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Turboproof EE in JS
import * as assert from 'assert'
import BN = require('bn.js')
import { keccak256 } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { encode, decode } from 'rlp'
import { verifyMultiproof, decodeInstructions } from './multiproof'
interface TestSuite {
preStateRoot: Buffer
blockData: Buffer
interface BlockData {}
interface Account {
nonce: BN
balance: BN
stateRoot: Buffer
codeHash: Buffer
interface Tx {
toIdx: number
value: BN
nonce: BN
fromIdx: number
export function decodeBlockData(blockData: Buffer): any {
const d = decode(blockData)
return {
txes: d[0],
addrs: d[1],
multiproof: {
// @ts-ignore
hashes: d[2][0],
// @ts-ignore
keyvals: d[2][1],
// @ts-ignore
instructions: decodeInstructions(d[2][2]),
function decodeTx(raw: Buffer[]): Tx {
// TODO: How many addresses possible? is u8 enough for indices?
return {
toIdx: bufToU8(raw[0]),
value: new BN(raw[1]),
nonce: new BN(raw[2]),
fromIdx: bufToU8(raw[3]),
function bufToU8(b: Buffer): number {
// RLP decoding of 0 is empty buffer
if (b.length === 0) {
return 0
return b.readUInt8(0)
function decodeAccount(raw: Buffer): Account {
const d = decode(raw)
// @ts-ignore
return { nonce: new BN(d[0]), balance: new BN(d[1]), stateRoot: d[2], codeHash: d[3] }
function encodeAccount(acc: Account): Buffer {
return encode([
acc.nonce.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be'),
acc.balance.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be'),
export function main(testSuite: TestSuite): boolean {
const preStateRoot = testSuite.preStateRoot
const blockData = decodeBlockData(testSuite.blockData)
const addrs = blockData.addrs
const proof = blockData.multiproof
const updatedLeaves = new Array(blockData.multiproof.keyvals.length).fill(undefined)
for (const rawTx of blockData.txes) {
const tx = decodeTx(rawTx)
const fromIdx = tx.fromIdx
const toIdx = tx.toIdx
const encodedUnsignedTx = encode([addrs[toIdx], tx.value, tx.nonce])
const txHash = keccak256(encodedUnsignedTx)
// TODO: assert signature recovered address matches the given address
// const recoveredAddr = ecrecover(txHash, tx.sig)
// assert(addrs[fromIdx].equals(recoveredAddr))
// If `from` or `to` has been modified, use the updated version
let fromLeaf = proof.keyvals[fromIdx]
if (updatedLeaves[fromIdx] !== undefined) {
fromLeaf = updatedLeaves[fromIdx]
let toLeaf = proof.keyvals[toIdx]
if (updatedLeaves[toIdx] !== undefined) {
toLeaf = updatedLeaves[toIdx]
const decodedFrom = decode(fromLeaf)
const decodedTo = decode(toLeaf)
// @ts-ignore
const fromAcc = decodeAccount(decodedFrom[1])
// @ts-ignore
const toAcc = decodeAccount(decodedTo[1])
updatedLeaves[fromIdx] = encode([decodedFrom[0], encodeAccount(fromAcc)])
updatedLeaves[toIdx] = encode([decodedTo[0], encodeAccount(toAcc)])
const keys = Buffer) => keccak256(a))
return verifyMultiproof(preStateRoot, blockData.multiproof, keys)
import * as assert from 'assert'
import { decode, encode } from 'rlp'
import { keccak256 } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { Trie } from './baseTrie'
import { BranchNode, ExtensionNode, LeafNode, EmbeddedNode, decodeRawNode } from './trieNode'
import { stringToNibbles, nibblesToBuffer, matchingNibbleLength } from './util/nibbles'
import { addHexPrefix, removeHexPrefix } from './util/hex'
const promisify = require('util.promisify')
export enum Opcode {
Branch = 0,
Hasher = 1,
Leaf = 2,
Extension = 3,
Add = 4,
export enum NodeType {
Branch = 0,
Leaf = 1,
Extension = 2,
Hash = 3,
export interface Instruction {
kind: Opcode
value: number | number[]
export interface Multiproof {
hashes: Buffer[]
keyvals: Buffer[]
instructions: Instruction[]
export function verifyMultiproof(root: Buffer, proof: Multiproof, keys: Buffer[]): boolean {
const stack: any[] = []
const leaves = Buffer) => decode(l))
assert(leaves.length === keys.length)
let leafIdx = 0
let hashIdx = 0
const paths = new Array(leaves.length).fill(undefined)
for (const instr of proof.instructions) {
if (instr.kind === Opcode.Hasher) {
const h = proof.hashes[hashIdx++]
if (!h) {
throw new Error('Not enough hashes in multiproof')
stack.push([NodeType.Hash, [h, instr.value as number], []])
} else if (instr.kind === Opcode.Leaf) {
const l = leaves[leafIdx++]
if (!l) {
throw new Error('Expected leaf in multiproof')
// TODO: Nibble from prefix `digit`
// @ts-ignore
//stack.push([NodeType.Leaf, [l[0].slice(l[0].length - instr.value), l[1]]])
// Disregard leaf operand
stack.push([NodeType.Leaf, [l[0], l[1]], [leafIdx - 1]])
// @ts-ignore
paths[leafIdx - 1] = removeHexPrefix(stringToNibbles(l[0]))
} else if (instr.kind === Opcode.Branch) {
const n = stack.pop()
if (!n) {
throw new Error('Stack underflow')
const children = new Array(16).fill(null)
children[instr.value as number] = n
stack.push([NodeType.Branch, children, n[2].slice()])
for (let i = 0; i < n[2].length; i++) {
paths[n[2][i]] = [instr.value as number, ...paths[n[2][i]]]
} else if (instr.kind === Opcode.Extension) {
const n = stack.pop()
if (!n) {
throw new Error('Stack underflow')
stack.push([NodeType.Extension, [instr.value, n], n[2].slice()])
for (let i = 0; i < n[2].length; i++) {
paths[n[2][i]] = [...(instr.value as number[]), ...paths[n[2][i]]]
} else if (instr.kind === Opcode.Add) {
const n1 = stack.pop()
const n2 = stack.pop()
if (!n1 || !n2) {
throw new Error('Stack underflow')
assert(n2[0] === NodeType.Branch, 'expected branch node on stack')
assert(instr.value < 17)
n2[1][instr.value as number] = n1
n2[2] = Array.from(new Set([...n1[2], ...n2[2]]))
for (let i = 0; i < n1[2].length; i++) {
paths[n1[2][i]] = [instr.value as number, ...paths[n1[2][i]]]
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid opcode')
const r = stack.pop()
if (!r) {
throw new Error('Expected root node on top of stack')
let h = hashTrie(r)
// Special case, if trie contains only one leaf
// and that leaf has length < 32
if (h.length < 32) {
h = keccak256(encode(h))
// Assuming sorted keys
for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
const addr = nibblesToBuffer(paths[i])
return h.equals(root)
function hashTrie(node: any): Buffer {
const typ = node[0]
node = node[1]
if (typ === NodeType.Branch) {
const res = new Array(17).fill(Buffer.alloc(0))
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (node[i] === null) {
res[i] = hashTrie(node[i])
const e = encode(res)
if (e.length > 32) {
return keccak256(e)
} else {
return e
} else if (typ === NodeType.Leaf) {
const e = encode(node)
if (e.length > 32) {
return keccak256(e)
} else {
return node
} else if (typ === NodeType.Hash) {
// TODO: What if it's an embedded node with length === 32?
// Maybe try decoding and if it fails assume it's a hash
if (node[0].length < 32) {
// Embedded node, decode to get correct serialization for parent node
return decode(node[0])
return node[0]
} else if (typ === NodeType.Extension) {
const hashedNode = hashTrie(node[1])
node = [nibblesToBuffer(addHexPrefix(node[0], false)), hashedNode]
const e = encode(node)
if (e.length > 32) {
return keccak256(e)
} else {
return e
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid node')
export async function makeMultiproof(trie: Trie, keys: Buffer[]): Promise<Multiproof> {
if (keys.length === 0) {
return {
hashes: [trie.root],
keyvals: [],
instructions: [{ kind: Opcode.Hasher, value: 0 }],
const keysNibbles = []
for (const k of keys) {
return _makeMultiproof(trie, trie.root, keysNibbles)
async function _makeMultiproof(
trie: Trie,
rootHash: EmbeddedNode,
keys: number[][],
): Promise<Multiproof> {
let proof: Multiproof = {
hashes: [],
keyvals: [],
instructions: [],
let root
if (Buffer.isBuffer(rootHash)) {
root = await promisify(trie._lookupNode.bind(trie))(rootHash)
} else if (Array.isArray(rootHash)) {
// Embedded node
root = decodeRawNode(rootHash)
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected root')
if (root instanceof BranchNode) {
// Truncate first nibble of keys
const table = new Array(16).fill(undefined)
// Group target keys based by their first nibbles.
// Also implicitly sorts the keys.
for (const k of keys) {
const idx = k[0]
if (!table[idx]) table[idx] = []
let addBranchOp = true
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (table[i] === undefined) {
// Empty subtree, hash it and add a HASHER op
const child = root.getBranch(i)
if (child) {
proof.instructions.push({ kind: Opcode.Hasher, value: 0 })
// TODO: Make sure child is a hash
// what to do if embedded?
if (Buffer.isBuffer(child)) {
} else if (Array.isArray(child)) {
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid branch child')
if (addBranchOp) {
proof.instructions.push({ kind: Opcode.Branch, value: i })
addBranchOp = false
} else {
proof.instructions.push({ kind: Opcode.Add, value: i })
} else {
const child = root.getBranch(i) as Buffer
if (!child) {
throw new Error('Key not in trie')
const p = await _makeMultiproof(trie, child, table[i])
if (addBranchOp) {
proof.instructions.push({ kind: Opcode.Branch, value: i })
addBranchOp = false
} else {
proof.instructions.push({ kind: Opcode.Add, value: i })
} else if (root instanceof ExtensionNode) {
const extkey = root.key
// Make sure all keys follow the extension node
// and truncate them.
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const k = keys[i]
if (matchingNibbleLength(k, extkey) !== extkey.length) {
// TODO: Maybe allow proving non-existent keys
throw new Error('Key not in trie')
keys[i] = k.slice(extkey.length)
const p = await _makeMultiproof(trie, root.value, keys)
proof.instructions.push({ kind: Opcode.Extension, value: extkey })
} else if (root instanceof LeafNode) {
if (keys.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('Expected 1 remaining key')
if (matchingNibbleLength(keys[0], root.key) !== root.key.length) {
throw new Error("Leaf key doesn't match target key")
// TODO: Check key matches leaf's key
proof = {
hashes: [],
keyvals: [root.serialize()],
instructions: [{ kind: Opcode.Leaf, value: root.key.length }],
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected node type')
return proof
export function decodeMultiproof(raw: Buffer): Multiproof {
const dec = decode(raw)
assert(dec.length === 3)
return {
// @ts-ignore
hashes: dec[0],
// @ts-ignore
keyvals: dec[1],
// @ts-ignore
instructions: decodeInstructions(dec[2]),
export function encodeMultiproof(proof: Multiproof): Buffer {
return encode(rawMultiproof(proof))
export function rawMultiproof(proof: Multiproof): any {
return [proof.hashes, proof.keyvals, => [i.kind, i.value])]
export function decodeInstructions(instructions: Buffer[][]) {
const res = []
for (const op of instructions) {
switch (bufToU8(op[0])) {
case Opcode.Branch:
res.push({ kind: Opcode.Branch, value: bufToU8(op[1]) })
case Opcode.Hasher:
res.push({ kind: Opcode.Hasher, value: bufToU8(op[1]) })
case Opcode.Leaf:
res.push({ kind: Opcode.Leaf, value: bufToU8(op[1]) })
case Opcode.Extension:
// @ts-ignore
res.push({ kind: Opcode.Extension, value: op[1].map(v => bufToU8(v)) })
case Opcode.Add:
res.push({ kind: Opcode.Add, value: bufToU8(op[1]) })
return res
function bufToU8(b: Buffer): number {
// RLP decoding of 0 is empty buffer
if (b.length === 0) {
return 0
return b.readUInt8(0)
const assert = require('assert')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const BN = require('bn.js')
const Trie = require('../../dist').SecureTrie
const { verifyMultiproof, makeMultiproof, rawMultiproof } = require('../../dist/multiproof')
const Account = require('ethereumjs-account').default
const { keccak256, ecsign, stripZeros } = require('ethereumjs-util')
const { encode } = require('rlp')
const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')
async function main () {
const testSuite = await generateTestSuite()
async function generateTestSuite () {
const testSuite = {}
const trie = new Trie()
// Generate random accounts
let accounts = await generateAccounts(trie, 5000)
testSuite.preStateRoot = trie.root
// Generate txes
let [txes, addrs, multiproof, simulationData] = await generateTxes(trie, accounts, 70)
// Serialize witnesses and tx data
const blockData = encode([txes, addrs, rawMultiproof(multiproof)])
console.log(`block data length: ${blockData.length}`)
testSuite.blockData = blockData
// Apply txes on top of trie to compute post state root
for (tx of simulationData) {
await transfer(trie, tx)
testSuite.postStateRoot = trie.root
return testSuite
async function generateTxes (trie, accounts, count=50) {
let txes = []
let simulationData = []
const root = trie.root
const toProve = {}
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const from = accounts[i].address
const to = accounts[i + 1].address
const value = new BN('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ff', 16)
const nonce = new BN('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16)
simulationData.push({ from, to, value, nonce })
const fromAccount = await getAccount(trie, from)
const fromKey = from.toString('hex')
if (!toProve[fromKey]) {
toProve[fromKey] = []
toProve[fromKey].push({ txId: i, fieldIdx: 3 })
const toAccount = await getAccount(trie, to)
const toKey = to.toString('hex')
if (!toProve[toKey]) {
toProve[toKey] = []
toProve[toKey].push({ txId: i, fieldIdx: 0 })
const txRlp = encode([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32))])
const txHash = keccak256(txRlp)
const txSig = ecsign(txHash, accounts[i].privateKey)
assert(txSig.r.byteLength === 32)
assert(txSig.s.byteLength === 32)
assert(txSig.v < 256)
const v = new Uint8Array(1)
v[0] = txSig.v
const sigBytes = Buffer.concat([txSig.r, txSig.s, v], 65)
txes.push([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32)), from])
//txes.push([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32)), sigBytes])
//txes.push([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32)), [stripZeros(txSig.r), stripZeros(txSig.s), txSig.v]])
//txes.push([to, stripZeros(value.toBuffer('be', 32)), stripZeros(nonce.toBuffer('be', 32)), from])
// Make sure keys are unique and sort them
const unsortedAddrs = Object.keys(toProve).map((s) => Buffer.from(s, 'hex'))
const keys = => keccak256(a))
// Sort addresses based on their hashes.
// Naive algorithm
const sortedAddrs = new Array(keys.length).fill(undefined)
for (const a of unsortedAddrs) {
let idx = -1
const h = keccak256(a)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const k = keys[i]
if (h.equals(k)) {
idx = i
assert(idx >= 0)
sortedAddrs[idx] = a
const proof = await makeMultiproof(trie, keys)
// Verify proof is valid
assert(await verifyMultiproof(root, proof, keys))
// Modify txes and replace from and to addresses
// with their index in the keys array
for (let i = 0; i < sortedAddrs.length; i++) {
const addr = sortedAddrs[i]
const addrData = toProve[addr.toString('hex')]
for (const instance of addrData) {
txes[instance.txId][instance.fieldIdx] = i
return [txes, sortedAddrs, proof, simulationData]
async function transfer (trie, tx) {
let { from, to, value, nonce } = tx
const fromAcc = await getAccount(trie, from)
const toAcc = await getAccount(trie, to)
assert(new BN(fromAcc.balance).gte(value))
assert(new BN(fromAcc.nonce).eq(nonce))
const newFromBalance = new BN(fromAcc.balance).sub(value)
fromAcc.balance = newFromBalance.toBuffer()
fromAcc.nonce = nonce.addn(1).toBuffer()
const newToBalance = new BN(toAcc.balance).add(value)
toAcc.balance = newToBalance.toBuffer()
await putAccount(trie, from, fromAcc)
await putAccount(trie, to, toAcc)
async function generateAccounts (trie, count=500) {
let accounts = []
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let wallet = Wallet.generate()
let address = wallet.getAddress()
let privateKey = wallet.getPrivateKey()
let account = new Account()
account.balance = new BN('ffffff', 16).toBuffer()
await putAccount(trie, address, account)
return accounts
async function putAccount (trie, address, account) {
await promisify(trie.put.bind(trie))(address, account.serialize())
async function getAccount (trie, address) {
let raw = await promisify(trie.get.bind(trie))(address)
if (!raw) {
return new Account()
} else {
return new Account(raw)
function writeScoutConfig (data) {
const testSuite = {
'beacon_state': {
'execution_scripts': [
'shard_pre_state': {
'exec_env_states': [
'shard_blocks': [
{ env: 0, data: data.blockData.toString('hex') }
'shard_post_state': {
'exec_env_states': [
const serializedTestSuite = yaml.safeDump(testSuite)
fs.writeFileSync('turboproof.yaml', serializedTestSuite)
module.exports = {
const tape = require('tape')
const { main, decodeBlockData } = require('../dist/ee')
const { generateTestSuite } = require('../src/relayer/lib')
tape('turboproof ee', async t => {
const testSuite = await generateTestSuite()
// Only verifies multiproof, doesn't update trie
const isValid = main({ preStateRoot: testSuite.preStateRoot, blockData: testSuite.blockData })
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