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Last active July 16, 2024 20:09
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Perform an Salesforce Marketing Cloud Post API call, then wait 2 seconds and take the response to Get the status of the email sent and Print, while using multiple bodies within your powershelgl code
function Invoke-EmailAPI {
param (
# Define the API endpoint
$url = "{URL}"
# Define the authorization token
$token = "afasfa23414"
# Convert the body to JSON
$jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
# Create the headers
$headers = @{
Authorization = "Bearer $token"
# Perform the POST request
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -ContentType "application/json"
# Output the response
$response | ConvertTo-Json
# Capture the messageKey from the response
$messageKey = $response.responses[0].messageKey
# Takes some time to get the accurate email send status, so we add a 2 second delay
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# Define the second API endpoint using the messageKey
$secondUrl = "$url/$messageKey"
# Perform the second GET request
$secondResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $secondUrl -Headers $headers -Method Get
# Output the response
$secondResponse | ConvertTo-Json
# Define the JSON bodies
$bodies = @(
recipients = @(
contactKey = ""
to = ""
attributes = @{
checkInTime = "02:00:00 PM"
checkOutTime = "01:00:00 PM"
packageInfo = "Six long stemmed strawberries dipped in white and dark chocolate,Enjoy a bouquet of seasonal flowers upon your arrival"
packageTotalWithTax = "70"
totalCostWithTax = "1150"
NightsQty = "2"
AdultQty = "2"
ChildQty = "4"
roomName = "D2DSC"
dailyRate = "445.23"
GteCxlPol = "Guarantee & Cancellation Policy"
guestId = ""
hotelId = "26782"
email = ""
CFirstName = "M"
CLastName = "B"
ConfirmNo = "BOSTPNR0001"
ArrivalDt = "07/12/2024"
DepartDt = "07/13/2024"
rateCode = ""
recipients = @(
contactKey = ""
to = ""
attributes = @{
checkInTime = "02:00:00 PM"
checkOutTime = "01:00:00 PM"
packageInfo = "Six long stemmed strawberries dipped in white and dark chocolate,Enjoy a bouquet of seasonal flowers upon your arrival"
packageTotalWithTax = "70"
totalCostWithTax = "1250"
NightsQty = "2"
AdultQty = "2"
ChildQty = "4"
roomName = "D2DSC"
dailyRate = "442.12"
GteCxlPol = "Guarantee & Cancellation Policy"
guestId = ""
hotelId = "26782"
email = ""
CFirstName = "M"
CLastName = "B"
ConfirmNo = "BOSTPNR0001"
ArrivalDt = "07/12/2024"
DepartDt = "07/13/2024"
rateCode = ""
# Loop through each body and make the API calls
foreach ($body in $bodies) {
Invoke-EmailAPI -body $body
# ----------------------------- V1 of the code above that explains whats happening above in a simple way
# # Define the API endpoint
# $url = "{}"
# # Define the JSON body
# $body = @{
# definitionKey = "BOOKING_CONFIRMATION"
# recipients = @(
# @{
# contactKey = ""
# to = ""
# attributes = @{
# checkInTime = "02:00:00 PM"
# checkOutTime = "01:00:00 PM"
# packageInfo = "Six long stemmed strawberries dipped in white and dark chocolate,Enjoy a bouquet of seasonal flowers upon your arrival"
# packageTotalWithTax = "70"
# totalCostWithTax = "1150"
# NightsQty = "2"
# AdultQty = "2"
# ChildQty = "4"
# roomName = "D2DSC"
# dailyRate = "You got this for free"
# GteCxlPol = "Guarantee & Cancellation Policy"
# guestId = ""
# hotelId = "26782"
# email = ""
# CFirstName = "M"
# CLastName = "B"
# ConfirmNo = "BOSTPNR0001"
# ArrivalDt = "07/12/2024"
# DepartDt = "07/13/2024"
# rateCode = ""
# }
# }
# )
# } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
# # Define the authorization token
# $token = "afasfa23414"
# # Create the headers
# $headers = @{
# Authorization = "Bearer $token"
# }
# # Perform the POST request
# $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
# # Output the response
# $response | ConvertTo-Json
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