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Created August 10, 2020 16:23 — forked from JohannesMP/LICENSE
[Unity3D] A Reliable, user-friendly way to reference SceneAssets by script.
* Don't Be a Jerk: The Open Source Software License.
* Adapted from:
* _I_ am the software author - JohannesMP on Github.
* _You_ are the user of this software. You might be a _we_, and that's OK!
* This is free, open source software. I will never charge you to use,
* license, or obtain this software. Doing so would make me a jerk.
using System.Data.Entity;
using Abp.Application.Editions;
using Abp.Application.Features;
using Abp.Auditing;
using Abp.Authorization;
using Abp.Authorization.Roles;
using Abp.Authorization.Users;
using Abp.BackgroundJobs;
using Abp.Configuration;
using Abp.Localization;
saYRam / App.config
Created February 13, 2018 22:24 — forked from primaryobjects/App.config
Example C# code to extract audio from YouTube and save as trimmed 15-second WAV file. Requires ffmpeg.exe
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="ffmpeg:ExeLocation" value="../../../tools/ffmpeg.exe" />