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Last active May 3, 2017 22:39
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Gravity and Custom Functions
float xPos, yPos, xSpeed, ySpeed, gravity;
int size;
PImage west = new PImage();
PImage drake = new PImage();
void setup(){
xPos = random(width);
yPos = random(height);
size = 50;
west = loadImage("Kanye-West-PNG.png");
drake = loadImage("drake.png");
west.resize(size*2, size*2);
xSpeed = 0;
ySpeed = 0;
gravity = 0.4;
void draw(){
//how far is the target from the cursor?
float distance = dist(mouseX, mouseY, xPos, yPos);
//if it collides, use the speed of the cursor as the speed of the ball
//to get the speed, you subtract the previous position from the current position
//for example, if you traveled from position 0 to position 60 in 1 second
//, the speed would be 60 positions/second
if (distance < size/2){
xSpeed = mouseX - pmouseX;
ySpeed = mouseY - pmouseY;
//every frame, gravity should be making ySpeed greater (pulling it downward)
ySpeed += gravity;
xPos += xSpeed;
yPos += ySpeed;
if (xPos < 0 + size/2){
xSpeed *= -1;
xPos = 0 + size/2;
if (xPos > width - size/2){
xSpeed *= -1;
xPos = width - size/2;
if (yPos < 0 + size/2){
ySpeed *= -1;
yPos = 0 + size/2;
if (yPos > height - size/2){
//each time it bounces off the bottom, we create fake friction by making the speed 80% of what it was
ySpeed *= -0.8;
xSpeed *=0.8;
yPos = height - size/2;
//these are examples of custom functions
//when you "call" the functions in the next few lines, the parameters in the parentheses get passed into the function
drawStuff("lol", 1);
//in this example, our custom subtract function will print 40 into the console,
//our sayHi() function just prints "hi!" into the console whenever it is called
int subtract(int a, int b){
int sub = a - b;
//return will teleport the value of sub back to wherever the function is called, so 40 will be passed into the println above
return sub;
//in this example, the drawStuff function gets called above, "lol" gets passed into "passedString"
//and a value of 1 is assigned to growth
void drawStuff(String passedString, int growth){
println("string= " + passedString);
image(drake, mouseX, mouseY);
west.resize(size*2, size*2);
ellipse(xPos, yPos, size, size);
image(west, xPos, yPos);
void sayHi(){
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