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Last active April 21, 2023 16:36
'''Convert a CONLLU file with coreference data to a JSONL file with clusters.
python <input_file>
Dan Saattrup Nielsen (
import conllu
import click
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
@click.argument('input_file', type=click.Path(exists=True))
def main(input_file: Path | str) -> None:
# Specify list of CONNLU fields in the input file
fields = [
# Open the input file and parse it
with Path(input_file).open() as f:
parsed_sents = conllu.parse(, fields=fields)
records = list()
for sent in parsed_sents:
# Extract the document and the list of tokens
doc: str = sent.metadata['text']
sent_id: str = sent.metadata['sent_id']
doc_id: str = sent[0]['doc_id']
tokens: list[str] = [token['form'] for token in sent]
# Parse the coreference clusters
cluster_dict: dict[int, list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
active_clusters: list[int] = list()
for token in sent:
# Get the coference resolution relation, which is a string of the form
# "(cluster_id" if the token is the beginning of a cluster, "cluster_id)"
# if the token is the end of a cluster, "(cluster_id)" if the token begins
# and ends a cluster, or "-" if the token is not part of a cluster.
# Multiple clusters can be specified, separated by "|"
coref_rel = token['coref_rel']
# Separate the relation into potential multiple clusters
coref_rel_parts = coref_rel.split('|')
# Iterate over the clusters
for coref_rel_part in coref_rel_parts:
# If the token both begins and ends a coreference cluster then add the
# token to the cluster and do not change the cluster id
if coref_rel_part.startswith('(') and coref_rel_part.endswith(')'):
cluster_id = coref_rel_part.strip('()')
cluster_dict[cluster_id].append(token['id'] - 1)
# Otherwise, if the token begins a coreference cluster then add the
# token to the cluster and update the cluster id
elif coref_rel_part.startswith('('):
cluster_id = coref_rel_part.strip('()')
cluster_dict[cluster_id].append(token['id'] - 1)
# Otherwise, if the token ends a coreference cluster then add the token to
# the current cluster and reset the current cluster ID
elif coref_rel_part.endswith(')'):
cluster_id = coref_rel_part.strip('()')
cluster_dict[cluster_id].append(token['id'] - 1)
# Otherwise, if we are in the middle of a coreference cluster then add
# the token to the current cluster
elif active_clusters:
for cluster_id in active_clusters:
cluster_dict[cluster_id].append(token['id'] - 1)
# Extract the coreference clusters from the dictionary
clusters = [
for cluster in cluster_dict.values()
if len(cluster) > 1
# Collect the data in a record
record = dict(
# Convert the records to a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records)
# Store the DataFrame as a JSONL file
output_file = Path(input_file).with_suffix('.jsonl')
df.to_json(output_file, orient='records', lines=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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