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Last active November 18, 2020 18:27
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Demonstration of the effect of (fraudulently) swapping conditions on data where there is no real difference between groups
# This code simulates a fraudulent scientific experiment.
# First, we generate random data in two conditions with no real difference between the conditions.
# Then, we take the k subjects from each condition whose results are the "worst" for our fraudulent hypothesis,
# and swap them over.
# For example, let's say that the first group is a drug, and the second is a placebo, and the drug doesn't work.
# The outcome value is how long it takes people to recover from the disease.
# We want that number to be as low as possible for our drug and as high as possible for the placebo.
# So we identify the k (3, 5, whatever) people with the longest recovery time in the drug group, and move them to the placebo group.
# The we move the k people with the shortest recovery time in the placebo group, and move them to the drug group.
# What we find is that with 50 people in each group, swapping 3/5 people gives a p<.05 result 66%/96% of the time.
N <- 50 #sample size per condition
k <- 3 #number of subjects to swap
T <- 10000 #number of trials
trial <- function (N, k) {
d <- rnorm(N * 2, 0, 1) #build random data
cond <- c(rep(0, N), rep(1, N)) #assign conditions at random
df <- data.frame(cond, d)
tf <- t.test(df[cond==0,]$d, df[cond==1,]$d)
pf <- tf$p.value #t test when null hypothesis is true
dh <- df[order(cond, d),] #sort random data by condition and outcome value
slice <- dh[1:k,] #save the k lowest numbers from condition 0
end <- (N * 2) - k + 1 #identify the bounds of the k highest numbers in condition 1
dh[1:k,] <- dh[end:(N * 2),] #move the k highest numbers in condition 1 to condition 0
dh[end:(N * 2),] <- slice #move the k lowest numbers from condition 0 to condition 1
th <- t.test(dh[cond==0,]$d, dh[cond==1,]$d)
ph <- th$p.value #t test after swapping k participants
return(c(pf, ph))
sig0 <- 0
sig1 <- 0
for (i in 1:T) {
x <- trial(N, k)
if (x[1] <= .05) {
sig0 <- sig0 + 1
if (x[2] <= .05) {
sig1 <- sig1 + 1
cat("p values <= .05 with random data: ", sprintf("%.1f", sig0 * 100 / T), "%", "\n", sep="")
cat("p values <= .05 after swapping ", k, " cases: ", sprintf("%.1f", sig1 * 100 / T), "%", "\n", sep="")
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