github.auth: exec.token
github.auth.forward: /login_successful.R
rcloud.alluser.addons: rcloud.viewer, rcloud.enviewer,, rcloud.htmlwidgets, rcloud.rmd, rcloud.flexdashboard, rcloud.jupyter.notebooks, rcloud.shiny
rcloud.languages: rcloud.r, rcloud.rmarkdown,
compute.separation.modes: IDE
rational.githubgist: true
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