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Forked from konklone/govtrack_kml.rb
Created March 11, 2011 22:09
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## Methods dealing with Govtrack's KML exporter for states and congressional districts.
# Used to generate map files for a couple of Sunlight's projects, Politiwidgets and the
# Congress app for Android.
## You can also just download individual maps at GovTrack's page about all this:
# This script is useful if you want to generate many programmatically.
# It also swaps out the default '0' placemark name for something minimally descriptive.
## This file isn't runnable, and just contains some methods.
# Most useful by opening up IRB in the same directory as this file, requiring this file,
# then running whichever methods are useful.
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
@export = ""
@state_dataset = ""
@state_region = "" # state (e.g. CA)
@cd_dataset = "" # session (e.g. 110)
@cd_region = "" # [state, session, district (e.g. 16)]
def get_state(state, filename = nil)
name = filename || "states/#{state}"
get_kml name, @state_dataset, (@state_region % state)
change_placemark_names name
def get_cd(session, state, district)
name = "cds/#{session}/#{state}-#{district}"
get_kml name, (@cd_dataset % session), (@cd_region % [state, session, district])
change_placemark_names name
def get_kml(path, dataset, region)
system "wget -O \"#{path}.kml\" \"#{@export}?dataset=#{dataset}&region=#{region}&format=kml&maxpoints=1000\""
# update the default '0' placemark name to be the base name of the file (e.g. AK, CA-9, etc.)
def change_placemark_names(filename)
# filename will be like "states/AK" or "cds/CA-16"
place_name = File.basename filename
# read file into Nokogiri
file = "#{filename}.kml"
doc = Nokogiri::XML file
# find all the placemark name items and switch their names
doc.css("Placemark name").each do |name|
name.inner_html = place_name
# write over file
out = "#{filename}.kml", "w"
out.write doc.to_xml
# all 56 states, districts, and territories
def get_states
@states.keys.each {|state| get_state state}
# all 441 districts for a given session of Congress
def get_districts(session)
@states.each do |state, districts|
if districts == 1
get_state state, "cds/#{session}/#{state}-0"
else # if districts > 1
districts.times do |i| # 0 indexed
get_cd session, state, i+1
#sleep 1
# state codes and number of districts apiece
@states = {
"AL" => 7,
"AK" => 1,
"AZ" => 8,
"AR" => 4,
"AS" => 1,
"CA" => 53,
"CO" => 7,
"CT" => 5,
"DE" => 1,
"DC" => 1,
"FL" => 25,
"GA" => 13,
"GU" => 1,
"HI" => 2,
"ID" => 2,
"IL" => 19,
"IN" => 9,
"IA" => 5,
"KS" => 4,
"KY" => 6,
"LA" => 7,
"ME" => 2,
"MD" => 8,
"MA" => 10,
"MI" => 15,
"MN" => 8,
"MP" => 1,
"MS" => 4,
"MO" => 9,
"MT" => 1,
"NE" => 3,
"NV" => 3,
"NH" => 2,
"NJ" => 13,
"NM" => 3,
"NY" => 29,
"NC" => 13,
"ND" => 1,
"OH" => 18,
"OK" => 5,
"OR" => 5,
"PA" => 19,
"PR" => 1,
"RI" => 2,
"SC" => 6,
"SD" => 1,
"TN" => 9,
"TX" => 32,
"UT" => 3,
"VT" => 1,
"VA" => 11,
"VI" => 1,
"WA" => 9,
"WV" => 3,
"WI" => 8,
"WY" => 1
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