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Created February 24, 2016 21:36
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GD105 Week 4 - Collisions, Conditionals
PImage creep; //make a new image called creep
int creepX, creepY; //make 2 new integers to track X and Y of creep
PImage newCreep; //second image container for arnold
Boolean collision; //is the collision happening? T/F
void setup(){
creep = loadImage("cagey.png"); //make sure your image is in the data folder
newCreep = loadImage("arnold.png");
creepX = width/2; //creep should be drawn in the middle
creepY = height/2; //same
collision = false; //do not collide by default
void draw(){
background(100); //clear the background each frame
if ((mouseX >= (creepX - creep.width/2)) && //this condition must be true
(mouseX <= (creepX + creep.width/2)) &&
(mouseY >= (creepY - creep.height/2)) &&
(mouseY <= (creepY + creep.height/2))){ //and (&&) this must also be true
collision = true;
} else { //if those things were not true, do this other thing
collision = false; //do not do collision things
rectMode(CENTER);//draw it from the center
rect(creepX, creepY, creep.width, creep.height); //draw the rect in the same place we will draw the image, with the same width and height
imageMode(CENTER); //we are giving the center x and y positions
if (collision){ //is our variable, collision, true?
//how do i draw a creep?
image(newCreep, creepX, creepY); //draw the new creep
creepX++; //move the image to the right
} else {
image(creep, creepX, creepY); //if no collision, draw regular creep
//how can i detect when the player is hovering over cage?
line(mouseX, 0, mouseX, height); //X crosshair
line(0, mouseY, width, mouseY); //Y crosshair
text("(" + mouseX + "," + mouseY + ")", mouseX, mouseY); //tell us the position in text form
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