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Created August 22, 2017 19:11
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// API that allows user to perform decryption actions on a given text
import _ from 'lodash'
import plain from './plain.txt'
export default class CipherDecrypter {
constructor(encrypted = "") {
this.base = plain.toUpperCase()
this.encrypted = encrypted
this.quadgramStats = this.getQuadgramStats()
// utility function that removes whitespace and numbers from a string
static compress(string){
let noSpaces = string.match(/\w/g).join("").toUpperCase()
return noSpaces.match(/\D/g).join("").toUpperCase()
// utility function that extracts all quadgrams from a text
static extractQuadgrams(text) {
let qArray = []
text = CipherDecrypter.compress(text)
for(let i = 0; i < text.length - 3; i++) {
let q = text.substring(i, i + 4)
return qArray
// utility function that replaces character at a given index
static replaceAt(string, replacement, pos) {
return `${string.substr(0, pos)}${replacement}${string.substr(pos + replacement.length)}`
// a function to find the most used character which has a strong chance of
// being our key for 'E'
findE() {
let text = CipherDecrypter.compress(this.encrypted)
let alphaCount = {'A': 0, 'B': 0, 'C': 0, 'D': 0, 'E': 0, 'F': 0, 'G': 0,
'H': 0, 'I': 0, 'J': 0, 'K': 0, 'L': 0, 'M': 0, 'N': 0,
'O': 0, 'P': 0, 'Q': 0, 'R': 0, 'S': 0, 'T': 0, 'U': 0,
'V': 0, 'W': 0, 'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0}
// for every character in text increment alphabet count by 1
for(let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
alphaCount[text[i]] += 1
// check alphaCount for highest value
let getMax = (obj) => {
return Math.max.apply(null, Object.values(obj))
// store highest value into a variable
let highestCount = getMax(alphaCount)
// grab the key that contains the highest value
const likelyE = Object.keys(alphaCount).find(key => alphaCount[key] ===
return likelyE
// Returns quadgram stats as an object (derived from this.base)
getQuadgramStats() {
let allQuadgrams = []
let sampleText = ''
let totalQuadgramCount = 0
let quadgramStats = {}
// Take a large sample of this.base, store in 'sampleText'
for(let i = 0; i < this.base.length; i++) {
sampleText = sampleText + this.base[i]
// remove numbers and whitespace from text
sampleText = CipherDecrypter.compress(sampleText)
allQuadgrams = CipherDecrypter.extractQuadgrams(sampleText)
// load quadgramStats with quadgrams and their count
quadgramStats = _.countBy(allQuadgrams)
// update totalQuadgramCount
for(let q in quadgramStats){
totalQuadgramCount += quadgramStats[q] // pull occurences, add to sum
// function that allows us to sort an object by its' values (returns array)
let sortByProperty = (obj) =>
let sortable=[]
for(let key in obj)
sortable.push([key, obj[key]])
sortable.sort(function(a, b)
return b[1]-a[1]
return sortable
// sort quadgramStats by count (recall sortByProperty returns an array)
quadgramStats = sortByProperty(quadgramStats)
// calculate probability for each quadgram, replace count with probability
quadgramStats.forEach((element) => {
let probability = Math.log(element[1]/totalQuadgramCount)/Math.log(10)
// return quadgramStats as an object
return _.fromPairs(quadgramStats)
// returns a fitness score of text by referencing this.quadgramStats
checkFitness(text) {
let qArray= []
let score = 0
// remove numbers and whitespace from text
text = CipherDecrypter.compress(text)
// store quadgrams in qArray
qArray = CipherDecrypter.extractQuadgrams(text)
// get sum of quadgrams by pulling values from this.quadgramStats
qArray.forEach((q) => {
if(this.quadgramStats[q] != undefined) {
score += this.quadgramStats[q]
}else {
score -= 9.4
return score
// returns new text after replacing letters using a given key
swapLetters(key, text) {
let currentText = text
let actionText = ''
let cipherKey = key
let charIndexes = {}
// for each letter in CipherKey, create an array of indexes where they occur
for (let char in cipherKey) {
let indexes = []
for (let ch in text ) {
if (text[ch] == char) {
charIndexes[char] = indexes
// for each letter in charIndexes insert that letter into correct text indexes
for (let key in charIndexes) {
// for every index, replace character with its cipherKey value
for (let i = 0; i < charIndexes[key].length; i++) {
let ckey = charIndexes[key][i]
actionText = CipherDecrypter.replaceAt(currentText, cipherKey[key], Number(ckey))
currentText = actionText
return currentText
// generates a new cipher key
initialCipherKey() {
const solvedE = this.findE()
let key = {}
// Add our known value of 'E' to cipherKey
key[solvedE] = 'E'
// Remove solvedE from unassignedKeys
unassignedKeys = unassignedKeys.replace(solvedE, "")
// for each letter in unassignedKeys, assign a random letter from alphabet
for (let char in unassignedKeys){
key[unassignedKeys[char]] = alphabet[char]
return key
// swap 2 characters in a given cipher key
nextCipherKey(k) {
let nextKey = k
let currentEKey = Object.keys(nextKey).find(key => nextKey[key] === 'E')
// keep current key for 'E'
nextKey[currentEKey] = 'E'
// Remove currentEKey from unassigned
unassigned = unassigned.replace(currentEKey, "")
// function to randomly select a letter from alphabet
let randomLetter = () => {
return alpha[Math.floor(Math.random() * alpha.length)]
// select random letter from alpha
let random1 = randomLetter()
// get key for first random letter
let random1Key = Object.keys(nextKey).find(key => nextKey[key] === random1)
// select random letter from alpha
let random2 = randomLetter()
// get key for second random letter
let random2Key = Object.keys(nextKey).find(key => nextKey[key] === random2)
nextKey[random2Key] = random1
nextKey[random1Key] = random2
return nextKey
// test cipher keys on encrypted seeking the best fitness score possible
findBestKey() {
let toDecrypt = CipherDecrypter.compress(this.encrypted)
let cipherKey = {}
let currentCipherText = ''
let nextCipherText = ''
let failures = 0
let nextKey = {}
let currentScore = 0
let nextCipherScore = 0
// get initial cipher key
cipherKey = this.initialCipherKey()
// copy current cipherKey to pass to this.nextKey() to be modified
nextKey = this.nextCipherKey(Object.assign({}, cipherKey))
// swap letters using current key
currentCipherText = this.swapLetters(cipherKey, toDecrypt)
// swap letters using possible next key
nextCipherText = this.swapLetters(nextKey, toDecrypt)
while(failures < 1000 ) {
// currentScore is meassured by checking the fitness of toDecrypt with currentCipher
currentScore = this.checkFitness(currentCipherText)
// nextCipherscore is measured by checking the fitness of toDecrypt with nextCipher
nextCipherScore = this.checkFitness(nextCipherText)
// if currentScore is stronger than nextCipherScore, keep currentCipher
// pass a copy of cipherKey to nextCipherKey so a new key can be generated
// increment failures count
if (currentScore >= nextCipherScore) {
console.log(`keeping current cipher ${currentScore}`)
nextKey = this.nextCipherKey(Object.assign({}, cipherKey))
failures += 1
// if currentScore <= nextCipherScore, replace cipherKey with a copy of nextKey
// replace nextKey with a key generated from nextCipherKey
// display the key in the new cipherKey in the console
// reset failure count
else if (currentScore <= nextCipherScore){
console.log(`replacing current cipher with next one ${nextCipherScore}`)
cipherKey = Object.assign({}, nextKey)
nextKey = this.nextCipherKey(Object.assign({}, nextKey))
failures = 0
// after each scoring result, update currentCipherText and nextCipherText
currentCipherText = this.swapLetters(cipherKey, toDecrypt)
nextCipherText = this.swapLetters(nextKey, toDecrypt)
return cipherKey
solve() {
let encryptedText = this.encrypted.toUpperCase()
let answer = this.findBestKey()
let solvedText = this.swapLetters(answer, encryptedText)
return solvedText
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