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Last active December 17, 2023 02:22
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Xsd .NET Flattening
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Schema;
namespace Saamorim.XsdFlattening
/// <summary>
/// Tool to flatten Xsd files
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// based on the work of @Daemonic at
/// </remarks>
class XsdFlatteningApp
static int Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 2)
Console.WriteLine("Usage XsdFlattening [input] [output]");
return -1;
string input = args[0];
string output = args[1];
var x = CreateExpandedSchema(input);
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(output))
return 0;
public static XmlSchema CreateExpandedSchema(string strSchemaPath)
// Get the current directory and set it as current directory
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(strSchemaPath);
// Read the base schema
XmlSchema xsBase = null;
using (StreamReader srSchema = new StreamReader(strSchemaPath))
xsBase = XmlSchema.Read(srSchema, null);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
// Create a list to store schemas imported (in case of duplicate dependencies)
List<string> strSchemasAdded = new List<string>();
if (AddSchemasToSchema(ref xsBase, xsBase.Includes, strSchemasAdded) == false)
return null;
// Remove the includes, otherwise bad things happen
// Return the fully flattened schema
return xsBase;
public static bool AddSchemasToSchema(ref XmlSchema xsBase, XmlSchemaObjectCollection xsAdd, List<string> strAddedSchemas)
// Expand the includes
foreach (XmlSchemaObject xmlObj in xsAdd)
XmlSchemaExternal xsInclude = xmlObj as XmlSchemaExternal;
if (strAddedSchemas.Contains(xsInclude.SchemaLocation) == false)
// Add to list so we don't add it again
// Read the stream
StreamReader sIncludeReader = new StreamReader(xsInclude.SchemaLocation);
XmlSchema xsSchemaToAdd = null;
xsSchemaToAdd = XmlSchema.Read(sIncludeReader, null);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
// merge all elements from the included schema into the main document
foreach (XmlSchemaObject xsObj in xsSchemaToAdd.Items)
// Add anything that is NOT an include
if (!(xsObj is XmlSchemaInclude))
// Process all includes
if (AddSchemasToSchema(ref xsBase, xsSchemaToAdd.Includes, strAddedSchemas) == false)
return false;
return true;
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