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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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-- | Monad from Yesod with HasPostgresql instances and such stuff
type Handler a = HandlerT App IO a
-- | Generates value if it is not presented in given DMap or just gets
-- it from DMap if presented
dmLookupOr :: (Applicative m, DM.GCompare k)
=> DMap k -- ^ depmap to take value from
-> k a -- ^ key to find value of
-> m a -- ^ action to produce value if key not found
-> m a
dmLookupOr dmap key prod =
let v = DM.lookup key dmap
in maybe
-- | Returns User entity and password
newUser :: Handler (Ent User, Ent Email, Password)
newUser = do
ident <- liftIO nextRandom
pass <- liftIO $ Password . T.pack
-- Тут мы генерируем пользователя и его мыло с изначальным паролем странным сложным способом
-- очевидимо чтобы можно было залогиниться через симулятор браузера или типа того
newClientApp :: DMap ClientAppTag -- ^ map with predefined field values
-> Handler (Ent ClientApp)
newClientApp dmap = do
capp <- ClientApp
<$> dd ClientAppUserId -- Если ключа нет, то генерируем нового юзера
((\((uid,_), _, _) -> Just uid) <$> newUser)
<*> dd ClientAppName -- Если ключа нет, то генерируем рандомную строку в качестве имени
(liftIO $ T.pack <$> generateTokenLikeString)
<*> dd ClientAppWebsite (pure Nothing) -- Если ключа нет, то оставляем Nothing
<*> dd ClientAppComment (pure Nothing)
<*> dd ClientAppActive (pure True)
<*> dd ClientAppPublished (pure True)
appid <- pgInsertEntity capp -- Можно было бы и не инсертить прямо тут, но не суть
return (appid, capp)
dd :: ClientAppTag a -- ^ Ключ, по которому DMap лежит дефолт
-> Handler a -- ^ Если не лежит, то генерируем действие этим действием
-> Handler a
dd key act = dmLookupOr dmap key act
newClient :: DMap ClientTag -- ^ map with predefined values of client
-> Handler (Ent Client)
newClient dmap = do
client <- Client
<$> dd ClientApplicationId -- Если ключа нет, то генерируем ClientApp функцией выше, передаем в нее пустую DMap (все дефолтное)
(fst <$> newClientApp DM.empty)
<*> dd ClientRedirectURI
(liftIO $ Just
<$> randomURI "/redirect" Nothing Nothing)
<*> dd ClientClientId
(liftIO $ (ClientIdText . T.pack)
<$> generateTokenLikeString)
<*> dd ClientSecret
(liftIO $ T.pack
<$> generateTokenLikeString)
<*> dd ClientClientType (pure CTStandartFlow)
<*> dd ClientActive (pure True)
<*> dd ClientComment (pure Nothing)
<*> dd ClientAutoRedirect (pure False)
cid <- pgInsertEntity client -- Тут тоже можно было бы не инсертить, по нормальному.
return (cid, client)
dd :: ClientTag a -> Handler a -> Handler a
dd key act = dmLookupOr dmap key act
data User = User
{ userIdentifier :: !UserIdentifier
, userName :: !(Maybe Text)
, userPasswordEncrypted :: !Text
, userPhone :: !(Maybe Text)
, userLevel :: !Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
type UserId = EntityId User
instance Entity User where
newtype EntityId User = UserId
{ unUserId :: Id
} deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq,
FromField, ToField, PathPiece)
tableName _ = "users"
fieldNames _ = [ "user_identifier", "name"
, "password_encrypted", "phone"
, "level"
$(deriveFromRow ''User)
$(deriveToRow ''User)
data ClientApp = ClientApp
{ appUserId :: !(Maybe (EntityId User)) -- ^ Application owner
, appName :: !T.Text
, appWebsite :: !(Maybe URI)
, appComment :: !(Maybe Text)
, appActive :: !Bool
, appPublished :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Entity ClientApp where
newtype EntityId ClientApp = ClientAppId Id
deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq, ToMarkup,
PathPiece, FromField, ToField)
tableName _ = "applications"
fieldNames _ = [ "user_id", "name", "website"
, "comment", "active", "published" ]
$(deriveFromRow ''ClientApp)
$(deriveToRow ''ClientApp)
type ClientAppId = EntityId ClientApp
data Client = Client
{ clApplicationId :: !(EntityId ClientApp)
, clRedirectURI :: !(Maybe URI)
, clClientId :: !ClientIdText
, clClientSecret :: !Text
, clClientType :: !ClientType
, clActive :: !Bool
, clComment :: !(Maybe Text)
, clAutoRedirect :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance Entity Client where
newtype EntityId Client = ClientId
{ unClientId :: Id
} deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq,
FromField, ToField, PathPiece)
tableName _ = "clients"
fieldNames _ = [ "application_id", "redirect_uri"
, "client_id", "client_secret", "client_type"
, "active", "comment", "auto_redirect"
$(deriveToRow ''Client)
$(deriveFromRow ''Client)
type ClientAppId = EntityId ClientApp
-- There is no UserTag for some reason ...
-- Теги для DMap
-- > data DMap k
-- >
-- > data DSum tag :: (* -> *) -> * where
-- > (:=>) :: !(tag a) -> a -> DSum tag
-- >
-- > fromList :: GCompare k => [DSum k] -> DMap k
-- >
-- > lookup :: forall k v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k -> Maybe v
-- Это типы как раз вместо `k`
data ClientAppTag a where
ClientAppUserId :: ClientAppTag (Maybe (EntityId User))
ClientAppName :: ClientAppTag Text
ClientAppWebsite :: ClientAppTag (Maybe URI)
ClientAppComment :: ClientAppTag (Maybe Text)
ClientAppActive :: ClientAppTag Bool
ClientAppPublished :: ClientAppTag Bool
$(deriveGEq ''ClientAppTag)
$(deriveGCompare ''ClientAppTag)
data ClientTag a where
ClientApplicationId :: ClientTag (EntityId ClientApp)
ClientRedirectURI :: ClientTag (Maybe URI)
ClientClientId :: ClientTag ClientIdText
ClientSecret :: ClientTag Text
ClientClientType :: ClientTag ClientType
ClientActive :: ClientTag Bool
ClientComment :: ClientTag (Maybe Text)
ClientAutoRedirect :: ClientTag Bool
$(deriveGEq ''ClientTag)
$(deriveGCompare ''ClientTag)
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