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Created September 30, 2023 15:32
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Simple Rust signaling server
use warp::Filter;
use futures_util::sink::SinkExt;
use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use warp::ws::{WebSocket, Message};
type Clients = Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Message>>>>;
async fn main() {
let clients: Clients = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
let ws_route = warp::path("ws")
.map(|ws: warp::ws::Ws, clients: Clients| {
ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| Box::pin(handle_connection(socket, clients)))
println!("Server started on");
.run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030))
fn with_clients(clients: Clients) -> impl Filter<Extract = (Clients,), Error = std::convert::Infallible> + Clone {
warp::any().map(move || clients.clone())
async fn handle_connection(mut ws: WebSocket, clients: Clients) {
println!("New WebSocket connection established!");
let (mut ws_send, mut ws_recv) = ws.split();
let (client_tx, mut client_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(msg) = client_rx.recv().await {
let _ = ws_send.send(msg).await;
let mut registered_username = None; // This will store the registered username
while let Some(result) = {
match &result {
Ok(msg) => {
println!("Received a message: {:?}", msg);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error receiving WS message: {:?}", e);
match result {
Ok(msg) if msg.is_text() => {
let data = msg.to_str().unwrap_or("");
if let Ok(parsed_msg) = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&data) {
match parsed_msg["type"].as_str() {
Some("register") => {
let user = parsed_msg["username"].as_str().unwrap_or("").to_string();
clients.lock().unwrap().insert(user.clone(), client_tx.clone());
registered_username = Some(user);
Some("offer") | Some("answer") | Some("ice-candidate") => {
println!("Got some webrtc message: {}", parsed_msg);
if let Some(target) = parsed_msg["targetUsername"].as_str() {
println!("Trying to forward message to: {}", target);
let client_map = clients.lock().unwrap();
if client_map.contains_key(target) {
println!("Target {} is registered.", target);
if let Some(target_tx) = client_map.get(target) {
target_tx.send(msg.clone()).expect("Failed to forward message");
println!("Message forwarded to: {}", target);
} else {
println!("Could not obtain sender for target: {}", target);
} else {
println!("Target {} is NOT registered.", target);
} else {
println!("Received a message without targetUsername field.");
_ => {}
Ok(msg) if msg.is_close() => {
println!("Connection closed with close message: {:?}", msg.to_str());
if let Some(user) = registered_username {
Ok(msg) if msg.is_ping() => {
println!("Received ping");
Ok(msg) if msg.is_pong() => {
println!("Received pong");
Ok(msg) if msg.is_binary() => {
println!("Received binary data");
Err(e) => {
println!("Error receiving WS message: {:?}", e);
_ => {
println!("Received other type of message.");
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