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Created July 3, 2020 00:39
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This snippet finds the largest square area within a matrix with consisting of 1s.
import Foundation
import XCTest
typealias Matrix = [[Int]]
/// This function alias is used when a position is given:
/// And we'd like to check if we can go to a neighbor of it
/// And if we can go to the neighbor, what's the value of the neighbor
/// An example is usage:
/// ```
/// let matrix = [
/// [0, 0, 0],
/// [1, 1, 1],
/// [1, 1, 0
/// ]
/// let position = Position(row:0, col:0)
/// let (canGo, valueOfRightNeighbor) = position.hasRightNeighbor(in:matrix)
/// print(canGo) // prints true
/// print(valueOfRightNeighbor) // prints 0
/// let allMovements = position.allMovementsPossible // returns bunch of movements, top, left etc.
/// for move in allMovements {
/// print(move(matrix)) => prints (Bool, Int?) result
/// }
/// ```
typealias CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType = (canMove: Bool, valueOfNeighbor:Int?)
typealias CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionType =
((Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType)
// MARK: - ProductType
/// Represents product types
enum ProductType: Int {
case nonDefect = 0
case defect = 1
// MARK: - Position
/// Represents a position in two dimensional matrix
struct Position: Equatable, Comparable {
// MARK: - Properties
let row: Int
let col: Int
// MARK: - Equatable
static func == (lhs: Position, rhs: Position) -> Bool {
return lhs.row == rhs.row && lhs.col == rhs.col
// MARK: - Comparable
static func < (lhs: Position, rhs: Position) -> Bool {
return lhs.row < rhs.row || lhs.col < rhs.col
// This solution uses diagonal right bottom advancement algorithm. Hence, only enabled moves
// are right, bottom, and bottom right.
func allMovementsPossible(in matrix:Matrix) -> [CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionType] {
return [
func thElement(in matrix:Matrix) -> Int {
return matrix[row][col]
func hasLeftNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row, col: col - 1) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row][col - 1])
func hasTopLeftNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row - 1, col: col - 1) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row-1][col - 1])
func hasTopNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row - 1, col: col) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row-1][col])
func hasTopRightNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row - 1, col: col + 1) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row-1][col+1])
func hasRightNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row, col: col + 1) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row][col+1])
func hasBottomRightNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row + 1, col: col + 1) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row+1][col+1])
func hasBottomNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row + 1, col: col) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row+1][col])
func hasBottomLeftNeighbor(in matrix: Matrix) -> CanMoveValueOfMoveFromPositionFunctionReturnType {
guard Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: row + 1, col: col - 1) else {
return (false, nil)
return (true, matrix[row+1][col-1])
static func checkIfIndicesAreValid(in matrix: Matrix, row: Int, col: Int) -> Bool {
guard (row >= 0) && (row < matrix.count) else { return false }
guard (col >= 0) && (col < matrix[row].count) else { return false }
return true
// MARK: - Area
/// Represents an area
struct Area: Equatable {
/// `startPos` is the starting position of an area e.g. 0, 0
let startPos: Position
/// `endPos` is the ending position of an area e.g. 5, 5
let endPos: Position
// MARK: - Result
/// Represents a result object
struct Result: Equatable {
/// `largestSquareArea` returns the largest square area found in a matrix which is consisting all of defect products.
let largestSquareArea: Int
/// `areas` returns the all areas which are square (at least 2x2) and consisting of all of defect products.
let areas: [Area] // for debugging purposes
static var invalid: Result {
return Result(largestSquareArea: -1, areas: [])
// MARK: Solution
final class Solution {
// MARK: - Properties
private let matrix: Matrix
// MARK: - Lifecycle
init(matrix: Matrix) {
self.matrix = matrix
/// Returns the largest square area consisting all of the `ProductType.defect` product type
func largestSquareDefectArea(matrix: Matrix) -> Result {
// Empty matrix given
guard !matrix.isEmpty else { return .invalid }
// Number of rows and columns mismatch in the matrix
let isMatrixValid: Bool = matrix.reduce(true) { $0 && (matrix.count == $1.count) }
guard isMatrixValid else {
return .invalid
var areas: [Area] = []
let startingPosition = Position(row: 0, col: 0)
// Starting traversing the matrix from 0, 0
areas = exploreNearby(matrix: matrix,
// Running one final check to make sure all found areas actually consisting of
// defect product types
areas = areas.filter { confirmThat(the: $0, onlyHaving: .defect) }
// Finding the largest square in found list of areas
let (_, largestAreaLength) = findTheLargestArea(of: areas)
return Result(largestSquareArea: largestAreaLength, areas: areas)
/// Iterates over the matrix to find all combinations of a square
private func exploreNearby(matrix: Matrix, areas: inout [Area], offset:Int, startingPosition:Position) -> [Area] {
// _startingPosition is used internally as a temp variable
var _startingPosition = startingPosition
for i in (startingPosition.row)..<(matrix.count - 1) {
for j in (startingPosition.col)..<(matrix[i].count - 1) {
// Current starting position
_startingPosition = Position(row: i, col: j)
// Exploring deeper..
let maxPosition = exploreDeeper(matrix: matrix,
areas: areas,
offset: offset,
startingPosition: _startingPosition)
// If the found maxPosition is greater than the _startingPosition
// That means we progressed. So we're adding this area to our inout array
if maxPosition > _startingPosition {
areas.append(Area(startPos: _startingPosition, endPos: maxPosition))
} else {
return areas
/// This function recursively goes deeper until it does not find defect neighbors
private func exploreDeeper(matrix:Matrix, areas:[Area], offset:Int, startingPosition:Position) -> Position {
// First checking the immediate neighbors
let needsToGoDeeper = checkIfImmediateNeighborsAreAlsoDefect(matrix: matrix, curPos: startingPosition)
// If immediate neighbors mismatch, no need to go one level deeper
guard needsToGoDeeper else {
return startingPosition
// Checking if we can go bottom-right
guard startingPosition.hasBottomRightNeighbor(in: matrix).canMove else {
return startingPosition
let bottomRightPos = Position(row: startingPosition.row+1, col: startingPosition.col+1)
// Going deeper
return exploreDeeper(matrix: matrix,
areas: areas,
offset: offset,
startingPosition: bottomRightPos)
/// Checks if the immediate neighbors (window = 1), are also defect (1)
/// Example given with i = 1, j = 1:
/// 1 1 1
/// 0 1 1
/// 1 1 1
/// Compares (1,1) with (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1) and (2,2) elements and returns true if all of them are defect (1), false otherwise.
private func checkIfImmediateNeighborsAreAlsoDefect(matrix: Matrix, curPos:Position) -> Bool {
let currentElement = curPos.thElement(in: matrix)
// Safety check to make sure current element is actually defect
guard currentElement == ProductType.defect.rawValue else { return false }
// Iterating over all the neighbors
// top, top-right, right, right-bottom, bottom, bottom-left, left, top-left
// checking if we can move there
// if we can move there, moving there to check the value of it
return curPos.allMovementsPossible(in: matrix).reduce(true) { (acc, arg1) -> Bool in
let moveResult = arg1(matrix)
// If we cannot move we just yield same accumulation
guard moveResult.canMove else { return acc }
// If we can move to the neighbor, checking if we have the same value
return moveResult.valueOfNeighbor == currentElement
/// This function finds the largest area amongst a list of areas
private func findTheLargestArea(of areas:[Area]) -> (Area?, Int) {
var largestAreaLength: Int = -1
var largestArea: Area? = nil
for area in areas {
let lengthOfCurrentArea = length(ofThe: area)
if lengthOfCurrentArea >= largestAreaLength {
largestAreaLength = lengthOfCurrentArea
largestArea = area
return (largestArea, largestAreaLength)
/// This function finds the lenght of an area
/// using Start:(a,b), End:(c,d) => d - b
private func length(ofThe area:Area) -> Int {
return area.endPos.col - area.startPos.col + 1
/// This function runs after all potential areas are found but in some cases there are
/// underlooked elements and they need to be sent away such as:
/// [1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
/// [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
/// [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
/// [0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
/// [0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
/// Currently this algorithm explores diagonally and thinks that this is 5x5 defected square
/// which it is not
private func confirmThat(the area:Area, onlyHaving product:ProductType) -> Bool {
var areaComponents: [Int] = []
for i in area.startPos.row...area.endPos.row {
for j in area.startPos.col...area.endPos.col {
if Position.checkIfIndicesAreValid(in: matrix, row: i, col: j) {
return areaComponents.reduce(true) { $0 && $1 == product.rawValue }
// MARK: - Test Cases
final class LargestSquareDefectAreaTests: XCTestCase {
func testInvalidInput() {
let matrix = [
[1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 0]
let s = Solution(matrix: matrix)
let r = s.largestSquareDefectArea(matrix: matrix)
XCTAssertEqual(r.largestSquareArea, -1)
func testEmptyMatrix() {
let matrix: Matrix = [[]]
let s = Solution(matrix: matrix)
let r = s.largestSquareDefectArea(matrix: matrix)
XCTAssertEqual(r, Result.invalid)
XCTAssertEqual(r.largestSquareArea, -1)
func test4by4() {
let matrix = [
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1]
let s = Solution(matrix: matrix)
let r = s.largestSquareDefectArea(matrix: matrix)
XCTAssertEqual(r.largestSquareArea, 3)
func test6by6() {
let matrix = [
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
let s = Solution(matrix: matrix)
let r = s.largestSquareDefectArea(matrix: matrix)
XCTAssertEqual(r.largestSquareArea, 4)
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