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Useful bash commands
## Super Hot
cd - # go to previous directory.
## Copy public key to servers that I want to be accessible to connects to me
# server1 should be configured via ~/.ssh/config like
# Host server1
# HostName
# User sabahtalateh
# Port 22
ssh-copy-id -i server1
ssh-copy-id -i user@
## Set me as owner for brew
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/bin
## Find large files
find / -size +20000k -exec ls -lh {} \;
# Find files in /boot, larger then 10M.
find /boot -maxdepth 1 -size +10M -exec du -h {} \;
# Only links, dirs, files.
find / -type (l|d|f)
# Only pdf files.
find -name '*.pdf'
## Pipe.
# Make named pipe.
mkfifo fifo1
## Tee
# Redirect output of ls to f1 and f2
ls | tee f1 f2
## Disk usage.
# Show size of current directory.
du -sh .
# Show disk free space
df -h
## Archiving.
# Compress.
tar -cvf /where/to/put/it.tar /what/to/compress
gzip /where/to/put/it.tar
bzip2 /where/to/put/it.tar
# With gzip.
tar -czvf /where/to/put/it.tar.gz /what/to/compress
# With bzip.
tar -cjvf /what/to/compress /where/to/put/it.tar.bz2
# View archive contents.
tar -tf /what/to/check
# Decompress into current directory.
tar -xvf /tmp/sabahtalateh.tar
# Decompress into specific directory.
tar -xvf /tmp/sabahtalateh.tar -C ./test/
## CPIO.
### Create.
find -name '*.pdf' | cpio -o > /tmp/pdf.cpio
### Extract to current dir.
cpio -id < ../initramfs-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64.img
## Time measure.
# Measure time that command was executing.
time tar -czvf /what/to/compress /where/to/put/it.tar.gz
## Permissions.
chmod u=rwx,g=rw,o=rw # In human readable way.
chmod u+rx,g+x,o+x,a-r file1 # Add and remove permission for user(u)/group(g)/others(o)/all(a).
chmod u+s file1 # add sticky bit (effective user id will be set to a file owner, permissions for executor will be set to owners permissions).
id -u # User id.
id -un # Username.
id -g # Group id.
id -gn # Group name.
id -Gn # All user groups.
chgrp wheel file1 # Change file group.
newgrp wheel # Change users primary group.
cp -a file1 /root/file1a # Copy with saving permissions.
## Misc.
# File type.
file filename
# File statistics.
stat filename
## Script
# This command will write all the output in typescript file.
# To make other user to see you cammnds make a pipe and tight it to script command.
# [user 2] will see all the output of [user 1]
# [user 1]
mkfifo /tmp/mypipe
script -f /tmp/mypipe
# [user 2]
cat /tmp/mypipe
## SSH
# Permanently ssh-add on MacOS
# Screen
screen -S server1 ssh server1
# C-a " - list screens
# C-a : - run command
## RPM and Yum (RedHat)
rpm -qf $(which vim) # Show in which package some file belongs to.
rpm -ql $(which vim) # show package files.
rpm -qc $(which vim) # list config files.
## DPKG and APT (Debian)
dpkg -l # list packages
dpkg -L vim # list files associated with package
dpkg -s vim # package status (including config files). vim is a package name, not a path.
dkpg -S /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny # show package that /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny is belongs to
apt-cache search postfix # search packages that contains postfix in name or description
apt-cache pkgnames postfix # show packages tha contains postfix in package name
## Messaging
write $USERNAME # write message to $USERNAME
wall < message # write message to all users
mesg # show messaging
mesg [y|n] # disable/enable messaging for current user
## Powering off
halt # Stop CPU but leave it turned on.
poweroff # Power OFF.
reboot # Reboot.
runlevel # Show current runlevel.
who -r # Show current runlevel.
systemctl isolate [||rescue.targer] # change runlevel.
systemctl set-default [|] # set default runlevel.
vim /etc/default/grub # Edit grub settings.
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # Regenerate grub config.
# restore lost root password
## Processes.
ps -e # all the processes.
ps axu # list all the processes in user oriented format.
ps -elf # long and full listing of all the processes.
ps -e --forest # list all processe in tree view.
ps -f # show all the columns.
ps -F # show all the columns.
# sabahta+ 1469 1468 0 28848 2112 0 03:35 pts/1 00:00:00 -bash
# sabahta+ 1702 1469 0 37759 1708 0 03:58 pts/1 00:00:00 ps -F
# RSS - Resident Set Size - How much memory program takes in operative memory.
ps -l # long listing.
ps -ly # long listing with RSS.
ps -p1 -f # full listing of process with PID=1.
pstree -G # list processes as tree with (draw pretty on Linux).
pstree -g 2 # list processes as tree with (draw pretty on MacOS).
kill -l # list kill signals.
kill [-15|-term|-sigterm] # terminat the process.
kill [-9|-kill|-sigkill] # kill (more hard then term) the process.
# Pgrep.
pgrep sshd # look for the processes with sshd in name.
ps -F -p $(pgrep sshd) # show information about sshd processes.
ps -p 4052 # show information about 4052 process.
# Table of processes.
sleep 1000& # Run process in background.
sleep 1000 => Ctrl+Z # Suspend program (it will not be executing).
sleep 1000 => Ctrl+Z => bg # Bring program to background.
sleep 1000 => Ctrl+Z => fg # Bring program to foreground.
## Nice.
# 19 - Lowest priority, -20 - Highest.
# From -20 to -1 can be set only as root.
nice -n 19 sleep 1000 & # Run process with nice=19.
renice -n 10 -p 2113 # Change priority of 2113 process to 10.
sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf # Configure default nice value and other useful things.
## Performance
free # print free memory.
free -m # print free memory in megabytes.
pmap PID # print memory map for process.
pwdx PID # print working directory for process.
w # show who logged in.
lscpu # information about CPU.
cat /proc/uptime # show uptime total working time and idle time.
watch -n 4 uptime # watch uptime every 4 seconds.
tload # view CPU utilization.
top -b -n 1 > file1 # record top output to file1.
vmstat # virtual memory statistic.
vmstat 5 3 # collect information 3 times with 5 seconds delay.
## Sysstat
# 1. Install sysstat on your distributive.
cat /etc/cron.d/sysstat # sysstat cron configuration.
cat /etc/sysstat/sysstat # sysstat config (Debian).
cat /etc/sysconfig/sysstat # sysstat config (RedHat).
systemctl start sysstat # don't forget to start it.
systemctl enable sysstat # and ebable.
# IOStat
iostat -m 1 4 # 4 times, 1 second gap.
pidstat -p PID 1 4 # statistic about process.
mpstat -P ALL 1 4 # stat about all processes.
sar -u # print CPU utilization (if systat was installed and configured).
sar -r # print memory utilization.
sar -b # disk io.
sar -n DEV # network statistic.
sar -q # load avg.
sar -s 15:10:00 -e 15:30:00 # sar in interval.
sar -s 15:10:00 -e 15:30:00 -f /var/log/[sysstat|sa]/sa4 # sar in interval from file.
## Shared libraries.
ldd /bin/grep # list shared libraries that are user by the program.
ldconfig -p # print shared libraries.
ls -l /etc/ # ld cache.
ldconfig # update ld cache.
df -h # disk free space in human readable format.
## Scheduling
# Cron
vi /etc/crontab # system crons.
crontab -l # list user crons.
crontab -e # edit.
crontab -r # remove crontab from current user.
at noon # ad task to at daemon.
atq # show at queue.
atd # delete task from at queue.
## Auditing
lastlog # list all users and last login time.
lastlog | grep -v "Never" # exclude never logged in users.
last -n 10 # show last 10 logged in users.
last user -n 10 # show last 10 logins for user.
lastb # show bad logins.
grep sudo /var/log/auth.log # look for sudo in auth.log (Debian)
grep sudo /var/log/secure* # look for sudo in secure files (RedHat)
awk '/sudo/ {print $0} ' secure # print lines with `sudo` from secure.
awk '/sudo/ {print $5, $6} ' secure # print 5 and 6 field with `sudo` from secure.
## Rsyslog
1. vim [/etc/rsyslog.conf(RedHat)|/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf(Debian)]
2. # add /var/log/sabah
3. # systemctl restart rsyslog
4. logger -p local1.warn "Test Message"
5. tail /var/log/messages
6. tail /var/log/sabah
## Logrotate
# runs with anacron (/etc/anacrontab)
cat /etc/cron.daily/logrotate # view logrotate script
less /etc/logrotate.conf # view logrotate.conf
# add to /etc/logrotate.conf
#/var/log/sabah {
# missingok
# notifempty
# size 10
# compress
logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
gunzip /var/log/sabah-YYMMDD.gz
## Journalctl
journalctl -n 10 # list last 10 entries
journalctl -f # fallow
journalctl -b # information since last boot
mkdir /var/log/journal # make dir for journal
vim /etc/systemd/journald.conf # edit config
journalctl -u sshd.service # show logs from sshd.
journalctl --since "2018-03-05 12:00:00" # since time.
journalctl --since "10 minutes age"
journalctl --list-boots # list boot journals.
journalctl -b -1 # view previous boot journal.
## SELinux
ls -Z # shows se linux prmissions.
getenforce # print enforcing mode.
sestatus # SE status.
cat /etc/selinux/config # SE config.
setenforce [0|1] # go to [permissive|enforcing] mode.
id -Z # print user SE information.
ps -Z # print processes with SE info.
ps -Z -p $(pgrep sshd)
#system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 1108 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
#system_u:system_r:sshd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 1247 ? SNs 0:00 sshd: sabahtalateh [priv]
#unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 1250 ? SN 0:00 sshd: sabahtalateh@pts/0
## Dependecy managment (RedHat).
yum install httpd # Then press d for only download package.
tree /var/cache/yum # You will see downloaded packages.
cd /path/to/packages # go to directory with packages.
rpm -qa # list all installed packages.
rpm -qi nmap # information about nmap package.
rpm -ql nmap # list files in package.
rpm -qpi httpd-2.4.6-67.el7.centos.6.x86_64.rpm # show package info from package file.
rpm -qpl httpd-2.4.6-67.el7.centos.6.x86_64.rpm # list files in package.
rpm -e nmap # remove nmap package.
rpm -qf /etc/hosts # show what package /etc/hosts is belongs to.
rpm -V setup # verify package.
yum install bash-completion # install.
yum info bash-completion.noarch # print information about the package.
yum version # version of yum.
yum remove nmap # remove nmap.
yum deplist nmap # show dependencies list for nmap.
yum list installed # list installed packages.
yum list available # list all packages available through the repos.
yum repolist # list enabled repos.
yum repolist all # list all repos.
## Dependecy managment (Debian).
dpkg -l # list installed.
dpkg -L vim # list file associated with vim package.
dpkg -s vim # status of vim package, information about it.
dpkg -S $(realpath $(which vim))# show package that vim binary file is belongs to.
ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ # list downloaded archives.
dpkg -r package # remove package from system.
dpkg -i lalala.deb # install deb package.
apt list --installed # list installed packages.
apt-cache search ^postfix # search for package with name in cache.
apt-cache pkgnames postfix # search postfix in packagenames.
apt-get remove postfix # remove postfix, save settings.
apt-get purge postfix # remove postfix and its settings.
dpkg-reconfigure postfix # reconfigure postfix.
vim /etc/apt/sources.list # repos list.
## Services.
systemctl enable httpd # start service on loading.
systemctl status httpd # service status.
### Users and Groups.
cat /etc/passwd # list users and (not often) passwords.
getent passwd # same as previous on local env. get data from passwd database if OpenLDAP or Active Directory are used.
less /etc/nsswitch.conf # config file wich is used to get getent knowing from where to get information.
getent group # list groups.
getent networks # list networks.
getent services # list all known services and their ports.
# when login with `su -` or `su -l` the tem will load login scripts in /etc/ptofile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, /etc/bashrc
# when using `su` with no flags then just ~/.bashrc and /etc/bashrc loaded
# when exiting bash, the ~/.bash_logout will be executed.
echo $PS1 # see the console prompt.
# [\u@\h \W]\$
# [sabahtalateh@server1 etc]$
# change case in vim - `~`
/etc/skel # contain template for user's home directory.
## User managment.
id # show information about logged in user.
id root # show information about root account.
id -g # show user group id.
id -gn # show user group name.
id -G # show all user groups.
id -Gn # show all user group names.
sudo useradd -m user1 # add user1 with home directory creation.
tail -n 1 /etc/passwd # see added user in passwd file, on last line.
# user1 : x : 1001 : 1002 : user 1: /home/user1 :/bin/bash
# username : password (x means that password is in /etc/shadow): user id: group id : fullname: home: : default shell
sudo useradd -N user2 -g users -G adm # -N - no private group, -g - primary group, -G - secondary groups.
sudo useradd user3 -G adm -s /bin/sh # -s set default shell.
# Set users password.
sudo passwd user1 # set password for user1.
sudo tail -n 1 /etc/shadow # view last password.
# user3 : !! : 17603 : 0 : 99999 : 7 :::
# username : password(!! - invalid): days since 01.01.1970 (password last change): days to keep password: change every 99999 days: warning in 7 days before expiration :
echo 'user1:passwd1' | sudo chpasswd # change password for user1.
## Password age
chage -l username # show info about user1 password. Human readable info from /etc/shadow
# Last password change : Mar 08, 2018
# Password expires : never
# Password inactive : never
# Account expires : never
# Minimum number of days between password change : 0
# Maximum number of days between password change : 99999
# Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
sudo pwunconv # place passwords in /etc/passwd instead of /etc/shadow
sudo pwconv # place password into the /etc/shadow
sudo chage -M 40 user1 # set days between password change to 40.
sudo passwd -l user1 # lock user1 password, user could not login.
sudo passwd -u user1 # lock user1 password, user could not login.
## Account defaults
less /etc/login.defs # default settings for users.
sudo useradd -D # show user defaults.
sudo useradd -Ds /bin/bash # modify default shell.
sudo vim /etc/default/useradd # edit useradd defaults.
sudo usermod -c "User One" user1 # modify user1 fullname.
cshs -l # list available shells (RedHat).
cat /etc/shells # list available shells (Debian).
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh user1 # change shell for user1.
sudo userdel -r user1 # remove user with all its directories.
sudo find /home -uid 1002 -delete # find and delete all files that was owned by the user with UID=1002.
## Groups.
grep -e 'sabahtalateh' /etc/group # all the user that is in sabahtalateh group.
newgrp sudo # change primary group of current user to sudo group.
sudo groupadd sales # add sales group.
grep sales /etc/group
# sales:x:1002:
# x - group password is shadowed.
sudo cat sales /etc/gshadow # list group passwords.
sudo usermod -G sales sabahtalateh # change primary group of sabahtalateh to sales.
sudo usermod -a -G sales sabahtalateh # add sabahtalateh to sales group (need to relogin).
sudo usermod -G sales,sabahtalateh sabahtalateh # set sabahtalateh groups to sales and sabahtalateh (need to relogin).
sudo gpasswd -M sabahtalateh,root sales # add sabahtalateh and root to sales group (need relogin).
chmod g+s /some/dir # when some file created in directory then its group will be set as the directory group.
umask XXX # don't forget to set umask to set default permissions on file when it's creating.
sudo gpasswd adm # set the adm group password, when executing newgrp adm then password will be prompted.
## Pluggable Authentication Modules.
ls /etc/pam.d/ # show pam files.
## User limits.
ulimit -a # show all user limits.
ulimit -u # show user proceses limit (not more that N processes can be running simultaniously).
ulimit -u 10 # limit user processes to 10.
netstat -ltn # show -l(listening), -t(tcp), -n(numeric) ports.
## Storage managment.
lsblk # list block devices.
## Show kernel modules.
uname -r # show kernel release version.
# 4.13.0-37-generic for example, with that open /boot/config-4.13.0-37-generic
less /boot/config-4.13.0-37-generic # to show kernel config.
grep ACL /boot/config-$(uname -r) # grep acl info from kernel config.
sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep -i acl # show whether or not /dev/sda1 has acl support.
getfacl file1 # get acl for file1.
setfacl -m d:o:--- test-acl # set acl -m - modify, d - default, o - others, --- - no read, write, execute. acl rule will be applied for all the directory content.
setfacl -d -m u:sabahtalateh:rw test-acl # -d - default, u - user.
##### Networking #####
# show network interfaces
ifconf [interface_name] # OBSOLETE! show config of interface or all interfaces.
ip addr # show information abot interfaces (ip addresses).
ip route # show routing table.
ip neigh # show neighbours.
sudo ip netns add development # add new network namespace.
ip netns # show network namespaces.
## Hostnames.
hostname -f # show full hostname of the machine.
uname -n # name of node (same as host).
hostnamectl # detailed information about host.
hostname centos7 # change hostname to centos7 (transient).
hostnamectl set-hostname # set hostname (permanent).
cat /etc/hostname # view hostname.
hostnamectl set-hostname "centos'" # set pretty hostname (with apostrophe or other illegal symbol).
hostnamectl # will show pretty name in pretty section.
cat /etc/machine-info # will show the pretty name.
# dig - resolve hostnames.
dig @ # dig wit dns
dig +short @ # +short - only ip addresses for
dig +short @ MX # MX - Mail Exchange - Show entries for mail exchange entries.
## Time
date # shows date and time.
hwclock # hardware clock.
date --set="20170101 12:03" # set date and time.
hwclock --hctosys # synchronize hardware clock to system time.
hwclock --systohc # synchronize system time to hardware clock.
timedatectl set-time "2007-09-01 22:00" # set time and date.
# Failed to set time: Automatic time synchronization is enabled
timedatectl set-ntp false # disable ntp.
## IP Addresses.
ip addr show # show ip addresses.
ip -4 addr show # show only IPv4 addresses.
ip -4 addr show enp0s8 # show IP addresses for enp0s8 interface.
ip -6 addr show # show only IPv6 addresses.
ip addr add dev enp0s8 # add IP to enp0s8 interface.
systemctl status NetworkManager # status of network manager.
nmcli connection show # show connections.
nmcli connection show enp0s8 # show information about connection.
nmcli -p connection show enp0s8 # show prettified information about connection.
nmcli connection add con-name home ifname enp0s8 type ethernet ip4 gw4 # add connection.
nmcli connection down enp0s8 # down connection.
nmcli connection up home # up connection after that you shoud conect via new IP addres (
systemctl status network # status of standard network manager.
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts # directory with network scripts.
# To not to control an interface by NetworkManager add NM_CONTROLED=no to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/enp0s8
# network is using more often on servers, NetworManager (nmcli) more often on desktops or laptops.
ip route show # show ip route table.
# dev enp0s8 scope link metric 1002 - machine take an address from this subnet when there is no DHCP server.
# dev enp0s8 proto kernel scope link src - network we connected to.
route # old command to show route table.
netstat -r # routing table.
netstat -rn # addresses rather than the names in subnets.
ip route add default via # add default route via
# to add gateway edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s8
# Add two strings.
# DEFROUTE="yes"
### To use CentOS as a router add to /etc/sysctl.conf line
# net.ipv4.ip_forward=1, after that reread config with
sysctl -p # reread sysctl config.
# check if it enabled with
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# stop firewall
systemctl stop firewalld.service
iptables -L # list IP Tables (should be empty if firewall is stopped).
iptables -t nat -L # IP Tables for NAT.
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp0s3 -j MASQUERADE # add nat rule to mask packets on enp0s3 (external network card).
## Firewaling.
firewall-cmd --state # check firewall state.
systemctl start firewalld # start firewall.
firewall-cmd --get-default-zone # get default zone.
firewall-cmd --get-active-zones # get active zones.
firewall-cmd --get-zones # get all zones.
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-interface=enps0s3 # remove interface from zone.
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=external --add-interface=enps0s3 # add interface to external zone.
# Or edit vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s8, set ZONE to prefered zone.
firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=external # set default zone.
firewall-cmd --list-all # list everything in default zone.
firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=external # list everything in extarnal zone.
firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-service=ssh --zone=external # deny access via ssh to external zone.
firewall-cmd --list-services --zone=internal # list enabled services from internal zone.
ls /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ # list services that can be controlled by firewall.
firewall-cmd --permanent --new-service="puppet" # create new service in /etc/firewalld/services.
restorecon puppet.xml # restore SELinux context for newly created service.
chmod 644 puppet.xml # set correct priviliges to the file.
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# <service>
# <short>Puppet</short>
# <port protocol="tcp" port="443"/>
# <port protocol="tcp" port="8140"/>
# </service>
firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-masquerade --zone=external # disable masquareding packages (don't allow to go to internet using this server as a router).
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-masquerade --zone=external # enable masquerading (make server network address translation router).
## IP tables.
iptables -L # list IP tables.
iptables -nvL # show extended. With interfaces names.
# if the firewall is disabled it looks like this.
#Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
#target prot opt source destination
#Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
#target prot opt source destination
#Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
#target prot opt source destination
# And we can save this config to file.
iptables-save > fwoff # save config of the firewall.
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT # accept trafic from lo interface.
# (Allow any ESTABLISHED or RELATED trafic, that was initiated on the machine).
iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # allow trafic to return back to the machine (should be set almost everytime).
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport=22 -j ACCEPT # allow to connect to this machine via ssh (or any protocol uses 22 port) (dport - destination port).
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP # drop everything except that was marked as ACCEPT.
iptables -A FORWARD -j DROP # do not forward any packages (do not work as a router).
iptables-restore < fwoff # restore firewall settings.
iptables -F # remove (flush) all rules.
yum install -y iptables-services # install iptales-services.
vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables # iptables rules.
vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config #service config.
# restart firewalld (systemctl disable firewall, systemctl stop firewall, systemctl enable iptables.service, systemctl start iptables.service).
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT # insert rule to 1-st position.
# then on any restart (systemctl restart iptables.service) rules will be saved (to /etc/sysconfig/iptables).
## Tunneling.
# Create ssh tunnel (any request to localhost:8080 will be encrypted via ssh an redirected to server2:80).
ssh -f -L 8080:localhost:80 root@server2 -N # redirect packages from localhost:8080 to server2:80 (-f - background) (-L listen ports) (-N - not run any command).
# After work close the tunnel.
ps -ef | grep ssh
# root 976 1 0 18:17 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
# root 1087 976 0 18:17 ? 00:00:00 sshd: sabahtalateh [priv]
# sabahta+ 1090 1087 0 18:17 ? 00:00:00 sshd: sabahtalateh@pts/0
# sabahta+ 1121 1 0 18:17 ? 00:00:00 ssh -f -L 8080:localhost:80 sabahtalateh@server2 -N
# sabahta+ 1165 1091 0 18:20 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto ssh
kill 1121 # close the tunnel.
## Open VPN.
sudo yum install -y epel-release # install epel-release package.
sudo yum install -y openvpn easy-rsa # install required packages.
systemctl stop firewalld # stop firewall.
iptables -L -t nat # check that nat table is empty.
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o enp0s3 -j MASQUERADE # Masquerade packages that came from the internet (enp0s3 - card that aimed to the internet).
cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.4.5/sample/sample-config-files/server.conf /etc/openvpn/ # copy sample config.
# Open the server config.
vim /etc/openvpn/server.conf # server config file.
# dh dh2048.pem # key path.
# uncomment this string push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
# change `push "dhcp-option DNS ..."` to `"dhcp-option DNS"` and `"dhcp-option DNS"` (google dns servers) and uncomment them.
# uncomment fallow strings
# user nobody
# group nobody
# Make directory for keys
mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ # make directory for keys.
cp -rf /usr/share/easy-rsa/3.0/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ # copy easy-rsa scripts.
# Download easy-rsa variables example.
wget -P /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
# rename it to vars.
mv vars.example vars
./easyrsa init-pki # init pki structure.
./easyrsa build-ca # build certificate authority.
./easyrsa gen-dh # generate diffie hellman key.
## Monitoring
tracepath -n # trace network path to some domain or ip address.
ip link show # show interfaces with MAC addresses.
ip link show enp0s8 # show info for interface enp0s8.
ip -s link show enp0s8 # show statistic for interface (packages accepted/lost etc..).
netstat -tln # show ports (-t - tcp) (-l - listening) (-n - port number instead of service name)
netstat -i # interfaces statistic.
netstat -s # stat by protocols.
# With sysstat installed you can view the network information.
sar -n DEV # -n - network, DEV - devices, by default reading will make from todays sa file.
sar -n DEV 1 10 # read 10 times witj 1 second gap.
sar -n DEV 1 # read every 1 second.
nmap # scan for open ports.
nmap --iflist # list ip addresses and routing table.
### Services.
ps -fp 1 # list full process info for process with PID=1.
systemctl mask sshd # prevent server from starting (symlink to /dev/null will be created for this service).
## BIND.
yum install -y bind bind-utils # install bind and utils.
systemct start named # start named.
## Basic configuration of bind is caching only server.
netstat -tln | grep 53 # show 53 ports.
# 53 - DNS Server. 953 - For controlling DNS Server.
#tcp 0 0* LISTEN
#tcp 0 0* LISTEN
#tcp6 0 0 ::1:53 :::* LISTEN
#tcp6 0 0 ::1:953 :::* LISTEN
dig @ # perform lookup on the local machine (@
# to configure dns server to listen not only on localhost do this.
vim /etc/named.conf # named config file.
# change these values
# listen-on port 53 {; };
# listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
# to
# listen-on port 53 { any; }; # listen any interface on IPv4.
# listen-on-v6 port 53 { none; }; # not listen interfaces on IPv6
named-checkconf # check if config is ok.
# to allow other machines to user DNS server do this.
vim /etc/named.conf # named config file.
# add your subnet here
# allow-query { localhost;; localnets; };
# ( - subnet that I want to allow to use my DNS).
# (localnets) - all the local networks that this machine is connected to.
# to enable your DNS to be a forwarder for the other DNS servers do this.
vim /etc/named.conf # named config file.
# add these lines in the options section.
# forwarders {;; }; # list of servers that we will forward requests to.
# forward only; # don't try to lookup by ourselfs.
## Zones.
# To add zone config to BIND add such configuration to /etc/named.conf
#zone "example.vm." {
# type master; # master read-write copy, slave - read-only copy.
# file "db.example";
# allow-update { none; }; # for not dynamic dns.
## To create DNS zone do this.
cd /var/named
cp named.empty db.example
chgrp named db.example
# Zone config example.
#$TTL 3H ; How long to cache names.
#$ORIGIN example.vm. ; will be appended to the end of name that is not ended with dot.
#; example.vm. - Start of Authority name, server1.example.vm. - current machine name, root.example.vm. = root@example.vm. (mail severv name)
#example.vm. IN SOA server1.example.vm. root.example.vm. (
# 1 ; serial - should be changed on every file edit.
# 1D ; refresh - sync with slaves every 1 day.
# 1H ; retry - retry every hour if sycn fails.
# 1W ; expire - if for 1 week not sync the expire.
# 3H ) ; minimum - TTL (if not specified with $TTL variable).
#example.vm. NS server1.example.vm. ; zone name and it's name server.
#server1 A ; name in zone and machine IPv4 ($ORIGIN will be appended to server1 as it does not ends with a dot).
named-checkzone example.vm. db.example # check if zone settings are correct.
systemctl restart named
cat /var/named/data/ # if zone was loaded the you will see in this file such string.
#zone example.vm/IN: loaded serial 1
# Ater all you can dig your new zone from the same machine.
dig server1.example.vm @ # or from any other.
dig -t NS example.vm @ # get Name Server records
## Accessing DNS with python.
yum install -y python-dns # python api to access dns.
## SELinux
yum -y install samba* # Set up all the samba related packages.
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf # Edit samba settings.
# Add this
# path = /share
# writable = yes
# Don't forget to set directory permissions to 1777 (1 - Only owner can delete).
testparm # Test configuration.
systemctl start nmb smb # Start samba.
systemctl enable nmb smb
smbpasswd -a root # Add samba password for root.
auditctl -w /share/ -p rwa -k smb_access # Add rule to watch shred folder.
smbclient //localhost/share [password] # Login to samba.
ls # Try to list files on samba server, you will get an error.
ausearch -i -k smb_access # Search through the log what happens.
#type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1524612925.478:282): arch=c000003e syscall=257 success=no exit=-13 a0=ffffffffffffff9c a1=55832dcd2ae0 a2=90800 a3=0 items=1 ppid=1385 pid=2149 auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm="smbd" exe="/usr/sbin/smbd" subj=system_u:system_r:smbd_t:s0 key="smb_access"
yum install -y policycoreutils-python # Install package to manage politics.
semanage fcontext -a -t samba_share_t '/share(/.*)?' # Change samba directory context.
restorecon -R /share # Restore context with previously created rule.
chcon -R -t samba_share_t /share # Or you can use chcon command.
# also you can use sebools to manage selinux access.
getsebool samba_export_all_rw # samba_export_all_rw --> off
setsebool -P samba_export_all_rw 1 # samba_export_all_rw --> on
systemctl restart smb
yum install -y setools-console # install SETools
semanage permissive -a smbd_t # Add samba to list of permissive domains.
## Virtualization.
yum history info # Show last yum transaction.
yum history undo {Transaction ID} # Undo transaction.
yum history info {Transaction ID} # Full description of transaction.
## Capture traffic
tcpdump -A -vvvv -s 9999 -i eth0 port 80 # -A Print each packet in ASCII. -vvvv - verbose. -s 9999 - len of packets to display.
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