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Hello, cloud.

Simon Wirtz s1monw1

Hello, cloud.
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sealed interface Error // implementations in same package and module only
sealed class Mammal(val name: String)
class Cat(val catName: String) : Mammal(catName)
class Human(val humanName: String, val job: String) : Mammal(humanName)
fun greetMammal(mammal: Mammal): String {
return when (mammal) {
is Human -> "Hello ${}; You're working as a ${mammal.job}"
is Cat -> "Hello ${}"
fun greetMammal(mammal: Mammal): String {
return when (mammal) {
is Human -> "Hello ${}; You're working as a ${mammal.job}"
is Cat -> "Hello ${}"
else -> "Hello unknown creature"
// This does not compile because the `when` is not exhaustive
fun greetMammal(mammal: Mammal): String {
return when (mammal) {
is Human -> "Hello ${}; You're working as a ${mammal.job}"
is Cat -> "Hello ${}"
open class Mammal(val name: String)
class Cat(val catName: String) : Mammal(catName)
class Human(val humanName: String, val job: String) : Mammal(humanName)
context(PrintingScope, TimeScope)
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.customPrint() {
// ...
// get type in two different ways
val funType1: KFunction3<PrintingScope, TimeScope, Map<String, String>, Unit> =
Map<String, String>::customPrint
val mapping = mapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2, "c" to 3)
with(PrintingScope()) {
with(TimeScope()) {
class PrintingScope(
val separator: String = "________________"
class TimeScope {
fun getCurrentTime(): LocalTime =
context(PrintingScope, TimeScope)
class PrintingScope(
val separator: String = "________________"
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.customPrint() {
forEach { (k, v) ->
println("K: $k")
println("V: $v")
val mapping = mapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2, "c" to 3)
val customizer = PrintingCustomizer()
// usage