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Last active December 30, 2015 18:39
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
import random
import re
import threading
import time
import sys
class JokeSorts:
def _check(cls, unsorted):
iter(unsorted) # raises a TypeError if not iterable
for i in unsorted:
if not isinstance(i, (int, long)):
raise TypeError("elements must be ints or longs")
def _is_sorted(cls, unsorted):
n = None
for i in unsorted:
if n != None and i < n:
return False
n = i
return True
def sleep(cls, unsorted):
lock = [False]
n_timers = [0]
sorted_ = list()
def put(i, n_timers):
while lock[0] == True:
lock[0] = True
n_timers[0] -= 1
lock[0] = False
for i in unsorted:
n_timers[0] += 1
threading.Timer(i / 100., put, args=(i, n_timers)).start()
while n_timers[0] > 0:
return sorted_
def bogo(cls, unsorted, efficient=False):
sorted_ = list(unsorted[:])
while not cls._is_sorted(sorted_):
unsorted = sorted_
sorted_ = []
while len(unsorted) > 0:
sorted_ += [unsorted.pop(random.randint(0, len(unsorted) - 1))]
if efficient:
if cls._is_sorted(reversed(sorted_)):
return sorted_
def efficient_bogo(cls, unsorted):
return cls.bogo(unsorted, efficient=True)
def random(cls, unsorted, efficient=False):
return cls.bogo(unsorted, efficient)
def efficient_random(cls, unsorted):
return cls.random(unsorted, efficient=True)
def string(cls, unsorted, string=None, efficient=False):
if string == None:
string = "YOUR FACE "
unsorted = list(unsorted[:])
sorted_ = []
negatives = []
# convert everything in unsorted to strings and keep track of the negatives
for i in range(len(unsorted)):
negatives += [unsorted[i] < 0]
unsorted[i] = (string + " ") * (abs(unsorted[i]) + 1)
# Get rid of the trailing space
if efficient:
unsorted[i] = unsorted[i][:-1]
unsorted[i] = unsorted[i].strip()
# selection sort; we obviously don't care about efficiency :P
sorted_ = unsorted[:]
for i in range(len(sorted_)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(sorted_)):
n_i = -len(sorted_[i]) if negatives[i] else len(sorted_[i])
n_j = -len(sorted_[j]) if negatives[j] else len(sorted_[j])
if n_i > n_j:
tmp = sorted_[i]
sorted_[i] = sorted_[j]
sorted_[j] = tmp
tmp = negatives[i]
negatives[i] = negatives[j]
negatives[j] = tmp
# convert strings to numbers by dividing the length of the sorted string
# plus 1 by the length of the base string plus the space separating each
# occurrence of the base string, then subtracting 1 from that result to
# account for the fact that there is no trailing space at the end. Then
# we generate the string again using that number, compare the two strings,
# and if they don't match, then fall back to an algorithm that works by
# keeping a counter, building a temporary string, comparing the strings,
# and storing the counter when the strings match.
# The end result from either algorithm is negated if necessary.
for i in range(len(sorted_)):
n = ((len(sorted_[i]) + 1) / len(string + " ")) - 1
s = (string + " ") * (n + 1)
if efficient:
s = s[:-1]
s = s.strip()
if not efficient or sorted_[i] != s:
s = string.strip() if not efficient else string
n = 0
while s != sorted_[i]:
n += 1
s += " " + (string.strip() if not efficient else string)
sorted_[i] = n
if negatives[i]:
sorted_[i] = -n
return sorted_
def efficient_string(cls, unsorted, string=None):
return cls.string(unsorted, string=string, efficient=True)
def _main(cls, argv):
usage = "Usage: %s {algorithm} [-e|--efficient] test|{number [...]}\n" % argv[0]
usage += "Algorithms: sleep, bogo/random, string"
if len(argv) < 3:
print >> sys.stderr, usage
return 2
algorithm = argv[1].replace("-", "_")
if algorithm.startswith("_") or not callable(getattr(cls, algorithm, None)):
print >> sys.stderr, usage
return 2
sort = getattr(cls, algorithm)
if argv[2] in ("-e", "--efficient"):
nums = argv[3:]
efficient_sort = getattr(cls, "efficient_" + algorithm, None)
if efficient_sort:
sort = efficient_sort
print >> sys.stderr, "warning: no efficient implementation of %s sort" % algorithm
nums = argv[2:]
if nums[0] == "test":
unsorted = (9,3,6,1,7,2,8,2,10,324,2432,234)
unsorted = [(int(i) if re.match(r"^-?[0-9]+$", i) else i) for i in nums]
print sort(unsorted)
except TypeError as exc:
print >> sys.stderr, exc
return 2
def main(argv):
return JokeSorts._main(argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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