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Created January 24, 2012 03:06
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chord.hs: Showing Diatonic Chords Tool
chord: Showing Diatonic Chords Tool
Chord is very simple haskell program which shows diatonic chords
from given key.
The following program/library are required.
- Haskell (hugs are tested but ghc also works)
- Parsec module
How to use:
1) run chord.hs
2) 'cc <key>' to select key
3) 'dia' shows diatonic chords
4) When finished, 'exit'.
Please see following
$ hugs chord.hs
Chord> main:
C>cc Cm
Cm7, Dm7(b5), D#M7, Fm7, Gm7, G#M7, A#7
Cm>cc D#m
D#m7, Fm7(b5), F#M7, G#m7, A#m7, BM7, C#7
D#m>cc F#
F#M7, G#m7, A#m7, BM7, C#7, D#m7, Fm7(b5)
module Chord
import Prelude
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Text.Printf
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Exception as Exp hiding (try, catch)
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List
-- for hugs98
-- import Char(isSpace, isAlpha, toUpper)
-- import Maybe (fromJust)
-- import List
{- for escaping "A" for string -}
newtype KeyType = Key String
deriving (Eq)
instance Show KeyType where
show (Key x) = x
instance Read KeyType where
readsPrec _ [] = []
readsPrec _ s = [(Key s, [])]
{- Chord structure -}
data Chord x = Maj x
| Min x
| Seventh x
| Maj7 x
| Min7 x
| HalfDim x
deriving (Eq)
instance (Show x) => Show (Chord x) where
show (Maj x) = show x
show (Min x) = show x ++ "m"
show (Seventh x) = show x ++ "7"
show (Maj7 x) = show x ++ "M7"
show (Min7 x) = show x ++ "m7"
show (HalfDim x) = show x ++ "m7(b5)"
instance (Read x) => Read (Chord x) where
readsPrec _ [] = []
readsPrec _ s = case (parse chordParse "" s) of
Left err -> []
Right xs -> [(xs, [])]
getKey (Maj x) = x
getKey (Min x) = x
getKey (Seventh x) = x
getKey (Maj7 x) = x
getKey (Min7 x) = x
getKey (HalfDim x) = x
numToRoman :: Int -> String
numToRoman n =
case n of
1 -> "I"
2 -> "II"
3 -> "III"
4 -> "IV"
5 -> "V"
6 -> "VI"
7 -> "VII"
8 -> "IIX"
-1 -> "???"
n -> "(" ++ (printf "%d"n) ++ ")"
replaceKey k (Maj x) = (Maj k)
replaceKey k (Min x) = (Min k)
replaceKey k (Seventh x) = (Seventh k)
replaceKey k (Maj7 x) = (Maj7 k)
replaceKey k (Min7 x) = (Min7 k)
replaceKey k (HalfDim x) = (HalfDim k)
-- Relative one. 1 => 0
-- maj_diatonic = [ Maj7 1, Min7 2, Min7 3, Maj7 4, Seventh 5, Min7 6, HalfDim 7]
maj_diatonic = [ Maj7 0, Min7 2, Min7 4, Maj7 5, Seventh 7,
Min7 9, HalfDim 11]
-- In Minor 3 and 6 and 7 are flatted.
-- min_diatonic4 = [ Min7 1, HalfDim 2, Maj7 3, Min7 4, Min7 5, Maj7 6, Seventh 7]
min_diatonic4 = [ Min7 0, HalfDim 2, Maj7 3, Min7 5,
Min7 7, Maj7 8, Seventh 10]
replaceChord (x, Just n) = (x, Just (replaceKey (Key (numToRoman n)) x))
replaceChord (x, Nothing) = (x, Nothing)
keylist_str = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B",
"C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
keylist = map (\x -> Key x) keylist_str
getBegin (h:t) key = if key == h then (h:t)
else getBegin t key
getBegin [] key = []
-- get index of "key" from "keyl"
findNth keyl key =
let listNth n (h:t) = if h == key then Just n
else listNth (n+1) t
listNth _ [] = Nothing
in listNth 1 keyl
{- or
findNth keyl key = (elemIndex keyl key) + 1
-- Parser (ID function)
checkKey (h:t) k = (h == k) || checkKey t k
checkKey [] k = False
-- parse chordListParse "" "Am Dm7 D#M7"
chordListParse :: Parser [Chord KeyType]
chordListParse = do
chords <- sepBy1 chordParse (skipMany1 (space <|> char ','))
return chords
-- parse chordParse "" "Am"
chordParse :: Parser (Chord KeyType)
chordParse = do c <- oneOf ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'];
do { char '#';
c' <- chordParse' (Key [toUpper(c), '#']);
if (checkKey keylist (Key [toUpper(c), '#'])) then
return c'
else unexpected "Not valid key (sharp/flat)"}
<|> do { c' <- chordParse' (Key [toUpper(c)]);
return c'}
<?> "unknown Keycode"
-- chordParse calls chordParse'
chordParse' :: KeyType -> Parser (Chord KeyType)
chordParse' x = do try (string "m7")
return (Min7 x)
<|> do string "M7"
return (Maj7 x)
<|> do string "m"
return (Min x)
<|> do string "7"
return (Seventh x)
<|> return (Maj x)
<?> "Chord adv"
-- getChordProgress (parseChordStr "C E7 F Gm7") "C"; <- missing
-- Parse Chord list, such as "C E7 F Gm7"
-- chordLParse "C E7 F Gm7"
chordLParse x = case (parse chordListParse "" x) of
Left err -> throw (ErrorCall "Parse failed.")
Right xs -> Just xs
-- get scale list from given chord
getScale :: Chord KeyType -> [KeyType]
getScale (Maj k) = foldr (\x y -> (keys !! x):y) [] nth
where nth = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]
keys = getBegin keylist k
getScale (Min k) = foldr (\x y -> (keys !! x):y) [] nth
where nth = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10]
keys = getBegin keylist k
getScale _ = throw (ErrorCall "Illegal scale")
-- get diatonic scale list from given chord
getDiatonic (Maj x) = map repkey maj_diatonic
where keys = getBegin keylist x
repkey = (\x -> replaceKey (keys !! (fromInteger . getKey) x) x)
getDiatonic (Min x) = map repkey min_diatonic4
where keys = getBegin keylist x
repkey = (\x -> replaceKey (keys !! (fromInteger . getKey) x) x)
getDiatonic _ = throw (ErrorCall "Illegal scale")
-- chordProgress "Cm" "C E7 F Gm7"
chordProgress x str = map f chords
where chords = fromJust (chordLParse str)
x' = case (parse chordParse "" x) of
Left err -> throw (ErrorCall "cannot parse")
Right x -> x
l = getScale x'
f = replaceChord . (\x -> (x, findNth l (getKey x)))
-- 4 degree
-- div 12
-- '5' is the index for perfect 4th
showFourDegree :: KeyType -> KeyType
showFourDegree x = (keys !! 5)
where keys = getBegin keylist x
--showFourDegree:: Chord KeyType -> [KeyType]
--showFourDegree (Maj x) =
-- getDegree chord nth (missing
data Command = Exit
| ChangeChord (Chord KeyType)
| GetScale
| GetDiatonic
| ShowHelp
instance Show Command where
show Exit = "exit"
show (ChangeChord s) = "changeChord "++(show s)
show GetScale = "getScale"
show GetDiatonic = "GetDiatonic"
printHelp = do
putStrLn "cc \"chord\""
putStrLn "scale"
putStrLn "dia"
putStrLn "exit"
putStrLn "help"
putStrLn "?"
commandParse :: Parser (Command)
commandParse = do try (string "exit")
return Exit
<|> do try (string "?")
return ShowHelp
<|> do try (string "help")
return ShowHelp
<|> do try (string "cc")
skipMany1 space
k <- chordParse
return (ChangeChord k)
<|> do try (string "scale")
return GetScale
<|> do try (string "dia")
return GetDiatonic
mainLoop :: (Chord KeyType) -> IO ()
mainLoop key = do
putStr ((show key)++">")
line <- getLine
case (parse commandParse "" line) of
Right Exit -> exitWith ExitSuccess
Right (ChangeChord x) -> mainLoop x
Right GetScale -> do { let keylist = map (\x -> show x) (getScale key)
in (putStrLn . concat . (intersperse ", "))
mainLoop key
Right GetDiatonic -> do { let keylist = map (\x -> show x) (getDiatonic key)
in (putStrLn . concat . (intersperse ", "))
mainLoop key
Right ShowHelp -> do { printHelp;
mainLoop key
Left err -> do { putStr "Parse error: " ;
print err;
mainLoop key
_ -> do putStrLn ("Unknown command: " ++ line)
mainLoop key
main = do
mainLoop (Maj (keylist !! 0))
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