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Last active May 16, 2018 16:00
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Pluralsight Docker
## Swarm
# On one of manager nodes run
docker swarm init --advertise-addr --listen-addr # --advertise-addr - Which of this machine IP's will be used for swarm. --listen-addr - IP:Port to listen command for manager nodes.
# Then to generate command to connetc as a manager run.
docker swarm join-token manager
# To generate same command for worker run.
docker swarm join-token worker
# Then go to other nodes and run the commands that was generated by two previous commands.
# Don forget to add --advertise-addr {Machine_IP}:2377 --listen-addr {Machine_IP}:2377.
# Machine_IP - Ip that will be used to communicate with swarm.
# If not working try to allow 2377 port with firewall.
# Check your cluster with.
docker node ls # Can be run from manager nodes.
#5uefvteudtrhdaav29hes113y * barin_zver Ready Active Leader 18.03.1-ce
#1ya7gx9kkk1avl89nabztxalr mgr2 Ready Active Reachable 18.04.0-ce
#y055yq06ya7dpr0swl1rqfl0x mgr3 Ready Active Reachable 18.04.0-ce
#xj4unsr2jmfdft1euc48jp89m wrkr1 Ready Active 18.04.0-ce
# Last node is a worker, it has empty MANAGER STATUS.
# If you want a worker node to become a manager node then grab node id from
docker node ls
# And run
docker node promote {grabbed_node_id}
## Swarm Services.
# Creqte service from image (like a container that will be distibuted between the swarm nodes).
docker service create --name psight1 -p 8080:8080 --replicas 5 nigelpoulton/pluralsight-docker-ci
# After it you can run
docker service ls
# to check the status of the service.
# You can also check for containers statuses with
docker service ps psight1
# If you now will try to access service from some instances that it is not running on, you will be redirected to nodes that
# has this service with swarm built in load balancer.
# When shutting down some of the nodes, swarm will automatically handle it to keep number of replicas.
# To run rescale service use this.
docker service scale psight1=7
# Or you can use such command (previous is an alise for this).
docker service update --replicas 10 psight1
# !For now (18.03) when machine was shut down and up again, tasks will not be rebalanced to it.
# To remove the service use
docker service rm psight1
## Rolling updates.
# First of all create new overlay network for service.
docker network create -d overlay ps-net
docker network ls
# Then deploy service with in this new network.
docker service create --name psight2 --network ps-net -p 80:80 --replicas 12 nigelpoulton/tu-demo:v1
# To view statistics about service run
docker service inspect --pretty psight2
# To update images on service psight2.
# --update-parallelism - how many instances will be updated at once.
# --update-delay - how long to wait before update the next portion of instances.
docker service update --image nigelpoulton/tu-demo:v2 --update-parallelism 2 --update-delay 10s psight2
## Stacks and DABs
# To convert docker-compose.yml into DAB file run this:
docker-compose build
# Then push created containers to the dockerhub.
# After it replace build section with image you've just pulled to dockerhub and finally run.
docker-compose bundle
# It will create a dab file with declarations of all the services described in compose file.
# Swarm can not work with docker-compose.yml file it can only work with a dab file.
# Here is the example of using stack
## Deep Dive.
# To list containers with its full hash run this command
docker image ls --digests
# FS Layers are stored under the /var/lib/docker/{fs_driver_name}
# Storage driver can be grabbed from
docker system info
# ..
# Storage Driver: overlay2
# ..
# With this command you can view the image history.
docker history redis:latest
# Dockerfile example
# As example we will use this repo - git clone
# Here is a dockerfile example, it should be placed in the code root directory and be named [D|d]ockerfile.
# FROM alpine:3.7
# LABEL maintainer=""
# RUN apk add --update nodejs nodejs-npm
# COPY . /src
# WORKDIR /src
# RUN npm install
# EXPOSE 8080
# ENTRYPOINT ["node", "./app.js"]
# To build this command, -t - tag image, . - current directory as a context for image.
docker image build -t psweb .
# To run container with new image run this command, -d - detached mode -p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT.
docker container run -d --name web1 -p 8080:8080 psweb
# Build context is the place where your code is located, so it can be even remote repo.
# In the following command the context is a remote repo.
docker image build -t psweb
# Dockerfile now provides multistage builds here is a dockerfile example.
# Repo -
# FROM node:latest AS storefront
# WORKDIR /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app
# COPY react-app .
# RUN npm install
# RUN npm run build
# FROM maven:latest AS appserver
# WORKDIR /usr/src/atsea
# COPY pom.xml .
# RUN mvn -B -f pom.xml -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml dependency:resolve
# COPY . .
# RUN mvn -B -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml package -DskipTests
# FROM java:8-jdk-alpine
# RUN adduser -Dh /home/gordon gordon
# WORKDIR /static
# COPY --from=storefront /usr/src/atsea/app/react-app/build/ .
# WORKDIR /app
# COPY --from=appserver /usr/src/atsea/target/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar .
# ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app/AtSea-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
# CMD [""]
# The main purpose of this file is to build first two images basing on fat OS images with many dependencies
# and copy files that were built into the final image on last stage. Run with a standard command.
docker image build -t multistage .
## Containers.
# You can stop containers and start them again.
# If the container process with PID=1 knows how to handle termination signal then container will stop imidiatly
# in other case docker gives a continer 10 secs and then stops it.
docker stop {container_id}
docker start {container_id}
# After starting again you can exec a command like this. 4f - Container hash start, cat file - command to execute.
docker container exec 4f cat file
# You can use Ctrl + P + Q to leave the container without killing it.
# In Dockerfile you can specify CMD or ENTRYPOINT
# CMD - Runtime arguments override CMD.
# ENTRYPOINT - Runtime arguments will be appended to ENTRYPOINT.
# To view container port mapping use command
docker port {container_id_or_name}
## Swarm
# To make current node swarm manager, leader and Certificate Authority run
docker swarm init
# You can check for swarm mode with
docker system info
# To list swarm nodes use
docker node ls
# To generate joint tocker run
docker swarm join-token [manager|worker]
# And execute output on other node. After that you can check nodes in swarm with
docker node ls
# To change the worker token use
docker swarm join-token --rotate [manager|worker]
# After it the joint token will be rotated and you can not user the previous one.
# You can also take a look at the certificate[s]
openssl x509 -in /var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/swarm-node.crt -text
# In the certificate you can find the following lines:
# Subject: O=z9vu6e6wy37ptcnq2gso64eez, OU=swarm-manager, CN=tkr1c07b7zusahjlrqaptqp83
# O[rganization]={swarm-cluster-id}, O[rganizational]U[nit] - role of the node, C[anonical]N[ame] - Cryptographic node ID.
# All of these values are equals with them analogs in docker system info.
# Join token consists of such parts:
# SWMTKN-1-5nwcou079lr7tlxb6osd6zejn3c9damo8zm9yzjcjqdtheyi7d-520herice6cajj5s4f10pk8up
# {SWMTKN - tells us that it is a swarm token}-1-{Cluste certificate hash}-{Hash that determines will the node be a worker or a manager}.
# If you want to restart a manager node to restore old backup or something else
# you should first enable autolock on it.
docker swarm init --autolock
# or if you already have running node
docker swarm update --autolock=true
# It will give you an unlock key, memorize it or save somewhere
# Then you can for example restart node with
systemctl restart docker
# After it you will need to unlock node with unlock key
docker swarm unlock
# After it you can use the node as before
# To update certificates expiration you can use this
docker swarm update --cert-expiry 48h
## Networking
# By default all container are attached to the bridge network also known as docker0 network (ip a s).
# To list available networks use this command
docker network ls
# To show full information about network you can inspect it
docker network inspect bridge
# You can also create a network with prefered network driver (-d)
docker network create -d bridge golden-gate
# And run a container inside in network
docker run --rm -d --name web -p 8081:80 --network golden-gate nginx
# This is how you can crete an overlay network,
# overlay network will available for every node in the swarm.
docker network create -d overlay overnet
# You can then from manager nodes create services like this
docker service create -d --name pinger --replicas 2 --network overnet alpine sleep 1d
# And all of them will be in the same overlay network
# On manager nodes the overlay network will be synced between each other, on worker it will be created on demand
# when there will be a container on a worker node, so if you loggen in inside of one of containers that is on overlay network
# then you can ping any other container on the overlay network, to see the container IP inspect a network or a container.
# Docker networking includes a Service Discovery (to locate nodes in swarm) and
# a Load Balancer (to access service from any node in a swarm).
# You can user service name to ping the service from inside the container, for example create two services in swarm
docker service create -d --name ping --network overnet --replicas 4 alpine sleep 1d
docker service create -d --name pong --network overnet --replicas 4 alpine sleep 1d
# The login into one of containers that is in ping service and ping 'pong' service.
docker exec -it {container} sh
ping pong # pingin the pong service
# Load Balancing
# The purpose is being able to access service from any node in swarm
docker service create --name web -d --network overnet --replicas 1 -p 8080:80 nginx
# You can inspect service with
docker service inspect web --pretty
# You will see that on every node in swarm ports will be mapped to the service
# PublishedPort = 8080 # On Host
# Protocol = tcp
# TargetPort = 80 # In Container
# PublishMode = ingress
## Volumes
# You can create volume
docker volume create myvol
docker volume ls
docker volume inspect myvol
docker rm myvol
# You can specify volume on container creation, in such case docker will automatically create it in /var/lib/docker/bolumes/
docker container run -d -it --name voltest --mount source=ubervol,target=/vol alpine
# ubervol will be created if not exists.
# If stop container the volume will be kept, and it can be mounted to another container,
# volumes can even be mounted to many containers at once.
## Secrets
# Secrets can be used only for services (in swarm mode).
# Secret can be created from file using such command
# Secrets are kept in in-memory volume inside a container under the /run/secrets
# It also stored in swarm's Raft in encrypted form
docker secret create ninja-tuna ./secret
docker secret ls
# After that create a service and give it an access to a secret
docker service create -d --name secret-service --secret ninja-tuna alpine sleep 1h
# If then run
docker service inspect secret-service
# You will find such section
#"Secrets": [
# {
# "File": {
# "Name": "ninja-tuna",
# "UID": "0",
# "GID": "0",
# "Mode": 292
# },
# "SecretID": "pwta7msvv93tzxbyg31nqs2kd",
# "SecretName": "ninja-tuna"
# }
# After it you can log in to the container and view the secret
cat /run/secrets/ninja-tuna
# Also you can not delete the secrets that's in used now with
docker secret rm {secret}
# Secret max size is 500KB - 0.5MB.
## Stack
# Stack file is a compose file for services
# To deploy stack file run, app - application name
docker stack deploy -c stackfile.yml app
docker stack ls
# List service of the stack
docker stack services app
# List services with statuses
docker stack ps app
# To scale the some of the services of the stack use
docker service scale app_service={number_of_instances}
docker service inspect app_service --pretty
# Also you can update replicas value in stackfile and then run deploy again
docker stack deploy -c stackfile.yml app
## Docker EE
# To upload image to your private DTR first create repository on DTR
# and then retag image so it match {DTR_IP_OR_DNS_NAME}:{DTR_USERNAME}/{DTR_REPO_NAME}:{TAG}.
docker image tag {existing_image} {DTR_IP_OR_DNS_NAME}:{DTR_USERNAME}/{DTR_REPO_NAME}:{TAG}
# Then login to your DTR
docker login {DTR_ADDRESS}
## Routing Mesh
# Docker routing mesh is only available for Docker Entherprise Edition, in Universal Controll Plane
# To enable it go to Admin section and chose ports that will be used.
# After it ucp-interlocks network will be created
# Then when create service on network configuration step specify in-container port
# and add hostname based route, when requested hostname will match specified hostname
# request will be processed with a service.
# !IMPORTANT! Then add a service to ucp-interlocks network
# To check if it works you can fill any hostnames in hostname based routes
# and then specify swarm load balancer ip, or any swarm node ip for both these hostnames.
## Docker Networking.
# To list networks use
docker network ls
# To get full information about network use
docker network inspect <network_name>
# To list available network drivers find corresponding section in
docker system info
## Bridge Network
# Bridge network is a local network, it means that it can be accessble only from the host where
# there were created.
# Create a bridge network.
docker network create -d bridge --subnet my-bridge
# You can view linux bridges with
apt install bridge-utils
brctl show
# This will be the output
# bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
# br-59a80ec5b59f 8000.02428d9feba2 no # created bridge
# docker0 8000.024244bba584 no # default docker0 bridge (created on docke installation).
# Bridges are isolated so containers on one can not talk with containers on another.
# If you now run two containers on that bridge network
docker run -dt --name c1 --network my-bridge alpine sleep 1d
docker run -dt --name c2 --network my-bridge alpine sleep 1d
# brctl show will show such picture after it
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
# br-59a80ec5b59f 8000.02428d9feba2 no veth1e92c77 (2 containers are connected to br-59a80ec5b59f - my-bridge)
# veth5a46d50
# docker0 8000.024244bba584 no
# If then log in into the c1 container you can ping c2.
# You can even ping c2 by name - c2, because of docker built in dns server
# when the container with some name is added then it adds to the DNS server
# To give a user access to some container on some network from the outside world map ports with -p flag
docker run -d --name web1 --network my-bridge -p 5000:8080 nigelpoulton/pluralsight-docker-ci
# After it the record in iptable will apper
iptables -L -t nat
# ...
# Chain DOCKER (2 references)
# target prot opt source destination
# RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere
# RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere
# DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:5000 to: <--- HERE!!!
## Overlay Network
# First of all make sure that on each node the swarm has such open ports:
# TCP port 2377 for cluster managment communication.
# TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes.
# UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic.
# First create a swarm, then create overlay network
# Then attach services to it network and you will be able to ping them with
# IPs that was given them in that network, you can check it's IP's with
docker network inspect <network name>
# MACVLAN is a Linux specific driver
# This is about connecting containers to existing networks
# MACVLAN in Linux gets every container IP and MAC address
# On Windows we have l2bridge and it shares common MAC address between containers
# but every containet gets it's own IP
# To use MACVLAN network cards should be set in permiscious mode, all the cloud providers deny it.
# Using to connect containers into existing network
# Gives each container or subinterface it's own IP
# but they all shares common MAC address (MAC of the parent interface) like Windows l2bridge
# First create docker network that will be a part of your existing network
docker network create -d ipvlan \
--subnet= \
--gateway= \
--ip-range= \
-o ipvlan_mode=l2 \
-o parent=eth0 \
# subnet - subnet that this network will be attached to
# gateway - subnets gateway address (router for local wi-fi networks)
# ip-range - ip-range for containers
# -o ipvlan_mode=l2 - Layer 2 vlan
# -o parent eth0 - parent interface that current networks is sitting on
# ps-ip - network name
# When now running containers in that network theit will be accessible from the hosts from the same network
# not working on AWS in time of writing (16-Mat-2018).
## Service discovery
# When container is creating docker automatically configure name resolution for it to be able to be found by name
# Every container has a small DNS resolver in, it intercepts all DNS requests from the container and
# forwards them to a Docker host DNS resolver. Docker DNS resolver tries to resolve the name query and if can not
# them it sends it to the outer world. Resolution is network scoped, it means that names will be resolved
# only inside the network (containers should be on a same network).
# Every service gets Virtual IP or VIP, when resolver resolves some name to it's VIP then load balancer
# decides to which service replica will process the request.
# When creating a service, the task (container) on the host is also attached to the ingress network
# it is done to supply routing and load balancing, that's why you can see containers from service in ingress network.
docker network inspect ingress
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