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Last active August 20, 2020 23:41
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Making Everest mods in FSharp

Making Everest mods in FSharp


  • Everest installed
  • Git
  • Visual Studio 2015 or newer with the .NET Framework 4.5.2 Targeting Pack

And either:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Iodine for Visual Studio Code


  • JetBrains Rider

Create a new project for your mod, and change directories to it:

\> dotnet new sln -o ExampleMod
\> cd ExampleMod

Initialize your mod as a Git repository so you can add Everest:

\ExampleMod\> git init
\ExampleMod\> git submodule add

Let's add Everest into our solution:

\ExampleMod\> dotnet sln add .\Everest\\

Create a new Class Library in F# for your Mod:

\ExampleMod\> dotnet new classlib -lang "F#" -o ExampleMod

There should now be an ExampleMod.fsproj under the new folder ExampleMod. Let's take a look at it:

\ExampleMod\> bat .\ExampleMod\ExampleMod.fsproj
       │ File: .\ExampleMod\ExampleMod.fsproj
   1   │ <U+FEFF><Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
   2   │
   3   │   <PropertyGroup>
   4   │     <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>
   5   │   </PropertyGroup>
   6   │
   7   │   <ItemGroup>
   8   │     <Compile Include="Library.fs" />
   9   │   </ItemGroup>
  10   │
  11   │ </Project>

We need to edit this file to add the Everest imports, like so:

\ExampleMod\> bat .\ExampleMod\ExampleMod.fsproj
       │ File: .\ExampleMod\ExampleMod.fsproj
   1   │ <U+FEFF><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   2   │ <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
   3   │   <PropertyGroup>
   4   │     <TargetFramework>net452</TargetFramework>
   5   │   </PropertyGroup>
   6   │   <ItemGroup>
   7   │     <Reference Include="Celeste">
   8   │       <HintPath>..\Everest\lib-stripped\Celeste.exe</HintPath>
   9   │       <Private>False</Private>
  10   │     </Reference>
  11   │     <Reference Include="FNA">
  12   │       <HintPath>..\Everest\lib-stripped\FNA.dll</HintPath>
  13   │       <Private>False</Private>
  14   │     </Reference>
  15   │     <Reference Include="Steamworks.NET">
  16   │       <HintPath>..\Everest\lib-stripped\Steamworks.NET.dll</HintPath>
  17   │       <Private>False</Private>
  18   │     </Reference>
  19   │     <Reference Include="System" />
  20   │     <Reference Include="System.Xml" />
  21   │     <Reference Include="YamlDotNet">
  22   │       <HintPath>..\Everest\lib\YamlDotNet.dll</HintPath>
  23   │       <Private>False</Private>
  24   │     </Reference>
  25   │   </ItemGroup>
  26   │   <ItemGroup>
  27   │     <ProjectReference Include="..\Everest\\">
  28   │       <Name></Name>
  29   │     </ProjectReference>
  30   │   </ItemGroup>
  31   │   <ItemGroup>
  32   │     <Compile Include="Library.fs" />
  33   │   </ItemGroup>
  34   │ </Project>

Let's add it to our solution:

\ExampleMod\> dotnet sln add .\ExampleMod\ExampleMod.fsproj

Next, let's replace Library.fs:

\ExampleMod\> bat .\ExampleMod\Library.fs
       │ File: .\ExampleMod\Library.fs
   1   │ <U+FEFF>namespace ExampleMod
   2   │
   3   │ module Say =
   4   │     let hello name =
   5   │         printfn "Hello %s" name

with something that gets loaded as a mod:

\ExampleMod\> bat .\ExampleMod\Library.fs
       │ File: .\ExampleMod\Library.fs
   1   │ <U+FEFF>namespace Celeste.Mod.Example
   2   │
   3   │ open Celeste.Mod
   4   │
   5   │ type ExampleModule() =
   6   │     inherit EverestModule()
   7   │     override this.Load() = ()
   8   │     override this.Unload() = ()

Now, we should be able to build our project:

\ExampleMod\> dotnet build

This should build ExampleMod.dll.

Lastly, we need our everest.yaml, which should start out like:

\ExampleMod\> bat everest.yaml
       │ File: everest.yaml
   1   │ - Name: ExampleMod
   2   │   Version: 0.0.1
   3   │   DLL: ExampleMod.dll
   4   │   Dependencies:
   5   │     - Name: Everest
   6   │       Version: 1.1908.0

Replacing 1908 with the build of Everest installed.

To use the mod, navigate to your Mods folder (which should already exist from Everest) under your Celeste folder and create a new folder ExampleMod. You're going to want to copy over the following files into this folder:

  • \ExampleMod\ExampleMod\bin\Debug\net452\ExampleMod.dll
  • \ExampleMod\ExampleMod\bin\Debug\net452\ExampleMod.pdb
  • \ExampleMod\ExampleMod\bin\Debug\net452\FSharp.Core.dll
  • \ExampleMod\everest.yaml

The folder should look like this:

Folder Screenshot

When you boot up Everest, if you go to Mod Options → Enable or Disable Mods, you should see ExampleMod listed.

You should now be able to open \ExampleMod\ in VSCode or Rider. Select ExampleMod.sln in the Iodine prompt at the top after VSCode loads the folder, or select ExampleMod.sln in the "Open Solution" dialog in Rider. Any additional non-programming steps (adding resources, etc) should work the same way as in C# projects.


  • Document adding packages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Reference Include="Celeste">
<Reference Include="FNA">
<Reference Include="Steamworks.NET">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Reference Include="YamlDotNet">
<ProjectReference Include="..\Everest\\">
<Compile Include="Library.fs" />
namespace Celeste.Mod.Example
open Celeste.Mod
type ExampleModule() =
inherit EverestModule()
override this.Load() = ()
override this.Unload() = ()
- Name: ExampleMod
Version: 0.0.1
DLL: ExampleMod.dll
- Name: Everest
Version: 1.1909.0
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