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Last active October 6, 2022 09:55
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  • Save sa-spag/a84e9c1926b4a28642fc694b91746c13 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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    actor Author
    actor Peers
    participant App Git repository
    participant CI
    participant Container image repository
    participant CD controller
    Note right of CD controller: Deployed in a control cluster
    participant Kubernetes manifests Git repository
    Note right of Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Possibly the same as the app's
    participant Kubernetes cluster

        Author->>App Git repository: Pushes commit to working branch

    Author->>App Git repository: Opens pull request targeting the default branch
    Peers->>App Git repository: Approve the pull request
    opt Auto-merge disabled
        Author->>App Git repository: Merges the pull request

    App Git repository->>+CI: Notifies about new commits to build on the default branch
    CI->>Container image repository: Pushes new app container image
    Container image repository->>CD controller: Notifies about new image tags

    alt Continuous Deployment (recommended for staging environments)
        CD controller->>Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Patches relevant manifests on the default branch
    else Continuous Delivery
        CD controller->>Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Creates a pull request with manifests patches
        Note left of Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Pull request description includes changelog inferred from<br>the container image source repository (retrieved from an image label).<br>Reviewers can be set according to changes authors.
        Kubernetes manifests Git repository-->>CI: Notifies about deployment pull request
        CI-->>Author: Notifies about deployment pull request
        CI-->>Peers: Notifies about deployment pull request
            Kubernetes manifests Git repository-->>Author: Requests review from
            Author->>Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Approves the pull request
            Kubernetes manifests Git repository-->>Peers: Requests review from
            Peers->>Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Approves the pull request
        Author->>Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Merges the pull request
    Kubernetes manifests Git repository-->>CD controller: Notifies about new commits on the default branch

    CD controller->>Kubernetes cluster: Patches resources
    Kubernetes cluster->>Kubernetes cluster: Converges according to configuration
    Note right of Kubernetes cluster: Eventually introduce a progressive delivery controller

    Kubernetes cluster-->>CD controller: Notifies about successful convergence
    CD controller-->>Kubernetes manifests Git repository: Notifies about successful deployment
    Note right of CD controller: Using commit statuses or other GitHub APIs
    CD controller-->>CI: Notifies about successful deployment
    CI-->>App Git repository: Notifies about successful deployment
    Note left of CI: Using commit statuses or other GitHub APIs
    CI-->>Author: Notifies about successful deployment
    Note left of CI: Via Slack
    deactivate CI
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