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Last active September 20, 2018 13:21
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Channel (pub sub ) in swift
public class Channel<Message: Equatable>: IsChannel {
private var subscriptions = ThreadSafeArray<Subscription>()
public func broadcast(_ message: Message) {
subscriptions.forEach { $0.trigger(message: message) }
public func subscribe(_ object: AnyObject,
for specificMessage: Message,
on queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
callback: @escaping () -> Void) {
let filteredCallback = { (message: Message) in
if message == specificMessage { callback() }
subscriptions.append(Subscription(object: object, callback: filteredCallback, queue: queue))
public func subscribe(object: AnyObject, callback: @escaping (Message) -> Void) {
subscriptions.append(Subscription(object: object, callback: callback, queue: nil))
public func unbscribe(object: AnyObject) {
subscriptions.remove(where: { $0.object === object })
private struct Subscription {
weak var object: AnyObject?
let callback: (Message) -> Void
let queue: DispatchQueue?
init(object: AnyObject?, callback: @escaping (Message) -> Void, queue: DispatchQueue?) {
self.object = object
self.callback = callback
self.queue = queue
func trigger(message: Message) {
// Make sure object is still alive
if object == nil { return }
if let q = queue {
q.async { if self.object != nil { self.callback(message) } }
} else {
/// This encapsulates a thread safe array protected by its own Dispatch queue.
/// The queue is concurrent to allow for concurrent reads but writes are made
/// with the `barrier` flag so that only one write operation can happen at a time.
/// The write operations wait for pending reads to ficnish and new reads wait for the current
/// write operation to finish.
class ThreadSafeArray<T> {
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "", attributes: .concurrent)
private var underlyingArray: [T]
init() { self.underlyingArray = [T]() }
func forEach(block: (T) -> Void) {
queue.sync { underlyingArray.forEach(block) }
public func append(_ newElement: T) {
threadSafeWrite { $0.append(newElement) }
public func remove(where clause: @escaping (T) -> Bool) {
threadSafeWrite { if let index = $0.index(where: clause) { $0.remove(at: index) } }
private func threadSafeWrite(callback:@escaping (inout [T]) -> Void) {
queue.async(flags: .barrier) { [weak self] in
if let strongSelf = self { callback(&strongSelf.underlyingArray) }
// Create a channel
let chan = Channel<String>()
// Receive all messages
chan.subscribe(object: self) { message in
// Receive specific messages on a certain thread
chan.subscribe(self, for: "Hello", on: .main) {
print("received Hello")
// Send Message
// Stop listening
chan.unbscribe(object: self)
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