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Last active August 19, 2023 02:29
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encrypt and decrypt
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $ perl decrypt $(perl encrypt 123 qaz) # 123 is the key and qaz is the plaintext
# qaz # qaz is the plaintext from the 123 ciphertext encryption
# $ key=123 ciphertext=08eaad9aec6b6ccba1067aa4de838dd3d5c6423024d5eb087a4e70cd32b9caba
# $ perl decrypt $key $ciphertext
# qaz
# $ perl decrypt 40bd001563085fc35165329ea1ff5c5ecbdbbeef40bd001563085fc35165329e $ciphertext
# qaz # 40b...29e is the actual key derived from 123 and used in the enc/dec
# # this allows a simple key of any length or a randomly generated complex key
# Now quickly share the ciphertext!
# $ key=123 plaintext=qaz
# $ perl e $key $plaintext | curl -F 'f:1=<-'
# 123 / 40bd001563085fc35165329ea1ff5c5ecbdbbeef40bd001563085fc35165329e # the key printed to STDERR
# # the URL the ciphertext was posted to
# $ perl d $key $(curl -s # the key and the URL the cipertext was posted to
# qaz # the decrypted plaintext!
# $ curl -s # see, it's just the ciphertext!
# 30e7f01c5b09cc8be9fd5a818e90e33de547b8f5661f3137974762cf54680734
# $ perl d $key 30e7f01c5b09cc8be9fd5a818e90e33de547b8f5661f3137974762cf54680734
# qaz # and as expected, the decrypted plaintext!
use 5.010;
use Crypt::CBC qw();
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);
my %cipher_options = (-cipher => 'Rijndael', -literal_key => 1, -header => 'none', -pbkdf =>'pbkdf2');
sub encrypt {
my $iv = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(16);
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(%cipher_options, -key => $_[0], -iv => $iv);
return $iv.$cipher->encrypt($_[1]);
sub decrypt {
my $iv = substr($_[1], 0, 16, '');
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(%cipher_options, -key => $_[0], -iv => $iv);
return $cipher->decrypt($_[1]);
my $mode = shift @ARGV;
if (substr($mode, 0, 1) eq 'e') {
my $key = $ARGV[0] ? substr(sha1_hex($ARGV[0]) x 2, 0, 64) : unpack('H*', Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(32));
printf STDERR "%s\n", $ARGV[0] ? "$ARGV[0] / $key" : $key;
printf "%s %s\n", ($ARGV[0] || $key), unpack("H*", encrypt(pack('H*', $key), join "\n", $ARGV[1] || <STDIN>));
elsif (substr($mode, 0, 1) eq 'd') {
my $key = $ARGV[0] =~ /^[0-9a-f]{64}$/ ? $ARGV[0] : substr(sha1_hex($ARGV[0]) x 2, 0, 64);
chomp(my $ciphertext = $ARGV[1] || <STDIN>);
printf "%s", decrypt(pack("H*", $key), pack("H*", $ciphertext));
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