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<p>quote inside a Classic block</p>
<!-- wp:pullquote -->
<figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Pullquote block with default font size</p><cite>citation</cite></blockquote></figure>
<!-- /wp:pullquote -->
<!-- wp:pullquote {"fontSize":"large"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-pullquote has-large-font-size"><blockquote><p>Pullquote block with theme's Large font size preset</p><cite>citation</cite></blockquote></figure>
<!-- /wp:pullquote -->
<!-- wp:pullquote {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"1.5em"}}} -->
<figure class="wp-block-pullquote" style="font-size:1.5em"><blockquote><p>Pullquote block with a custom font size of 1.5em</p><cite>citation</cite></blockquote></figure>
<!-- /wp:pullquote -->
<!-- wp:quote -->
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Quote block with default font size</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --><cite>citation</cite></blockquote>
<!-- /wp:quote -->
<!-- wp:quote {"fontSize":"large"} -->
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote has-large-font-size"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Quote block with theme's Large font size preset on the Quote block (not the paragraph)</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --><cite>citation</cite></blockquote>
<!-- /wp:quote -->
<!-- wp:quote -->
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote"><!-- wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"large"} -->
<p class="has-large-font-size">Quote block with theme's Large font size preset on the inner Paragraph block</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --><cite>citation</cite></blockquote>
<!-- /wp:quote -->
<!-- wp:quote {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"1.5em"}}} -->
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote" style="font-size:1.5em"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Quote block with a custom font size of 1.5em on the Quote block (not the paragraph)</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --><cite>citation</cite></blockquote>
<!-- /wp:quote -->
<!-- wp:quote -->
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote"><!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"1.5em"}}} -->
<p style="font-size:1.5em">Quote block with a custom font size of 1.5em on the inner Paragraph block</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --><cite>citation</cite></blockquote>
<!-- /wp:quote -->
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