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Last active June 13, 2019 03:54
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Visual Studio Code(VSCode) Rust snippet
"allow": {
"prefix": "allow",
"body": [
"description": "Insert allow"
"as": {
"prefix": "as",
"body": [
"as ${1|u8,u16,u32,u64,u128,i8,i16,i32,i64,i128,usize,isize|}$0"
"description": "Casting between types"
"assert": {
"prefix": "assert",
"body": [
"description": "Insert assert macro"
"assert_eq": {
"prefix": "assert_eq",
"body": [
"assert_eq!($1, $2);$0"
"description": "Insert assert equal macro"
"break": {
"prefix": "break",
"body": [
"description": "Insert break"
"cfg": {
"prefix": "cfg",
"body": [
"description": "Insert cfg attribute"
"closure": {
"prefix": "closure",
"body": [
"|$1| {",
"description": "Insert closure"
"const": {
"prefix": "const",
"body": [
"const $1: $2 = $3;$0"
"description": "Insert constant variable"
"continue": {
"prefix": "continue",
"body": [
"description": "Insert continue"
"derive": {
"prefix": "derive",
"body": ["#[derive(${1|Debug,Copy,Clone,Default,Eq,Hash,Ord,PartialEq,PartialOrd|})]$0"],
"description": "Insert derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd) attribute"
"dyn": {
"prefix": "dyn",
"body": "dyn ${1:TraitName}$0",
"description": "Insert dyn trait"
"else if": {
"prefix": "elif",
"body": [
"else if ${1:condition} {",
"description": "Insert else if"
"else": {
"prefix": "else",
"body": ["else {",
"description": "Insert else"
"enum": {
"prefix": "enum",
"body": ["enum ${1:Name} {",
"description": "Insert enumeration"
"err": {
"prefix": "Err",
"body": [
"description": "Insert error variant"
"fn1": {
"prefix": "fn",
"body": [
"fn ${1:fn_name}(${2:arg}) ${3:-> ${4:return} }$0",
"description": "Insert function"
"fn2": {
"prefix": "function",
"body": [
"fn ${1:fn_name}(${2:arg}) ${3:-> ${4:return} }$0",
"description": "Insert function"
"for": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for ${1:element} in ${2:range} {",
"description": "Insert for loop"
"format": {
"prefix": "format",
"body": [
"format!(\"${1:{${2|:?,}{|}\\}}\", $3)${4|;,\\,|}$0"
"description": "Insert format macro"
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if ${1:condition} {",
"description": "Insert if"
"if let option": {
"prefix": "if let",
"body": [
"if let Some(${1:param}) = ${2:compare_to_param} {",
"description": "Unwrap Option with if let"
"impl": {
"prefix": "impl",
"body": [
"impl ${1:TraitName} ${2:for ${3:Type} }{",
"description": "Implement generics"
"let statement": {
"prefix": "let",
"body": ["let $1 = $2;"],
"description": "Insert variable"
"let mut statement1": {
"prefix": "lm",
"body": ["let mut $1 = $2;"],
"description": "Insert mutable variable"
"let mut statement2": {
"prefix": "lem",
"body": ["let mut $1 = $2;"],
"description": "Insert mutable variable"
"loop": {
"prefix": "loop",
"body": [
"loop {",
"description": "Insert infinite loop"
"macro_rules": {
"prefix": "macro_rules",
"body": [
"macro_rules! ${1:macro_name} {",
"\t(${2:captures}) => {",
"description": "Insert macro rules"
"macro_use": {
"prefix": "macro_use",
"body": [
"description": "Insert macro_use"
"main": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"fn main() $0",
"description": "Insert main function"
"match": {
"prefix": "match",
"body": [
"match $1 {",
"\t$2 => $0",
"description": "Insert match"
"mod": {
"prefix": "mod",
"body": [
"mod $0"
"description": "Insert module"
"move closure": {
"prefix": "move",
"body": [
"move |$1| {",
"description": "Insert move closure"
"ok": {
"prefix": "Ok",
"body": [
"description": "Insert ok variant"
"option": {
"prefix": "Option",
"body": [
"description": "Insert option"
"println": {
"prefix": "println",
"body": [
"println!(\"${1:{${2|:?,}{|}\\}}\", $3)${4|;,\\,|}$0"
"description": "Insert print line macro"
"result": {
"prefix": "Result",
"body": [
"Result<${1:T}, ${2:E}>$0"
"description": "Insert result"
"some": {
"prefix": "some",
"body": [
"description": "Insert some"
"static": {
"prefix": "static",
"body": [
"static $1: $2 = $3;$0"
"description": "Insert static variable"
"static ref": {
"prefix": "sr",
"body": [
"static ref $1: $2 = $3;$0"
"description": "Insert static ref"
"struct": {
"prefix": "struct",
"body": [
"struct ${1:Name} {",
"\t${2:label}: ${3:type},$0",
"description": "Insert structure"
"test": {
"prefix": "test",
"body": "#[test]",
"description": "Insert test block"
"trait": {
"prefix": "trait",
"body": [
"trait ${1:TraitName} {",
"type": {
"prefix": "type",
"body": ["${1|u8,u16,u32,u64,u128,i8,i16,i32,i64,i128,usize,isize|}$0"],
"description": "Insert type"
"union": {
"prefix": "union",
"body": ["union ${1:Name} {",
"description": "Insert union"
"unsafe": {
"prefix": "unsafe",
"body": [
"unsafe {",
"description": "Insert unsafe block"
"use": {
"prefix": "use",
"body": [
"use $1;$0"
"description": "Insert use"
"Vec": {
"prefix": "Vec",
"body": [
"description": "Insert vector constractor"
"vec!": {
"prefix": "vec!",
"body": [
"description": "Insert vector macro"
"where": {
"prefix": "where",
"body": "where ${1:T}: ${2:TraitName}$0",
"description": "Insert where"
"while": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"while ${1:condition} {",
"description": "Insert while loop"
"while let option": {
"prefix": "while let",
"body": [
"while let Some(${1:param}) = ${2:compare_to_param} {",
"description": "Unwrap Option with while let"
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