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Created December 12, 2020 05:54
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Scala program for my CS 113 class that generates LaTeX code for the Heapify problems in HW #14
import cats._,, cats.syntax.all._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Main {
case class Snapshot(comparisons: Int, exchanges: Int, tikz: String)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val vector: Vector[Int] = Vector(55, 50, 10, 40, 80, 90, 60, 100, 70, 80, 20, 50, 22)
val (snapshots, _, ()) = heapify[Int].runEmpty(vector).value
val result = snapshots.foldLeft(("", 0, 0)) {
case ((str, cumComp, cumExch), Snapshot(comparisons, exchanges, tikz)) =>
val newCumComp = cumComp + comparisons
val newCumExch = cumExch + exchanges
val caption = s"$comparisons comparisons, $newCumComp cum. comparisons, $exchanges exchanges, $newCumExch cum. exchanges."
val newText = s"\\begin{figure}[!ht]\n\\centering\n$tikz\n\\caption{$caption}\n\\end{figure}\n"
(str ++ newText, newCumComp, newCumExch)
def heapify[A : PartialOrder : Show]: ReaderWriterState[Vector[A], Vector[Snapshot], Vector[A], Unit] =
ReaderWriterState.ask[Vector[A], Vector[Snapshot], Vector[A]].flatMap { input =>
(0 until input.size).toVector.traverse_(insertIntoHeap[A])
def insertIntoHeap[A : PartialOrder : Show](envIndex: Int): ReaderWriterState[Vector[A], Vector[Snapshot], Vector[A], Unit] =
ReaderWriterState { (input, heap) =>
val envElem = input(envIndex)
val firstIndex = heap.size
val toAdd = heap :+ envElem
@tailrec def go(heap: Vector[A], heapifyIndex: Int, comparisons: Int = 0, exchanges: Int = 0): (Vector[A], Snapshot) = {
val parentIndex = (heapifyIndex - 1) / 2
val hElem = heap(heapifyIndex)
val pElem = heap(parentIndex)
if(hElem > pElem) {
go(heap.updated(heapifyIndex, pElem).updated(parentIndex, hElem), parentIndex, comparisons + 1, exchanges + 1)
} else {
(heap, Snapshot(comparisons + 1, exchanges, heapTikz[A](heap)))
val (result, snapshot) = go(toAdd, firstIndex)
(Vector(snapshot), result, ())
def heapTikz[A : Show](heap: Vector[A]): String = {
val start = "\\begin{tikzpicture}[heap] \\"
val end = ";\\end{tikzpicture}"
def getNode(index: Int): String = {
val myValue: String = heap(index).show
val myLeft = (index * 2) + 1
val myRight = (index * 2) + 2
val myLeftVal = Option.when(myLeft < heap.size)(getNode(myLeft))
val myRightVal = Option.when(myRight < heap.size)(getNode(myRight))
val myLeftString = myLeftVal.fold("")(s => s"child{$s}")
val myRightString = myRightVal.fold("")(s => s"child{$s}")
s"node{$myValue} $myLeftString $myRightString"
start ++ getNode(0) ++ end
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