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Last active April 5, 2022 23:08
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Dependency inversion in go
package main
func main() {
// Create our dependency.
lf := FileLinkFetcher{}
// lf := DatabaseLinkFetcher{}
// Here we "inject" the fileLinkFetcher in the App constructor.
app := App{linkFetcher: lf}
/* App Code */
type App struct {
linkFetcher LinkFetcher // App only knows (aka depends) on an interface \o/
func (app *App)run() {
println("Running Application")
println("Processing Links...")
println("Ending Application")
/// Strong LinkFetcher interface
type LinkFetcher interface {
/* End App Code */
Depndedencies, aka Injected from main
Ideally this lives a another package / file
/// This is our concrete implementation of the LinkFetcher interface.
type FileLinkFetcher struct { }
/// Here we implement linkFetcher interface
/// to fetch links from a file.
func (lf FileLinkFetcher)fetchLinks() {
println("Fetching Links from a file...")
/// Here is how simple it is to provide an database version!
type DatabaseLinkFetcher struct { }
func (lf DatabaseLinkFetcher)fetchLinks() {
println("Fetching Links from a database...")
/// Instead of App depending on FileLinkFetcher
/// App -----> FileLinkFetcher
/// We now have App depending on <LinkFetcher>
/// And FileLinkFetcher depending on <LinkFetcher>
/// App -----> <LinkFetcher> <----- FileLinkFetcher
/// We just inverted the dependency! \o/
/// Notes:
/// App "depends" on LinkFetcher interface, which is ours, so it's not considered a dependency for app.
/// And now the Implementation detail (the fact that its from a file) has to obey to OUR rules.
/// The idea behnd this is WE MAKE THE RULES for OUR APP.
/// the details must abide by our rules and are "injected" from the main.
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