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Last active February 28, 2022 17:48
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Fee history computation script for GraphQL
const { request, gql } = require('graphql-request')
const ethers = require('ethers')
const assert = require('assert')
const { writeFile } = require('fs/promises')
const endpoint = 'http://localhost:8545/graphql'
async function main() {
const count = parseInt(process.argv[2])
// Latest & pending are not supported
const lastBlock = parseInt(process.argv[3])
if (isNaN(lastBlock)) {
throw new Error("Last block should be a number")
let percentiles = []
if (process.argv[4] !== undefined) {
percentiles = process.argv[4].split(',').map((p) => parseInt(p.replace(/\s/g, '')))
// Sanity-check percentiles
for (let i = 0; i < percentiles.length; i++) {
const p = percentiles[i]
if (p < 0 || p > 100) {
throw new Error("Invalid percentile: " + p)
if (i > 0 && p < percentiles[i-1]) {
throw new Error("Percentiles need to be sorted")
const jr = await timeAsync('json-rpc requests', () => jsonrpc(count, lastBlock, percentiles))
const gr = await timeAsync('graphql request', () => graphql(count, lastBlock, percentiles))
assert.deepStrictEqual(gr, jr)
async function jsonrpc(count, lastBlock, percentiles) {
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider()
lastBlock = '0x' + lastBlock.toString(16)
return provider.send('eth_feeHistory', [count, lastBlock, percentiles])
async function graphql(count, lastBlock, percentiles) {
const getTip = percentiles.length == 0 ? '' : 'transactions { effectiveTip gasUsed gasPrice }'
const q = gql`
query feeHistory($from: Long!, $to: Long!) {
blocks (from: $from, to: $to) {
const from = (lastBlock - count) + 1
const res = await request(endpoint, q, { from: from.toString(), to: lastBlock.toString() })
const baseFees = []
const ratios = []
const rewards = []
for (let block of res.blocks) {
if (block.baseFeePerGas === null) {
// GraphQL endpoint returns null for pre-london blocks
block.baseFeePerGas = '0x0'
ratios.push(block.gasUsed / block.gasLimit)
if (percentiles.length === 0) {
const blockRewards = []
// Return an all zero row if there are no transactions to gather data from
if (block.transactions.length === 0) {
rewards.push(new Array(percentiles.length).fill('0x0'))
const tips = []
for (let tx of block.transactions) {
let tip
if (tx.effectiveTip === null) {
tip = tx.gasPrice - parseInt(block.baseFeePerGas.slice(2), 16)
} else {
tip = parseInt(tx.effectiveTip.slice(2), 16)
tips.push({tip: tip, gasUsed: tx.gasUsed})
tips.sort((a, b) => a.tip - b.tip)
let txIndex = 0
let sumGasUsed = tips[0].gasUsed
for (let i = 0; i < percentiles.length; i++) {
const p = percentiles[i]
const thresholdGasUsed = block.gasUsed * p / 100
while (sumGasUsed < thresholdGasUsed && txIndex < block.transactions.length-1) {
sumGasUsed += tips[txIndex].gasUsed
blockRewards[i] = '0x' + tips[txIndex].tip.toString(16)
const last = res.blocks[res.blocks.length-1]
if (last.nextBaseFeePerGas === null) {
last.nextBaseFeePerGas = '0x0'
const result = {
oldestBlock: '0x' + res.blocks[0].number.toString(16),
baseFeePerGas: baseFees,
gasUsedRatio: ratios,
if (percentiles.length > 0) {
result.reward = rewards
return result
async function timeAsync(msg, f) {
const start = process.hrtime.bigint()
const r = await f()
const till = process.hrtime.bigint()
console.log(`${msg} took ${(till-start)/1000000n}ms`)
return r
main().then().catch((err) => console.log(err))
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