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Created July 20, 2020 01:17
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Super Market With OAuth2.0 from Google
include ('config.php');
require_once 'mysqlini.php';
$login_button = '';
if (isset($_GET["code"])) {
$token = $google_client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($_GET["code"]);
if (! isset($token['error'])) {
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $token['access_token'];
$_SESSION['token'] = $token;
$google_service = new Google_Service_Oauth2($google_client);
$data = $google_service->userinfo->get();
if (! empty($data['given_name'])) {
$_SESSION['user_first_name'] = $data['given_name'];
if (! empty($data['family_name'])) {
$_SESSION['user_last_name'] = $data['family_name'];
if (! empty($data['email'])) {
$_SESSION['user_email_address'] = $data['email'];
if (! empty($data['gender'])) {
$_SESSION['user_gender'] = $data['gender'];
if (! empty($data['picture'])) {
$_SESSION['user_image'] = $data['picture'];
if (! empty($data['id'])) {
$_SESSION['google_userid'] = $data['id'];
header('Location: https://' . $GLOBALS['_SERVER']['SERVER_NAME'] . '/l');
$mysql = mysqli_connect('localhost', $msqluname, $msqlpassw, $msqldatab);
if (isset($mysql)) {
if (! empty($data['id'])) {
$q = mysqli_query($mysql, "SELECT * from googleusers WHERE id = " . $data['id']);
if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 0) {
$qstr='insert googleusers (name,givenName,familyName,id,lastlogin,picture,verifiedEmail,locale,email,gender) values ("'.
if (mysqli_query($mysql,$qstr)) {
error_log("insert success");
} else {
error_log("intert error------------------------------------------------\n");
$qstr='update googleusers set lastlogin=NOW() where id = '.$data['id'];
if (mysqli_query($mysql, $qstr)) {
error_log("update lastlogin success");
} else {
if (! isset($_SESSION['access_token'])) {
$login_button = '<a href="' . $google_client->createAuthUrl() . '"><img src="" /></a>';
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>PHP Login using Google Account</title>
<h2 align="center">PHP Login using Google Account</h2>
if ($login_button == '') {
echo '<img src="' . $_SESSION["user_image"] . '" />';
echo '<h3><b>Name :</b> ' . $_SESSION['user_first_name'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['user_last_name'] . '</h3>';
echo '<h3><b>Email :</b> ' . $_SESSION['user_email_address'] . '</h3>';
echo '<h3><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></h3>';
echo ' <div style="resize:both;overflow: auto;height:100%; width:650"> <iframe src="" height="100%" width="100%" title="Super Market of Seva" ></iframe></div>';
} else {
echo '<div align="center">' . $login_button . '</div>';
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