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Last active May 29, 2018 11:19
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// Declare model class for the option
public class BoolOption: Option {
public typealias Handler = (Bool) -> Void
public var name: String
public internal(set) var value: Bool {
didSet {
public var onChangeHandler: Handler?
public init(name: String, initialValue: Bool, onChangeHandler: @escaping Handler) { = name
self.value = initialValue
self.onChangeHandler = onChangeHandler
// Declare UITableViewCell subclass in a different file for its representation
import UIKit.UITableViewCell
class BoolOptionCell: UITableViewCell, OptionCell {
@IBOutlet weak var optionName: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var `switch`: UISwitch!
internal var option: BoolOption?
@IBAction func optionDidChange(_ sender: UISwitch) {
self.option?.value = sender.isOn
public func configure(for option: Option) {
guard let boolOption = option as? BoolOption else {
fatalError("Wrong option was used for configuring the cell")
self.optionName.text =
self.switch.isOn = boolOption.value
self.option = boolOption
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