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Created April 19, 2014 01:18
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Save saadtazi/11070632 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
grunt-mocha-webdriver bootstrap
/*jshint node:true*/
// i put my spec files in the same folder as before.js
'use strict';
before(function(done) {
// put the browser in global so we don't need 'self=this'
// using global vars is not ideal but I think it is acceptable for testing
global.browser = this.browser;
global.chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = this.wd.transferPromiseness;
// load some promise Methods
after(function(done) {
this.browser.quit().then(done, done);
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
// load all grunt tasks
// ....
mochaWebdriver: {
options: {
testName: 'my test suite',
timeout: 1000 * 60,
// only used by phantomjs
reporter: 'spec',
require: [ 'test/e2e/init.js' ],
usePromises: true
phantom: {
src: ['test/e2e/spec/before.js', 'test/e2e/spec/*.spec.js'],
options: {
// phantomjs
usePhantom: true
saucelabs: {
src: ['test/e2e/spec/before.js', 'test/e2e/spec/*.spec.js'],
options: {
testName: 'my test suite - ' + Date(),
username: 'xxx',
key: 'yyy-zzzz-ttt-uuuu',
tunnelFlags: ['--direct-domains', ',,'],
browsers: [
browserName: 'firefox',
version: '24',
platform: 'Windows XP'
browserName: 'firefox',
version: '26',
platform: 'Windows 8.1'
// ....
/*jshint node:true*/
// test/e2e/init.js
// in this file, I add some global requires
// Chai
var chai = require('chai');
global.chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised')
module.exports = function(wd) {
'use strict';
function injectScript(url) {
// this assumes you have jquery in your tested app
return global.browser.execute('$.getScript("' + url + '");');
wd.addPromiseMethod('injectScript', injectScript);
// ... add more
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I prefer expect over should. And I am getting an ReferenceError: before is not defined in my case. Any ideas what else I should call? I think before() exists only for should?

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I prefer expect over should. And I am getting an ReferenceError: before is not defined in my case. Any ideas what else I should call? I think before() exists only for should?

Fixed, it was simply a question of the interface. I am using TDD, you BDD ...

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