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Forked from irsdl/
Created June 14, 2023 18:48
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Burp Python Scripter scripts
# ***********************************************replacer_for_python_scripter
import re,random
print callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag)
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Intruder" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
headers = requestInfo.getHeaders()
msgBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgBody)
randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
msg = re.sub(r'(name="hicEmail"\s+[^@]+)(@[^\s]+)',r'\g<1>' + str(randStr) + r'\g<2>',msg)
print msg
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
print "hoy hoy"
# ***********************************************replay before sending the request-python_scripter
print "hey hey - replay me before I go away!"
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater"):
callbacks.makeHttpRequest(messageInfo.getHttpService(), messageInfo.getRequest())
# ***********************************************request_replacer_MultipartRelated2TextXML_for_python_scripter
import re,random
import urllib
#### helpers start ####
def overwriteHeader(allheaders, strNewHeader, isCaseInsensitive):
isAdded = False
newHeaderName = strNewHeader.split(':',1)[0]
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
if isCaseInsensitive:
item = item.lower()
newHeaderName = newHeaderName.lower()
if newHeaderName in item:
allheaders[id] = strNewHeader
isAdded = True
if not isAdded:
return allheaders
def findHeader(allheaders,targetHeader,isCaseInsensitive):
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
if isCaseInsensitive:
item = item.lower()
targetHeader = targetHeader.lower()
if targetHeader in item:
return allheaders[id]
return ""
#### helpers end ####
print callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag)
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
headers = list(requestInfo.getHeaders()) #python list rather than java arraylist
contentType = findHeader(headers, 'content-type', 1)
# more granular rules for auto replace
if (hostname == "" and ("/something" in relPath or "/foobar" in relPath) and ("multipart/related" in contentType)):
msgBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgBody)
#randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
#msg = re.sub(r'(name="hicEmail"\s+[^@]+)(@[^\s]+)',r'\g<1>' + str(randStr) + r'\g<2>',msg)
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'content-type: {type}'.format(type="text/xml"), 1)
msg ='(\<s:Envelope.*\<\/s:Envelope\>)', msg).group(0)
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
#cookieParam = helpers.buildParameter('XSRF-TOKEN', 'test', 2) # updating a cookie parameter for CSRF
#message = helpers.updateParameter(message, cookieParam)
print "request has been updated!"
except AttributeError:
# Ignore!
print "ignored - request was not updated!"
# ***********************************************response_replacer_for_python_scripter
import re,random
import urllib
enabled = True
if(not messageIsRequest and enabled):
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
# more granular rules for auto replace
if (hostname == "" and ("/something" in relPath or "/foobar" in relPath or "somethingelse" in relPath)):
responseInfo = helpers.analyzeResponse(messageInfo.getResponse())
headers = responseInfo.getHeaders()
#msgRequestBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msgResponseBody = messageInfo.getResponse()[responseInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgResponseBody)
#randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
msg = re.sub(r'(":)(\s*false)',r'\g<1>true',msg)
msg = re.sub('"type":"view"','"type":"edit"',msg)
print msg
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
print "response has been updated!"
# ***********************************************header_signature_sha1-python_scripter
import re
import random
import hashlib
import base64
import datetime
import hmac
import urllib
import operator
from burp import IParameter
# coded by Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) for Burp Suite Python Scripter extension!
print "scripter starts here..."
xUserToken = "4ba75b0caaad1d569e12ac5bbcac2aabbaaa3e96"
ignorePortInURL = True
# We check these to prevent adding headers to unnecessary requests
targetHostnameCheck = ""
targetPathCheck = "/api/"
targetExcludeWhenInQS = "excluded=ncc"
def overwriteHeader(allheaders, strNewHeader):
isAdded = False
newHeaderName = strNewHeader.split(':',1)[0]
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
if newHeaderName in item:
allheaders[id] = strNewHeader
isAdded = True
if not isAdded:
return allheaders
def readHeader(allheaders, strTargetHeader, isCaseSensitive):
result = ""
strTargetHeader = strTargetHeader + ":"
if not isCaseSensitive:
strTargetHeader = strTargetHeader.lower()
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
itemtemp = item
if not isCaseSensitive:
itemtemp = itemtemp.lower()
if itemtemp.startswith(strTargetHeader):
result = item
return result
def xstr(s):
if s is None:
return ''
return str(s)
def getKey(item):
return item[0]
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Scanner" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Intruder" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Extender"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
# relative path & QA from URL
url = requestInfo.getUrl().toString()
port = xstr(requestInfo.getUrl().getPort())
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
QSPart = xstr(requestInfo.getUrl().getQuery()) #only Querystring - we use it to check for exclusions atm
allParamsArray = requestInfo.getParameters() # we need GET and POST
# This is to ensure we are not setting this on an unwanted request
if ((len(targetHostnameCheck) == 0 or hostname == targetHostnameCheck) and (len(targetPathCheck) == 0 or targetPathCheck in relPath) and (len(targetExcludeWhenInQS) == 0 or len(QSPart)==0 or targetExcludeWhenInQS not in QSPart)):
headers = list(requestInfo.getHeaders()) #python list rather than java arraylist
msgBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgBody)
fullHeadersBody = helpers.bytesToString(messageInfo.getRequest())
# finding all parameters / exclude file uploads / sort on key name
allParams = ""
allParamsDict = {} # we can't work with Java ArrayList easily so we convert it to a Python dictionary
content_type= readHeader(headers,"content-type",False).lower()
isMultipart = False
if "multipart" in content_type:
isMultipart = True
isJSON = False
if "application/json" in content_type:
isJSON = True
toBeHashedVar = ""
if isJSON or len(msg) == 0:
if len(QSPart)>0:
for p in allParamsArray:
if (p.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_BODY and not isMultipart) or p.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_URL:
#helpers.urlEncode did not work here and we have to use urllib.quote
allParams += "&" + urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(p.getName()).decode('utf8')) + "=" + urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(p.getValue()).decode('utf8'))
allParams = allParams[1:]
# In this special!!! app the colon character won't be encode to %3A but we are doing it :(
allParams = allParams.replace("%3A", ":")
headers[0] = headers[0].replace(QSPart, allParams) # replacing the querystring
url = url[:url.find('?')]+'?' + allParams
if ignorePortInURL:
url = url.replace(hostname+":"+port+"/",hostname+"/",1)
toBeHashedVar = url + msg + xUserToken
# we have something to hash!
print toBeHashedVar
m = hashlib.sha1()
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'x-service-request-hash: ' + m.hexdigest())
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
print "scripter ends here..."
# ***********************************************ReqResp_replacer_for_python_scripter
import re,random
import urllib
enabledResponseReplace = 0
enabledRequestReplace = 1
#### helpers start ####
def overwriteHeader(allheaders, strNewHeader):
isAdded = False
newHeaderName = strNewHeader.split(':',1)[0]
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
if newHeaderName in item:
allheaders[id] = strNewHeader
isAdded = True
if not isAdded:
return allheaders
#### helpers end ####
if(not messageIsRequest and enabledResponseReplace):
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
# more granular rules for auto replace
if (hostname == "" and ("/something" in relPath or "/foobar" in relPath or "somethingelse" in relPath)):
responseInfo = helpers.analyzeResponse(messageInfo.getResponse())
headers = responseInfo.getHeaders()
#msgRequestBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msgResponseBody = messageInfo.getResponse()[responseInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgResponseBody)
#randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
msg = re.sub(r'(":)(\s*false)',r'\g<1>true',msg)
msg = re.sub('"type":"view"','"type":"edit"',msg)
print msg
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
print "response has been updated!"
if(messageIsRequest and enabledRequestReplace):
#if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Intruder" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Target" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Scanner"):
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Target"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
# more granular rules for auto replace
if (hostname == ""):
headers = list(requestInfo.getHeaders()) #python list rather than java arraylist
msgBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgBody)
#randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
#msg = re.sub(r'(name="hicEmail"\s+[^@]+)(@[^\s]+)',r'\g<1>' + str(randStr) + r'\g<2>',msg)
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: {csrfToken}'.format(csrfToken="test"))
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
cookieParam = helpers.buildParameter('XSRF-TOKEN', 'test', 2) # updating a cookie parameter for CSRF
message = helpers.updateParameter(message, cookieParam)
print "request has been updated!"
# ***********************************************debug_replace_request_replace_response
import re,random
import urllib
enabledResponseReplace = 0
enabledRequestReplace = 1
#### helpers start ####
def overwriteHeader(allheaders, strNewHeader):
isAdded = False
newHeaderName = strNewHeader.split(':',1)[0]
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
if newHeaderName in item:
allheaders[id] = strNewHeader
isAdded = True
if not isAdded:
return allheaders
#### helpers end ####
if(not messageIsRequest and enabledResponseReplace):
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
# more granular rules for auto replace
if (hostname == "" and ("/something" in relPath or "/foobar" in relPath or "somethingelse" in relPath)):
responseInfo = helpers.analyzeResponse(messageInfo.getResponse())
headers = responseInfo.getHeaders()
#msgRequestBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msgResponseBody = messageInfo.getResponse()[responseInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgResponseBody)
#randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
msg = re.sub(r'(":)(\s*false)',r'\g<1>true',msg)
msg = re.sub('"type":"view"','"type":"edit"',msg)
print msg
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
print "response has been updated!"
if(messageIsRequest and enabledRequestReplace):
#if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Intruder" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Target" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Scanner"):
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Target"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
# more granular rules for auto replace
if (hostname == ""):
headers = list(requestInfo.getHeaders()) #python list rather than java arraylist
msgBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgBody)
#randStr = random.randint(1000000,9999999)
#msg = re.sub(r'(name="foobar"\s+[^@]+)(@[^\s]+)',r'\g<1>' + str(randStr) + r'\g<2>',msg)
headers[0] = "GET /logon.asp HTTP/1.1"
newRequestMessageBody = ""
newRequestMessage = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, newRequestMessageBody)
newResponseInfo = helpers.analyzeResponse(callbacks.makeHttpRequest(messageInfo.getHttpService(), newRequestMessage).getResponse())
msgNewResponseBody = newResponseInfo.getResponse()[newResponseInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msgNewResponseString = helpers.bytesToString(msgResponseBody)
tokenname_search ='<input type="hidden".* ID="[a-zA-Z0-9]{11}" Name="([^"]+)"', msgNewResponseString, re.IGNORECASE)
tokenvalue_search ='<input type="hidden".* ID="[a-zA-Z0-9]{11}".* value="([^"]+)"', msgNewResponseString, re.IGNORECASE)
if tokenname_search and tokenvalue_search:
tokenname =
tokenvalue =
msg = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9]{11})=([a-zA-Z0-9]{11})',tokenname+'='+tokenvalue,msg)
#headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: {csrfToken}'.format(csrfToken="test"))
msgBody = helpers.stringToBytes(msg)
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
#cookieParam = helpers.buildParameter('XSRF-TOKEN', 'test', 2) # updating a cookie parameter for CSRF
#message = helpers.updateParameter(message, cookieParam)
print "request has been updated!"
# ***********************************************autoURLEncode_QS
#import re,random
#import urllib
from burp import IParameter
enabledRequestReplace = 1
def aggressive_url_encode(string):
return "".join("%{0:0>2}".format(format(ord(char), "x")) for char in string)
if(messageIsRequest and enabledRequestReplace):
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Intruder" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Target" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Scanner" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Extender"):
#if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Proxy" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Target"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
#relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
# more granular rules for auto replace
#if (hostname == ""):
print "1111"
if (callbacks.isInScope(requestInfo.getUrl())):
for parameter in requestInfo.getParameters():
if (parameter.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_URL):
messageInfo.setRequest(helpers.updateParameter(messageInfo.getRequest(), helpers.buildParameter(parameter.getName(), aggressive_url_encode(helpers.urlDecode(parameter.getValue())), IParameter.PARAM_URL)))
print "request has been updated!"
# ***********************************************header_signature-python_scripter
import re
import random
import hashlib
import base64
import datetime
import hmac
import urllib
import operator
from burp import IParameter
# coded by Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) for Burp Suite Python Scripter extension!
print "scripter starts here..."
domain = "S2"
username = ""
#password = "SecureXXXXSomething" # we don't use the password here!
apiKey = "testme" # this is from the website
apiSecret = "]$U{xxxxxxxxxxxxxdHSODfC(yNmb" # this is from the website
# usertoken is hardcoded as it needs multi step:
# A request to /ems/userTokens/createExternal should be made to obtain the Token
# The above request needs to have the password encrypted using the public key obtained from /ems/userTokens/publicKey
# This can be coded easily in Python as well (easier in .Net) using this:
usertoken = "29c0caaa-8836-4216-bbb-e7b05ee22eee"
# We check these to prevent adding headers to unnecessary requests
targetHostnameCheck = ""
targetPathCheck = "foo"
targetExcludeWhenInQS = "excluded=iamatester"
def overwriteHeader(allheaders, strNewHeader):
isAdded = False
newHeaderName = strNewHeader.split(':',1)[0]
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
if newHeaderName in item:
allheaders[id] = strNewHeader
isAdded = True
if not isAdded:
return allheaders
def readHeader(allheaders, strTargetHeader, isCaseSensitive):
result = ""
strTargetHeader = strTargetHeader + ":"
if not isCaseSensitive:
strTargetHeader = strTargetHeader.lower()
for id, item in enumerate(allheaders):
itemtemp = item
if not isCaseSensitive:
itemtemp = itemtemp.lower()
if itemtemp.startswith(strTargetHeader):
result = item
return result
def xstr(s):
if s is None:
return ''
return str(s)
def getKey(item):
return item[0]
if (callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Scanner" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Intruder" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Repeater" or callbacks.getToolName(toolFlag) == "Extender"):
requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
# relative path & QA from URL
hostname = requestInfo.getUrl().getHost()
relPath = urllib.unquote(requestInfo.getUrl().getPath()).decode('utf8')
QSPart = xstr(requestInfo.getUrl().getQuery()) #only Querystring - we use it to check for exclusions atm
allParamsArray = requestInfo.getParameters() # we need GET and POST
# This is to ensure we are not setting this on an unwanted request
if ((len(targetHostnameCheck) == 0 or hostname == targetHostnameCheck) and (len(targetPathCheck) == 0 or targetPathCheck in relPath) and (len(targetExcludeWhenInQS) == 0 or len(QSPart)==0 or targetExcludeWhenInQS not in QSPart)):
headers = list(requestInfo.getHeaders()) #python list rather than java arraylist
msgBody = messageInfo.getRequest()[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():]
msg = helpers.bytesToString(msgBody)
fullHeadersBody = helpers.bytesToString(messageInfo.getRequest())
# finding all parameters / exclude file uploads / sort on key name
allParams = ""
allParamsDict = {} # we can't work with Java ArrayList easily so we convert it to a Python dictionary
content_type= readHeader(headers,"content-type",False).lower()
isMultipart = False
if "multipart" in content_type:
isMultipart = True
for p in allParamsArray:
# There is no signing on xml or json parameters! Therefore, we should use QueryString only if that's the case
if (p.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_BODY and not isMultipart) or p.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_URL:
allParamsDict[urllib.unquote(p.getName()).decode('utf8')] = urllib.unquote(p.getValue()).decode('utf8')
elif p.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_BODY or p.getType() == IParameter.PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR:
allParamsDict[p.getName()] = p.getValue()
print sorted(allParamsDict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())
matchFileParamNameObj ='form\-data;\s*name\s*=\s*"([^"]+)";\s*filename\s*=', msg, re.M|re.I) # finding file param names
for key, value in sorted(allParamsDict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower()):
excluded = False
if matchFileParamNameObj:
for fileParamName in matchFileParamNameObj.groups():
if key == fileParamName or key == "filename":
excluded = True
if not excluded:
allParams = allParams + "&" + key + "=" + value
if len(allParams) > 0:
allParams = allParams[1:]
#finding file params and their values (sha512 base64 encoded)
filePart = ""
matchBoundaryObj = r'Content-Type:.*boundary=([^\r\n]+)', fullHeadersBody, re.I)
if matchFileParamNameObj and matchFileParamNameObj.groups():
boundary =
print "boundary=" + boundary
matchFilenameValueObj = re.findall(r'(form\-data;[^\r\n]+filename\s*="([^"]+)"([\r]{0,1}[\n]{0,1}[^\r\n]+)+(\r\n|\r|\n){2}([\s\S]*)\r\n\-\-)'+boundary, fullHeadersBody, re.M|re.I|re.U)
allFilesDict = {}
for fileParamName in matchFilenameValueObj:
for key, value in sorted(allFilesDict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower()):
filePart = filePart + "&" + key + "=" + value
if len(filePart) > 0:
filePart = filePart[1:]
# creating timestampe
# timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]+"Z"
# instead of using miliseconds, I use random numbers to make it really random!
randStr = str(random.randint(100,999))
timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.")+randStr+"Z"
# adding/replacing timestamp in headers
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'Timestamp: ' + xstr(timestamp))
# adding/replacing api-username and api-usertoken in headers
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'api-username: ' + xstr(domain) + "\\" + xstr(username))
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'api-usertoken: ' + xstr(usertoken))
# creating the message to sign - no file
messageToSign = '{method}\n{timestamp}\n{path}\n{querystring}\n{file}'.format(method=xstr(requestInfo.getMethod()),timestamp=xstr(timestamp),path=xstr(relPath),querystring=xstr(allParams),file=xstr(filePart))
messageToSign = messageToSign.lower()
print messageToSign
# Hashing the secret token
secretTokenHash = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha512(apiSecret).digest())
print "secretTokenHash: "+secretTokenHash
# Creating the signature
h =, messageToSign, hashlib.sha256)
signature = base64.b64encode(h.digest())
print "signature: " + xstr(signature)
headers = overwriteHeader(headers, 'Authentication: {apikey}:{signature}'.format(apikey=xstr(apiKey),signature=xstr(signature)))
print headers
message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, msgBody)
print "scripter ends here..."
# ***********************************************
import sys
# Provides introspection into the Python Scripter API.
apis = ('extender', 'callbacks', 'helpers', 'toolFlag', 'messageIsRequest', 'messageInfo')
funcs = (type, dir)
if messageIsRequest:
for api in apis:
print('\n{}:\n{}'.format(api, '='*len(api)))
for func in funcs:
except Exception as e:
# ***********************************************
from pyscripter_utils import CustomIssue
import re
import sys
# Adds custom passive audit checks.
# Requires to be loaded with Burp.
if not messageIsRequest:
if toolFlag in (callbacks.TOOL_PROXY,):
if callbacks.isInScope(messageInfo.getUrl()):
response = messageInfo.getResponse()
# Checks for autocomplete on text form fields.
results = re.findall(r'(<input [^>]*>)', response)
for result in results:
if'''type=['"]text['"]''', result) and not'autocomplete', result):
issue = CustomIssue(
IssueName='Text field with autocomplete enabled',
IssueDetail='The following text field has autocomplete enabled:\n\n<ul><li>' + result.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;') + '</li></ul>',
# Checks for verbose headers.
bad_headers = ('server', 'x-powered-by', 'x-aspnet-version')
headers = helpers.analyzeResponse(messageInfo.getResponse()).getHeaders()
for header in headers:
name = header.split(':')[0]
if name.lower() in bad_headers:
issue = CustomIssue(
IssueName='Verbose header',
IssueDetail='The following HTTP response header may disclose sensitive information:\n\n<ul><li>' + header + '</li></ul>',
# ***********************************************
import re
import sys
# Extracts multiple instances of a REGEX capture group from responses.
pattern = r'<regex>'
if not messageIsRequest:
response = messageInfo.getResponse()
matches = re.findall(pattern, response)
for match in matches:
# ***********************************************
import re
# Replaces the body of a response from a matched URL.
# Great for swapping SPA UI build definitions between user roles.
url_pattern = r'<regex for response URL>'
body = r'''<new body>'''
if not messageIsRequest:
url = messageInfo.url.toString()
if, url):
response = messageInfo.getResponse()
headers = helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getHeaders()
new_response = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, helpers.stringToBytes(body))
print('Response replaced from: {}'.format(url))
# ***********************************************
import sys
import re
from hashlib import md5
# Overwrites a previously attempted password signature to bypass client-side anti-automation logic.
# Not sure why anyone would do this, but they did, or this wouldn't be a thing.
if messageIsRequest:
if toolFlag in (callbacks.TOOL_INTRUDER,):
request = helpers.bytesToString(messageInfo.getRequest())
if '&nonce=' in request:
nonce ='&nonce=([^&]*)', request).group(1)
password ='&password=([^&]*)', request).group(1)
token = md5(password+nonce).hexdigest()
orig_token ='&token=([^\s]*)', request).group(1)
request = request.replace(orig_token, token)
# ***********************************************
# Fetches and replaces a Bearer token in the current request.
def get_new_token():
url = '<url>'
username = '<username>'
password = '<password>'
import urllib2
import json
data = {
'username': username,
'password': password,
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps(data))
data = json.load(response)
token = data.get('token', '')
print('New token obtained.')
return token
# only apply to repeater
if toolFlag == callbacks.TOOL_REPEATER:
# only apply to requests
if messageIsRequest:
# obtain a new token
new_token = get_new_token()
# remove any existing Authorization header
request = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
headers = request.getHeaders()
for header in headers:
if header.startswith('Authorization'):
# add a new Authorization header with the new token
headers.add('Authorization: Bearer {}'.format(new_token))
body = messageInfo.getRequest()[request.getBodyOffset():]
new_request = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body)
print('Token replaced.')
# ***********************************************
# Removes authentication information from the current request.
header_names = ['Cookie', 'Authorization']
# only apply to target
if toolFlag == callbacks.TOOL_TARGET:
# only apply to requests
if messageIsRequest:
request = helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo)
headers = request.getHeaders()
for header_name in header_names:
for header in headers:
if header.startswith(header_name):
body = messageInfo.getRequest()[request.getBodyOffset():]
new_request = helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body)
print('Headers removed: {}'.format(', '.join(header_names)))
from burp import IScanIssue
class CustomIssue(IScanIssue):
def __init__(self, BasePair, Confidence='Certain', IssueBackground=None, IssueDetail=None, IssueName='Python Scripter generated issue', RemediationBackground=None, RemediationDetail=None, Severity='High'):
self.HttpMessages=[BasePair] # list of HTTP Messages
self.HttpService=BasePair.getHttpService() # HTTP Service
self.Url=BasePair.getUrl() # Java URL
self.Confidence = Confidence # "Certain", "Firm" or "Tentative"
self.IssueBackground = IssueBackground # String or None
self.IssueDetail = IssueDetail # String or None
self.IssueName = IssueName # String
self.IssueType = 134217728 # always "extension generated"
self.RemediationBackground = RemediationBackground # String or None
self.RemediationDetail = RemediationDetail # String or None
self.Severity = Severity # "High", "Medium", "Low", "Information" or "False positive"
def getHttpMessages(self):
return self.HttpMessages
def getHttpService(self):
return self.HttpService
def getUrl(self):
return self.Url
def getConfidence(self):
return self.Confidence
def getIssueBackground(self):
return self.IssueBackground
def getIssueDetail(self):
return self.IssueDetail
def getIssueName(self):
return self.IssueName
def getIssueType(self):
return self.IssueType
def getRemediationBackground(self):
return self.RemediationBackground
def getRemediationDetail(self):
return self.RemediationDetail
def getSeverity(self):
return self.Severity
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