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Created October 21, 2013 06:58
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function userEventBeforeLoad(type, form, request) {
if (type == 'view') {
var id = nlapiGetFieldValue('id');
form.addButton('custpage_btnCreateWO', 'Create WO',
+ id + '\');');
function pageInit() {
var d = new Date();
var strSD = d.format('mm/dd/yyyy');
var strED = d.dateAdd(Date.DAY,7).format('mm/dd/yyyy');
var userName = nlapiGetUser();
if(isEmptyOrNull(nlapiGetFieldValue('startdate'))) {
if(isEmptyOrNull(nlapiGetFieldValue('enddate'))) {
nlapiSetFieldValue('memo','Updated by: '+userName);
//A checkbox, which is part of salesorder record, but shown in item tab
function myFieldChanged(type, name, linenum) {
function myValidateField(type, name, linenum) {
if(type == 'item' && name == 'quantity') {
else if(isEmptyOrNull(type) && name=='otherrefnum') {
if(isNaN(nlapiGetFieldValue('otherrefnum'))) {
alert("PO# can only have digits");
return false;
//This is very necessary if no validation error occurs in all the tests
return true;
function mySaveRecord() {
var lineCnt = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item');
for(var x=1;x<=lineCnt;x++) {
var qty = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item','quantity',x);
if(isEmptyOrNull(qty) || parseInt(qty) <= 2) {
alert("Line item quantities can not be lesser than 3");
return false;
return true;
//Run after add button of line item clicked
function myValidateLine(type) {
if(type=='item') {
var qty = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item','quantity');
if(isEmptyOrNull(qty) || parseInt(qty) <= 1) {
alert("Line item quantities can not be lesser than 2");
return false;
//Necessary if no validation error occurs
return true;
//Run after delete button of line item clicked
function myValidateDelete(type) {
if(type=='item') {
//Necessary if no validation error occurs
return true;
function suitelet(request, response) {
var po = request.getParameter('poid');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', po);
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Create Work Order(s) from PO: '
+ rec.getFieldValue('tranid'));
if (request.getMethod() == 'GET') {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_items', 'list', 'Components');
var values = new Array();
var count = 1;
for ( var i = 1; i <= rec.getLineItemCount('item'); i++) {
var assemblyId = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'item', i);
var cols = new Array();
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('itemid'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('description'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('custitem_workordercomments'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('isinactive'));
var fils = new Array();
.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('component', null, 'is',
var res = nlapiSearchRecord('assemblyitem', null, fils, cols);
if (res) {
var comment = res[0].getValue('custitem_workordercomments');
var id = res[0].getId();
var check = res[0].getValue('isinactive') == 'T' ? 'F' : 'T';
var description = res[0].getValue('description');
var item = rec.getLineItemText('item', 'item', i);
if (check == 'F') {
item = '<font color="red">' + item + '</font>';
var woQty = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', i);
if (!woQty || typeof woQty == 'undefined') {
woQty = 0;
var qty = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', i);
var diff = qty - woQty;
if (diff == 0) {
diff = diff + '';
var index = diff.indexOf('.');
if (index >= 0) {
diff = diff.substring(0, index);
var assembly = '<select name=\'cust_assembly' + count++
+ '\' onChange=\'onChangeAssembly(this)\'>';
var comments = '';
var ids = '';
var statuses = '';
for ( var j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {
comments += res[j].getValue('custitem_workordercomments')
+ ',';
assembly += '<option value=\'' + j + '\'>'
+ res[j].getValue('itemid') + '</option>';
ids += res[j].getId() + ',';
statuses += res[j].getValue('isinactive') + ',';
if (assembly.length >= 3950) {
assembly += '</select>';
custpage_check : check,
custpage_component : item,
custpage_quantity : diff,
custpage_assembly : assembly,
custpage_comments : comment,
custpage_id : id,
custpage_description : description,
custpage_idarray : ids,
custpage_commentsarray : comments,
custpage_statusarray : statuses,
custpage_index : i,
custpage_woqty : woQty,
custpage_qty : diff
form.addSubmitButton('Create WO');
form.addField('custpage_setenddate', 'date', 'Set End Date');
var poId = form.addField('poid', 'text', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_id', 'text', 'Assembly Id').setDisplayType(
list.addField('custpage_idarray', 'textarea', 'Assembly Ids')
list.addField('custpage_commentsarray', 'textarea', 'Comments')
list.addField('custpage_statusarray', 'textarea', 'Comments')
list.addField('custpage_index', 'text', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_woqty', 'float', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_qty', 'integer', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_check', 'checkbox', '');
list.addField('custpage_component', 'text', 'Component');
list.addField('custpage_assembly', 'textarea', 'Assembly');
var description = list.addField('custpage_description', 'textarea',
description.setDisplaySize(100, 5);
list.addField('custpage_quantity', 'integer', 'Quantity')
var comments = list.addField('custpage_comments', 'textarea',
comments.setDisplaySize(100, 5);
list.addField('custpage_enddate', 'date', 'End Date').setDisplayType(
} else if (request.getMethod() == 'POST') {
'Print BOM',
form.addButton('custpage_back', 'Back',
+ nlapiGetContext().getScriptId() + '&deploy='
+ nlapiGetContext().getDeploymentId() + '&poid=' + po
+ '\',\'_self\')');
var count = 0;
var ids = '';
for ( var i = 1; i <= request.getLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
var checked = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_check', i);
if (checked == 'T') {
var wo = nlapiCreateRecord('workorder', {
recordmode : 'dynamic',
wo.setFieldValue('assemblyitem', request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i));
var qty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_quantity', i);
qty *= 1;
var woQty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_woqty', i);
woQty *= 1;
wo.setFieldValue('quantity', qty);
wo.setFieldValue('enddate', request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_enddate', i));
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_wocomments', request
'custpage_comments', i));
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_linkedpo', po);
try {
var woId = nlapiSubmitRecord(wo);
rec.setLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', request
'custpage_index', i), woQty + qty);
ids += nlapiLookupField('workorder', woId, 'tranid') + ' ';
} catch (e) {
'Create Work order from Purchase order',
'Unable to create work order for assembly item: '
+ request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i)
+ ', ' + e);
var msg = 'Total Work Order(s) created successfully: ' + count;
if (count > 0) {
msg += ' with following id\'s:' + ids;
form.addField('custpage_message', 'label', msg);
function clientPageInit() {
for ( var i = 1; i <= nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
var statuses = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_statusarray', i);
var statusArr = statuses.split(',');
if (statusArr[0] == 'T') {
document.getElementById('custpage_check' + i).disabled = true;
document.getElementById('custpage_items_custpage_description' + i
+ '_fs').disabled = true;
function clientFieldChanged(type, name, linenum) {
if (name == 'custpage_setenddate') {
var val = nlapiGetFieldValue(name);
for ( var i = 1; i <= nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_enddate', i, val);
function clientValidateField(type, name, linenum) {
if (name == 'custpage_quantity') {
var qty = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_qty',
var val = document.getElementById(name + linenum).value;
val *= 1;
if (val <= 0 || qty < val) {
alert('Please select a value between 1 and ' + qty);
return false;
return true;
function onChangeAssembly(self) {
var linenum ='cust_assembly'.length);
var index = self.selectedIndex;
var comments = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_commentsarray', linenum);
var commentsArr = comments.split(',');
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_comments', linenum,
var ids = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_idarray',
var idArr = ids.split(',');
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_id', linenum,
var statuses = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_statusarray', linenum);
var statusArr = statuses.split(',');
var elem = document.getElementById('custpage_itemsrow' + (linenum - 1)).cells
var innerHTML = elem.innerHTML;
if (statusArr[index] == 'T') {
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_check', linenum, 'F');
document.getElementById('custpage_check' + linenum).disabled = true;
elem.innerHTML = '<font color=\'red\'>' + innerHTML + '</font>';
} else {
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_check', linenum, 'T');
document.getElementById('custpage_check' + linenum).disabled = false;
var start = innerHTML.indexOf('<font');
if (start >= 0) {
var end = innerHTML.indexOf('</font>');
elem.innerHTML = innerHTML.substring(start + 18, end);
function customje1_load(type,form,request) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','Custom JE_1 ' + type,'Current record id:' + id);
// All Records
var childRecs = [];
if(typeof id != 'undefined' && id != null && id != '' && id != '-1')
//Getting child records
var filters = new Array();
var returncols = new Array();
filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('custrecord_customje_1_ptnsid',null,'equalto',id);
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_cramount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_dbamount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_account');
var childRecs2 = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customeje_1',null,filters,returncols);
//Getting parent record
filters = new Array();
returncols = new Array();
filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('internalid',null,'is',id);
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_cramount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_dbamount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_account');
var childRecs1 = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customeje_1',null,filters,returncols);
if(childRecs1 != null) { for(var x=0;x<childRecs1.length;x++) childRecs.push(childRecs1[x]); }
if(childRecs2 != null) { for(var x=0;x<childRecs2.length;x++) childRecs.push(childRecs2[x]); }
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
if(type == 'edit') {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_customje','inlineeditor','Custom Journal Entries','custpage_cjelist');
var nsid = list.addField('list_nsid','integer','Internal Id');
list.addField('list_cramount','float','Credit Amount');
list.addField('list_dbamount','float','Debit Amount');
if(childRecs != null) {
for(var i=0;i<childRecs.length;i++) {
else {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_customje','editor','Custom Journal Entries','custpage_cjelist');
list.addField('list_nsid','integer','Internal Id');
list.addField('list_cramount','float','Credit Amount');
list.addField('list_dbamount','float','Debit Amount');
function customje1_beforesubmit(type) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var existRecsId = [];
if(typeof id != 'undefined' && id != null && id != '' && id != '-1') {
//Getting child records
var filters = new Array();
var returncols = new Array();
filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('custrecord_customje_1_ptnsid',null,'equalto',id);
var childRecs2 = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customeje_1',null,filters,returncols);
if(childRecs2 != null) {
for(var x=0;x<childRecs2.length;x++) existRecsId.push(childRecs2[x].getId());
for(var x=0;x<existRecsId.length;x++) {
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var arr = new Array();
var obj = null;
var parentNsId = null;
var linecount = nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_customje');
var trandate = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_customje_1_trandate');
for(var x=1;x<=linecount;x++) {
obj = new Object(); = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_nsid',x);
obj.account = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_account',x);
obj.dbamount = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_dbamount',x);
obj.cramount = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_cramount',x);
obj.trandate = trandate;
obj.ptnsid = -1;
obj.ismainline = 'F';
arr[arr.length] = obj;
arr[0].ismainline = 'T';
parentNsId = updateCustomJE_1(arr[0],id);
for(var x=1;x<linecount;x++) {
arr[x].ptnsid = id;
function updateCustomJE_1(obj,id) {
function insertCustomJE_1(obj) {
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('customrecord_customje_1');
return nlapiSubmitRecord(rec,true);
Date Docs
1) dateFormat(mask, utc)
2) getActualMonth( ) //Jan - 1, Dec - 12
3) getWeekDay( ) //Sun - 1, Sat - 7
4) getWeekDayName(isShort) //Monday - Sunday - isShort then Mon - Sun
5) getMonthName(isShort) //January - December - isShort then Jan - Dec
6) DAY = 1
7) MONTH = 2
8) YEAR = 3
9) dateAdd(unittype, units) //unittype: obj.DAY, obj.MONTH, obj.YEAR
var dateFormat = function () {
var token = /d{1,4}|m{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|([HhMsTt])\1?|[LloSZ]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g,
timezone = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g,
timezoneClip = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g,
pad = function (val, len) {
val = String(val);
len = len || 2;
while (val.length < len) val = "0" + val;
return val;
// Regexes and supporting functions are cached through closure
return function (date, mask, utc) {
var dF = dateFormat;
// You can't provide utc if you skip other args (use the "UTC:" mask prefix)
if (arguments.length == 1 && == "[object String]" && !/\d/.test(date)) {
mask = date;
date = undefined;
// Passing date through Date applies Date.parse, if necessary
date = date ? new Date(date) : new Date;
if (isNaN(date)) throw SyntaxError("invalid date");
mask = String(dF.masks[mask] || mask || dF.masks["default"]);
// Allow setting the utc argument via the mask
if (mask.slice(0, 4) == "UTC:") {
mask = mask.slice(4);
utc = true;
var _ = utc ? "getUTC" : "get",
d = date[_ + "Date"](),
D = date[_ + "Day"](),
m = date[_ + "Month"](),
y = date[_ + "FullYear"](),
H = date[_ + "Hours"](),
M = date[_ + "Minutes"](),
s = date[_ + "Seconds"](),
L = date[_ + "Milliseconds"](),
o = utc ? 0 : date.getTimezoneOffset(),
flags = {
d: d,
dd: pad(d),
ddd: dF.i18n.dayNames[D],
dddd: dF.i18n.dayNames[D + 7],
m: m + 1,
mm: pad(m + 1),
mmm: dF.i18n.monthNames[m],
mmmm: dF.i18n.monthNames[m + 12],
yy: String(y).slice(2),
yyyy: y,
h: H % 12 || 12,
hh: pad(H % 12 || 12),
H: H,
HH: pad(H),
M: M,
MM: pad(M),
s: s,
ss: pad(s),
l: pad(L, 3),
L: pad(L > 99 ? Math.round(L / 10) : L),
t: H < 12 ? "a" : "p",
tt: H < 12 ? "am" : "pm",
T: H < 12 ? "A" : "P",
TT: H < 12 ? "AM" : "PM",
Z: utc ? "UTC" : (String(date).match(timezone) || [""]).pop().replace(timezoneClip, ""),
o: (o > 0 ? "-" : "+") + pad(Math.floor(Math.abs(o) / 60) * 100 + Math.abs(o) % 60, 4),
S: ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"][d % 10 > 3 ? 0 : (d % 100 - d % 10 != 10) * d % 10]
return mask.replace(token, function ($0) {
return $0 in flags ? flags[$0] : $0.slice(1, $0.length - 1);
// Some common format strings
dateFormat.masks = {
"default": "ddd mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss",
shortDate: "m/d/yy",
mediumDate: "mmm d, yyyy",
longDate: "mmmm d, yyyy",
fullDate: "dddd, mmmm d, yyyy",
shortTime: "h:MM TT",
mediumTime: "h:MM:ss TT",
longTime: "h:MM:ss TT Z",
isoDate: "yyyy-mm-dd",
isoTime: "HH:MM:ss",
isoDateTime: "yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss",
isoUtcDateTime: "UTC:yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:ss'Z'"
// Internationalization strings
dateFormat.i18n = {
dayNames: [
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat",
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
monthNames: [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec",
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
function getActualMonth() { var n = this.getMonth(); n += 1; return n; }
function getWeekDay() { var n = this.getDay(); n += 1; return n; } //Sun - 1, Sat - 7
function getWeekDayName(isShort) {
var n = this.getDay(); var dow = new Array(7);
dow[0] = "Sunday"; dow[1] = "Monday"; dow[2] = "Tuesday"; dow[3] = "Wednesday";
dow[4] = "Thursday"; dow[5] = "Friday"; dow[6] = "Saturday";
if(isShort == true) return dow[n].substring(0,3); else return dow[n];
function getMonthName(isShort) {
var n = this.getMonth(); var moy = new Array(12);
moy[0] = "January"; moy[1] = "February"; moy[2] = "March";
moy[3] = "April"; moy[4] = "May"; moy[5] = "June";
moy[6] = "July"; moy[7] = "August"; moy[8] = "September";
moy[9] = "October"; moy[10] = "November"; moy[11] = "December";
if(isShort == true) return moy[n].substring(0,3); else return moy[n];
function dateAdd(unittype, units) {
if(unittype == 1) { //day
else if(unittype == 2) { //month
else if(unittype == 3) { //year
return this;
function dateClone() {
return new Date(this.getTime());
//Prototyping with Date Type
Date.prototype.format = function (mask, utc) { return dateFormat(this, mask, utc); };
Date.prototype.getActualMonth = getActualMonth;
Date.prototype.getWeekDay = getWeekDay;
Date.prototype.getWeekDayName = getWeekDayName;
Date.prototype.getMonthName = getMonthName;
Date.prototype.clone = dateClone;
Date.DAY = 1;
Date.MONTH = 2;
Date.YEAR = 3;
Date.prototype.dateAdd = dateAdd;
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 10/21/13
* Time: 11:54 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
//findDuplicates('customer','Ramsey Inc. Wholesale Distribution V2011.1','6505559788','');
//My class to save Record
function nsRecord()
{ = 0; = ''; = '';
this.companyname = '';
this.duplicates = new Array();
this.alreadyChecked = false;
// set checking logic
function check(recOne , recTwo)
returnVal = false;
returnVal = ( ([^0-9a-z]/g,'') ==[^0-9a-z]/g,'')) && ( > 2 ) && ( > 2 ) );
returnVal |= ( ( == && ( > 2 ) && ( > 2 ) );
return returnVal;
//Actual Function
function findDuplicates ( recordType , companyName , phoneNum , email )
// Validating if a single record is to be compared
if( companyName != null )
if(phoneNum == null || email == null)
return "Either phoneNum Or Email is missing . Please enter all three parameters";
var recordToCompare = new nsRecord(); = email; = phoneNum;
recordToCompare.companyname = companyName;
// Get All Records in an Array
var AllRecords = new Array();
//Columns Required
var searchCols = new Array();
searchCols[0]= new nlobjSearchColumn( 'email' );
searchCols[1]= new nlobjSearchColumn( 'phone' );
searchCols[2]= new nlobjSearchColumn( 'companyname' );
//detecting duplicates of leads in customer
filter = new Array();
//filter.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('stage',null,'is','LEAD'));
var searchResults = searchRecords(recordType,filter,searchCols,2000);
// Populate the AllRecords Array
for(var i = 0 ; i < searchResults.length ; i++ )
//getting All Actual columns
var searchResult = searchResults[i];
var AllColumns = searchResult.getAllColumns();
//Making obj for ease
var newRecord = new nsRecord(); = searchResult.getId(); = searchResult.getValue(AllColumns[0]); = searchResult.getValue(AllColumns[1]);
newRecord.companyname = searchResult.getValue(AllColumns[2]);
var onlyDuplicates = new Array();
for(var j=0; j< AllRecords.length ;j++)
return onlyDuplicates;
//Doing comparision
for(var i=0; i< AllRecords.length ;i++)
for(var j=0; j< AllRecords.length ;j++)
if(i != j && check(AllRecords[i],AllRecords[j]))
// If the record had already been compared
if(AllRecords[j].alreadyChecked == false)
AllRecords[j].alreadyChecked = true;
AllRecords[i].alreadyChecked = true;
var finalResult = new Array();
//Printing Records
for ( var i=0; i < AllRecords.length ; i++ )
if( AllRecords[i].duplicates.length > 0 )
return finalResult;
//Generic Function For N number Of Search
function searchRecords(recordType , filter , column , maxLimit )
//to store result
var outputOfFunction = new Array();
// initial lastid
lastid = -100;
var totalCount = 0 ;
// Add filter and Sorting
filter.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('internalidnumber', null, 'greaterthan', Number(lastid)));
var col = new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid');
var searchRes = nlapiSearchRecord(recordType,null,filter,column);
totalCount += searchRes.length;
// Reset last ID after every 1000 records i.e next iteration
if( searchRes.length == 1000 )
lastid = searchRes[999].getId();
//addiunbg to final array
outputOfFunction = outputOfFunction.concat(searchRes);
//break the loop if a search result had less than 1000 records
if(lastid == -100)
if( typeof maxLimit != 'undefined')
if(totalCount >= maxLimit)
return outputOfFunction;
function trim(str) {
var chSpace=' '; var index; var strLen=str.length;
for(index=0;index<strLen;index++) {
if(str.charAt(0)==chSpace) { str=str.substring(1); }
else { break; }
for(index=0;index<=strLen;index++) {
if(str.charAt(str.length-1)==chSpace) { str=str.substring(0,str.length-1); }
else { break; }
return str;
function replaceAll(str,str1,str2) {
var st = str; var st1 = '';
if(st != null && st.length > 0) {
while(st.indexOf(str1) >= 0) { var x = st.indexOf(str1); st1 += st.substring(0,x) + str2; st = st.substring(x+str1.length); }
st = st1 + st;
return st;
function isEmptyOrNull(obj) {
if(typeof obj == 'undefined' || obj == null || obj == '') { return true; }
else { return false; }
function cloneObject(obj) {
if(typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
var _x = {};
_x.q = jQuery.noConflict();
var newObj = _x.q.extend(true, {}, obj);
return newObj;
else {
alert("No jQuery instance");
return null;
function getUrlParameter(url,name) {
url = replaceAll(url,"&amp;","&");
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec(url);
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
function zeroIfNaN(num) {
var x = parseFloat(num);
if(isNaN(x)) {
return 0;
else {
return num;
function providentfund_load(type,form,request) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
if(type == 'create') {
function providentfund_beforesubmit(type) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var empId = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_');
var empObj = nlapiLoadRecord('employee',empId);
var existFund = parseFloat(empObj.getFieldValue('custentity_totalprovidentfund'));
if(isNaN(existFund)) existFund = 0;
var newFund = parseFloat(nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_pamount'));
if(isNaN(newFund)) newFund = 0;
var oldFund = 0;
if(type == 'create') {
else if(type == 'delete') {
else if(type == 'edit') {
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var currObj = nlapiLoadRecord('customrecord_providentfund',id);
oldFund = parseFloat(currObj.getFieldValue('custrecord_pamount'));
if(isNaN(oldFund)) oldFund = 0;
function providentfund_load(type,form,request) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
if(type == 'create') {
function providentfund_beforesubmit(type) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var empId = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_recordisparent');
var empObj = nlapiLoadRecord('employee',empId);
var existFund = parseFloat(empObj.getFieldValue('custentity7'));
if(isNaN(existFund)) existFund = 0;
var newFund = parseFloat(nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_pamount'));
if(isNaN(newFund)) newFund = 0;
var oldFund = 0;
if(type == 'create') {
else if(type == 'delete') {
else if(type == 'edit') {
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var currObj = nlapiLoadRecord('custentity7',id);
oldFund = parseFloat(currObj.getFieldValue('custrecord_pamount'));
if(isNaN(oldFund)) oldFund = 0;
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 9/27/13
* Time: 4:54 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function main()
var context = nlapiGetContext();
toDate= context.getSetting('SCRIPT','todate');
var req = null;
var res = null;
function insertCustomJE_1(obj) {
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('customrecord_customeje_1');
return nlapiSubmitRecord(rec,true);
function insertNSJournalEntry(arr,trandate,postingperiod) {
var gjerecord = nlapiCreateRecord('journalentry');
var sdate = new Date(trandate);
var edate = sdate.clone();
var startdate = sdate.format('mm/dd/yyyy');
var enddate = edate.format('mm/dd/yyyy');
var userid = nlapiGetUser();
for(var x=0;x<arr.length;x++) {
if(arr[x].dbamount !=0) {
gjerecord.setLineItemValue('line','memo',(x+1),'Debit on account of CustomJE_1');
else {
gjerecord.setLineItemValue('line','memo',(x+1),'Credit on account of CustomJE_1');
gjeID = nlapiSubmitRecord(gjerecord, true);
function mainFun(request,response) {
req = request;
res = response;
if(req.getMethod() == 'POST') {
var linecount = req.getLineItemCount('customje');
if(linecount >= 2) {
var arr = new Array();
var obj = null;
var parentNsId = null;
var trandate = req.getParameter('custpage_trandate');
for(var x=1;x<=linecount;x++)
obj = new Object();
obj.account = req.getLineItemValue('customje','list_account',x);
obj.dbamount = zeroIfNaN(req.getLineItemValue('customje','list_dbamount',x));
obj.cramount = zeroIfNaN(req.getLineItemValue('customje','list_cramount',x));
obj.trandate = trandate;
obj.ptnsid = -1;
obj.ismainline = 'F';
arr[arr.length] = obj;
arr[0].ismainline = 'T';
parentNsId = insertCustomJE_1(arr[0]);
for(var x=1;x<linecount;x++) {
arr[x].ptnsid = parentNsId;
insertNSJournalEntry(arr,trandate,127); //May 2010 - NsId 127
else {
var param = new Array();
param['errmsg'] = 'Error, At least 2 line items are required';
else {
var form = nlapiCreateForm("Custom Journal 01",false);
var errmsg = req.getParameter('errmsg');
if(!isEmptyOrNull(errmsg)) {
var errfield = form.addField('custpage_errmsg','inlinehtml');
errfield.setDefaultValue('<span style="font-family:verdana;color:#FF0000;">' + errmsg + '</span>');
form.addField('custpage_trandate','date', 'Date');
form.addTab('custpage_cjelist','Recent Records');
var list = form.addSubList('customje','inlineeditor','Custom Journal Entries','custpage_cjelist');
list.addField('list_cramount','float','Credit Amount');
list.addField('list_dbamount','float','Debit Amount');
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 9/27/13
* Time: 4:01 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function main(request,response)
//Fetching Form Data
if(request.getMethod() == 'POST')
var toDate = request.getParameter('custpage_todate');
var fromDate = request.getParameter('custpage_tofrom');
response.writeLine(toDate + fromDate);
var params = new Array();
params['todate'] = toDate;
params['fromdate'] = fromDate;
var context = nlapiGetContext();
// Making Form
var form = nlapiCreateForm("Date Script",false);
form.addField("custpage_todate","date","Date To");
form.addField("custpage_tofrom","date","Date From");
var req = null;
var res = null;
function mainFun(request,response) {
req = request;
res = response;
var empId = request.getParameter('empid');
if(typeof empId != 'undefined' && empId != null && empId != '') {
var empObj = nlapiLoadRecord('employee',empId);
else {
res.writeLine('<h5>Please provide empId parameter</h5>');
function printPdf(empObj) {
res.writeLine('<h5> printing</h5>');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="myFirst.js"></script>
<button onclick="tryIt()" >TRY</button>
function employee_load(type,form,request) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var field1 = form.addField("custpage_newpype","inlinehtml");
var script = "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript' src=''></script>";
script += "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript' src=''></script>";
script += "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>";
script += "var j={};";
script += "var customFiles = null;";
script += "var customFilesInterval = null;";
script += "function customFilesHandler() {";
script += "try {";
script += "var url = customFiles.location.href;";
script += "if(url.indexOf('')>=0) {";
script += "clearInterval(customFilesInterval);";
script += "customFiles.close();";
script += "window.location.reload(true);";
script += "}";
script += "} catch(e) { clearInterval(customFilesInterval); }";
script += "};";
script += "j.q=jQuery.noConflict();";
script += "j.q(document).ready(function() {";
script += "j.q('#recmachcustrecord_recordisparent__tab tbody tr').each(function(index) \
{ \
var val = j.q('#recmachcustrecord_recordisparentrow' + index +' a'); \
var pUrl = val.attr('href').toString(); \
pUrl = pUrl.substring(pUrl.indexOf('/app')>=0?pUrl.indexOf('/app'):0); \
pUrl = pUrl.substring(0,pUrl.indexOf('\";')>=0?pUrl.indexOf('\";'):pUrl.length);\ { }); \ { \
customFiles = nlOpenWindow('/app/common/custom/' + getUrlParameter(pUrl, 'rectype') + '&id=' + getUrlParameter(pUrl, 'id') + '&pi=' + getUrlParameter(pUrl, 'pi') + '&pr=' + getUrlParameter(pUrl, 'pr'), 'customfiles_fileowner','width=640,height=320,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no');\
customFilesInterval=setInterval('customFilesHandler()',1); \
return false; \
}); \
}); " ;
script += "});";
script += "</script>";
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 9/27/13
* Time: 6:27 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function providentfund_beforesubmit(type) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var empId = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_recordisparent');
var empObj = nlapiLoadRecord('employee',empId);
var existFund = parseFloat(empObj.getFieldValue('custentity7'));
if(isNaN(existFund)) existFund = 0;
var newFund = parseFloat(nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecordpamount'));
if(isNaN(newFund)) newFund = 0;
var oldFund = 0;
if(type == 'create') {
else if(type == 'delete') {
else if(type == 'edit') {
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var currObj = nlapiLoadRecord('customrecord_saad',id);
oldFund = parseFloat(currObj.getFieldValue('custrecordpamount'));
if(isNaN(oldFund)) oldFund = 0;
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 9/27/13
* Time: 6:37 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function employee_load(type,form,request) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
if(id != null && id != '') {
var refresh = "var win ='"+id+"&Type=HTML','htmlwindow','location=0,width=50,height=50');" + "";
form.addButton('custpage_btnhtml','Show in HTML',refresh);
function customje1_load(type,form,request) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','Custom JE_1 ' + type,'Current record id:' + id);
var childRecs = [];
if(typeof id != 'undefined' && id != null && id != '' && id != '-1') {
//Getting child records
var filters = new Array();
var returncols = new Array();
filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('custrecord_customje_1_ptnsid',null,'equalto',id);
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_cramount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_dbamount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_account');
var childRecs2 = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customje_1',null,filters,returncols);
//Getting parent record
filters = new Array();
returncols = new Array();
filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('internalid',null,'is',id);
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_cramount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_dbamount');
returncols[returncols.length] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_customje_1_account');
var childRecs1 = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customje_1',null,filters,returncols);
if(childRecs1 != null) { for(var x=0;x<childRecs1.length;x++) childRecs.push(childRecs1[x]); }
if(childRecs2 != null) { for(var x=0;x<childRecs2.length;x++) childRecs.push(childRecs2[x]); }
form.addTab('custpage_cjelist','Recent Records');
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
if(type == 'edit') {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_customje','inlineeditor','Custom Journal Entries','custpage_cjelist');
//var nsid = list.addField('list_nsid','integer','Internal Id');
list.addField('list_cramount','float','Credit Amount');
list.addField('list_dbamount','float','Debit Amount');
if(childRecs != null) {
for(var i=0;i<childRecs.length;i++) {
else {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_customje','editor','Custom Journal Entries','custpage_cjelist');
//list.addField('list_nsid','integer','Internal Id');
list.addField('list_cramount','float','Credit Amount');
list.addField('list_dbamount','float','Debit Amount');
if(childRecs != null) {
for(var i=0;i<childRecs.length;i++) {
function insertNSJournalEntry(arr,trandate,postingperiod) {
var gjerecord = nlapiCreateRecord('journalentry');
var sdate = new Date(trandate);
var edate = sdate.clone();
var startdate = sdate.format('mm/dd/yyyy');
var enddate = edate.format('mm/dd/yyyy');
var userid = nlapiGetUser();
for(var x=0;x<arr.length;x++) {
if(arr[x].dbamount !=0) {
gjerecord.setLineItemValue('line','memo',(x+1),'Debit on account of CustomJE_1');
else {
gjerecord.setLineItemValue('line','memo',(x+1),'Credit on account of CustomJE_1');
return nlapiSubmitRecord(gjerecord, true);
//var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(gjerecord, true);
//nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'JE record created successfully', 'ID = ' + id);
//return id;
function customje1_beforesubmit(type) {
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var existRecsId = [];
if(typeof id != 'undefined' && id != null && id != '' && id != '-1') {
//Getting child records
var filters = new Array();
var returncols = new Array();
filters[filters.length] = new nlobjSearchFilter('custrecord_customje_1_ptnsid',null,'equalto',id);
var childRecs2 = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customje_1',null,filters,returncols);
if(childRecs2 != null) { for(var x=0;x<childRecs2.length;x++) existRecsId.push(childRecs2[x].getId()); }
for(var x=0;x<existRecsId.length;x++) { nlapiDeleteRecord('customrecord_customje_1',existRecsId[x]); }
if(currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') {
var arr = new Array();
var obj = null;
var parentNsId = null;
var linecount = nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_customje');
if(linecount >= 2) {
var trandate = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_customje_1_trandate');
var nsjeid = nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_customje_1_nsjeid');
//nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'JE1 record id', 'nsID1 = ' + nsjeid1);
//var customjeid=0;
for(var x=1;x<=linecount;x++) {
obj = new Object();
// = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_nsid',x);
obj.account = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_account',x);
obj.dbamount = zeroIfNaN(nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_dbamount',x));
obj.cramount = zeroIfNaN(nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_customje','list_cramount',x));
obj.trandate = trandate;
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'JE record id', 'nsID = ' + nsjeid);
//obj.ptnsid = -1;
obj.ismainline = 'F';
arr[arr.length] = obj;
arr[0].ismainline = 'T';
if(type == 'edit') {
var urec = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customje_1', id);
for(var x=1;x<linecount;x++) {
arr[x].ptnsid = id;
//return nlapiSubmitRecord(urec,true);
nsjeid = insertNSJournalEntry(arr,trandate,119);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'JE record id', 'nsID = ' + nsjeid);
//var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('customrecord_customje_1');
parentNsId = insertCustomJE_1(arr[0]);
for(var x=1;x<linecount;x++) {
arr[x].ptnsid = parentNsId;
//return nlapiSubmitRecord(rec,true);
//var param = new Array();
//param['errmsg'] = 'Error, At least 2 line items are required';
//alert('Error, At least 2 line items are required');
function updateCustomJE_1(urec,obj,id) {
//var urec = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_customje_1', id);
if (isNaN(obj.cramount)) obj.cramount=0;
if (isNaN(obj.dbamount)) obj.dbamount=0;
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'objjeid', 'objnsID = ' + obj.nsjeid);
return nlapiSubmitRecord(urec,true);
function insertCustomJE_1(obj) {
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('customrecord_customje_1');
if (isNaN(obj.cramount)) obj.cramount=0;
if (isNaN(obj.dbamount)) obj.dbamount=0;
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'objjeid', 'objnsID = ' + obj.nsjeid);
return nlapiSubmitRecord(rec,true);
function userEventBeforeLoad(type, form, request) {
if (type == 'view') {
var id = nlapiGetFieldValue('id');
form.addButton('custpage_btnCreateWO', 'Create WO',
+ id + '\');');
function suitelet(request, response) {
var po = request.getParameter('poid');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', po);
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Create Work Order(s) from PO: '
+ rec.getFieldValue('tranid'));
if (request.getMethod() == 'GET') {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_items', 'list', 'Components');
var values = new Array();
var count = 1;
for ( var i = 1; i <= rec.getLineItemCount('item'); i++) {
var assemblyId = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'item', i);
var cols = new Array();
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('itemid'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('description'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('custitem_workordercomments'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('isinactive'));
var fils = new Array();
.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('component', null, 'is',
var res = nlapiSearchRecord('assemblyitem', null, fils, cols);
if (res) {
var comment = res[0].getValue('custitem_workordercomments');
var id = res[0].getId();
var check = res[0].getValue('isinactive') == 'T' ? 'F' : 'T';
var description = res[0].getValue('description');
var item = rec.getLineItemText('item', 'item', i);
if (check == 'F') {
item = '<font color="red">' + item + '</font>';
var woQty = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', i);
if (!woQty || typeof woQty == 'undefined') {
woQty = 0;
var qty = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', i);
var diff = qty - woQty;
if (diff == 0) {
diff = diff + '';
var index = diff.indexOf('.');
if (index >= 0) {
diff = diff.substring(0, index);
var assembly = '<select name=\'cust_assembly' + count++
+ '\' onChange=\'onChangeAssembly(this)\'>';
var comments = '';
var ids = '';
var statuses = '';
for ( var j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {
comments += res[j].getValue('custitem_workordercomments')
+ ',';
assembly += '<option value=\'' + j + '\'>'
+ res[j].getValue('itemid') + '</option>';
ids += res[j].getId() + ',';
statuses += res[j].getValue('isinactive') + ',';
if (assembly.length >= 3950) {
assembly += '</select>';
custpage_check : check,
custpage_component : item,
custpage_quantity : diff,
custpage_assembly : assembly,
custpage_comments : comment,
custpage_id : id,
custpage_description : description,
custpage_idarray : ids,
custpage_commentsarray : comments,
custpage_statusarray : statuses,
custpage_index : i,
custpage_woqty : woQty,
custpage_qty : diff
form.addSubmitButton('Create WO');
form.addField('custpage_setenddate', 'date', 'Set End Date');
var poId = form.addField('poid', 'text', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_id', 'text', 'Assembly Id').setDisplayType(
list.addField('custpage_idarray', 'textarea', 'Assembly Ids')
list.addField('custpage_commentsarray', 'textarea', 'Comments')
list.addField('custpage_statusarray', 'textarea', 'Comments')
list.addField('custpage_index', 'text', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_woqty', 'float', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_qty', 'integer', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_check', 'checkbox', '');
list.addField('custpage_component', 'text', 'Component');
list.addField('custpage_assembly', 'textarea', 'Assembly');
var description = list.addField('custpage_description', 'textarea',
description.setDisplaySize(100, 5);
list.addField('custpage_quantity', 'integer', 'Quantity')
var comments = list.addField('custpage_comments', 'textarea',
comments.setDisplaySize(100, 5);
list.addField('custpage_enddate', 'date', 'End Date').setDisplayType(
else if (request.getMethod() == 'POST') {
'Print BOM',
form.addButton('custpage_back', 'Back',
+ nlapiGetContext().getScriptId() + '&deploy='
+ nlapiGetContext().getDeploymentId() + '&poid=' + po
+ '\',\'_self\')');
var count = 0;
var ids = '';
for ( var i = 1; i <= request.getLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
var checked = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_check', i);
if (checked == 'T') {
var wo = nlapiCreateRecord('workorder', {
recordmode : 'dynamic'
wo.setFieldValue('assemblyitem', request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i));
var qty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_quantity', i);
qty *= 1;
var woQty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_woqty', i);
woQty *= 1;
wo.setFieldValue('quantity', qty);
wo.setFieldValue('enddate', request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_enddate', i));
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_wocomments', request
'custpage_comments', i));
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_linkedpo', po);
try {
var woId = nlapiSubmitRecord(wo);
rec.setLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', request
'custpage_index', i), woQty + qty);
ids += nlapiLookupField('workorder', woId, 'tranid') + ' ';
/****** Added By Saad Zaman *****/
// breaking loop while debugging if i>1
// else it will break when limit is about to cross
if (nlapiGetContext().getRemainingUsage() < 100) {
// if (i > 1 ) {
//submit the previous record
// generate message
var msg = 'Total Work Order(s) created successfully: '
+ count;
if (count > 0) {
msg += ' with following id\'s:' + ids;
// pack the remaining in JSON
var objs = new Array();
for (; i <=request.getLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++)
// Check if item is checked
var checked =request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_check', i);
if (checked == 'T')
qty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items','custpage_quantity', i);
qty *= 1;
woQty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items','custpage_woqty', i);
woQty *= 1;
// Making JSON Object
var obj =
assemblyitem : request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i),
quantity : qty,
enddate : request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items','custpage_enddate', i),
custbody_wocomments : request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_comments',i),
custbody_createdfrom : po,
index : request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_index', i),
woQty : woQty
// Sending parameters
var JSONtoSend = JSON.stringify(objs);
var param = [];
param['custscriptjson'] = JSONtoSend;
param['custscript_count'] = count;
param['custscript_ids'] = ids;
// Call Scheduled Script
var status = nlapiScheduleScript("customscript_cofrompo_ss", "customdeploy_cofrompo_ss",param);
msg += '/n Remaining Work Orders are scheduled /n with records /n ' + param['custscriptjson'] ;
/****** End ******/
// Show Response
form.addField('custpage_message', 'label', msg);
} catch (e) {
'Create Work order from Purchase order',
'Unable to create work order for assembly item: '
+ request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i)
+ ', ' + e);
var msg = 'Total Work Order(s) created successfully: ' + count;
if (count > 0) {
msg += ' with following id\'s:' + ids;
form.addField('custpage_message', 'label', msg);
function clientPageInit() {
for ( var i = 1; i <= nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
var statuses = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_statusarray', i);
var statusArr = statuses.split(',');
if (statusArr[0] == 'T') {
document.getElementById('custpage_check' + i).disabled = true;
document.getElementById('custpage_items_custpage_description' + i
+ '_fs').disabled = true;
function clientFieldChanged(type, name, linenum) {
if (name == 'custpage_setenddate') {
var val = nlapiGetFieldValue(name);
for ( var i = 1; i <= nlapiGetLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_enddate', i, val);
function clientValidateField(type, name, linenum) {
if (name == 'custpage_quantity') {
var qty = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_qty',
var val = document.getElementById(name + linenum).value;
val *= 1;
if (val <= 0 || qty < val) {
alert('Please select a value between 1 and ' + qty);
return false;
return true;
function onChangeAssembly(self) {
var linenum ='cust_assembly'.length);
var index = self.selectedIndex;
var comments = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_commentsarray', linenum);
var commentsArr = comments.split(',');
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_comments', linenum,
var ids = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_idarray',
var idArr = ids.split(',');
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_id', linenum,
var statuses = nlapiGetLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_statusarray', linenum);
var statusArr = statuses.split(',');
var elem = document.getElementById('custpage_itemsrow' + (linenum - 1)).cells
var innerHTML = elem.innerHTML;
if (statusArr[index] == 'T') {
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_check', linenum, 'F');
document.getElementById('custpage_check' + linenum).disabled = true;
elem.innerHTML = '<font color=\'red\'>' + innerHTML + '</font>';
} else {
nlapiSetLineItemValue('custpage_items', 'custpage_check', linenum, 'T');
document.getElementById('custpage_check' + linenum).disabled = false;
var start = innerHTML.indexOf('<font');
if (start >= 0) {
var end = innerHTML.indexOf('</font>');
elem.innerHTML = innerHTML.substring(start + 18, end);
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 10/7/13
* Time: 5:40 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function main()
// All the records that are recieved in JSON are 'checked = T '
// i.e they are selected
//custscriptjson is the variable I took JSON in
var context = nlapiGetContext();
if(context.getSetting('SCRIPT', 'custscriptjson'))
// get JSON in variable
jsonString = context.getSetting('SCRIPT', 'custscriptjson');
//Array of Objects
var arrParam = eval(jsonString);
// Get Constants
var count = context.getSetting('SCRIPT', 'custscript_count');;
var ids = context.getSetting('SCRIPT', 'custscript_ids');;
var po = arrParam[0].custbody_createdfrom;
// purchase order workorders are associated with
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', po);
//Iterating through array and creating WO's
for ( var i = 0; i <arrParam.length ; i++)
//Creating WorkOrder
var wo = nlapiCreateRecord('workorder', { recordmode : 'dynamic' });
wo.setFieldValue('assemblyitem', arrParam[i].assemblyitem);
wo.setFieldValue('quantity', arrParam[i].quantity);
wo.setFieldValue('enddate', arrParam[i].enddate );
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_wocomments',arrParam[i].custbody_wocomments );
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_linkedpo', po);
// getting fields required for PO
var indexAtPO = arrParam[i].index;
var woQty = arrParam[i].woQty ;
// Creating WO , and Making Changes to PO
var woId = nlapiSubmitRecord(wo);
rec.setLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', indexAtPO , woQty + arrParam[i].quantity);
ids += nlapiLookupField('workorder', woId, 'tranid') + ' ';
//Sending JSON again Incase scheduled script crosses limit
if ( nlapiGetContext().getRemainingUsage() <= 100 && i+1 != arrParam.length )
var param = new Array();
param['custscript_count'] = count;
param['custscript_ids'] = ids;
param['custscriptjson'] = JSON.stringify(arrParam.splice(i+1,arrParam.length));
var status = nlapiScheduleScript("customscript_cofrompo_ss", "customdeploy_cofrompo_ss",param);
} catch (e)
'Create Work order from Purchase order',
'Unable to create work order for assembly item: '
+ arrParam[i].assemblyitem
+ ', ' + e);
// Save all PO record changes
// Show message in LOG
var msg = 'Total Work Order(s) created successfully: ' + count;
if (count > 0) {
msg += ' with following id\'s:' + ids;
* @projectDescription SuiteScript JavaScript library summary.
* Note that there are some restrictions on API usage. Also note that the only 2 objects that can be
* contructed are nlobjSearchFilter and nlobjSearchColumn. All other objects can only be created via
* top-level function or method calls.
* The @governance tag refers to the usage governance for an API call
* The @restricted tag refers to any known restrictions with a particular API call
* All Object arguments are Javascript Objects used as hash tables for specifying key-value pairs
* @since 2005.0 Support scripting of current record in Client SuiteScript
* @version 2007.0 Support scripting of records in user events, portlets, and scheduled scripts
* @version 2008.1 Support scripting of web requests (Suitelets) and user interfaces (UI Object API)
* @version 2009.1 Support scripting of file objects
* @version 2009.2 Support scripting of setup records and assistant (multi-step) pages
* @version 2009.2 converted JS template to use eclipse code completion friendly format
* @version 2010.1 Suppport dynamic scripting
* Return a new record using values from an existing record.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @param {Object} initializeValues Contains an array of name/value pairs of defaults to be used during record initialization.
* @return {nlobjRecord} Returns an nlobjRecord object of a copied record.
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiCopyRecord(type, id, initializeValues) { ; }
* Load an existing record from the system.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @param {Object} initializeValues Contains an array of name/value pairs of defaults to be used during record initialization.
* @return {nlobjRecord} Returns an nlobjRecord object of an existing NetSuite record.
* @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD}
* @exception {SSS_ID_ARG_REQD}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiLoadRecord(type, id, initializeValues) { ; }
* Instantiate a new nlobjRecord object containing all the default field data for that record type.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @param {string} type record type ID.
* @param {Object} initializeValues Contains an array of name/value pairs of defaults to be used during record initialization.
* @return {nlobjRecord} Returns an nlobjRecord object of a new record from the system.
* @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiCreateRecord(type, initializeValues) { ; }
* Submit a record to the system for creation or update.
* @governance 20 units for transactions, 4 for custom records, 8 for all other records
* @param {nlobjRecord} record nlobjRecord object containing the data record.
* @param {boolean} [doSourcing] If not set, this argument defaults to false.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreMandatoryFields] Disables mandatory field validation for this submit operation.
* @return {string} internal ID for committed record.
* @exception {SSS_RECORD_OBJ_REQD}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiSubmitRecord(record, doSourcing, ignoreMandatoryFields) { ; }
* Delete a record from the system.
* @governance 20 units for transactions, 4 for custom records, 8 for all other records
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @return {void}
* @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD}
* @exception {SSS_ID_ARG_REQD}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiDeleteRecord(type, id) { ; }
* Perform a record search using an existing search or filters and columns.
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction returns the first 1000 rows in the search
* @param {string} type record type ID.
* @param {int, string} [id] The internal ID or script ID for the saved search to use for search.
* @param {nlobjSearchFilter, nlobjSearchFilter[]} [filters] [optional] A single nlobjSearchFilter object - or - an array of nlobjSearchFilter objects.
* @param {nlobjSearchColumn, nlobjSearchColumn[]} [columns] [optional] A single nlobjSearchColumn object - or - an array of nlobjSearchColumn objects.
* @return {nlobjSearchResult[]} Returns an array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the searched records.
* @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD}
* @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_ID}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns) { ; }
* Perform a global record search across the system.
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction returns the first 1000 rows in the search
* @param {string} keywords Global search keywords string or expression.
* @return {nlobjSearchResult[]} Returns an Array of nlobjSearchResult objects containing the following four columns: name, type (as shown in the UI), info1, and info2.
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiSearchGlobal(keywords) { ; }
* Perform a duplicate record search using Duplicate Detection criteria.
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction returns the first 1000 rows in the search
* @param {string} type The recordType you are checking duplicates for (for example, customer|lead|prospect|partner|vendor|contact).
* @param {string[]} [fields] array of field names used to detect duplicate (for example, companyname|email|name|phone|address1|city|state|zipcode).
* @param {int} [id] internal ID of existing record. Depending on the use case, id may or may not be a required argument.
* @return {nlobjSearchResult[]} Returns an Array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the duplicate records.
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiSearchDuplicate(type, fields, id) { ; }
* Create a new record using values from an existing record of a different type.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @param {string} transformType The recordType you are transforming the existing record into.
* @param {Object} [transformValues] An object containing transform default option/value pairs used to pre-configure transformed record
* @return {nlobjRecord}
* @exception {SSS_CATEGORY_ARG_REQD}
* @exception {SSS_INVALID_TASK_ID}
* @exception {SSS_TASK_ID_REQD}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiTransformRecord(type, id, transformType, transformValues) { ; }
* void a transaction based on type and id .
* @governance 10 units for transactions
* @param {string} type The transaction type name.
* @param {string} id The internal ID for the record.
* @return {string} if accounting preference is reversing journal, then it is new journal id,
* otherwise, it is the input record id
* @since 2014.1
function nlapiVoidTransaction (type, id) { }
* Fetch the value of one or more fields on a record. This API uses search to look up the fields and is much
* faster than loading the record in order to get the field.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @param {string, string[]} fields - field or fields to look up.
* @param {boolean} [text] If set then the display value is returned instead for select fields.
* @return {string, Object} single value or an Object of field name/value pairs depending on the fields argument.
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiLookupField(type,id,fields, text) { ; }
* Submit the values of a field or set of fields for an existing record.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @restriction only supported for records and fields where DLE (Direct List Editing) is supported
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @param {string, string[]} fields field or fields being updated.
* @param {string, string[]} values field value or field values used for updating.
* @param {boolean} [doSourcing] If not set, this argument defaults to false and field sourcing does not occur.
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiSubmitField(type,id,fields,values,doSourcing) { ; }
* Attach a single record to another with optional properties.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type1 The record type name being attached
* @param {int} id1 The internal ID for the record being attached
* @param {string} type2 The record type name being attached to
* @param {int} id2 The internal ID for the record being attached to
* @param {Object} [properties] Object containing name/value pairs used to configure attach operation
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiAttachRecord(type1, id1, type2, id2, properties) { ; }
* Detach a single record from another with optional properties.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type1 The record type name being attached
* @param {int} id1 The internal ID for the record being attached
* @param {string} type2 The record type name being attached to
* @param {int} id2 The internal ID for the record being attached to
* @param {Object} [properties] Object containing name/value pairs used to configure detach operation
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiDetachRecord(type1, id1, type2, id2, properties) { ; }
* Resolve a URL to a resource or object in the system.
* @param {string} type type specifier for URL: suitelet|tasklink|record|mediaitem
* @param {string} subtype subtype specifier for URL (corresponding to type): scriptid|taskid|recordtype|mediaid
* @param {string} [id] internal ID specifier (sub-subtype corresponding to type): deploymentid|n/a|recordid|n/a
* @param {string} [pagemode] string specifier used to configure page (suitelet: external|internal, tasklink|record: edit|view)
* @return {string}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiResolveURL(type, subtype, id, pagemode) { ; }
* Redirect the user to a page. Only valid in the UI on Suitelets and User Events. In Client scripts this will initialize the redirect URL used upon submit.
* @param {string} type type specifier for URL: suitelet|tasklink|record|mediaitem
* @param {string} subtype subtype specifier for URL (corresponding to type): scriptid|taskid|recordtype|mediaid
* @param {string} [id] internal ID specifier (sub-subtype corresponding to type): deploymentid|n/a|recordid|n/a
* @param {string} [pagemode] string specifier used to configure page (suitelet: external|internal, tasklink|record: edit|view)
* @param {Object} [parameters] Object used to specify additional URL parameters as name/value pairs
* @return {void}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiSetRedirectURL(type, subtype, id, pagemode, parameters) { ; }
* Request a URL to an external or internal resource.
* @restriction NetSuite maintains a white list of CAs that are allowed for https requests. Please see the online documentation for the complete list.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} url A fully qualified URL to an HTTP(s) resource
* @param {string, Object} [postdata] - string, document, or Object containing POST payload
* @param {Object} [headers] - Object containing request headers.
* @param {function} [callback] - available on the Client to support asynchronous requests. function is passed an nlobjServerResponse with the results.
* @return {nlobjServerResponse}
* @exception {SSS_UNKNOWN_HOST}
* @exception {SSS_INVALID_HOST_CERT}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, callback, method) { ; }
* Return context information about the current user/script.
* @return {nlobjContext}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiGetContext() { ; }
* Return the internal ID for the currently logged in user. Returns -4 when called from online forms or "Available without Login" Suitelets.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetUser() { ; }
* Return the internal ID for the current user's role. Returns 31 (Online Form User) when called from online forms or "Available without Login" Suitelets.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetRole() { ; }
* Return the internal ID for the current user's department.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetDepartment() { ; }
* Return the internal ID for the current user's location.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetLocation() { ; }
* Return the internal ID for the current user's subsidiary.
* @return {int}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiGetSubsidiary() { ; }
* Return the recordtype corresponding to the current page or userevent script.
* @return {string}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiGetRecordType() { ; }
* Return the internal ID corresponding to the current page or userevent script.
* @return {int}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiGetRecordId() { ; }
* Send out an email and associate it with records in the system.
* Supported base types are entity for entities, transaction for transactions, activity for activities and cases, record|recordtype for custom records
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction all outbound emails subject to email Anti-SPAM policies
* @param {int} from internal ID for employee user on behalf of whom this email is sent
* @param {string, int} to email address or internal ID of user that this email is being sent to
* @param {string} subject email subject
* @param {string} body email body
* @param {string, string[]} cc copy email address(es)
* @param {string, string[]} bcc blind copy email address(es)
* @param {Object} records Object of base types -> internal IDs used to associate email to records. i.e. {entity: 100, record: 23, recordtype: customrecord_surveys}
* @param {nlobjFile[]} files array of nlobjFile objects (files) to include as attachments
* @return {void}
* @since 2007.0
function nlapiSendEmail(from, to, subject, body, cc, bcc, records, files) { ; }
* Sends a single on-demand campaign email to a specified recipient and returns a campaign response ID to track the email.
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction works in conjunction with the Lead Nurturing (campaigndrip) sublist only
* @param {int} campaigneventid internal ID of the campaign event
* @param {int} recipientid internal ID of the recipient - the recipient must have an email
* @return {int}
* @since 2010.1
function nlapiSendCampaignEmail(campaigneventid, recipientid) { ; }
* Send out a fax and associate it with records in the system. This requires fax preferences to be configured.
* Supported base types are entity for entities, transaction for transactions, activity for activities and cases, record|recordtype for custom records
* @governance 10 units
* @param {int} from internal ID for employee user on behalf of whom this fax is sent
* @param {string, int} to fax address or internal ID of user that this fax is being sent to
* @param {string} subject fax subject
* @param {string} body fax body
* @param {Object} records Object of base types -> internal IDs used to associate fax to records. i.e. {entity: 100, record: 23, recordtype: customrecord_surveys}
* @param {nlobjFile[]} files array of nlobjFile objects (files) to include as attachments
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiSendFax(from, to, subject, body, records, files) { ; }
* Return field definition for a field.
* @param {string} fldnam the name of the field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiGetField(fldnam) { ; }
* Return field definition for a matrix field.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix field column index (1-based)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiGetMatrixField(type, fldnam, column) { ; }
* Return field definition for a sublist field.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} [linenum] line number for sublist field (1-based) and only valid for sublists of type staticlist and list
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiGetLineItemField(type, fldnam, linenum) { ; }
* Return an nlobjField containing sublist field metadata.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiGetLineItemMatrixField(type, fldnam, linenum, column) { ; }
* Return the value of a field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetFieldValue(fldnam) { ; }
* Set the value of a field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @param {string} value value used to set field
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSetFieldValue(fldnam,value,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }
* Return the display value of a select field's current selection on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetFieldText(fldnam) { ; }
* Set the value of a field on the current record on a page using it's label.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @param {string} txt display name used to lookup field value
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSetFieldText(fldnam,txt,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }
* Return the values of a multiselect field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @return {string[]}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetFieldValues(fldnam) { ; }
* Set the values of a multiselect field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @param {string[]} values array of strings containing values for field
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSetFieldValues(fldnam,values,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }
* Return the values (via display text) of a multiselect field on the current record.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @return {string[]}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiGetFieldTexts(fldnam) { ; }
* Set the values (via display text) of a multiselect field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @param {string[]} texts array of strings containing display values for field
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiSetFieldTexts(fldnam,texts,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }
* Get the value of a matrix header field
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiGetMatrixValue(type, fldnam, column) { ; }
* Set the value of a matrix header field
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value field value for matrix field
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiSetMatrixValue(type, fldnam, column, value, firefieldchanged, synchronous) { ; }
* Get the current value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @return {string} value
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemMatrixValue(type, fldnam, column) { ; }
* Set the current value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in Client SuiteScript
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value matrix field value
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemMatrixValue(type, fldnam, column, value, firefieldchanged, synchronous) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist matrix field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @param {int} column column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiGetLineItemMatrixValue(type, fldnam, linenum, column) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetLineItemValue(type,fldnam,linenum) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiGetLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam,linenum) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @param {string} timezone value
* @return {string}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiGetLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam,linenum,timezone) { ; }
* Set the value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @param {string} value
* @retun {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSetLineItemValue(type,fldnam,linenum,value) { ; }
* Set the value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @param {string} datetime value
* @retun {void}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiSetLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam,linenum,value) { ; }
* Set the value of a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @param {string} datetime value
* @param {string} timezone value
* @retun {void}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiSetLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam,linenum,value,timezone) { ; }
* Return the label of a select field's current selection for a particular line.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} linenum line number (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetLineItemText(type,fldnam,linenum) { ; }
* Return the 1st line number that a sublist field value appears in
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} val the value being queried for in a sublist field
* @return {int}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiFindLineItemValue(type, fldnam, val) { ; }
* Return the 1st line number that a matrix field value appears in
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} val the value being queried for in a matrix field
* @return {int}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiFindLineItemMatrixValue(type, fldnam, column, val) { ; }
* Return the number of columns for a matrix field
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @return {int}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiGetMatrixCount(type, fldnam) { ; }
* Return the number of sublists in a sublist on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetLineItemCount(type) { ; }
* Insert and select a new line into the sublist on a page or userevent.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {int} [line] line number at which to insert a new line.
* @return{void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiInsertLineItem(type, line) { ; }
* Remove the currently selected line from the sublist on a page or userevent.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {int} [line] line number to remove.
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiRemoveLineItem(type, line) { ; }
* Set the value of a field on the currently selected line.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue(type,fldnam,value,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }
* Set the value of a field on the currently selected line.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam,value) { ; }
* Set the value of a field on the currently selected line.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @param {string} timezone value
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam,value,timezone) { ; }
* Set the value of a field on the currently selected line using it's label.
* @restriction synchronous arg is only supported in client SuiteScript
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} txt string containing display value or search text.
* @param {boolean} [firefieldchanged] if false then the field change event is suppressed (defaults to true)
* @param {boolean} [synchronous] if true then sourcing and field change execution happens synchronously (defaults to false).
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSetCurrentLineItemText(type,fldnam,txt,firefieldchanged,synchronous) { ; }
* Return the value of a field on the currently selected line.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type,fldnam) { ; }
* Return the value of a field on the currently selected line.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @return {string}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam) { ; }
* Return the value of a field on the currently selected line.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} timezone value
* @return {string}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue(type,fldnam, timezone) { ; }
* Return the label of a select field's current selection on the currently selected line.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemText(type,fldnam) { ; }
* Return the line number for the currently selected line.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiGetCurrentLineItemIndex(type) { ; }
* Disable a sublist field.
* @restriction Only supported on sublists of type inlineeditor, editor and list (current field only)
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {boolean} disable if true then field is disabled
* @param {int} linenum line number for sublist field (1-based) and only valid for sublists of type list
* @return {void}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiSetLineItemDisabled(type,fldnam,disable, linenum) { ; }
* Return field mandatoriness.
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @return {boolean}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiGetFieldMandatory(fldnam) { ; }
* Return sublist field mandatoriness.
* @restriction Only supported on sublists of type inlineeditor or editor (current field only)
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @return {boolean}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiGetLineItemMandatory(type,fldnam) { ; }
* Make a field mandatory.
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @param {boolean} mandatory if true then field is made mandatory
* @return {void}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiSetFieldMandatory(fldnam,mandatory) { ; }
* Make a sublist field mandatory.
* @restriction Only supported on sublists of type inlineeditor or editor (current field only)
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {boolean} mandatory if true then field is made mandatory
* @return {void}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiSetLineItemMandatory(type,fldnam,mandatory) { ; }
* Select an existing line in a sublist.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {int} linenum line number to select
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSelectLineItem(type, linenum) { ; }
* Save changes made on the currently selected line to the sublist.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiCommitLineItem(type) { ; }
* Cancel any changes made on the currently selected line.
* @restriction Only supported for sublists of type inlineeditor and editor
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiCancelLineItem(type) { ; }
* Select a new line in a sublist.
* @restriction Only supported for sublists of type inlineeditor and editor
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiSelectNewLineItem(type) { ; }
* Refresh the sublist table.
* @restriction Only supported for sublists of type inlineeditor, editor, and staticlist
* @restriction Client SuiteScript only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return{void}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiRefreshLineItems(type) { ; }
* Adds a select option to a scripted select or multiselect field.
* @restriction Client SuiteScript only
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @param {string} value internal ID for select option
* @param {string} text display text for select option
* @param {boolean} [selected] if true then option will be selected by default
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiInsertSelectOption(fldnam, value, text, selected) { ; }
* Removes a select option (or all if value is null) from a scripted select or multiselect field.
* @restriction Client SuiteScript only
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @param {string} value internal ID of select option to remove
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiRemoveSelectOption(fldnam, value) { ; }
* Adds a select option to a scripted select or multiselect sublist field.
* @restriction Client SuiteScript only
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} value internal ID for select option
* @param {string} text display text for select option
* @param {boolean} [selected] if true then option will be selected by default
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiInsertLineItemOption(type, fldnam, value, text, selected) { ; }
* Removes a select option (or all if value is null) from a scripted select or multiselect sublist field.
* @restriction Client SuiteScript only
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} value internal ID for select option to remove
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiRemoveLineItemOption(type, fldnam, value) { ; }
* Returns true if any changes have been made to a sublist.
* @restriction Client SuiteScript only
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {boolean}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiIsLineItemChanged(type) { ; }
* Return an record object containing the data being submitted to the system for the currenr record.
* @restriction User Event scripts only
* @return {nlobjRecord}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiGetNewRecord() { ; }
* Return an record object containing the current record's data prior to the write operation.
* @restriction beforeSubmit|afterSubmit User Event scripts only
* @return {nlobjRecord}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiGetOldRecord() { ; }
* Create an nlobjError object that can be used to abort script execution and configure error notification
* @param {string} code error code
* @param {string} details error description
* @param {boolean} [suppressEmail] if true then suppress the error notification emails from being sent out (false by default).
* @return {nlobjError}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiCreateError(code,details,suppressEmail) { ; }
* Return a new entry form page.
* @restriction Suitelets only
* @param {string} title page title
* @param {boolean} [hideHeader] true to hide the page header (false by default)
* @return {nlobjForm}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiCreateForm(title, hideHeader) { ; }
* Return a new list page.
* @restriction Suitelets only
* @param {string} title page title
* @param {boolean} [hideHeader] true to hide the page header (false by default)
* @return {nlobjList}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiCreateList(title, hideHeader) { ; }
* Return a new assistant page.
* @restriction Suitelets only
* @param {string} title page title
* @param {boolean} [hideHeader] true to hide the page header (false by default)
* @return {nlobjAssistant}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiCreateAssistant(title, hideHeader) { ; }
* Load a file from the file cabinet (via its internal ID or path).
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @param {string, int} id internal ID or relative path to file in the file cabinet (i.e. /SuiteScript/foo.js)
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiLoadFile(id) { ; }
* Add/update a file in the file cabinet.
* @governance 20 units
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @param {nlobjFile} file a file object to submit
* @return {int} return internal ID of file
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiSubmitFile(file) { ; }
* Delete a file from the file cabinet.
* @governance 20 units
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @param {int} id internal ID of file to be deleted
* @return {id}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiDeleteFile(id) { ; }
* Instantiate a file object (specifying the name, type, and contents which are base-64 encoded for binary types.)
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @param {string} name file name
* @param {string} type file type i.e. plainText, htmlDoc, pdf, word (see documentation for the list of supported file types)
* @param {string} contents string containing file contents (must be base-64 encoded for binary types)
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiCreateFile(name, type, contents) { ; }
* Perform a mail merge operation using any template and up to 2 records and returns an nlobjFile with the results.
* @restriction only supported for record types that are available in mail merge: transactions, entities, custom records, and cases
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 10 units
* @param {int} id internal ID of template
* @param {string} baseType primary record type
* @param {int} baseId internal ID of primary record
* @param {string} [altType] secondary record type
* @param {int} [altId] internal ID of secondary record
* @param {Object} [fields] Object of merge field values to use in the mail merge (by default all field values are obtained from records) which overrides those from the record.
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiMergeRecord(id, baseType, baseId, altType, altId, fields) { ; }
* Print a record (transaction) gievn its type, id, and output format.
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type print output type: transaction|statement|packingslip|pickingticket
* @param {int} id internal ID of record to print
* @param {string} [format] output format: html|pdf|default
* @param {Object} [properties] Object of properties used to configure print
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiPrintRecord(type, id, format, properties) { ; }
* Generate a PDF from XML using the BFO report writer (see
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} input string containing BFO compliant XHTML
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiXMLToPDF(input) { ; }
* Create a template renderer used to generate various outputs based on a template.
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type media type: pdf|html
* @param {string} [engineType] [optional]: default is freemarker/html
* @return {nlobjTemplateRenderer}
function nlapiCreateTemplateRenderer() { ; }
* Create an entry in the script execution log (note that execution log entries are automatically purged after 30 days).
* @param {string} type log type: debug|audit|error|emergency
* @param {string} title log title (up to 90 characters supported)
* @param {string} [details] log details (up to 3000 characters supported)
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiLogExecution(type, title, details) { ; }
* Queue a scheduled script for immediate execution and return the status QUEUED if successfull.
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 20 units
* @param {string, int} script script ID or internal ID of scheduled script
* @param {string, int} [deployment] script ID or internal ID of scheduled script deployment. If empty, the first "free" deployment (i.e. status = Not Scheduled or Completed) will be used
* @param {Object} parameters Object of parameter name->values used in this scheduled script instance
* @return {string} QUEUED or null if no available deployments were found or the current status of the deployment specified if it was not available.
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiScheduleScript(script, deployment, parameters) { ; }
* Return a URL with a generated OAuth token.
* @restriction Suitelets and Portlets only
* @governance 20 units
* @param {string} ssoAppKey
* @return {string}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiOutboundSSO(ssoAppKey) { ; }
* Loads a configuration record
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type
* @return {nlobjConfiguration}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiLoadConfiguration(type) { ; }
* Commits all changes to a configuration record.
* @restriction Server SuiteScript only
* @governance 10 units
* @param {nlobjConfiguration} setup record
* @return (void)
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiSubmitConfiguration(setup) { ; }
* Convert a String into a Date object.
* @param {string} str date string in the user's date format, timeofday format, or datetime format
* @param {string} format format type to use: date|datetime|timeofday with date being the default
* @return {date}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiStringToDate(str, format) { ; }
* Convert a Date object into a String
* @param {date} d date object being converted to a string
* @param {string} [formattype] format type to use: date|datetime|timeofday with date being the default
* @return {string}
* @since 2005.0
function nlapiDateToString(d, formattype) { ; }
* Add days to a Date object and returns a new Date
* @param {date} d date object used to calculate the new date
* @param {int} days the number of days to add to this date object.
* @return {date}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiAddDays(d, days) { ; }
* Add months to a Date object and returns a new Date.
* @param {date} d date object used to calculate the new date
* @param {int} months the number of months to add to this date object.
* @return {date}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiAddMonths(d, months) { ; }
* Format a number for data entry into a currency field.
* @param {string} str numeric string used to format for display as currency using user's locale
* @return {string}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiFormatCurrency(str) { ; }
* Encrypt a String using a SHA-1 hash function
* @param {string} s string to encrypt
* @return {string}
* @since 2009.2
function nlapiEncrypt(s) { ; }
* Escape a String for use in an XML document.
* @param {string} text string to escape
* @return {string}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiEscapeXML(text) { ; }
* Convert a String into an XML document. Note that in Server SuiteScript XML is supported natively by the JS runtime using the e4x standard (
* This makes scripting XML simpler and more efficient
* @param {string} str string being parsed into an XML document
* @return {document}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiStringToXML(str) { ; }
* Convert an XML document into a String. Note that in Server SuiteScript XML is supported natively by the JS runtime using the e4x standard (
* This makes scripting XML data simpler and more efficient
* @param {document} xml document being serialized into a string
* @return {string}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiXMLToString(xml) { ; }
* select a value from an XML node using XPath. Supports custom namespaces (nodes in default namespace can be referenced using "nlapi" as the prefix)
* @param {node} node node being queried
* @param {string} xpath string containing XPath expression.
* @return {string}
* @since 2008.2
function nlapiSelectValue(node, xpath) { ; }
* Select an array of values from an XML node using XPath. Supports custom namespaces (nodes in default namespace can be referenced using "nlapi" as the prefix)
* @param {node} node node being queried
* @param {string} xpath string containing XPath expression.
* @return {string[]}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiSelectValues(node, xpath) { ; }
* Select a node from an XML node using XPath. Supports custom namespaces (nodes in default namespace can be referenced using "nlapi" as the prefix)
* @param {node} node node being queried
* @param {string} xpath string containing XPath expression.
* @return {node}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiSelectNode(node, xpath) { ; }
* Select an array of nodes from an XML node using XPath. Supports custom namespaces (nodes in default namespace can be referenced using "nlapi" as the prefix)
* @param {node} node node being queried
* @param {string} xpath string containing XPath expression.
* @return {node[]}
* @since 2008.1
function nlapiSelectNodes(node, xpath) { ; }
* Calculate exchange rate between two currencies as of today or an optional effective date.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string, int} fromCurrency internal ID or currency code of currency we are converting from
* @param {string, int} toCurrency internal ID or currency code of currency we are converting to
* @param {string} [date] string containing date of effective exchange rate. defaults to today
* @return {float}
* @since 2009.1
function nlapiExchangeRate(fromCurrency, toCurrency, date) { ; }
* Initiates a workflow on-demand and returns the workflow instance ID for the workflow-record combination.
* @governance 20 units
* @param {string} recordtype record type ID of the workflow base record
* @param {int} id internal ID of the base record
* @param {string, int} workflowid internal ID or script ID for the workflow definition
* @return {int}
* @since 2010.1
function nlapiInitiateWorkflow(recordtype, id, workflowid) { ; }
* Triggers a workflow on a record.
* @governance 20 units
* @param {string} recordtype record type ID of the workflow base record
* @param {int} id internal ID of the base record
* @param {string, int} workflowid internal ID or script ID for the workflow definition
* @param {string, int} actionid internal ID or script ID of the action script
* @return {int}
* @since 2010.1
function nlapiTriggerWorkflow(recordtype, id, workflowid, actionid) { ; }
* Create a subrecord on a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function nlapiCreateCurrentLineSubrecord(type,fldnam) { ; }
* edit a subrecord on a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function nlapiEditCurrentLineItemSubrecord(type,fldnam) { ; }
* remove a subrecord on a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @retun {void}
* @since 2011.2
function nlapiRemoveCurrentLineItemSubrecord(type,fldnam) { ; }
* view a subrecord on a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function nlapiViewCurrentLineItemSubrecord(type,fldnam) { ; }
* view a subrecord on a sublist field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function nlapiViewLineItemSubrecord(type,fldnam,linenum) { ; }
* get a cache object.
* @param {string} name of the cache
* @return {nlobjCache}
* @since 2013.2
function nlapiGetCache(name){;}
* create a subrecord on body field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam body field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function createSubrecord(fldnam) { ; }
* edit a subrecord on body field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam body field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function editSubrecord(fldnam) { ; }
* remove a subrecord on body field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam body field name
* @retun {void}
* @since 2011.2
function removeSubrecord(fldnam) { ; }
* view a subrecord on body field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam body field name
* @retun {nlobjSubrecord}
* @since 2011.2
function viewSubrecord(fldnam) { ; }
* Commit the subrecord after you finish modifying it.
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubrecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSubrecord.prototype.commit = function() { ; }
* Cancel the any modification on subrecord.
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubrecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSubrecord.prototype.cancel = function() { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjRecord used for accessing and manipulating record objects.
* @classDescription Class definition for business records in the system.
* @return {nlobjRecord}
* @constructor
* @since 2008.2
function nlobjRecord() { ; }
* Return the internalId of the record or NULL for new records.
* @return {int} Return the integer value of the record ID.
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getId = function() { ; }
* Return the recordType corresponding to this record.
* @return {string} The string value of the record name internal ID
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getRecordType = function( ) { ; }
* Return field metadata for field.
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getField = function(fldnam) { ; }
* Return sublist metadata for sublist.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getSubList = function(type) { ; }
* Return field metadata for field.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @param {column} linenum matrix column (1-based)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getMatrixField = function(type, fldnam, column) { ; }
* Return metadata for sublist field.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} [linenum] line number (1-based). If empty, the current sublist field is returned. only settable for sublists of type list
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemField = function(type, fldnam, linenum) { ; }
* Return metadata for sublist field.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @param {int} linenum line number
* @param {column} linenum matrix column (1-based)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemMatrixField = function(type, fldnam, linenum, column) { ; }
* Set the value of a field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.setFieldValue = function( name, value ) { ; }
* Set the values of a multi-select field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string[]} values string array containing field values
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.setFieldValues = function( name, values ) { ; }
* Return the value of a field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getFieldValue = function( name ) { ; }
* Return the selected values of a multi-select field as an Array.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getFieldValues = function( name ) { ; }
* Set the value (via display value) of a select field.
* @restriction only supported for select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} text field display value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setFieldText = function( name, text ) { ; }
* Set the values (via display values) of a multi-select field.
* @restriction only supported for multi-select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string[]} texts array of field display values
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setFieldTexts = function( name, texts ) { ; }
* Return the display value for a select field.
* @restriction only supported for select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getFieldText = function( name ) { ; }
* Return the selected display values of a multi-select field as an Array.
* @restriction only supported for multi-select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getFieldTexts = function( name ) { ; }
* Get the value of a matrix header field.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} name matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getMatrixValue = function( type, name, column ) { ; }
* Set the value of a matrix header field.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} name matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setMatrixValue = function( type, name, column, value ) { ; }
* Return an Array of all field names on the record.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getAllFields = function( ) { ; }
* Return an Array of all field names on a record for a particular sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getAllLineItemFields = function( group ) { ; }
* Set the value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {string} value sublist field value
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.setLineItemValue = function( group, name, line, value ) { ; }
* Set the value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {string} datetime value
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, line, value ) { ; }
* Set the value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {string} datetime value
* @param {string} timezone value
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, line, value, timezone ) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemValue = function( group, name, line ) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, line ) { ; }
* Return the value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {string} timezone value
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, line, timezone ) { ; }
* Return the text value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemText = function( group, name, line ) { ; }
* Set the current value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {string} value sublist field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setCurrentLineItemValue = function( group, name, value ) { ; }
* Set the current value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {string} value sublist field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, value ) { ; }
* Set the current value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {string} value sublist field value
* @param {string} timezone value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, value,timezone ) { ; }
* Return the current value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getCurrentLineItemValue = function( group, name ) { ; }
* Return the current value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name ) { ; }
* Return the current value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {string} timezone value
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getCurrentLineItemDateTimeValue = function( group, name, timezone ) { ; }
* Return the current display value of a sublist field.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getCurrentLineItemText = function( group, name ) { ; }
* Set the current value of a sublist matrix field.
* @param {string} group matrix sublist name
* @param {string} name matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix field column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value matrix field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setCurrentLineItemMatrixValue = function( group, name, column, value ) { ; }
* Return the current value of a sublist matrix field.
* @param {string} group matrix sublist name
* @param {string} name matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix field column index (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getCurrentLineItemMatrixValue = function( group, name, column ) { ; }
* Return the number of columns for a matrix field.
* @param {string} group matrix sublist name
* @param {string} name matrix field name
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getMatrixCount = function( group, name ) { ; }
* Return the number of lines in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getLineItemCount = function( group ) { ; }
* Return line number for 1st occurence of field value in a sublist column.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {string} value sublist field value
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.findLineItemValue = function( group, fldnam, value ) { ; }
* Return line number for 1st occurence of field value in a sublist column.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value matrix field value
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.findLineItemMatrixValue = function( group, fldnam, column, value ) { ; }
* Insert a new line into a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {int} [line] line index at which to insert line
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.insertLineItem = function( group, line ) { ; }
* Remove an existing line from a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {int} [line] line number to remove
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.removeLineItem = function( group, line ) { ; }
* Insert and select a new line in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.selectNewLineItem = function( group ) { ; }
* Select an existing line in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {int} line line number to select
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.selectLineItem = function( group, line ) { ; }
* Commit the current line in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 2009.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.commitLineItem = function( group ) { ; }
* set the value of a field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @param {string} timezone Olson value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 20013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setDateTimeValue = function (name, value, timezone) { ; }
* set the value of a field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRecord
* @since 20013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.setDateTimeValue = function (name, value) { ; }
* Return the value of a field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @return {string}
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getDateTimeValue = function (fldnam) { ; }
* Return the value of a field on the current record on a page.
* @restriction supported in client and user event scripts only.
* @param {string} fldnam the field name
* @param {string} timezone Olson value
* @return {string}
* @since 2013.2
nlobjRecord.prototype.getDateTimeValue = function (fldnam, timezone) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjConfiguration..
* @classDescription Class definition for interacting with setup/configuration pages
* @return {nlobjConfiguration}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
function nlobjConfiguration( ) { ; }
* return the type corresponding to this setup record.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getType = function( ) { ; }
* return field metadata for field.
* @param {string} fldnam field name
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getField = function(fldnam) { ; }
* set the value of a field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} value field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.setFieldValue = function( name, value ) { ; }
* Set the values of a multi-select field.
* @restriction only supported for multi-select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string[]} value field values
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.setFieldValues = function( name, value ) { ; }
* return the value of a field.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getFieldValue = function( name ) { ; }
* return the selected values of a multi-select field as an Array.
* @restriction only supported for multi-select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getFieldValues = function( name ) { ; }
* set the value (via display value) of a field.
* @restriction only supported for select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} text field display text
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.setFieldText = function( name, text ) { ; }
* set the values (via display values) of a multi-select field.
* @restriction only supported for multi-select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string[]} texts array of field display text values
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.setFieldTexts = function( name, texts ) { ; }
* return the text value of a field.
* @restriction only supported for select fields
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getFieldText = function( name ) { ; }
* return the selected text values of a multi-select field as an Array.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getFieldTexts = function( name ) { ; }
* return an Array of all field names on the record.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjConfiguration
* @since 2009.2
nlobjConfiguration.prototype.getAllFields = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjFile used for accessing and manipulating files in the file cabinet.
* @classDescription Encapsulation of files (media items) in the file cabinet.
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.1
function nlobjFile( ) { ; }
* Return the name of the file.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getName = function( ) { ; }
* Sets the name of a file.
* @param {string} name the name of the file
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.setName = function( name ) { ; }
* return the internal ID of the folder that this file is in.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getFolder = function( ) { ; }
* sets the internal ID of the folder that this file is in.
* @param {int} folder
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.setFolder = function( folder ) { ; }
* sets the character encoding for the file.
* @param {String} encoding
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2010.2
nlobjFile.prototype.setEncoding = function( encoding ) { ; }
* return true if the file is "Available without Login".
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.isOnline = function( ) { ; }
* sets the file's "Available without Login" status.
* @param {boolean} online
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.setIsOnline = function( online ) { ; }
* return true if the file is inactive.
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.isInactive = function( ) { ; }
* sets the file's inactive status.
* @param {boolean} inactive
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.setIsInactive = function( inactive ) { ; }
* return the file description.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getDescription = function( ) { ; }
* sets the file's description.
* @param {string} descr the file description
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.setDescription = function( descr ) { ; }
* Return the id of the file (if stored in the FC).
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getId = function( ) { ; }
* Return the size of the file in bytes.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getSize = function( ) { ; }
* Return the URL of the file (if stored in the FC).
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getURL = function( ) { ; }
* Return the type of the file.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getType = function( ) { ; }
* Return the value (base64 encoded for binary types) of the file.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFile
* @since 2009.1
nlobjFile.prototype.getValue = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjSearchFilter filter objects used to define search criteria.
* @classDescription search filter
* @constructor
* @param {string} name filter name.
* @param {string} join internal ID for joined search where this filter is defined
* @param {string} operator operator name (i.e. anyOf, contains, lessThan, etc..)
* @param {string|string[]} value
* @param {string} value2
* @return {nlobjSearchFilter}
* @since 2007.0
function nlobjSearchFilter( name, join, operator, value, value2 ) { ; }
* Return the name of this search filter.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchFilter
* @since 2007.0
nlobjSearchFilter.prototype.getName = function( ) { ; }
* Return the join id for this search filter.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchFilter
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSearchFilter.prototype.getJoin = function( ) { ; }
* Return the filter operator used.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchFilter
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSearchFilter.prototype.getOperator = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjSearchColumn used for column objects used to define search return columns.
* @classDescription search column.
* @return {nlobjSearchColumn}
* @constructor
* @param {string} name column name.
* @param {string} join internal ID for joined search where this column is defined
* @param {string} summary
* @since 2007.0
function nlobjSearchColumn( name, join, summary ) { ; }
* return the name of this search column.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchColumn
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSearchColumn.prototype.getName = function( ) { ; }
* return the join id for this search column.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchColumn
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSearchColumn.prototype.getJoin = function( ) { ; }
* return the label of this search column.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchColumn
* @since 2009.1
nlobjSearchColumn.prototype.getLabel = function( ) { ; }
* return the summary type (avg,group,sum,count) of this search column.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchColumn
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSearchColumn.prototype.getSummary = function( ) { ; }
* return formula for this search column.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchColumn
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSearchColumn.prototype.getFormula = function( ) { ; }
* return nlobjSearchColumn sorted in either ascending or descending order.
* @return {nlobjSearchColumn}
* @param {boolean} sort if not set, defaults to false, which returns column data in ascending order.
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchColumn
* @since 2010.1
nlobjSearchColumn.prototype.setSort = function( order ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjSearchResult used for search result row object.
* @classDescription Class definition for interacting with the results of a search operation
* @return {nlobjSearchResult}
* @constructor
function nlobjSearchResult( ) { ; }
* return the internalId for the record returned in this row.
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @return {int}
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getId = function( ) { ; }
* return the recordtype for the record returned in this row.
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @return {string}
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getRecordType = function( ) { ; }
* return the value for this nlobjSearchColumn.
* @param {nlobjSearchColumn} column search result column
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @since 2009.1
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getValue = function( column ) { ; }
* return the value for a return column specified by name, join ID, and summary type.
* @param {string} name the name of the search column
* @param {string} join the join ID for the search column
* @param {string} summary summary type specified for this column
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getValue = function( name, join, summary ) { ; }
* return the text value for this nlobjSearchColumn if it's a select field.
* @param {nlobjSearchColumn} column search result column
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @since 2009.1
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getText = function( column ) { ; }
* return the text value of this return column if it's a select field.
* @param {string} name the name of the search column
* @param {string} join the join ID for the search column
* @param {string} summary summary type specified for this column
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @since 2008.1
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getText = function( name, join, summary ) { ; }
* return an array of all nlobjSearchColumn objects returned in this search.
* @return {nlobjSearchColumn[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSearchResult
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSearchResult.prototype.getAllColumns = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjContext used for user and script context information.
* @classDescription Utility class providing information about the current user and the script runtime.
* @return {nlobjContext}
* @constructor
function nlobjContext( ) { ; }
* return the name of the current user.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getName = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalId of the current user.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getUser = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalId of the current user's role.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getRole = function( ) { ; }
* return the script ID of the current user's role.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2008.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getRoleId = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalId of the current user's center type.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2008.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getRoleCenter = function( ) { ; }
* return the email address of the current user.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getEmail = function( ) { ; }
* return the internal ID of the contact logged in on behalf of a customer, vendor, or partner. It returns -1 for non-contact logins
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.1
nlobjContext.prototype.getContact = function( ) { ; }
* return the account ID of the current user.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getCompany = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalId of the current user's department.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getDepartment = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalId of the current user's location.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getLocation = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalId of the current user's subsidiary.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getSubsidiary = function( ) { ; }
* return the execution context for this script: webServices|csvImport|client|userInterface|scheduledScript|portlet|suitelet|debugger|custommassupdate
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getExecutionContext = function( ) { ; }
* return the amount of usage units remaining for this script.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2007.0
nlobjContext.prototype.getRemainingUsage = function( ) { ; }
* return true if feature is enabled, false otherwise
* @param {string} name
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getFeature = function( name ) { ; }
* return current user's permission level (0-4) for this permission
* @param {string} name
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getPermission = function( name ) { ; }
* return system or script preference selection for current user
* @param {string} name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getPreference = function( name ) { ; }
* return value of session object set by script
* @param {string} name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getSessionObject = function( name ) { ; }
* set the value of a session object using a key.
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.setSessionObject = function( name, value ) { ; }
* return an array containing the names of all keys used to set session objects
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getAllSessionObjects = function() { ; }
* return the NetSuite version for the current account
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getVersion = function( ) { ; }
* return the environment that the script is executing in: SANDBOX, PRODUCTION, BETA, INTERNAL
* @since 2008.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getEnvironment = function( ) { ; }
* return the logging level for the current script execution. Not supported in CLIENT scripts
* @since 2008.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getLogLevel = function( ) { ; }
* return the script ID for the current script
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getScriptId = function( ) { ; }
* return the deployment ID for the current script
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getDeploymentId = function( ) { ; }
* return the % complete specified for the current scheduled script execution
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.getPercentComplete = function( ) { ; }
* set the % complete for the current scheduled script execution
* @param {float} ct the percentage of records completed
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2009.2
nlobjContext.prototype.setPercentComplete = function( pct ) { ; }
* return a system/script setting. Types are SCRIPT, SESSION, FEATURE, PERMISSION
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
* @since 2007.0
* @deprecated
nlobjContext.prototype.getSetting = function( type, name ) { ; }
* set a system/script setting. Only supported type is SESSION
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} value
* @since 2007.0
* @deprecated
nlobjContext.prototype.setSetting = function( type, name, value ) { ; }
* return an Object containing name/value pairs of color groups to their corresponding RGB hex color based on the currenly logged in user's color them preferences.
* @return {Object}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjContext
* @since 2010.1
nlobjContext.prototype.getColorPreferences = function() { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjError used system or user-defined error object.
* @classDescription Encapsulation of errors thrown during script execution.
* @return {nlobjError}
* @constructor
function nlobjError( ) { ; }
* return the error db ID for this error (if it was an unhandled unexpected error).
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjError
* @since 2008.2
nlobjError.prototype.getId = function( ) { ; }
* return the error code for this system or user-defined error.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjError
* @since 2008.2
nlobjError.prototype.getCode = function( ) { ; }
* return the error description for this error.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjError
* @since 2008.2
nlobjError.prototype.getDetails = function( ) { ; }
* return a stacktrace containing the location of the error.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjError
* @since 2008.2
nlobjError.prototype.getStackTrace = function( ) { ; }
* return the userevent script name where this error was thrown.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjError
* @since 2008.2
nlobjError.prototype.getUserEvent = function( ) { ; }
* return the internalid of the record if this error was thrown in an aftersubmit script.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjError
* @since 2008.2
nlobjError.prototype.getInternalId = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjServerResponse..
* @classDescription Contains the results of a server response to an outbound Http(s) call.
* @return {nlobjServerResponse}
* @constructor
* @since 2008.1
function nlobjServerResponse( ) { ; }
* return the Content-Type header in response
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getContentType = function( ) { ; }
* return the value of a header returned.
* @param {string} name the name of the header to return
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getHeader = function(name) { ; }
* return all the values of a header returned.
* @param {string} name the name of the header to return
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getHeaders = function(name) { ; }
* return an Array of all headers returned.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getAllHeaders = function( ) { ; }
* return the response code returned.
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getCode = function( ) { ; }
* return the response body returned.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getBody = function( ) { ; }
* return the nlobjError thrown via a client call to nlapiRequestURL.
* @return {nlobjError}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjServerResponse
* @since 2008.1
nlobjServerResponse.prototype.getError = function( ) { ; }
* add a record for to a template engine
* @param {string} [recordName] name of record used as a reference in template.
* @param {nlobjRecord} record to add to template engine
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjTemplateRenderer
nlobjTemplateRenderer.prototype.addRecord = function( record ) { ; }
* add search results to a template engine
* @param {string} [searchName] name of search results used as a reference in template.
* @param {nlobjSearchResults[]} [results] An array of nlobjSearchResult objects.
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjTemplateRenderer
nlobjTemplateRenderer.prototype.addSearchResults = function( searchName, results ) { ; }
* set the template xml in the template engine
* @param {string} xml BFO template
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjTemplateRenderer
nlobjTemplateRenderer.prototype.setTemplate = function( xml ) { ; }
* render the output of the template engine into the response
* @param {nlobjResponse}
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjTemplateRenderer
nlobjTemplateRenderer.prototype.renderToResponse = function(nlobjResponse) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjResponse used for scripting web responses in Suitelets
* @classDescription Accessor to Http response made available to Suitelets.
* @return {nlobjResponse}
* @constructor
function nlobjResponse( ) { ; }
* add a value for a response header.
* @param {string} name of header
* @param {string} value for header
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.addHeader = function( name, value ) { ; }
* set the value of a response header.
* @param {string} name of header
* @param {string} value for header
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.setHeader = function( name, value ) { ; }
* return the value of a response header.
* @param {string} name of header
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.getHeader = function( ) { ; }
* return an Array of all response header values for a header
* @param {string} name of header
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.getHeaders = function( name ) { ; }
* return an Array of all response headers
* @return {Object}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.getAllHeaders = function( ) { ; }
* suppress caching for this response.
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2009.1
nlobjResponse.prototype.sendNoCache = function( ) { ; }
* sets the content type for the response (and an optional filename for binary output).
* @param {string} type the file type i.e. plainText, word, pdf, htmldoc (see list of media item types)
* @param {string} filename the file name
* @param {string} disposition Content Disposition used for streaming attachments: inline|attachment
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.setContentType = function( type, filename, disposition ) { ; }
* sets the redirect URL for the response. all URLs must be internal unless the Suitelet is being executed in an "Available without Login" context
* at which point it can use type "external" to specify an external url via the subtype arg
* @param {string} type type specifier for URL: suitelet|tasklink|record|mediaitem|external
* @param {string} subtype subtype specifier for URL (corresponding to type): scriptid|taskid|recordtype|mediaid|url
* @param {string} [id] internal ID specifier (sub-subtype corresponding to type): deploymentid|n/a|recordid|n/a
* @param {string} [pagemode] string specifier used to configure page (suitelet: external|internal, tasklink|record: edit|view)
* @param {Object} [parameters] Object used to specify additional URL parameters as name/value pairs
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.sendRedirect = function( type, subtype, id, pagemode, parameters ) { ; }
* write information (text/xml/html) to the response.
* @param {string} output
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.write = function( output ) { ; }
* write line information (text/xml/html) to the response.
* @param {string} output
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.writeLine = function( output ) { ; }
* write a UI object page.
* @param {Object} pageobject page UI object: nlobjList|nlobjAssistant|nlobjForm|nlobjDashboard
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.writePage = function( pageobject ) { ; }
* sets the character encoding for the response.
* @param {String} encoding
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2012.2
nlobjResponse.prototype.setEncoding = function( encoding ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjRequest used for scripting web requests in Suitelets
* @classDescription Accessor to Http request data made available to Suitelets
* @return {nlobjRequest}
* @constructor
function nlobjRequest( ) { ; }
* return the value of a request parameter.
* @param {string} name parameter name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getParameter = function( name ) { ; }
* return the values of a request parameter as an Array.
* @param {string} name parameter name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getParameterValues = function( name ) { ; }
* return an Object containing all the request parameters and their values.
* @return {Object}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getAllParameters = function( ) { ; }
* return the value of a sublist value.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line sublist line number
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getLineItemValue = function( group, name, line ) { ; }
* return the number of lines in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getLineItemCount = function( group ) { ; }
* return the value of a request header.
* @param {string} name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getHeader = function( name ) { ; }
* return an Object containing all the request headers and their values.
* @return {Object}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.2
nlobjRequest.prototype.getAllHeaders = function( ) { ; }
* return the value of an uploaded file.
* @param {string} name file field name
* @return {nlobjFile}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2009.1
nlobjRequest.prototype.getFile = function( name ) { ; }
* return an Object containing field names to file objects for all uploaded files.
* @return {Object}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2009.1
nlobjRequest.prototype.getAllFiles = function( ) { ; }
* return the body of the POST request
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRequest.prototype.getBody = function( ) { ; }
* return the URL of the request
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRequest.prototype.getURL = function( ) { ; }
* return the METHOD of the request
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjRequest
* @since 2008.1
nlobjRequest.prototype.getMethod = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjPortlet used for scriptable dashboard portlet.
* @classDescription UI Object used for building portlets that are displayed on dashboard pages
* @return {nlobjPortlet}
* @constructor
function nlobjPortlet( ) { ; }
* set the portlet title.
* @param {string} title
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }
* set the entire contents of the HTML portlet (will be placed inside a <TD>...</TD>).
* @param {string} html
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.setHtml = function( html ) { ; }
* add a column (nlobjColumn) to this LIST portlet and return it.
* @param {string} name column name
* @param {string} type column type
* @param {string} label column label
* @param {string} [align] column alignment
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.addColumn = function( name, type, label, align ) { ; }
* add an Edit column (nlobjColumn) to the left of the column specified (supported on LIST portlets only).
* @param {nlobjColumn} column
* @param {boolean} showView should Edit|View instead of Edit link
* @param {string} [showHref] column that evaluates to T or F that determines whether to disable the edit|view link per-row.
* @return {nlobjColumn}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.addEditColumn = function( column, showView, showHref ) { ; }
* add a row (nlobjSearchResult or Array of name-value pairs) to this LIST portlet.
* @param {string[]|nlobjSearchResult} row
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.addRow = function( row ) { ; }
* add multiple rows (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) to this LIST portlet.
* @param {string[][]|nlobjSearchResult[]} rows
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.addRows = function( rows ) { ; }
* add a field (nlobjField) to this FORM portlet and return it.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {string} [label] field label
* @param {string, int} [source] script ID or internal ID for source list (select and multiselects only) -or- radio value for radio fields
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.addField = function( name,type,label,source ) { ; }
* add a FORM submit button to this FORM portlet.
* @param {string} url URL that this form portlet will POST to
* @param {string} [label] label for submit button (defaults to Save)
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.setSubmitButton = function( url, label ) { ; }
* add a line (containing text or simple HTML) with optional indenting and URL to this LINKS portlet.
* @param {string} text data to output to line
* @param {string} [url] URL if this line should be clickable (if NULL then line will not be clickable)
* @param {int} indent # of indents to insert before text
* @since 2008.2
nlobjPortlet.prototype.addLine = function( text, url, indent ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjList used for scriptable list page.
* @classDescription UI Object page type used for building lists
* @return {nlobjList}
* @constructor
function nlobjList( ) { ; }
* set the page title.
* @param {string} title
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }
* set the global style for this list: grid|report|plain|normal.
* @param {string} style overall style used to render list
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.setStyle = function( style ) { ; }
* set the Client SuiteScript used for this page.
* @param {string, int} script script ID or internal ID for global client script used to enable Client SuiteScript on page
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.setScript = function( script ) { ; }
* add a column (nlobjColumn) to this list and return it.
* @param {string} name column name
* @param {string} type column type
* @param {string} label column label
* @param {string} [align] column alignment
* @return {nlobjColumn}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.addColumn = function( name, type, label, align ) { ; }
* add an Edit column (nlobjColumn) to the left of the column specified.
* @param {nlobjColumn} column
* @param {boolean} showView should Edit|View instead of Edit link
* @param {string} [showHref] column that evaluates to T or F that determines whether to disable the edit|view link per-row.
* @return {nlobjColumn}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.addEditColumn = function( column, showView, showHref ) { ; }
* add a row (Array of name-value pairs or nlobjSearchResult) to this portlet.
* @param {string[], nlobjSearchResult} row data used to add a single row
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.addRow = function( row ) { ; }
* add multiple rows (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) to this portlet.
* @param {string[][], nlobjSearchResult[]} rows data used to add multiple rows
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.addRows = function( rows ) { ; }
* add a button (nlobjButton) to the footer of this page.
* @param {string} name button name
* @param {string} label button label
* @param {string} script button script (function name)
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.addButton = function( name, label, script ) { ; }
* add a navigation cross-link to the page.
* @param {string} type page link type: crosslink|breadcrumb
* @param {string} title page link title
* @param {string} url URL for page link
* @since 2008.2
nlobjList.prototype.addPageLink = function( type, title, url ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjForm used for scriptable form page.
* @classDescription UI Object page type used for building basic data entry forms.
* @return {nlobjForm}
* @constructor
function nlobjForm( ) { ; }
* set the page title.
* @param {string} title
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }
* set additional title Html. INTERNAL ONLY
* @param {string} title
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addTitleHtml = function( html ) { ; }
* set the Client Script definition used for this page.
* @param {string, int} script script ID or internal ID for global client script used to enable Client SuiteScript on page
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.setScript = function( script ) { ; }
* set the values for all the fields on this form.
* @param {Object} values Object containing field name/value pairs
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.setFieldValues = function( values ) { ; }
* add a navigation cross-link to the page.
* @param {string} type page link type: crosslink|breadcrumb
* @param {string} title page link title
* @param {string} url URL for page link
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addPageLink = function( type, title, url ) { ; }
* add a button to this form.
* @param {string} name button name
* @param {string} label button label
* @param {string} script button script (function name)
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addButton = function( name, label, script ) { ; }
* get a button from this form by name.
* @param {string} name
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjForm
* @since 2009.2 add
nlobjForm.prototype.getButton = function( name ) { ; }
* add a reset button to this form.
* @param {string} [label] label for this button. defaults to "Reset"
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addResetButton = function( label ) { ; }
* add a submit button to this form.
* @param {string} [label] label for this submit button. defaults to "Save"
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addSubmitButton = function( label ) { ; }
* add a tab (nlobjTab) to this form and return it.
* @param {string} name tab name
* @param {string} label tab label
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addTab = function( name, label ) { ; }
* add a field (nlobjField) to this form and return it.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {string} [label] field label
* @param {string, int} [source] script ID or internal ID for source list (select and multiselects only) -or- radio value for radio fields
* @param {string} [tab] tab name that this field will live on. If empty then the field is added to the main section of the form (immediately below the title bar)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addField = function( name,type,label,sourceOrRadio,tab ) { ; }
nlobjForm.prototype.addCredentialField = function( name,label,domain,scriptId,value,entityMatch,tab ) { ; }
nlobjForm.prototype.addCredentialField = function( name,label,domain,scriptId,value,entityMatch ) { ; }
nlobjForm.prototype.addCredentialField = function( name,label,domain,scriptId,value ) { ; }
* add a subtab (nlobjTab) to this form and return it.
* @param {string} name subtab name
* @param {string} label subtab label
* @param {string} [tab] parent tab that this subtab lives on. If empty, it is added to the main tab.
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addSubTab = function( name,label,tab ) { ; }
* add a sublist (nlobjSubList) to this form and return it.
* @param {string} name sublist name
* @param {string} type sublist type: inlineeditor|editor|list|staticlist
* @param {string} label sublist label
* @param {string} [tab] parent tab that this sublist lives on. If empty, it is added to the main tab
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.addSubList = function( name,type,label,tab ) { ; }
* insert a tab (nlobjTab) before another tab (name).
* @param {nlobjTab} tab the tab object to insert
* @param {string} nexttab the name of the tab before which to insert this tab
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.insertTab = function( tab, nexttab ) { ; }
* insert a field (nlobjField) before another field (name).
* @param {nlobjField} field the field object to insert
* @param {string} nextfld the name of the field before which to insert this field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.insertField = function( field, nextfld ) { ; }
* insert a subtab (nlobjTab) before another subtab or sublist (name).
* @param {nlobjTab} subtab the subtab object to insert
* @param {string} nextsubtab the name of the subtab before which to insert this subtab
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.insertSubTab = function( subtab, nextsubtab ) { ; }
* insert a sublist (nlobjSubList) before another subtab or sublist (name).
* @param {nlobjSubList} sublist the sublist object to insert
* @param {string} nextsublist the name of the sublist before which to insert this sublist
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.insertSubList = function( sublist, nextsublist ) { ; }
* return a tab (nlobjTab) on this form.
* @param {string} name tab name
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.getTab = function( name ) { ; }
* return a field (nlobjField) on this form.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} [radio] if this is a radio field, specify which radio field to return based on radio value
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.getField = function( name, radio ) { ; }
* return a subtab (nlobjTab) on this form.
* @param {string} name subtab name
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.getSubTab = function( name ) { ; }
* return a sublist (nlobjSubList) on this form.
* @param {string} name sublist name
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjForm.prototype.getSubList = function( name ) { ; }
* add a field group to the form.
* @param {string} name field group name
* @param {string} label field group label
* @param tab
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjForm
* @since 2011.1
nlobjForm.prototype.addFieldGroup = function( name, label, tab ) { ; }
* get a list of all tabs.
* @return an array with names of all tabs
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjForm
* @since 2012.2
nlobjForm.prototype.getTabs = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjAssistant.
* @classDescription UI Object page type used to build multi-step "assistant" pages to simplify complex workflows. All data and state for an assistant is tracked automatically
* throughout the user's session up until completion of the assistant.
* @return {nlobjAssistant}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
function nlobjAssistant( ) { ; }
* set the page title.
* @param {string} title
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setTitle = function( title ) { ; }
* set the script ID for Client Script used for this form.
* @param {string, int} script script ID or internal ID for global client script used to enable Client SuiteScript on page
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setScript = function( script ) { ; }
* set the splash screen used for this page.
* @param {string} title splash portlet title
* @param {string} text1 splash portlet content (left side)
* @param {string} [text2] splash portlet content (right side)
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setSplash = function( title, text1, text2 ) { ; }
* show/hide shortcut link. Always hidden on external pages
* @param {boolean} show enable/disable "Add To Shortcut" link on this page
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setShortcut = function(show) { ; }
* set the values for all the fields on this page.
* @param {Object} values Object of field name/value pairs used to set all fields on page
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setFieldValues = function( values ) { ; }
* if ordered, steps are show on left and must be completed sequentially, otherwise steps are shown on top and can be done in any order
* @param {boolean} ordered If true (default assistant behavior) then a navigation order thru the steps/pages will be imposed on the user. Otherwise the user
* will be allowed to navigate across steps/pages in any order they choose.
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setOrdered = function(ordered) { ; }
* if numbered, step numbers are displayed next to the step's label in the navigation area
* @param {boolean} numbered If true (default assistant behavior) step numbers will be displayed next to the step label
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setNumbered = function(numbered) { ; }
* return true if all the steps have been completed.
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.isFinished = function( ) { ; }
* mark assistant page as completed and optionally set the rich text to display on completed page.
* @param {string} html completion message (rich text) to display on the "Finish" page
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setFinished = function( html ) { ; }
* return true if the assistant has an error message to display for the current step.
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.hasError = function( ) { ; }
* set the error message for the currrent step.
* @param {string} html error message (rich text) to display on the page to the user
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setError = function( html ) { ; }
* mark a step as current. It will be highlighted accordingly when the page is displayed
* @param {nlobjAssistantStep} step assistant step object representing the current step that the user is on.
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.setCurrentStep = function( step ) { ; }
* add a step to the assistant.
* @param {string} name the name of the step
* @param {string} label label used for this step
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.addStep = function( name, label ) { ; }
* add a field to this page and return it.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {string} [label] field label
* @param {string, int} [source] script ID or internal ID for source list (select and multiselects only) -or- radio value for radio fields
* @param {string} [group] group name that this field will live on. If empty then the field is added to the main section of the page
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.addField = function( name,type,label,source, group ) { ; }
* add a sublist to this page and return it. For now only sublists of type inlineeditor are supported
* @param {string} name sublist name
* @param {string} type sublist type (inlineeditor only for now)
* @param {string} label sublist label
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.addSubList = function( name,type,label ) { ; }
* add a field group to the page.
* @param {string} name field group name
* @param {string} label field group label
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.addFieldGroup = function( name, label ) { ; }
* return an assistant step on this page.
* @param {string} name step name
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getStep = function( name ) { ; }
* return a field on this page.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getField = function( name ) { ; }
* return a sublist on this page.
* @param {string} name sublist name
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getSubList = function( name ) { ; }
* return a field group on this page.
* @param {string} name field group name
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getFieldGroup = function( name ) { ; }
* return an array of all the assistant steps for this assistant.
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getAllSteps = function( ) { ; }
* return an array of the names of all fields on this page.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getAllFields = function( ) { ; }
* return an array of the names of all sublists on this page .
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getAllSubLists = function( ) { ; }
* return an array of the names of all field groups on this page.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getAllFieldGroups = function( ) { ; }
* return the last submitted action by the user: next|back|cancel|finish|jump
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getLastAction = function() { ; }
* return step from which the last submitted action came from
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getLastStep = function() { ; }
* return the next logical step corresponding to the user's last submitted action. You should only call this after
* you have successfully captured all the information from the last step and are ready to move on to the next step. You
* would use the return value to set the current step prior to continuing.
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getNextStep = function() { ; }
* return current step set via nlobjAssistant.setCurrentStep(step)
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getCurrentStep = function() { ; }
* return the total number of steps in the assistant
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.getStepCount = function() { ; }
* redirect the user following a user submit operation. Use this to automatically redirect the user to the next logical step.
* @param {nlobjResponse} response the response object used to communicate back to the user's client
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistant
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistant.prototype.sendRedirect = function(response) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjField used for scriptable form/sublist field.
* This object is READ-ONLY except for scripted fields created via the UI Object API using Suitelets or beforeLoad user events
* @classDescription Core descriptor for fields used to define records and also used to build pages and portlets.
* @return {nlobjField}
* @constructor
function nlobjField( ) { ; }
* return field name.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.getName = function( ) { ; }
* return field label.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.getLabel = function( ) { ; }
* return field type.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.getType = function( ) { ; }
* return true if field is hidden.
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.isHidden = function( ) { ; }
* return true if field is mandatory.
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.isMandatory = function( ) { ; }
* return true if field is disabled.
* @return {boolean}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.isDisabled = function( ) { ; }
* set the label for this field.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} label
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* set the alias used to set the value for this field. Defaults to field name.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} alias column used to populate the field (mostly relevant when populating sublist fields)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setAlias = function( alias ) { ; }
* set the default value for this field.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} value
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setDefaultValue = function( value ) { ; }
* Disable field via field metadata.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {boolean} disabled if true then field should be disabled.
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.setDisabled = function( disabled ) { ; }
* make this field mandatory.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {boolean} mandatory if true then field becomes mandatory
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setMandatory = function( mandatory ) { ; }
* set the maxlength for this field (only valid for certain field types).
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {int} maxlength maximum length for this field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setMaxLength = function( maxlength ) { ; }
* set the display type for this field.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} type display type: inline|normal|hidden|disabled|readonly|entry
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setDisplayType = function( type ) { ; }
* set the break type (startcol|startrow|none) for this field. startrow is only used for fields with a layout type of outside
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} breaktype break type used to add a break in flow layout for this field: startcol|startrow|none
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.setBreakType = function( breaktype ) { ; }
* set the layout type and optionally the break type.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} type layout type: outside|startrow|midrow|endrow|normal
* @param {string} [breaktype] break type: startcol|startrow|none
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setLayoutType = function( type, breaktype ) { ; }
* set the text that gets displayed in lieu of the field value for URL fields.
* @param {string} text user-friendly display value in lieu of URL
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setLinkText = function( text ) { ; }
* set the width and height for this field.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {int} width
* @param {int} height
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setDisplaySize = function( width, height ) { ; }
* set the amount of emppty vertical space (rows) between this field and the previous field.
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {int} padding # of empty rows to display above field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.setPadding = function( padding ) { ; }
* set help text for this field. If inline is set on assistant pages, help is displayed inline below field
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} help field level help content (rich text) for field
* @param {string} [inline] if true then in addition to the popup field help, the help will also be displayed inline below field (supported on assistant pages only)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjField
* @since 2009.2
nlobjField.prototype.setHelpText = function( help, inline ) { ; }
* add a select option to this field (valid for select/multiselect fields).
* This method is only supported on scripted fields via the UI Object API
* @param {string} value internal ID for this select option
* @param {string} text display value for this select option
* @param {boolean} [selected] if true then this select option will be selected by default
* @since 2008.2
nlobjField.prototype.addSelectOption = function( value, text, selected ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjSubList used for scriptable sublist (sublist).
* This object is READ-ONLY except for instances created via the UI Object API using Suitelets or beforeLoad user events.
* @classDescription high level container for defining sublist (many to one) relationships on a record or multi-line data entry UIs on pages.
* @return {nlobjSubList}
* @constructor
function nlobjSubList( ) { ; }
* set the label for this sublist.
* This method is only supported on sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string} label
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* set helper text for this sublist.
* This method is only supported on sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string} help
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setHelpText = function( help ) { ; }
* set the displaytype for this sublist: hidden|normal.
* This method is only supported on scripted or staticlist sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string} type
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setDisplayType = function( type ) { ; }
* set the value of a cell in this sublist.
* @param {string} field sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {string} value sublist value
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setLineItemValue = function( field, line, value ) { ; }
* set the value of a matrix cell in this sublist.
* @param {string} field matrix field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value matrix field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setLineItemMatrixValue = function( field, line, column, value ) { ; }
* set values for multiple lines (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) in this sublist.
* Note that this method is only supported on scripted sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string[][], nlobjSearchResult[]} values
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setLineItemValues = function( values ) { ; }
* Return the number of lines in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2010.1
nlobjSubList.prototype.getLineItemCount = function( group ) { ; }
* add a field (column) to this sublist.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {string} label field label
* @param {string, int} [source] script ID or internal ID for source list used for this select field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.addField = function( name,type,label,source ) { ; }
* designate a field on sublist that must be unique across all lines (only supported on sublists of type inlineeditor, editor).
* @param {string} fldnam the name of a field on this sublist whose value must be unique across all lines
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.setUniqueField = function( fldnam ) { ; }
* add a button to this sublist.
* @param {string} name button name
* @param {string} label button label
* @param {string} script button script (function name)
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.addButton = function( name, label, script ) { ; }
* add "Refresh" button to sublists of type "staticlist" to support manual refreshing of the sublist (without entire page reloads) if it's contents are very volatile
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.addRefreshButton = function( ) { ; }
* add "Mark All" and "Unmark All" buttons to this sublist of type "list".
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2
nlobjSubList.prototype.addMarkAllButtons = function( ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjColumn used for scriptable list column.
* @classDescription Class definition for columns used on lists and list portlets.
* @return {nlobjColumn}
* @constructor
function nlobjColumn( ) { ; }
* set the header name for this column.
* @param {string} label the label for this column
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjColumn
* @since 2008.2
nlobjColumn.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* set the base URL (optionally defined per row) for this column.
* @param {string} value the base URL or a column in the datasource that returns the base URL for each row
* @param {boolean} perRow if true then the 1st arg is expected to be a column in the datasource
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjColumn
* @since 2008.2
nlobjColumn.prototype.setURL = function( value, perRow ) { ; }
* add a URL parameter (optionally defined per row) to this column's URL.
* @param {string} param the name of a parameter to add to URL
* @param {string} value the value of the parameter to add to URL -or- a column in the datasource that returns the parameter value for each row
* @param {boolean} [perRow] if true then the 2nd arg is expected to be a column in the datasource
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjColumn
* @since 2008.2
nlobjColumn.prototype.addParamToURL = function( param, value, perRow ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjTab used for scriptable tab or subtab.
* @classDescription high level grouping for fields on a data entry form (nlobjForm).
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @constructor
function nlobjTab( ) { ; }
* set the label for this tab or subtab.
* @param {string} label string used as label for this tab or subtab
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjTab.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* set helper text for this tab or subtab.
* @param {string} help inline help text used for this tab or subtab
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2
nlobjTab.prototype.setHelpText = function( help ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjAssistantStep.
* @classDescription assistant step definition. Used to define individual steps/pages in multi-step workflows.
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
function nlobjAssistantStep( ) { ; }
* set the label for this assistant step.
* @param {string} label display label used for this assistant step
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* set helper text for this assistant step.
* @param {string} help inline help text to display on assistant page for this step
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.setHelpText = function( help ) { ; }
* return the index of this step in the assistant page (1-based)
* @return {int} the index of this step in the assistant (1-based) based on the order in which the steps were added.
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getStepNumber = function( ) { ; }
* return the value of a field entered by the user during this step.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getFieldValue = function( name ) { ; }
* return the selected values of a multi-select field as an Array entered by the user during this step.
* @param {string} name multi-select field name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getFieldValues = function( name ) { ; }
* return the number of lines previously entered by the user in this step (or -1 if the sublist does not exist).
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getLineItemCount = function( group ) { ; }
* return the value of a sublist field entered by the user during this step.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line sublist (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getLineItemValue = function(group, name, line) { ; }
* return an array of the names of all fields entered by the user during this step.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getAllFields = function( ) { ; }
* return an array of the names of all sublists entered by the user during this step.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getAllLineItems = function( ) { ; }
* return an array of the names of all sublist fields entered by the user during this step
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2
nlobjAssistantStep.prototype.getAllLineItemFields = function( group ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjFieldGroup (currently only supported on nlobjAssistant pages)
* @classDescription object used for grouping fields on pages (currently only supported on assistant pages).
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
function nlobjFieldGroup( ) { ; }
* set the label for this field group.
* @param {string} label display label for field group
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2009.2
nlobjFieldGroup.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* set collapsibility property for this field group.
* @param {boolean} collapsible if true then this field group is collapsible
* @param {boolean} [defaultcollapsed] if true and the field group is collapsible, collapse this field group by default
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2009.2
nlobjFieldGroup.prototype.setCollapsible = function( collapsible, defaultcollapsed ) { ; }
* set singleColumn property for this field group.
* @param {boolean} singleColumn if true then this field group is displayed in single column
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2011.1
nlobjFieldGroup.prototype.setSingleColumn = function( singleColumn ) { ; }
* set showBorder property for this field group.
* @param {boolean} showBorder if true then this field group shows border including label of group
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2011.1
nlobjFieldGroup.prototype.setShowBorder = function( showBorder ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjButton.
* @classDescription buttons used for triggering custom behaviors on pages.
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
function nlobjButton( ) { ; }
* set the label for this button.
* @param {string} label display label for button
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjButton
* @since 2008.2
nlobjButton.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) { ; }
* disable or enable button.
* @param {boolean} disabled if true then this button should be disabled on the page
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjButton
* @since 2008.2
nlobjButton.prototype.setDisabled = function( disabled ) { ; }
* Return a new instance of nlobjSelectOption.
* @classDescription select|radio option used for building select fields via the UI Object API and for describing select|radio fields.
* @return {nlobjSelectOption}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
function nlobjSelectOption( ) { ; }
* return internal ID for select option
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSelectOption
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSelectOption.prototype.getId = function( ) { ; }
* return display value for select option.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSelectOption
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSelectOption.prototype.getText = function( ) { ; }
* @return nlobjLogin
* @since 2012.2
function nlapiGetLogin( ) { ; }
* @param {string} newEmail new Email
* @param {boolean} justThisAccount indicates whether to apply email change only to roles within this account or apply email change to its all NetSuite accounts and roles
* @return {void}
* @since 2012.2
nlobjLogin.prototype.changeEmail = function (currentPassword, newEmail, justThisAccount) { ; }
* @param {string} newPassword new Password.
* @return {void}
* @since 2012.2
nlobjLogin.prototype.changePassword = function (currentPassword, newPassword) { ; }
* @param {string} Job Type
* @return {nlobjJobManager}
* @since 2013.1
function nlapiGetJobManager( jobType ) { ; }
* @return {nlobjJobRequest}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjJobManager.prototype.createJobRequest = function () { ; }
* @param {nlobjJobRequest} Job request
* @return {String} Job Id
* @since 2013.1
nlobjJobManager.prototype.submit = function (request) { ; }
* @param {String} Job Id
* @return {nlobjFuture}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjJobManager.prototype.getFuture = function (id) { ; }
* Constant for Merge Duplicate recrods Entity Types
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.ENTITY_CUSTOMER = 'CUSTOMER';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.ENTITY_CONTACT = 'CONTACT';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.ENTITY_LEAD = 'LEAD';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.ENTITY_PROSPECT = 'PROSPECT';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.ENTITY_PARTNER = 'PARTNER';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.ENTITY_VENDOR = 'VENDOR';
* Constant for Merge Duplicate recrods Merge MASTERSELECTIONMODE
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.MASTERSELECTIONMODE_SELECT_BY_ID = 'SELECT_BY_ID';
* Constant for Merge Duplicate recrods Merge operation
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.OPERATION_MERGE = 'MERGE';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.OPERATION_DELETE = 'DELETE';
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.OPERATION_MARK_AS_NOT_DUPES = 'MARK_AS_NOT_DUPES';
* @param {String} Entity Type
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.setEntityType = function( entityType ) { ; }
* @param {String} Master record ID
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.setMasterId = function( masterID ) { ; }
* @param {String} Criteria
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.setMasterSelectionMode = function( masterSelectionMode ) { ; }
* @param {String} Array of duplicate records IDs
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.setRecords = function( dupeRecords ) { ; }
* @param {String} Operation
* @return {void}
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.setOperation = function( operation ) { ; }
* @return Entity Type
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.getEntityType = function( ) { ; }
* @return Master record ID
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.getMasterId = function( ) { ; }
* @return Master Selection Mode
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.getMasterSelectionMode = function( ) { ; }
* @return Array of duplicate records IDs
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.getRecords = function( ) { ; }
* @return Operation
* @since 2013.1
nlobjDuplicateJobRequest.prototype.getOperation = function( ) { ; }
* @return {boolean} status
* @since 2013.1
nlobjFuture.prototype.isDone = function( ) { ; }
* @return {String} Job ID
* @since 2013.1
nlobjFuture.prototype.getId = function( ) { ; }
* @return {boolean} cancelled or not
* @since 2013.1
nlobjFuture.prototype.cancel = function( ) { ; }
* @return {boolean} is cancelled or not
* @since 2013.1
nlobjFuture.prototype.isCancelled = function( ) { ; }
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @param {int} ttl, time to live in seconds.
* @return {Object} status.
* @since 2013.2
nlobjCache.prototype.put = function (key, value, ttl) {;}
* @param {string} key
* @return {String} value associate with that key.
* @since 2013.2
nlobjCache.prototype.get = function (key) {;}
* @param {string} key
* @return {Object} status.
* @since 2013.2
nlobjCache.prototype.remove = function (key) {;}
* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: szaman
* Date: 10/7/13
* Time: 10:54 AM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function suitelet(request, response) {
var po = request.getParameter('poid');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('purchaseorder', po);
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Create Work Order(s) from PO: '
+ rec.getFieldValue('tranid'));
if (request.getMethod() == 'GET') {
var list = form.addSubList('custpage_items', 'list', 'Components');
var values = new Array();
var count = 1;
for ( var i = 1; i <= rec.getLineItemCount('item'); i++) {
var assemblyId = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'item', i);
var cols = new Array();
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('itemid'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('description'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('custitem_workordercomments'));
cols.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('isinactive'));
var fils = new Array();
.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('component', null, 'is',
var res = nlapiSearchRecord('assemblyitem', null, fils, cols);
if (res) {
var comment = res[0].getValue('custitem_workordercomments');
var id = res[0].getId();
var check = res[0].getValue('isinactive') == 'T' ? 'F' : 'T';
var description = res[0].getValue('description');
var item = rec.getLineItemText('item', 'item', i);
if (check == 'F') {
item = '<font color="red">' + item + '</font>';
var woQty = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', i);
if (!woQty || typeof woQty == 'undefined') {
woQty = 0;
var qty = rec.getLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', i);
var diff = qty - woQty;
if (diff == 0) {
diff = diff + '';
var index = diff.indexOf('.');
if (index >= 0) {
diff = diff.substring(0, index);
var assembly = '<select name=\'cust_assembly' + count++
+ '\' onChange=\'onChangeAssembly(this)\'>';
var comments = '';
var ids = '';
var statuses = '';
for ( var j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {
comments += res[j].getValue('custitem_workordercomments')
+ ',';
assembly += '<option value=\'' + j + '\'>'
+ res[j].getValue('itemid') + '</option>';
ids += res[j].getId() + ',';
statuses += res[j].getValue('isinactive') + ',';
if (assembly.length >= 3950) {
assembly += '</select>';
custpage_check : check,
custpage_component : item,
custpage_quantity : diff,
custpage_assembly : assembly,
custpage_comments : comment,
custpage_id : id,
custpage_description : description,
custpage_idarray : ids,
custpage_commentsarray : comments,
custpage_statusarray : statuses,
custpage_index : i,
custpage_woqty : woQty,
custpage_qty : diff
form.addSubmitButton('Create WO');
form.addField('custpage_setenddate', 'date', 'Set End Date');
var poId = form.addField('poid', 'text', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_id', 'text', 'Assembly Id').setDisplayType(
list.addField('custpage_idarray', 'textarea', 'Assembly Ids')
list.addField('custpage_commentsarray', 'textarea', 'Comments')
list.addField('custpage_statusarray', 'textarea', 'Comments')
list.addField('custpage_index', 'text', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_woqty', 'float', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_qty', 'integer', '').setDisplayType('hidden');
list.addField('custpage_check', 'checkbox', '');
list.addField('custpage_component', 'text', 'Component');
list.addField('custpage_assembly', 'textarea', 'Assembly');
var description = list.addField('custpage_description', 'textarea',
description.setDisplaySize(100, 5);
list.addField('custpage_quantity', 'integer', 'Quantity')
var comments = list.addField('custpage_comments', 'textarea',
comments.setDisplaySize(100, 5);
list.addField('custpage_enddate', 'date', 'End Date').setDisplayType(
} else if (request.getMethod() == 'POST') {
'Print BOM',
form.addButton('custpage_back', 'Back',
+ nlapiGetContext().getScriptId() + '&deploy='
+ nlapiGetContext().getDeploymentId() + '&poid=' + po
+ '\',\'_self\')');
var count = 0;
var ids = '';
for ( var i = 1; i <= request.getLineItemCount('custpage_items'); i++) {
var checked = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_check', i);
if (checked == 'T') {
var wo = nlapiCreateRecord('workorder', {
recordmode : 'dynamic',
wo.setFieldValue('assemblyitem', request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i));
var qty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_quantity', i);
qty *= 1;
var woQty = request.getLineItemValue('custpage_items',
'custpage_woqty', i);
woQty *= 1;
wo.setFieldValue('quantity', qty);
wo.setFieldValue('enddate', request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_enddate', i));
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_wocomments', request
'custpage_comments', i));
wo.setFieldValue('custbody_linkedpo', po);
try {
var woId = nlapiSubmitRecord(wo);
rec.setLineItemValue('item', 'custcol_woqty', request
'custpage_index', i), woQty + qty);
ids += nlapiLookupField('workorder', woId, 'tranid') + ' ';
} catch (e) {
'Create Work order from Purchase order',
'Unable to create work order for assembly item: '
+ request.getLineItemValue(
'custpage_items', 'custpage_id', i)
+ ', ' + e);
var msg = 'Total Work Order(s) created successfully: ' + count;
if (count > 0) {
msg += ' with following id\'s:' + ids;
form.addField('custpage_message', 'label', msg);
var JSONtoSend = 'saad';
var param = new Array();
param['json'] = JSONtoSend;
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