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Created June 9, 2014 11:31
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Python SQLite ranking functions for sqlitefts
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Ranking code based on:
import struct
import math
def parseMatchInfo(buf):
bufsize = len(buf) # length in bytes
return [struct.unpack('@I', buf[i:i+4])[0] for i in range(0, bufsize, 4)]
def simple(raw_match_info):
handle match_info called w/default args 'pcx' - based on the example rank
match_info = parseMatchInfo(raw_match_info)
score = 0.0
p, c = match_info[:2]
for phrase_num in range(p):
phrase_info_idx = 2 + (phrase_num * c * 3)
for col_num in range(c):
col_idx = phrase_info_idx + (col_num * 3)
x1, x2 = match_info[col_idx:col_idx + 2]
if x1 > 0:
score += float(x1) / x2
return score
def bm25(raw_match_info, column_index, k1 = 1.2, b = 0.75):
FTS4-only ranking function.
# Format string *must* be pcxnal
# Second parameter to bm25 specifies the index of the column, on
# the table being queries.
bm25(matchinfo(document_tbl, 'pcxnal'), 1) AS rank
match_info = parseMatchInfo(raw_match_info)
score = 0.0
# p, 1 --> num terms
# c, 1 --> num cols
# x, (3 * p * c) --> for each phrase/column,
# term_freq for this column
# term_freq for all columns
# total documents containing this term
# n, 1 --> total rows in table
# a, c --> for each column, avg number of tokens in this column
# l, c --> for each column, length of value for this column (in this row)
# s, c --> ignore
p, c = match_info[:2]
n_idx = 2 + (3 * p * c)
a_idx = n_idx + 1
l_idx = a_idx + c
n = match_info[n_idx]
a = match_info[a_idx: a_idx + c]
l = match_info[l_idx: l_idx + c]
total_docs = n
avg_length = float(a[column_index])
doc_length = float(l[column_index])
if avg_length == 0:
D = 0
D = 1 - b + (b * (doc_length / avg_length))
for phrase in range(p):
# p, c, p0c01, p0c02, p0c03, p0c11, p0c12, p0c13, p1c01, p1c02, p1c03..
# So if we're interested in column <i>, the counts will be at indexes
x_idx = 2 + (3 * column_index * (phrase + 1))
term_freq = float(match_info[x_idx])
term_matches = float(match_info[x_idx + 2])
# The `max` check here is based on a suggestion in the Wikipedia
# article. For terms that are common to a majority of documents, the
# idf function can return negative values. Applying the max() here
# weeds out those values.
idf = max(
(total_docs - term_matches + 0.5) /
(term_matches + 0.5)),
denom = term_freq + (k1 * D)
if denom == 0:
rhs = 0
rhs = (term_freq * (k1 + 1)) / denom
score += (idf * rhs)
return score
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest
import sqlite3
import re
import sqlitefts.sqlite_tokenizer as fts
import ranking
class Tokenizer(fts.Tokenizer):
_spliter = re.compile(r'\s+|\S+', re.UNICODE)
_nonws = re.compile(r'\S+', re.UNICODE)
def _normalize(self, token):
return token.lower()
def _tokenize(self, text):
pos = 0
for t in self._spliter.findall(text):
byteLen = len(t.encode('utf-8'))
if self._nonws.match(t):
yield self._normalize(t), pos, pos + byteLen
pos += byteLen
def tokenize(self, text):
return self._tokenize(text)
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
name = 'test'
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
fts.register_tokenizer(conn, name, fts.make_tokenizer_module(Tokenizer()))
conn.execute('CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts3 USING FTS3(tokenize={})'.format(name))
conn.execute('CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts4 USING FTS4(tokenize={})'.format(name))
values = [
(u'Make thing I',),
(u'Some thing φχικλψ thing',),
(u'Fusce volutpat hendrerit sem. Fusce sit amet vulputate dui. '
u'Sed posuere mi a nisl aliquet tempor. Praesent tincidunt vel nunc ac pharetra.',),
(u'Nam molestie euismod leo id aliquam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.',),
(u'Vivamus tincidunt feugiat tellus ac bibendum. In rhoncus dignissim suscipit.',),
(u'Pellentesque hendrerit nulla rutrum luctus rutrum. Fusce hendrerit fermentum nunc at posuere.',),
for n in ('fts3', 'fts4'):
result = conn.executemany('INSERT INTO {0} VALUES(?)'.format(n), values)
assert result.rowcount == len(values)
conn.create_function('bm25', 2, ranking.bm25)
conn.create_function('rank', 1, ranking.simple)
self.testee = conn
def testSimple(self):
sql = '''
SELECT content, rank(matchinfo(fts3)) AS rank
FROM fts3
WHERE fts3 MATCH :query
actual = map(dict, self.testee.execute(sql, {'query' : u'thing'}))
self.assertEqual(2, len(actual))
'content' : u'Some thing φχικλψ thing',
'rank' : 0.6666666666666666
}, actual[0])
'content' : u'Make thing I',
'rank' : 0.3333333333333333
}, actual[1])
def testBm25(self):
sql = '''
SELECT content, bm25(matchinfo(fts4, 'pcxnal'), 0) AS rank
FROM fts4
WHERE fts4 MATCH :query
actual = map(dict, self.testee.execute(sql, {'query' : u'thing'}))
self.assertEqual(2, len(actual))
'content' : u'Some thing φχικλψ thing',
'rank' : 0.9722786938230542
}, actual[0])
'content' : u'Make thing I',
'rank' : 0.8236501036844982
}, actual[1])
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