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Last active March 7, 2022 01:22
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Command line tools every developer should know

Command line tools every developer should know

Prior reading

  • The Unix philosophy, specially the "Make each program do one thing well" [1]


  • File and directory navigation/manipulation (ls, cd, mkdir, rm, rmdir, touch, cp, mv)
  • ln/unlink/readlink
  • find/locate
  • chmod
  • chown
  • man/info
  • su/sudo
  • set/export (environment variables in general, specially PATH)
  • which
  • df
  • history

Text editing

  • vi (enough to open/edit/save a file)

Text processing

  • cat
  • head/tail
  • more/less
  • grep
  • awk/sed/cut
  • (regular expression in general)
  • wc
  • diff
  • tr

Streams, pipes and redirects

  • <<
  • |
  • xargs
  • tee


  • ping
  • netstat
  • ssh/scp
  • ngrep
  • netcat
  • curl
  • wget
  • telnet (mostly for port testing?)
  • rsync
  • lsof (-i)


  • ps
  • uptime
  • top/htop
  • nohup
  • kill/pkill/killall
  • &
  • (Ctrl + Z)
  • fg/bg/jobs
  • crontab
  • lsof

File archiving and compressing

  • tar (including manipulating gzip/bzip)
  • zip


[1] The Art of Unix Programming (


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alxndrsn commented Feb 6, 2013

Great additions, Tom - never heard of watch, and didn't know about less's follow and filter options.

+1 for tee as well

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s4nchez commented Feb 6, 2013

@tomwhoiscontrary Thanks A LOT for the contributions. It will take me a bit to go through all of them...

But as a start I removed the "-f" reference. I was not aware of the less option. It does seem like a better option indeed.

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s4nchez commented Feb 6, 2013

I'm overwhelmed by the feedback I've got so far. Thank you all for the help.

Seriously considering moving this into something a bit more well structured than a gist...

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I'd switch from "vi" to something along the lines of "vi, emacs, nano, or another ubiquitous term based text editor"

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s4nchez commented Feb 7, 2013

@jredville the reason I only mention vi is because I'm yet to see a unix box where it's not there. The same does not apply to other editors, so that's why I believe it's essential to know the minimum of vi in case you get to a machine without install privileges.

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s4nchez commented Feb 7, 2013

Added more commands (Thanks again, @tomwhoiscontrary).

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tmux - I think you should add this as well. It's so very handy when working on multiple servers and multiple tasks.

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