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Created January 15, 2013 09:22
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static ConcurrentHashMap<Object, CloseableThreadLocal<TermsEnum>> enums = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, CloseableThreadLocal<TermsEnum>>();
static CloseableThreadLocal<DocsAndPositionsEnum> docsAndPos = new CloseableThreadLocal<DocsAndPositionsEnum>();
// this works fine for nested docs since they don't have the payload which has the version
// so we iterate till we find the one with the payload
// LUCENE 4 UPGRADE: We can get rid of the do while loop, since there is only one _uid value (live docs are taken into account)
public static DocIdAndVersion loadDocIdAndVersion(AtomicReaderContext context, Term term) {
int docId = Lucene.NO_DOC;
try {
AtomicReader reader = context.reader();
CloseableThreadLocal<TermsEnum> closeableThreadLocal = enums.get(reader.getCoreCacheKey());
if (closeableThreadLocal == null) {
closeableThreadLocal = new CloseableThreadLocal<TermsEnum>();
enums.put(reader.getCoreCacheKey(), closeableThreadLocal);
TermsEnum termsEnum = closeableThreadLocal.get();
if (termsEnum == null) {
Terms terms = reader.terms(term.field());
termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);
final DocsAndPositionsEnum docsAndPositionsEnum = docsAndPos.get();
final DocsAndPositionsEnum uid = termsEnum == null ? null : termsEnum.docsAndPositions(reader.getLiveDocs(), docsAndPositionsEnum);
if (docsAndPositionsEnum == null && uid != null) {
if (uid == null || uid.nextDoc() == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
return null; // no doc
// Note, only master docs uid have version payload, so we can use that info to not
// take them into account
do {
docId = uid.docID();
if (uid.getPayload() == null) {
if (uid.getPayload().length < 8) {
byte[] payload = new byte[uid.getPayload().length];
System.arraycopy(uid.getPayload().bytes, uid.getPayload().offset, payload, 0, uid.getPayload().length);
return new DocIdAndVersion(docId, Numbers.bytesToLong(payload), context);
} while (uid.nextDoc() != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS);
return new DocIdAndVersion(docId, -2, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new DocIdAndVersion(docId, -2, context);
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